[Pages 989-990]
Translated from the Yiddish by Pamela Russ
[Pages 991-992]
[Pages 993-994]
Of our parents
Bluma Kupershmidt, zl Both died in Săo Paulo in 1952, And from our brother Boruch, zl
And sister Gussie, zl
Their children: Rivka, Dvora, and Hersh (Henrike), Săo Paulo, Brazil
Of our beloved and dear parents
Devora Akkerman
Yisrael Akkerman
Their children and families perpetuate them: |
Of our beloved husband, father, and grandfather
Former president of the Bessarabia Union in Săo Paulo
In sadness, we perpetuate him:
of my unforgettable
Yakov Grinberg, may he rest in peace
We are perpetuating him: |
[Pages 995-996]
We remember with yearning, sadness, and honor
Binyamin Akkerboim, zl, and his wife Manya, may she live long, were active in Yedinitz in establishing the Jewish hospital and taking care of the needs of the poor. They continued their social activities in Săo Paulo as well, where they moved to. Binyamin Akkerboim, zl, died in November 1969.
Those perpetuating them are:
Of my dear and beloved parents
Malka and Josef Plapper (known as Yosel Shajna Rives) May their memories be blessed!
The mourning son: |
Of my devoted life partner, the woman of valor and social activist
Died in Brazil in the year 1967
In pain and with honor, I am perpetuating her:
I remember my dear parents
Sara (died in Brazil) and Moshe Lerner (was known as Moshe Menes) The daughter Rachel Elwing
Of my dear and unforgettable parents
Braina and Yitzchak Galperin
May their memory be blessed!
Their son Yoel Galperin |
[Pages 997-998]
[Pages 999-1000]
Pinye and Tzippi Berstein And their children
Sioma and Lyolye, may their blood be avenged,
The one who is mourning: |
Buzie Hurwitz-Segal, zl
Rochel Rosenberg |
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Updated 17 Jun 2022 by LA