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[Pages 989-990]

Memorial Pages (cont.)

Translated from the Yiddish by Pamela Russ


In eternal memory
Of my dear and unforgettable parents

Yakov and Rachel Rosenberg

Known in Yedinitz as “Yankel and Rochel, Yitzchak Yoine's.” Reb Yakov was a Talmudic scholar and a teacher; Rochel was a modest woman. They gave their children a good Jewish education. They loved to help people who were in need. They both perished tragically in the hell of Transnistria in 1942 at the hands of Hitler's murderers, may their names and their memory be erased.

Yakov and Rachel had three children. May God avenge their blood!

May their souls be bound up in the bond of eternal life.

Yakov and Rachel Yitzchok-Yoine's Rosenberg, z”l
I, the only survivor of the entire family, am perpetuating their name:
Daughter Tzipora
Săo Paulo, Brazil


Binyomin and Frume Baile Grinberg, z”l

In eternal memory
Of my dear parents

Frume Baile and Binyomin Grinberg

Who perished in Transnistria during the terrible war years.

Also, of my unforgettable sisters
Zlate and Hinde, may their blood be avenged.

With honor and pain, I am perpetuating their names.
Yankel Grinberg
Săo Paulo, Brazil


Avraham Chachamowicz, z”l

Avraham, son of Dovid, was born in Yedinitz in the year 1900 into a chasidic home. He was a Hebrew teacher in the town. In 1920, Avraham and his wife Pesse went to Brazil. Avraham was among the founders of the Jewish school in Bahai (Salvador). He was active in the areas of culture and social assistance. He founded the new “Borochov School” that had a Zionist spirit. Also, when he came to Săo Paulo, he was active socially and in Zionism, especially in Mapai.

He died suddenly at a meeting of the Keren Kayemet businessmen, on December 4, 1958.

The family lived through another tragedy, the death of their esteemed son Meir, may he rest in peace.

We eternalize him:
His wife Pesse Chachamowicz
The son, engineer Boruch Chachamowicz
And engineer Dovid Chachamowicz
Săo Paulo, Brazil

Avraham Chachamowicz, z”l

[Pages 991-992]


In memory

Of our dear husband, father, father-in-law, and grandfather
Sonny Milner, z”l
Born on December 25, 1901, his parents were Moshe and Raiza Milner.
Died after his return from a trip to Israel on November 28, 1966.
He was active in many social institutions in Brazil, among these, he was
vice-president of the Jewish National School, and the secretary of the Bessarabia Union, and so on.

With pain and respect we perpetuate him:
His wife Esther
His son Moshe
His daughter-in-law Sofia
His grandchildren Rosana and Sanila
Săo Paulo, Brazil


Gershon Brikman, z”l

In holy memory

Of our husband, father, and grandfather,
Gershon Brikman, z”l

He was of the first Bessarabians who settled in Santos, where he opened a hotel. He gave every new immigrant a temporary home. He was active in the community, a co-founder of the school, library, and other social institutions in Santos.
He died in 1963.

His wife Mintza
His children and grandchildren
Santos, Brazil


In eternal memory

Of our beloved and unforgettable parents:

Moshe Rappaport, z”l, left Brazil in the year 1927 and settled in Santos.

In 1930, he brought over his family from Yedinitz. He was a social activist, a co-founder of the “Beit Yakov” school, a member of the directorship of the youth club at the Jewish library, one of the builders of the seniors' home. He was a fiery Zionist. After his death, his wife Mirel, z”l, devoted herself to Zionist work and was active in the WIZO.


We, the daughters and sons-in-law are perpetuating them:
Sonia and Moshe Gorodetzki
Maika and Febus Grabert
Fanny (Faige) and Boris Brikman
Kaila and Roberto Gordon
Săo Paulo, Brazil

Moshe Rappaport, born in 1885, died in 1949

Mirel Rappaport, born in 1890, died in 1964.

Mirel and Moseh Rappaport, z”l

[Pages 993-994]

In eternal memory

Of our parents


Yankel-Itzik-Asher and

Bluma Kupershmidt, z”l

Both died in Săo Paulo in 1952,

And from our brother Boruch, z”l

And sister Gussie, z”l
Died in Săo Paulo

Their children: Rivka, Dvora, and Hersh (Henrike), Săo Paulo, Brazil
Tzvia, Recife, Brazil

In eternal memory

Of our beloved and dear parents

Devora Akkerman
Born in Yedinitz in the year 1885, who perished
in the camp Obodovca, Transnistria, in the year 1941.

Yisrael Akkerman
Born in Yedinitz in the year 1877, died in Israel in 1953.

Yisrael Akkerman, z”l

Their children and families perpetuate them:
Boruch Akkerman
Shimon and Chevi Shneider
Yakov Akkerman
Yakov and Shaindel Grinberg
Săo Paulo, Brazil

In eternal testimony

Of our beloved husband, father, and grandfather


Yakov Bernstein, z”l

Former president of the Bessarabia Union in Săo Paulo

In sadness, we perpetuate him:
His wife Fanny Bernstein
Daughter Ida Kupershmidt
Son-in-law Hersh Kupershmidt
Grandchild Chava, from the Kupershmidt family
And her husband Pinu Kon,
And their children Bettina, Benny, and Zigu Klein,
Daughter Biba, from the Bernstein family
And her husband Dr. Samuel Zeidler
And their children Luciana, and Alec
Săo Paulo, Brazil.

To the eternal memory

of my unforgettable

Yakov Grinberg, may he rest in peace
known by the name Yankel Zagatowszczyk

We are perpetuating him:
Henrika Kupershmidt
Săo Paulo, Brazil

[Pages 995-996]

In eternal memory

We remember with yearning, sadness, and honor
our dear husband, father, father-in-law, and grandfather

Binyamin Akkerboim, z”l

Binyamin Akkerboim, z”l, and his wife Manya, may she live long, were active in Yedinitz in establishing the Jewish hospital and taking care of the needs of the poor. They continued their social activities in Săo Paulo as well, where they moved to. Binyamin Akkerboim, z”l, died in November 1969.

Those perpetuating them are:
His wife Manya Akkerboim
His son Moshe, his wife Zena, and their children Fridele and Yisroel,
The daughter Betty, and her husband Mattis, and their two children Arnoldo and Medea.
The husband of the grandchild Medea, Jose Dleizer.
All in Săo Paulo.

In eternal memory

Of my dear and beloved parents

Malka and Josef Plapper (known as Yosel Shajna Rives)
Who died in Transnistria in 1942.

May their memories be blessed!

The mourning son:
Eliyahu Plapper, Săo Paulo, Brazil.

In eternal memory

Of my devoted life partner, the woman of valor and social activist


Rachel Zilberman

Died in Brazil in the year 1967

In pain and with honor, I am perpetuating her:
Her husband Eliezer Zilberman
Săo Paulo, Brazil

With awe and respect, and great pain,
I remember my dear parents

Sara (died in Brazil) and Moshe Lerner (was known as Moshe Menes)
Died in Yedinitz.

The daughter Rachel Elwing

* * *

In perpetual memory

Of my dear and unforgettable parents

Braina and Yitzchak Galperin

May their memory be blessed!

Their son Yoel Galperin
Săo Paulo, Brazil

[Pages 997-998]

Leibish Rosenberg,
may his blood be avenged

In everlasting memory

I am eternalizing this way, my dear and beloved ones
who were ripped away from us before their time:

My husband Leibish Rosenberg
Who was shot in Yedinitz in 1941.

Our daughter Mize Rosenberg, who died in Czernowitz at the age of 23,
may her soul be bound up in the bond of eternal light.

Leibish sent two children to Russia, where they are to this day.

The mother and wife, who was left alone, as one.
Toba Rosenberg
Săo Paulo, Brazil

Mize Rosenberg, z”l


In perpetual memory

Of our dear parents and relatives
Who are gone for eternity.

Leah and Dovid Gruman, z”l

We are eternalizing them:
Sonia Leitman (born Gruman), New York
Yakov Gruman, Săo Paulo
Polya Malinarski (born Gruman), New York
Zissel Altman (born Gruman), Săo Paulo, Brazil
Hirsh Gruman (brother of Dovid), Florida.

Our father Dovid Gruman (Dudye Voves), survived Transnistria,
died in New York at the age of 77 in 1965.
Our mother Leah (born Friedman), died in 1934 in Yedinitz at the age of 43.
Their son Velvel, son of Dovid Gruman, died in Brazil in 1934 at the age of 20.
Our uncle Reuven Gruman (brother of Dovid), died in America in the year 1968, may his soul be bound up in the bond of eternal light.

* * *

We will never forget our relatives and dear ones who were ripped away in the Bershad camp in Transnistria,

Our uncle Shmuel Gruman and his wife, aunt Aidel,
Our uncle Pinny Gruman and his wife, aunt Dina,
And their five young children: Velvel, Kaila, Riva, Rikel, and Yankele. May their blood be avenged! May their memories be blessed!

[Pages 999-1000]

In everlasting memory

With sadness and longing, I remember here the holy names of my unforgettable parents:

My father Michel, son of Dovid Rosenbaum, z”l
(called Mechel from the post office)
He died in Iasi in 1928 at the age of 53.
My mother Lieba, daughter of Moshe Leib Rosenbaum, z”l
Died in Yedinitz in 1924 at the age of 50.

My dear brother
Moshe Leib, son of Michel Rosenbaum, z”l,
Died in Bucharest at the age of 49.
And of my dear husband
Yitzchak Rosenberg, z”l,
Died in Bogota, Colombia in 1961 at the age of 63.

Michel Rosenberg, z”l
They are being perpetuated by the daughter, sister, wife, forever in sorrow:
Rochel (daughter of Michel Rosenbaum) Rosenberg
Bogota, Colombia.
Yitzhak Rosenberg, z”l
Lieba Rosenbaum, z”l

Hot tears in memory of our friends, the esteemed family

Pinye and Tzippi Berstein

And their children

Sioma and Lyolye, may their blood be avenged,
Who, in a terrible, tragic manner, were killed
by the murderers in the years of perishing.

The one who is mourning:
Rochel Rosenberg

In everlasting memory of my unforgettable friend of my youth


Buzie Hurwitz-Segal, z”l
Died in Tel Aviv in the year 1970 at the age of 69

Rochel Rosenberg


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