[Page 1001]
Translated from the Hebrew by Dafna Meltzer
Abbreviations: IW – during the War; M – member; B – born in the year…; IM – moved to Israel in the year…; P – See also Page…; (PP) page with his/her picture. |
Note: Page numbers 871-1000 include personal memorials
Alef א
Abramovitz Ze’ev z”l – 1891-1968. One of the leaders of “Poalei Zion.” Went
to Israel. Bet ב
Berd Aryeh z”l – P 669, 670 (PP) Gimel ג
Gold Avraham – B 1922; IW Transnistria and later in the Red Army; IM 1970;
Haifa; P 329, 885 Dalet ד
Dubrow Hillel z”l – P 267-275 (PP), 881 |
[Page 1002]
Dori-Albert (Ailbirt) Liuba – P 828 (PP), 909 Dori-Dondushansky Dov-Berl – P 611 (PP), 615, 899 Hey ה
Halpern Menashe z”l – P 333, 339, 342 (PP) Vav ו
Vaynshenker Yitshok – P 336 (PP), 948 Zayin ז Zeit Meir – B 1914; one of the leaders of “Gordonia” in Romania; IM 1935; journalist; Tel Aviv; P 582 (PP)
Zaltzman Moshe – B 1920 in Sekuran; husband of Ziva, daughter of Hillel Dubrow;
IM 1941 with the last contingent of Aliyat HaNoar (Youth Aliyah) from Romania;
Hanita Het ח
Chirouti Haya (Rozenberg-Milman) – IM with her first husband, Israel Milman
z”l 1933; Moshav Herut; P 704, 887 Tet ט
Trachtenberg Levi-Leon or Trachtenbroit z”l - P 307 (PP), 905,
926 Yod י Yagolnitzer Achinoam – daughter of the teacher and poet A. L. Yagolnitzer Z’L; P 255 (PP) |
[Page 1003]
Jampolsky-Zanshein Dove or Dobele – a sympathizer of the “Left” in Yedinitz;
Brazil 1936; P 285 (PP), 854
Kaf כ
Caspi-Serebrenick Shalom – B 1910, IM 1932 with his wife Mania nee Weitzman,
who worked at the Department of Defense; deputy mayor of Hertzlya; P Dalet
(PP), 689 Lamed ל
Landau Michael, Dr. – P 578 (PP) Mem מ
Magen-Shitz Yosef – P 5 (PP), 873 Nun נ
Naor-Bitzutzky Eliahu z”l – P 609 (PP), 613 Samech ס
Sadovnik-Berezin Sheindel z”l – P 224 (PP) Ayin ע Azaryiah-Helfgat Yoseph – B 1901; in Brazil 1922; IM 1962; Holon; P 933 |
[Page 1004]
Peh פ
Fuchs-Kotsher Leah – daughter of the teacher Baruch Kotsher z”l, B 1929,
IM 1939; married to Gedalia son of Alter Fuchs z”l (IM 1951) Tel Aviv; P
893 Kof ק
Kupit Moshe – B 1908; was a teacher, a sympathizer of the “Left” in Yedinitz;
emigrated to America via France in 1939; there he was active in the Landsmanshaft
(Fellow Countrymen) from Bessarabia; published essays and memoirs; his sisters
moved to Israel from the USSR in 1972; New York; P 285 (PP) Resh ר
Ro’i-Reich Eliezer – B 1904; IM 1926; published articles in Davar; active
in HaPoel; wrote and edited sports publications; Petach Tikvah; P 515 (PP)
Shin ש
Schwarzman-Sharon Efraim – B 1909; active in “HaTechyah”; IM 1926; for a
time lived in Ireland where he married Gertrude nee Rubinstein (she passed
away in 1971); returned to Israel in the 1930s and worked at the Jewish Agency;
published several books and among them, “The Irish Fight for Freedom” (three
editions) and a semi-autobiographical novel “The Light did not Dim”; M Book
Committee; Talpiot, Jerusalem; P Dalet (PP), 705, 926 Tav ת
Teman Baruch z”l – B 1906; published news articles from Yedinitz; P 721 Translator's footnotes:
Mordechai Reicher | Gimel |
The committee for publishing the Memorial Book Yad Le-Yedinitz and the book's editorial | Dalet |
Map | Vav |
Introductory Section | |
Yosef Magen-Shitz | 5 |
Yisrael Zemora | 12 |
4 photos from the Second Meeting of the Yedinitz Emigres in Israel - March 7, 1967 | 15 |
Statewide meeting of former Yedinitzer in Israel | 17 |
2 photos from the Anniversary of the Death of M. Reicher | 17 |
2 photos of forest named for Martyrs of Yedinitz | 29 |
3 photos of monuments on the mass graves | 31 |
1. Yedinitz - A Jewish Town That Was Cut Off | |
Yedinitz in Russian encyclopedias | 38 |
A Romanian source regarding Yedinitz | 40 |
Religious Seminary in Yedinitz | 43 |
Patchova Street | 52 |
Announcement of election for the Primaria | 63 |
Approval by the municipality- Jewish section from 1930 | 66 |
Odessa, January 15, 1918 | 74 |
The Romanian regime of terror | 80 |
Committee of the bloc of workers of the Land of Israel | 83 |
Yedinitz in the Encyclopedia Judaica | 85 |
Yedinitz in a world lexicon | 88 |
Gathering point of Ukranian refugees - Zebarna Punkt | 104 |
Y. Landa: Better Than My Grandfather | 111 |
Two Intellectuals before World War I | 136 |
Echoes of the riots in Yedinitz in 1887 | 147 |
The matter of Shimshon Bronstein as an election slogan | 164 |
Protest meeting in Warsaw regarding the matter of Shimshon Bronstein | 166 |
Shimshon, of blessed memory, and Golda, may she live long, nee Kozminer | 167 |
Reb Yechiel Bronstein, of blessed memory | 167 |
Shimshon Bronstein's Contemporaries | 173 |
Remedial documentation of the suffering of S. Bronstein | 176 |
Echoes of the matter of S. Bronstein | 182 |
A picture from the 1920's | 187 |
2. Economics | |
Founders of Savings and Loan Fund | 195 |
Avraham Bronstein's pharmacy | 201 |
On the steps of Avraham Bronstein's pharmacy | 204 |
Yuzi Landa: Zhedka with the hens | 207 |
A sewing class | 209 |
Women's Committee to Provide Food for Poor Students | 217 |
Medical Institutions | |
Sheindele Berezin-Sadovnik, of blessed memory | 223 |
Loibman Hospital | 225 |
Women's Committee of Loibman Hospital | 227 |
Staff of Loibman Hospital in 1946 | 229 |
Article about the death of Shmuel Loibman | 233 |
Dr. Rosa and Yisrael Shott, of blessed memory | 234 |
Education and Culture | |
Waschad, August 15, 1900 | 236 |
Public school in the 1920's - the Talmud Torah | 237 |
Regulations of the Talmud Torah from 1907 | 239 |
The Talmud Torah license from 1907 | 240 |
The national school Tarbut in 5685 (1925) | 241 |
Yosef Diamant,, of blessed memory | 244 |
Aryeh-Leib and Bina Yagolnitzer, of blessed memory | 256 |
Hatsfira, January 19, 1914 | 257 |
Yaakov Kizhner (Yankel Hirsh Leib's), of blessed memory | 260 |
Diplomas | 261 |
R. Moshe Leiderman's school | 263 |
Dubrow School, class of 5693 (1933) | 267 |
The Dubrow School in the 1930s | 269 |
Article about the death of Tsipora Dubrow | 271 |
Senior youth leaders in the first decade of the 20th century - Galentz | 274 |
The monument on the grave of Baruch Yeshchikman | 278 |
The Yid, January 9, 1930 | 279 |
The Yid, December 21, 1920 | 280 |
Teachers of the Talmud Torah school | 284 |
Departure photo of Zippora Toporovsky upon her emigration to Palestine | 284 |
The Gymnasia | |
10 Years since the establishment of the Gymnasia | 285 |
Graduates of the first class - 1923 | 287 |
Departure photo of the teacher Dubrow | 289 |
The Gymnasia teachers | 291 |
Departure of the teacher Gandelman | 295 |
Kindergartens | 299 |
The Tarbut library committee | 301 |
Soccer competition | 303 |
Newspapers that appeared in Yedinitz | 306 |
Levi-Leontshik Trachtenbroit, of blessed memory | 308 |
Idel Reichman and her sister Chana , of blessed memory | 310 |
Lovers of the Theatre | |
Theatre 1900-1940 | |
Hatsfira 1900 | 311 |
Hatsfira 1901 | 311 |
Unduer Zeit 1929 | 312 |
Tribuna Yauriska 1940 | 312 |
Bracha Weiner, of blessed memory | 314 |
Yitzchak (dom edisers) Goechberg, of blessed memory | 320 |
Theatre lovers of 1930s | 323 |
Intellectuals | |
Alexander Melechsohn | 331 |
Gelda Gutmann-Kramer | 334 |
My Town Yedinitz, by N. Gutmann-Kramer | 334 |
Itsik Vaynshenker | 336 |
Yehuda Steinberg, of blessed memory | 338 |
Menashe Halperin, of blessed memory | 341 |
Eliezer Steinberg, of blessed memory | 345 |
Yehuda Leib and Miriam Grozman, of blessed memory | 348 |
Der Spiegel' | 352 |
Religion, Synagogues and Teachers | |
The Great Synagogue - The Shul | 353 |
Hatzefirah, 5639 - 1878 | 355 |
Hatzefirah, 5639-1878 | 358 |
Donations, Erev Yom Kippur, 1913 | 370 |
Rabbi Michael Burstein, of blessed righteous memory | 376 |
Rabbi Burstein at the head of the Jewish community | |
Receiving Rabbi | 377 |
The monument on the grave of Rabbi Burstein | 378 |
The monument on the graves of the judges | 380 |
Unser Zeit 1929 (Karavka) | 384 |
3. Lifestyle | |
Purim Carnival 1931 | 387 |
The Crier, cartoon by Peretz Weinrech | 388 |
Cartoon: Those Heretics… by Peretz Weinreich | 393 |
Cartoon: Forced Out… by Peretz Weinreich | 401 |
Heretics | 403 |
Cartoon: A scandal… by Peretz Weinreich | 408 |
Cartoon: What a great life! by Peretz Weinreich | 410 |
Neta Schorr and his wife, of blessed memory | 414 |
Penina (Perl) Shor, of blessed memory, and Asher Goldberg, may he live long | 416 |
Avraham Weisman, of blessed memory | 418 |
Purim Party | 457 |
The HaShachar group, Zabrichan | 466 |
Unser Zeit, July 3, 1937 | 472 |
4. Zionism in Yedinitz | |
Zionist youth, 1904 | 473 |
Zionist organizations at the end of the 19th century | 476 |
Kisheneff letter | 476 |
Parting from Teacher Dubrow on the eve of his Aliyah | 477 |
Parting from members of a new track 1910 | 481 |
Letter from the Keren Kayemet, 1917 | 484 |
Zionist counciil in Briceni, 1920 | 485 |
Workers of Keren Hayesod, 1924 | 487 |
Parting from Tsipora Snitkovsky | 489 |
Unzer Zeit, 1931 | 491 |
The Zionist Clock, - Zionist Zeiger | 492 |
Unzer Zeit, 1934 | 492 |
Zionist Women's Organization, 1935 | 493 |
Zionist Women, 1935 | 493 |
Activist women, Keren Kayemet | 495 |
Youth of Zion, 1927 | 497 |
Poalei Zion Committee, 1930 | 501 |
Poalei Zion members, 1932 | 506 |
Stamps | 508 |
Unzer Zeit, 1929 | 508 |
Pioneers | 509 |
Aryeh Zamora and Yaakov Tepper, of blessed memory | 512 |
Natives of Yedinitz in Petach Tikva during the 1920's | 514 |
Pioneer training in Kishinev, 1924 | 516 |
Earth and Labor, 1925 | 520 |
Members of the Gratch family in Petach Tikva | 521 |
A group of pioneers in the 1920s | 522 |
The Zionist Youth | |
Haor Organization | 524 |
Members of the Hatechiya group | 529 |
Literary law | 531 |
In memory of Shalom Aleichem | 532 |
Students | 535 |
Learning Youth | 536 |
Students, 1930 | 536 |
The Gordonia chapter, 1934 | 537 |
The HaChaver committee, 1925 | 541 |
Leaders of the Gordonia chapter, end of the 1930's | 544 |
The Gordonia chapter, beginning of the 1930's | 545 |
Eve of Aliyah of Eliyahu Bitshotsky | 545 |
Leaders' meeting, 1936 | 547 |
Leaders of Gordonia chapter, 1933 | 548 |
Activity of Gordonia with Elkana Margalit | 549 |
Gordonia activists with M. Reicher | 551 |
Youth of Poalei Zion - Yungbar | 553 |
Group of Poalei Zion pioneers | 554 |
Preparatory Poalei Zion training group | 556 |
Poalei Zion Oipgang girls' group | 556 |
Dror Poalei Zion in the 1930's | 557 |
Regional Seminar - Dror, 1937 | 559 |
Pioneer Group, Poalei Zion' | 560 |
Revolutionary Youth, 1935 | 564 |
Left and Communists - Revolutionary Workers Group | 566 |
The staff of the Soviet clinic | 573 |
In the eyes of guests | |
Rabbi Dov Burstein, of blessed righteous memory | 576 |
Dr. Michael Landau | 578 |
Unzer Zeit, 1929 | 579 |
Meir Zayit | 582 |
5. In Memory of those who are gone, who fell in the battles of Israel | |
Yisrael-Uli Schwartz, of blessed memory | 588 |
Meir Tepper, of blessed memory | 589 |
Reuven Pittal, of blessed memory | 590 |
Raziel Rosenthal, of blessed memory | 591 |
Eliyahu Rosenberg, of blessed memory | 592 |
Yona Shkolnik, of blessed memory | 594 |
Eitan Harari, of blessed memory | 595 |
Dina Gun-Markovitz and Dov Markovitz, of blessed memory | 597 |
Zalman Yitzchaki, of blessed memory | 598 |
The brothers Amos and Oded Schwartz, of blessed memory | 600 |
The Brothers' House at Kibbutz Nir Am | 602 |
Monument to the Sacrifices of the Mines at Masada | 607 |
The monuments in the cemetery of Masada | 608 |
Eliyahu Naor (Bichotsky) and Dov Dori (Berel Dondoshansky) | 610 |
Yedinitzers - Special People in the Land of Israel | |
Dr. Coka Fizelman-Kozlov, among the heads of Youth of Zion 1917 | 619 |
Three Educated Daughters at the beginning of the century | 622 |
Parting photos of Yitzchak Rosenthal upon his Aliyah in 1911 | 626 |
Aryeh Lioba Gokovsky, of blessed memory | 628 |
Aryeh-Leib Fichman, of blessed memory | 630 |
Foreign Parachuters in Romania, 1941 | 632 |
Liova Gokovsky as a shepherd | 634 |
Romanian communication in 1941 | 642 |
Meeting of rescue parachuters in Bucharest, 1944 | 644 |
In memory of Mordechai Reicher, of blessed memory | |
Mordechai Reicher and Prime Minister Golda Meir | 648 |
The Reicher family | 654 |
Avishag Reicher, of blessed memory | 660 |
People and Images | |
Four photos - The Axelrod and Lerner families, of blessed memory | 667 |
Fruma Blickstein, of blessed memory | 668 |
Aryeh-Leib Bard, of blessed memory | 670 |
Reb Baruch and Sara Blank, of blessed memory | 672 |
Adina Kreiner-Boroshin, of blessed memory | 675 |
Sara Goldenstein-Mankovsky, of blessed memory | 675 |
The family of Reb Yona Shub Gerstein | 677 |
Three photos - The Tolpolar family, of blessed memory | 680 |
Yosef Sonenshein, of blessed memory | 682 |
The ordination exam of Moshe Teperman, of blessed memory | 684 |
Shmuel Itzhaky, of blessed memory | 686 |
Four photos - The Caspi-Serebrenick family | 688 |
Three photos - The Goldgale family | 689 |
Havah Loibman, of blessed memory | 691 |
Family photo with Avraham Milgrom, the Kormansky family, etc | 693 |
Letter to Avraham Milgrom, 5688 (1928) | 694 |
Monuments | 696 |
Esther Rosenberg, of blessed memory | 703 |
Judith and Yaakov (Martis's) Schwartzman, of blessed memory | 706 |
Leahkale Schwartzman, of blessed memory | 708 |
The family of Mordechai Sheindelman | 711 |
The brothers Antchel-Menachem and Shmuel Sheindelman, of blessed memory | 711 |
Sosya and Moshe (Mashka) Shitz, of blessed memory | 716 |
Yaakov Magen (Yasha Shitz), of blessed memory | 719 |
Yosef, of blessed memory and Chaika Shpier, may she live long | 720 |
Two photos - The family of Ben-Zion Teiman | 722 |
6. The Holocaust | |
A map of the expulsions, the wanderings and the destruction | 727 |
On the rivers of Transnistria | 740 |
Yedinitz 1945-46 (4 photos) | 747 |
Landau: The Expulsion (oil painting) | 749 |
The martyred Mutzlmacher family | 766 |
Avigdor Meller: The Column of Expulsion (sketch) | 773 |
Kahn: Kol Nidre Night in the Kaseuz Forest (sketch) | 786 |
On the rivers of Transnistria | 791 |
Tolkachev: The Girl Who Was Forgotten (sketch) | 799 |
Memorial monument in Bershad | 811 |
The gravestone in the burial ground of Avraham Yehuda | 825 |
Monuments in the cemetery of Yedinitz | 825 |
Yedinitz as a Soviet town | |
Lioba Dori-Aylbirt | 828 |
Yedinits Today: in Patchtava | 830 |
Itzik Reuven Yossel's Dayan | 831 |
Rabbi Yeshaya Elkis | 835 |
A new building in Yedinitz | 836 |
A wedding in Odessa | 839 |
Yedinitz today: the house of Ben-Zion Timan | 842 |
The Seminaria today | 844 |
Yedinitz today: the culture club | 846 |
7. Yedinitzers in South America | |
Yosef Teperman, of blessed memory | 847 |
Zalman Teperman, of blessed memory | 849 |
Antonietta and Leon Feffer | 850 |
Mordechai Lakhterman, of blessed memory | 851 |
Yosef Lerner, of blessed memory | 852 |
Toni, of blessed memory, and Tuli Lerner | 853 |
Chava'leh Lerner, of blessed memory | 854 |
Yitzchak, of blessed memory, and Tzivia Brand | 856 |
Clara and David Kelmanovitch | 857 |
Tuli and Mara Meiler | 857 |
Rosa Weisgebarg-Zager | 858 |
Idel Brajtman | 859 |
Eliezer Zilberman | 859 |
Yosef and Cecilia Snitkowski | 860 |
Isidoro Shanski (Dondushanski) | 861 |
Shmuel and Chaya-Riva Schneider | 861 |
David and Raquel Brand | 862 |
Heinich Ackerman | 862 |
Henrique (Hersh) and Ida Kuperschmidt | 863 |
Pesach Fishman | 863 |
Dr. Salvador Rosenthal | 864 |
Sonia, of blessed memory, and Shmuel Meiler | 866 |
Avraham-Yitzchak Valavitch | 866 |
Shmuel Weinschenker | 868 |
8. Memorial Pages | |
Melechson Family (4 photos) | 871 |
The grave of R' Yitzchak Melechsohn in the Yedinitz Cemetery | 871 |
Gukovsky Family | 874 |
Yehoshua, of blessed memory, and Rissia Schwartz | 874 |
Rachel and Niosa Pollak-Reicher, of blessed memory | 875 |
Kozminer Family | 876 |
Moshe and Tema Groisman, of blessed memory | 876 |
Vineshenker Family (3 photos) | 877 |
Lenkovsky Family | 879 |
Atala and Sarala Valov Tshiberger, of blessed memory | 880 |
Kuperschmid Family | 880 |
Pradis Family | 882 |
Meidelman and Kurtzman Families | 883 |
Weitzman Family | 885 |
Leib-Aryeh, of blessed memory, and Mirel Gold | 885 |
Diamant Family | 886 |
Etti-Rachel and Moshe Findik, of blessed memory | 886 |
Rosenberg Family (2 photos) | 888 |
Milman Family | 888 |
Avraham Bronstein Family (2 photos) | 889 |
Mayansky, Weinshenker and Shapira Families (3 photos) | 891 |
Kucher Family (2 photos) | 893 |
Mayer Kutcher, of blessed memory | 894 |
David and Esther Schwartz, of blessed memory | 895 |
Leiderman Family | 896 |
Rivka Fruman and Zalman Fichman, of blessed memory | 896 |
Gertzman and Bortman Families | 898 |
Rabinowitz Family | 898 |
Dondushansky Family (2 photos) | 899 |
Weinstein Family | 900 |
Zissel Gukovsky, of blessed memory | 901 |
Shmuel and Hatti Ludmir, of blessed memory | 902 |
Raiza and Reuven Grozman, of blessed memory | 903 |
Chedvale Cohen, of blessed memory | 904 |
Shpeyer Family | 905 |
Aharon and Itta Premislov, of blessed memory | 905 |
Yisrael-Avraham and Itta Alex, of blessed memory | 907 |
Shmuel and Batsheva Chakmovitz, of blessed memory | 907 |
Rachel and Malchel Gutman-Alex, of blessed memory | 908 |
Mendel and Zlota Akerman, of blessed memory | 908 |
Moshe and Sheindel Roizman, of blessed memory | 909 |
Friedman Family | 909 |
Gamma Albert, of blessed memory | 909 |
Yaakov (Kazlower) and Buba Dorf, of blessed memory | 911 |
Yekutiel, Chasia and Breinale Dorf, of blessed memory | 911 |
Roit Family (2 photos) | 914 |
Chaim Aharon Albert, of blessed memory | 915 |
Family photo: Reichman-Albert | 916 |
Elimelech and Miriam Shochet, of blessed memory | 916 |
Gandelman Family | 916 |
Liberman Family (2 photos) | 918 |
Alter and Frieda Fuchs, of blessed memory | 918 |
Klerman Family | 922 |
Yaakov and Miriam Rabin, of blessed memory | 922 |
Zalman and Feiga Shapira, of blessed memory | 922 |
Neta Rosenthal Family | 924 |
Avraham (Shlomols) and Henya Rosenthal, of blessed memory | 924 |
Leibush and Chana Baron, of blessed memory | 928 |
Leib Weintroib, of blessed memory | 938 |
Henya Furman, of blessed memory | 928 |
The home and store of Eliezer Chasid, of blessed memory | 931 |
Pinkhas Winklestein, of blessed memory | 931 |
Bruchel Chasid and Dudale Gandelman, of blessed memory | 932 |
Leib Chasid, of blessed memory | 932 |
Yaakov and Chaya Helfgott, of blessed memory | 933 |
Sarabrenik-Appelman Family, of blessed memory | 934 |
Yechiel and Sara-Beila Grossman, of blessed memory | 934 |
Solter Family | 935 |
Berel and Yocheved Dondushansky, of blessed memory | 935 |
Nachum and Chayka Weissman, of blessed memory | 936 |
Yisrael and Chava Spielberg, of blessed memory | 937 |
Barkei Rozenfeld, of blessed memory | 938 |
Chaim Branstein, of blessed memory | 939 |
Zvi Berman, of blessed memory | 939 |
Sheva Branfmacher, of blessed memory | 940 |
Grobman Family | 941 |
Manny Gerber, of blessed memory | 941 |
Sender Rosenthal, of blessed memory | 941 |
Leib Helfgott, of blessed memory | 944 |
Bartsi, Eidel and Moshe-Yakkel Revkolevsky, of blessed memory | 945 |
Meyer and Miriam Wolowitz, of blessed memory | 947 |
Massia-Rachel Weinshenker, of blessed memory | 948 |
Mechel and Yenta Walstein, of blessed memory | 948 |
Kertzman Family | 949 |
Yaakov and Elka Furman, of blessed memory | 950 |
a group of Gordonists, friends of Yisrael Zigelbaum, of blessed memory | 951 |
Yisrael Zigelbaum, of blessed memory | 952 |
Daniel Monimos and Perel Livishchuk, of blessed memory | 951 |
Alter Parkever-Feigengold, of blessed memory | 954 |
Natan and Raiza Friedman Family (3 photos) | 955 |
Goikhberg Family (Edesser) | 957 |
Chaim-Hirsch and Devora Wiener, of blessed memory | 958 |
Yudel Lerner Family, Zabritchan | 959 |
Chana Yanovitch, of blessed memory | 959 |
Sima Gandelsman, of blessed memory | 960 |
Landa-Landau Family | 961 |
Yosef and Leah Siag, of blessed memory | 962 |
Gurfinkel Family | 963 |
Meyer and Sassia Gurvitz (Bishnauetzer) | 964 |
Moshe and Feiga Snitkovsky, of blessed memory | 965 |
Avraham and Bracha Roisen, of blessed memory | 966 |
Broitman Family, of blessed memory (2 photos) | 966 |
Yisrael and Sara Skolnik, of blessed memory | 967 |
Reuven and Roiza Koifman, of blessed memory | 967 |
Chaim and Bracha Koifman, of blessed memory | 968 |
Eliyahu ben Reuven Koifman, of blessed memory | 968 |
Pesach,, Kalman and David, of blessed memory | 968 |
Faiga Fishberg-Brand, of blessed memory | 969 |
Yisrael and Tova Brand, of blessed memory | 970 |
Yitzchak Brand, of blessed memory | 970 |
Chana Ackerman, of blessed memory | 970 |
Yisrael and Sara Chachmovitz, of blessed memory | 972 |
Sara Chariton, of blessed memory | 972 |
Yaakov and Chaya Mailer, of blessed memory | 972 |
Devora Ackerman, of blessed memory | 973 |
Simcha and Dina Gerber, of blessed memory | 973 |
Avraham and Molly Grinberg, of blessed memory | 974 |
Chaika and Noah Akerman, of blessed memory | 974 |
Manny Garber, of blessed memory | 974 |
Yoel Meiler, of blessed memory | 975 |
Izzy and Froimele Steinik, of blessed memory | 975 |
Shimon Mayler, of blessed memory | 976 |
Yisrael and Manya Steinik, of blessed memory | 976 |
Solomon Lerner, of blessed memory | 977 |
Itta and Yitzchak Sandler, of blessed memory | 977 |
Gittel, Matya and Sara Simis, of blessed memory | 978 |
Mordechai and Lana Groberman, of blessed memory | 979 |
Shaul and Sara Kolker, of blessed memory | 979 |
Yankel and Malka Silber, of blessed memory | 980 |
Riva and Shmuel Milman, of blessed memory | 980 |
Yosef Gleizer, of blessed memory | 980 |
Esther and Eiga Miller, of blessed memory | 981 |
Tcheitele Braiman, of blessed memory | 981 |
Munish Fein (Marishkan), of blessed memory | 982 |
Aharon and Tanya Simis, of blessed memory | 981 |
Pinchas Gerstein, of blessed memory | 981 |
Chana Akkerman, of blessed memory | 984 |
Yitzchak and Zlota Kaufman Family | 985 |
Malka, daughter of Meyer Appelman, of blessed memory | 985 |
Diamant Family (2 photos) | 987 |
Leib, Aharon and Leah Bitchucki, of blessed memory | 987 |
Yaakov and Rachel (Yitzchak-Yonhas) Rosenberg, of blessed memory | 989 |
Avraham Chachamowicz, of blessed memory | 989 |
Benyamin and Fruma-Beyla Grinberg, of blessed memory | 990 |
Mirel and Moshe Rapaport, of blessed memory` | 991 |
Sonny Milner, of blessed memory | 992 |
Gershon Brikman, of blessed memory | 992 |
Yaakov Bernstein, of blessed memory | 991 |
Yankel-Itzik-Asher and Bluma Kupershmidt, of blessed memory | 994 |
Yisrael Akkerman, of blessed memory | 994 |
Rachel Zilberman, of blessed memory | 995 |
Benyamin Akkerboim, of blessed memory | 996 |
Minna Rosenberg, of blessed memory | 997 |
Leibush Rosenberg, of blessed memory | 998 |
David and Leah Gruman, of blessed memory | 998 |
Michael Rosenboim, of blessed memory | 999 |
Liba Rosenbaum, of blessed memory | 999 |
Yitzchak Rosenberg, of blessed memory | 999 |
Bizia Hurwitz-Segal, of blessed memory | 999 |
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