[Pages 931-932]
Translated from the Yiddish by Dafna Meltzer
[Pages 933-934]
of our holy and beloved parents,
Father Abraham-Meir And their families, Hyd
Remember them:
Who passed away and died in the Holocaust Our father Yechiel Grossman, died in Yedinitz in 1932 Our mother Sara-Beila burned alive; our brother Chaim, his wife Miriam, and their children Chana and Yitzchak; our brother Khane, his wife Mirkale, and their son Yechiel; our sister Golda, her husband Moshe Arbitman, and their son Yechiel; our sisters Gittle and Itta both killed in the Holocaust
Our sister Liuba and her husband Reuben Leibovitz died in Brazil;
Remember them: |
To our unforgettable parents:
Our father, R. Yakov son of Meir Helfgott (Yankel)
Our parents were able to emigrate to Israel in 1933 and to join their sons and daughters:
And let's light a candle of remembrance in honor of our relatives who perished in the Holocaust, together with Yedinitz's martyrs. Our uncle R. Mendel Shor, his wife aunt Zlata; our aunt Mintze daughter of Meir the writer Helfgott; the shochet Yekel son of Nachman Frimer, Hyd We will remember our brother Yssachar, who passed away in Tel Aviv in 1972 at the age of 74.
We remember them:
of my loved ones who were killed by the murderous Nazi-Fascists: Father Aharon-Ber Gershel, sister Reiza nee Gershel and her husband Tsalel Schlesinger (of Akkerman), and their daughters Clara and her sister Henya Gershel Mother Clarel Gershel passed away before the War. The brother Yehoshua Gershel passed away in 1955 in Bacau, Romania
Remembers them |
[Pages 935-936]
We mention the holy memory of
Their children:
With sadness and sorrow, we mention here the beloved names of
Their sons Mordechai and Chaim Woloch, Israel
Of our beloved parents and parents-in-law
Father Abraham Zilberberg Father-in-law Yosef Magenstein May their memory be a blessing
Remember them:
Of my father
And my mother May they rest in peace
With great longing |
Hereby I bring up the sacred memory of my family members and loved ones
My father Ze'ev (Velvel) Solter
The daughter and sister Miriam Sodgelter nee Solter
Was born in Yedinitz in 1892 and was killed in the Holocaust
Our mother Yocheved (Cheva), zl
And our sister Ettel Davidman (nee Dondushanski), zl
Remember them: |
[Pages 937-938]
Of our unforgettable beloved parents Our father Yaakov Grinberg was a business leader for many years in Yedinitz and was called Yankel Primar. The family was deported to Transnistria. There, our mother, Hyd, was killed. Our father and three children survived. Our father moved to Israel, where he passed away in 1960. He is buried in Kiryat Shaul. Two brothers emigrated to Caracas, Venezuela. One brother lives in Haifa.
Remember them: |
We bring the holy memory of our beloved parents
who were killed in the Holocaust, in Ukraine. Their burial place is not known. May their memory be blessed!
The family of Meir (Monia) Israeli (Spielberg) |
[Pages 939-940]
Of our beloved and unforgotten parents Froim and Sheva Branfmacher, zld
Our father Froim was born in Sekuran; he married our mother, Sheva nee Shicher, in Yedinitz. The father passed away in Yedinitz in 1920. Two sons emigrated to Venezuela: Berl (Boris) in the year 1928 and David in 1930. In 1934 my mother, Sheva, together with the brothers Chaim and Moshe and their sister Chaike also emigrated to Venezuela. My mother passed away in Caracas on December 21, 1965. The brothers Moshe and Boris also passed away in Caracas (Boris on May 30, 1972). May they rest in peace. Boris' son is a physician, Dr. Samuel Branfmacher. David Branfmacher, zl, had three children, one of whom studies at Tel Aviv University.
Mourn the deceased with grief and longing
Of our unforgettable parents
Chaim Shuster
Chayka Shuster
The grief-stricken |
Of my beloved husband
Born in Novoselytsya in 1917; his parents were Yosef (Yosel) and Malcha Branstein, zl, who settled in Yedinitz. Chaim moved to Venezuela in 1940. In 1947, he married Sarah (nee Yanovsky) in Caracas.
Chaim Branstein, zl, was a dedicated Jew who upheld high ideals and supported Israel. He passed away in Caracas on November 14, 1967, at the age of 50.
Remembers him
Zvi was born in 1910 to Avigdor and Tashmina, who moved from Nikolayev to Yedinitz in 1915. The entire family was killed in the Holocaust. Zvi and his wife survived and emigrated to Israel in 1946. Here he was active in the Haganah and managed Beit-HaChalutzim in Petach Tikvah. May his memory be a blessing.
His wife Roza Berman and friends
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