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[Pages 979-980]

Memorial Pages (cont.)

Translated from the Yiddish by Pamela Russ


Yankel and Malke Silber, z”l

In perpetual memory

Of my dear and beloved parents

Reb Mordechai and Lane Groberman, z”l
And of my sister and brother-in-law
Malka Sima Silber
( born Groberman)
And Yankel Silber, z”l


Commemorating in sorrow:
Yosef ben Mordechai Groberman
Săo Paulo, Brazil
Yankel and Malke Silber, z”l


Yosef Gleizer, z”l

Commemorating them:
Jakob, Tzile, and Liza Gleizer
Săo Paulo, Brazil

In perpetual memory

Of our nearest and dearest:

Father and father-in-law Yosef Gleizer, z”l
Died in Yedinitz
Shmuel and Reva Milman, z”l
Died in Săo Paulo
Shaul and Sarah Kalker, z”l
Died in Săo Paulo

Riva and Shmuel Milman, z”l

Shaul and Sara Kolker, z”l

[Pages 981-982]

In commemoration

This is to sanctify the memory of the husband and father

Munish Fein (from Rishkan)
Who perished in Transnistria in the year 1942, may his blood be avenged.

Also, the mother of Rachel,
Chaya, who perished in Transnistria, may her blood be avenged.

Munish Fein (from Rishkan)

We are eternalizing their names:
Rachel Fein and her daughter Shoshana Goldstein,
Petach Tikva, Israel;
Moshe and his wife Pesia Fein,
Săo Paulo, Brazil

In eternal memory

I am perpetuating in honor and yearning my dear and unforgettable ones:

My mother Chantze Dondushanski, z”l,
Who died in 1909.

My father Chaim Dondushanski, may his blood be avenged,
Who died in Yedinitz in the year 1941.

My dear wife Rosa daughter of Zalman Teperman, z”l

In sorrow,
Isadora Shanski (Dondushanski)
His three children, six grandchildren
And a great-grandchild.

With sorrow and yearning, we commemorate our beloved, devoted
wife and mother
Esther Braiman (daughter of Gadol and Tzeitel Weinberg)
Died in the Bershad ghetto in 1941,

And her brothers and sisters: Boruch, Shayke, Esther, Gittel, Laike, Chaim, Sarah, and Moshe.

Let us also commemorate our unforgettable daughter and sister
Tcheitele Braiman
Who returned sick from the camps, and died in a sanatorium in 1950.

Let us also commemorate the family of my father
His parents: Chaim and Pesia Braiman
Their children: Zeldel, Yosef, Brane, Yehoshua, Kalman, Feivel, Yidel, and Shloime.

Esther and Tcheitele Braiman and Eige Miller,
may their memories be blessed

Tcheitele Braiman, z”l

From our family, the only survivor was me, who is fulfilling the responsibility to name those who died:
My father Yidel Braiman,
Born in 1896
His daughter Pesia Fein (born Braiman)
Born in 1928
And her husband Moshe Fein (from Rishkan)
Săo Paulo, Brazil

[Pages 983-984]

In eternal memory

We are perpetuating here our dear and devoted wife and mother

Chana Akkerman, z”l

Who died in Brazil in the year 1957.

May her soul be bound up in the bond of eternal life.

We will never forget her:
Her husband Henoch Akkerman,
And her children Yosef, Rakhel, Klara, and Dora.
Săo Paulo, Brazil

In eternal memory

With trembling and reverence, we remember the dear name of our father, the great teacher

Yakov Kizner, z”l (Yankel Hersh Leibs)
Who moved to Brazil in 1924 and died in Rio de Janeiro in the year 1936.

We also remember our beloved mother, z”l, and sisters Necha and Chana, who died in Rio.

We perpetuate their memory:
Kalman and his wife Rakhel Kizner, Rio,
Tauba Kaizerman-Kizner, Belo Horizonte
Itamar Kizner, Bauru, Brazil

In eternal memory

Of Aaron Simis, born in Yedinitz,
And of his wife Tanya, born in Russia.
Both died in Săo Paulo, Brazil; he in 1952, and she in 1959.

Aaron and Tanya Simis, z”l

These are perpetuating them:
Their daughters Masya, Ida, and Paulina
Săo Paulo, Brazil

In eternal testimony

I am commemorating with reverence the honored the name of our landsman, the teacher

Pinchas (Pini) Gerstein, z”l
Son of Yona Shochet, of Yedinitz

Pinchas Gerstein,z”l

He immigrated to Brazil before World War One and was a pioneer of the Jewish education in Brazil. He died before his time in Brazil, leaving behind a respected family and a good name.

Yosef Snitkowski
Săo Paulo, Brazil

[Pages 985-986]

In eternal memory

The only remaining family photograph, taken during the bar mitzva of Siamele: standing from right to left: Malkele, her husband Avraham Schwartz and their little son; Zlate and her husband Zise Gutman; Frume, her little daughter Tzika, and her husband Yontel Katz. All those in the picture died in Transnistria in the year 1941. May their blood be avenged.

Of our parents and in-laws

Father Yitzchak and mother Zlate Kaufman

Sister and sister-in-law
Devoira'le Kaufman

And all the others of our family who were killed and who died,
may their memories be blessed.

Those who are perpetuating them in sadness:
Daughter and sister Manya (daughter of Yitzchak and Zlate) Sandler
Son-in-law and brother-in-law Chaim Sandler
Săo Paulo, Brazil


As an eternal memory

Of our family destroyed by the Nazi and Romanian murderers, may their names be erased,
during the terrible tragedy to our nation

Our parents Meyer (he was called Meir'el Elik Dugis) and Sarah Appelman
Brother Chaim, his wife Zlate, and their son Chune, perished in the camp Wosdovka
Brother Shmuel, his wife Riva, and child, perished in Transnistria.
Our brother Yoel's wife and their three young children, Dovidel, Pavel, and Malke
All perished in the camp Wosdovka.

Our brother Reuven's wife Malka, who died in the camps.
Our sister Malka and her husband Yoske and child Leib,
were burned to death in the camp Bogdanovka, by the Bug River.

In eternal memory of those who perished, in order never to forget:
Chune, son of Meir Appelman, his wife Esther, and their children –
Sara (born in Transnistria) and her family, and son (born in 1945).
Koppel Appelman and wife Rosa (in Brazil since 1927) and family, Săo Paulo
Yoel son of Meir Appelman, Czernowitz.
Reuven son of Meir Appelman, Czernowitz.
Malka, daughter of Meyer Appelman, z”l
This is the only picture that remained
from all our family members.

[Pages 987-988]

Zalman-Leib and Sarah Diamant, z”l

In eternal memory
We are perpetuating our parents

Sarah and Zalman-Leib Diamant

And our uncles and aunts
Yakov and Mirel
Dovid and Fraide

Their memories will not leave us for eternity!

Yakov Diamant,
Henrica Diamant
Săo Paulo
Yakov and Mirel Diamant, z”l
Dovid and Fraide Diamant,
may they rest in peace


In eternal memory

We remember in sorrow and with honor our parents and relatives:

Our dear father Leib Bitchuki: left Yedinitz in 1911, died in
Săo Paulo, Brazil, in the year 1946 at the age of 68.

Our dear mother Laike (born Majberg) Bitchuki; left Yedinitz in 1920, died in Săo Paulo in 1948 at the age of 64.

Our dear grandmother Tauba Majberg; left Yedinitz in 1920, died in Boston, Mass., America, in 1930 at the age of 68.

Our dear brother and brother-in-law Aron Bitchuki -Maimon; born in 1906, died in Boston, Mass., in the year 1956.

Those who are perpetuating are the children, grandchildren, sisters, and brothers-in-law:
Miriam (born Bitchicki) and Avraham Milstein, Săo Paulo , Brazil
Chaim and Sheva Bitchucki, Bauru, Brazil
Bronka and Adolfo Krasilszczik, Săo Paulo, Brazil
Perel Bitchuckii-Maimon and family, Boston, America
Leib Bitchucki, Aron Bitchucki-Maimon, and Leah Bitchucki, z”l


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