[Pages 971-972]
Translated from the Yiddish by Asher Szmulewicz
Donated by Susan Cartun in memory of her husband, Joel Cartun, the grandson
of Deena (Robrish)
and Josef Chariton and the Robrish and Chariton families
who once lived in Yedinitz.
With this page we perpetuate our dear families who were destroyed by Hitler, may his name be erased.
With deep sadness we remember the holy names of our parents,
[Pages 973-974]
[Pages 975-976]
[Pages 977-978]
For my family members who perished in the extermination camps in Transnistria
My mother Ita Simis
And to perpetuate my dear father
For our parents Salomon Lerner, zl Salomon Lerner was born in Yedinitz in 1886, deceased in Brazil in 1953. Shlomo Lerner came to Brazil when there were only a few Jews there. He was one of the founders of the Shul in San Paolo, was active in the institutions Linat Hatzedek, Ezra, and Moshav-Zkenim.
Perpetuated by:
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Edineţ, Moldova
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Updated 9 Jun 2022 by LA