Faces from Kiev
Related to: Kiev (Province),
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Gotlibovich photos courtesy of Florence Nerenburg Elman.
Maternal great-grandfather: Pesach GOTLIBOVICH. (Circa 1849-1918).
Photo circa 1907 Cherkassy, Kiev.
The best Greeting
Card Ever Sent
Holding a card on which he wrote
'Peace be with you. Regards from the mishpocha; from your father who sends
greetings to each seed, seed, seed ... and every one of the children. Pesach
Yehudovich Gotlibovich, 17 Tishri 5666'. |
My maternal great-grandmother, Gitl [maiden name unknown] GOTLIBOVICH,
(circa 1855-1925). Photo circa 1907, Cherkassy, Kiev.
Esther, Ilya & Yehuda GOTLIBOVICH - c. 1910 in Cherkassy, Kiev. |
decades later |
in Cherkassy, c.1924
Ovsey Meir (Yehoshua Meir), Yefim (Chaim Gadiel), & Ovsey's
wife Geleya Yankeleva (nee Braginskaya) |
in Cherkassy c.1925
Chaim Gadiel (Yefim), Yehuda, Basya, Esther, Anya & Ilya
in Cherkassy. |
Max SABBATH nee KHARITON and his parents Leib and Ruth KHARITON,
1884 in Dashev. Photo courtesy of Bonnie Blish, JGen researcher #129405.. |
This picture, taken in 1884 in Dashev, was a treasured remembrance
after Max and his wife and children emigrated in 1906. The name of Max's
sister in this picture is not known. She is probably the mother of Nikolai
was recorded in the 1906 Kiev Duma Records as Leib Nakhmanovich Khariton,
as a property owner with property valued at 150 rubles. LIke Leib, there
were two other men with the surname Khariton and the patrynomic Nakhmanovich
in that Duma list. They may have been Leib's brothers.
Nikolai, grandson of Leib KHARITON and family, 1930. Photo courtesy
of Bonnie Blish.
Max SABBATH nee KHARITON (1878-1956) was sent these pictures in 1930
by his "nephew" Nicholai, who was still living in Dashev. Nikolai's last
name is not known. Presumably he is the son of Max's sister (name unknown)
This photo was taken in 1904 in Machnovka, Ukraine. The people
in it are: Golda Apple (born about 1898), Moishe Kandel (born
about 1820), Harry Apple (born 1890), Sarah Kandel Apple (born about
1860, daughter of Moishe, mother of the children), Dora Apple (born
1901). Shortly after the photo, Sarah and the children left
for America, to join her husband Leib and oldest son Sam in Philadelphia.
Photo courtesy of Vivian Singer. |
older woman in the middle of the front row is Ita Wolinsky Greenberg.
She was born in Boguslav, immigrated first to Odessa, then to
Alexandria, to Palestine, and finally settled in Melbourne. Photo
and notes courtesy of Steve Orlen. |