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[Pages 971-972]

Memorial Pages (cont.)

Translated from the Yiddish by Asher Szmulewicz

Donated by Susan Cartun in memory of her husband, Joel Cartun, the grandson of Deena (Robrish)
and Josef Chariton and the Robrish and Chariton families who once lived in Yedinitz.


Eternal Remembrance

With this page we perpetuate our dear families who were destroyed by Hitler, may his name be erased.

Israel and Sarah Chachmovitz z”l


Sarah Chariton z”l
Israel Chachmovitz and his wife Sarah.
He was 44 years old, and she was 38 years old.

Their two sons, Shalom aged 20 and Fishel aged 16.
They all perished in camp Warchivke in the year 1941.

Leib and Bayle Dondoshenski.
The parents of Sarah Chachmovitz
who were shot in their house in Yedinitz

Their daughter Batya with her husband
and three children perished in a camp.
Their daughter Rachel, who died just after the camp’s liberation.
She lost her husband Yoel Shichman with her son Chaim, aged 18.

Sarah (née Chariton) Gandelman,
perished in camp Bershad being 38 years old.

Her sister Tzvia Chariton passed away in Ostia.

Yosef and Dinah Chariton, the parents of Sarah and Tzvia,
passed away in Yedinitz.

ת.נ.צ.ב.ה (May theirs souls be bound in the bundle of life).

Tzilia (daughter of Israel Chachmovitz) Gandelman
Yechiel Gandelman and their son Avraham
and Pavel Gandelman

São Paulo, Brazil


Perpetual Memory

With deep sadness we remember the holy names of our parents,

Reb Yakov and Chava Mailer z”l
Reb Yakov Mailer z”l,
passed away in Yedinitz
and Chava Mailer הי"ד (May G-d revenge her blood)
perished in Transnistria in 1941

We mourn also our beloved and respectable husband and father
Pesach Koifman z”l

Honor their memory!

Libe Koifman and her children:
Yankele Koifman, Reuven Koifman, Chaim Koifman, Sany Frug and Dr. Mity Koifman, São Paulo

[Pages 973-974]

Avraham and Mali Grinberg, z”l

Chayke and Noah Ackerman, z”l

Eternal memory

Everlasting memorial for our beloved and dear parents and mother-in-law's parents

Avraham Grinberg and his wife Mali Grinberg who were killed in Transnistria in 1941, Hy”d.

And for our never-to-be-forgotten parents

Chayke and Noah Ackerman
Born and lived in Yedinitz. Chayke, z”l, deceased in Yedinitz, Noah, z”l, returned from Transnistria, Emigrated to San Paolo and passed away there in 1966.

May their souls be bound in eternal life.

Dvorah Ackerman
Born in Yedinitz and killed in Transnistria in 1942.

Dvorah Ackerman, z”l

Perpetuated by:
Sarah and Arontshik (Aaron) Grinberg
Survived the Transnistria concentration camps.
Living in Brazil since 1953, San Paolo


Mani Garber, z”l

For an eternal memorial

For my dear and never-to-be-forgotten parents and relatives:

Father and mother Israel and Mania Steinick.
Born in Yedinitz, deceased in San Paolo

Uncle Simcha Garber
Deceased in Siberia

Dinah Garber, his wife, my aunt
Deceased in Yedinitz

Their son, my nephew
Manie Garber
Deceased in Venezuela

Perpetuated by:
Tsila Steinick, San Paolo, Brazil

Simcha and Dinah Garber, z”l

[Pages 975-976]

Eternal Memory

We perpetuate with sorrow and with longing our dear parents

Pesia Meiler
Deceased in Transnistria in 1942

Shimon Meiler
Passed away in Yedinitz in 1944

And our never-to-be-forgotten brother Yoel Meiler
Deceased in Transnistria in 1942, Hy”d

Shimon Meiler, z”l
Mourning by their sons and brothers:
Godel Meiler,
Mati Meiler,
Tuli Meiler,
San Paolo, Brazil

Yoel Meiler, z”l

Israel and Mania Steinick, z”l

Eternal remembrance

As an eternal memorial for our beloved and never-to-be-forgotten parents

Israel and Mania Steinick, z”l
Passed away in Sao Paolo, Brazil

Our brother Efraym (Froim), z”l
Deceased in Yedinitz being seventeen years old

And Ayzi Steinick, z”l
Passed away in Sao Paolo at thirty-three years old

May their souls be bound in eternal life


Perpetuated by their children and grandchildren:
Hanushka and Boba, in Israel
Tsila, Lisa, Tzatza, Rachel, Zhakov, Cecilia, Yoski, and Chaimele,
Sao Paolo, Brazil
Froimele Steinick, z”l   Ayzi Steinick, z”l

[Pages 977-978]

As a perpetual memorial

For my family members who perished in the extermination camps in Transnistria

My mother Ita Simis
My sisters Sarah, Gitel, Tzeitel and Masia Simis
Killed in 1942, Hy”d

And to perpetuate my dear father
Matie Simis, z”l
Passed away in Czernowitz in 1960

Gitel and Matie Simis, z”l
Perpetuated by their son and brother, Yoel Simis
San Paolo, Brazil
  Sarah Simis, z”l

Eternal memory

For our parents Salomon Lerner, z”l
And Sarah-Sheva Lerner, z”l

Salomon Lerner was born in Yedinitz in 1886, deceased in Brazil in 1953.

Shlomo Lerner came to Brazil when there were only a few Jews there. He was one of the founders of the Shul in San Paolo, was active in the institutions “Linat Hatzedek,” “Ezra,” and “Moshav-Zkenim.”

Perpetuated by:
The daughter Noemi (Nechama), Fanny (Feige), Berta, and the grandchildren

Salomon Lerner, z”l


Eternal memorial

For our parents and our mother-in-law's parents

For our parents and our mother-in-law's parents

Father Yitzhak and mother Ita Sandler, Hy”d,
Lived in Yedinitz, perished in Transnistria in 1941

Perpetuated them in sorrow:
Son, Chaim Sandler
and Manie (née Kaufman) Sandler
San Paolo, Brazil

Ita and Yitzhak Sandler, z”l


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