[Pages 941-942]
Translations from the Hebrew by Dafna Meltzer
Of our dear parents
Pesach Lempert
And Hanya Lempert
The eternally grieving son |
Of my unforgettable and dear husband
Son of Simcha Garber of Yedinitz
Remembers him his widow |
[Pages 943-944]
We will remember forever and never forget our dear parents
R. Israel Monimus Who died together with others from Yedinitz May G-d avenge their blood!
The loving daughters
With great grief, we commemorate our parents' blessed memory
Born in Novoselytsya and active in the public and financial fields in Yedinitz. He endured the horror of the camps, survived, and was fortunate to be able to move to Israel. Passed away in 1946. He was buried in Petach Tikvah.
was born in Yedinitz; passed away in that town some 40 years ago.
Mourn them: |
Our father Motel Lindenbaum, zl
Their eternally grieving children
Sender Rosenthal was born in Yedinitz and passed away in 1968 in Caracas. He was one of the first Jewish immigrants in Venezuela. His parents were Khane Rosenthal, zl, and Sasya nee Rosenberg. Sender and his brother Berl brought their parents to Venezuela. The father Khane Rosenthal, zl, died in Caracas. Sender's mother Sasya died in 1972. Their sisters Fruma and Casil live in Maracay, Venezuela
The mother, Sasya, sisters Dovrish and Chana, went together to the camps with their families. Sasya's brother Leib Rosenberg lived in Philadelphia. Another brother, Baruch Rosenberg, died in Chile.
Sender went from Venezuela to Yedinitz in the 1940s and there he married Dvorah Grobman. After the wedding, they went back to Venezuela. The family had three sons:
Dvorah Rosenthal's family: a brother, Velvel, died in Caracas; a brother Motel Grobman died in Yedinitz; a sister, Chaikele settled in Czernowitz; Hirsch Grobman passed away in California; Reuven Grobman passed away in the United States.
[Pages 945-946]
[Pages 947-948]
Of our unforgettable parents
Our mother Mrs. Massy-Rachel (daughter of Ruth Weissman and Ze'ev Ghelman) Weinshenker
R. Nachum-Zvi Weinshenker, zl Who fell in the First World War as a soldier of the Russian Army And of all our relatives and acquaintances who perished, whether by disasters or natural causes May their memory be blessed
Shmuel and Itzhak Weinshenker |
Of my parents Meir and Miriam-Rachel Wolowitz, zl R. Meir Wolowitz was born in 1879 in the village of Parcova. Mrs. Miriam-Rachel was born in 1882 in Stara Ushytsya (Ukraine).
They and their 15-year-old daughter were taken to Transnistria but had the good fortune of surviving this hell. The children brought them to Bolivia and there they lived with freedom and respect. They were not able to realize their dream of living in the Holy Land. He passed away on June 26, 1953, in Cochabamba, Bolivia.
Their son Abraham-Itzhak Wolowitz, |
[Pages 949-950]
Of our beloved and unforgettable
Father and grandfather May his memory be blessed.
Remember him with grief and respect |
With love and grief for my unforgettable parents
Mother Hinda, passed away in Yedinitz
Brother Shimon passed away in Peru in 1969. My two sisters Estherel and Itele both died in Yedinitz at the age of 18.
Their grieving daughter and sister |
[Pages 951-952]
[Pages 953-954]
With a broken heart for our beloved parents
R. Zeida Kiezer, zl
Who perished in the great calamity of the last World War.
The grieving and loving son and brother:
We will never forget our beloved
R. Alter came from the Village of Parcova. He spent three years in the camps of Transnistria together with his wife Tzarne and with their daughter Riva. There he suffered the seven versions of hell and survived. After the war, they emigrated to Venezuela to be with their children.
R. Alter passed away and was buried in Caracas on November 25, 1970.
He loved to perform good deeds and was a virtuous man.
Remember him his wife |
The head of our family, my father Yitzchak Livishchuk, zl, was a prominent socialite and active Zionist in Yedinitz. He owned a large factory near Lipa Felberg and had his own seat in the Husiatyn synagogue.
My mother Rachel, zl, is from the well-known Filderwasser family, from Nova Ushytsia.
· The second daughter Perl and her husband Daniel Monimus (from Briceva) Shmuel and Simcha were active in Beitar in Yedinitz. They helped their friend Zvi-Hirsch Winner when he came back from the Romanian Army to go to Israel. Simcha went to Călăraşi for training to go to Israel but was not fortunate to make it there. Borya became an upstanding citizen. He helped the needy and was known for his technical skills.
The grieving and loving
[Pages 955-956]
[Pages 957-958]
[Pages 959-960]
Of my beloved and treasured husband Fima Gandelsman, zl
Your wife: Tzatza Gandelsman nee Steinick |
I remember my beloved and unforgotten mother Chana Yanovich, zl
Tzila Yanovich-Rishetty |
[Pages 961-962]
Yosel Siag came from Briceni. In Yedinitz he raised his family in the finest Jewish tradition. His wife Leika was devoted to goodness and peace at home. In the year 1941 at the age of 67 Yossel Siag was killed in the camp of Bershad; Leika was killed in the same camp in the month of Cheshvan (Oct/Nov) of the same year at the age of 65. Their son Mordechai Siag and his wife Keiveleh (Weinshenker) survived.
I enter these lines in the memory book from Yedinitz.
In grief and sorrow |
1. Beinish Landa (perished on the way to Transnistria, in Vertujeni). 2. Beila Landa (perished during the same death march, in Vertujeni). 3. Yuzi (Yosef) Landa and 4. Elke (Siag) Lande (live in Rio de Janeiro). 5. Kalman Landa-Landau lives in France. 6. Liza (Weitzman) Landau (lives in France). 7. Monny Landa (perished in the Cosauti Forest. 8. Devorah (Landa-Landau) also perished in the death march to Transnistria. 9. Shalom Sherman immigrated to Israel in 1972.
My mother Beila, zl, was born in Yedinitz. She had two sisters: Zlate Kaufman-Wasserman (New York) and Perl Kaufman-Shechtman (deceased). Beila passed away at about the age of 50. In memory of these martyrs and saints who will be remembered from generation to generation.
Yuzi (Yosef) Landa and Elke (Siag) Landa |
[Pages 963-964]
[Pages 965-966]
[Pages 967-968]
Bracha and Chaim Kaufman, Hyd Who were killed in Vertujeni in 1941
With sorrow and longing
With grief, we memorialize our parents and parents-in-law
Yisrael and Sarah Skolnick, zl
Their son Yehuda-Hirsch Skolnik
[Pages 969-970]
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Edineţ, Moldova
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