[Pages 901-902]
Translations from the Hebrew by Laia Ben-Dov
I recall the memory of my parents and dear ones: In Eternal Memory I hereby raise the memory of my parents and dear ones:
Father Chaim Skoliner and Mother Chana I will never forget them. May their souls be bound in eternal life.
Gittel Cohen, of the Skoliner family |
My father, Yitzchak Gokovsky, born in 1878 In 1939, I illegally made Aliyah to the Land of Israel; I left an entire family at home. Of all the family, only my brother Eli remained alive; he was exiled to Siberia. My parents, Yitzchak and Faiga, remained ill and my sister was not allowed to take them with her. They died at the beginning of the War. My sister Zissel was a kindergarten teacher. Her only desire was to make Aliyah to the Land. She was expelled to Transnistria alone. She perished there, at a place and on a date unknown.
Daughter and sister, Sonya Talishevsky, of the Gokovsky family |
[Pages 903-904]
With great sorrow and deep pain, we hereby raise the holy memory of our daughter, the apple of our eyes Chedvale zl. She saw the light of the world in 1931 in the town Lipcani, and she perished in 1941 in an extremely tragic way, in the ship Markor, which was sunk by the Nazi oppressor, may his name be blotted out, on its way to redemption, to the Land of our aspirations. She was only twelve years old when she died.
The mourning and bereft parents:
We hereby raise the holy memory of our dear ones:
My father, Zvi Rosenthal, born in Proskorov in 1886
My mother, Duba, born in Radichev in 1888, in Yedinitz since 1920
My sister, Chana Kleinman, born in 1914
Her husband, my brother-in-law Avraham Kleinman And their son Zvi, born in 1938, perished at a place and at a time unknown
My sister Rivka, born in 1919
My brother Yitzchak, born in 1917
My brother Mordechai, born in 1926 May G-d avenge their blood and may their memory be blessed!
Bronya (Brentsi) Altenberg (of the Rosenthal family) |
For the pure souls of
Father, Reuven Grozman, zl, and Mother, Raiza Hyd
The daughters:
He was born in Yedinitz in 1872, and he passed away on 14 Tevet, 5694 (January 2, 1934). He was a Torah scholar, pursued justice, and was involved in people. As a fervent Zionist all his life he yearned and dreamed of Zion and the redemption of the nation in its Land. In this spirit, he educated his two daughters. As a faithful public worker, he was totally immersed in the aid societies in the town: Help for the Poor, Giving in Secret, Visiting the Sick, and the like. He was full and overflowing with the wisdom of life. He was a good father and a good friend to his daughters, the way that he was a brother and friend to everyone.
A woman of valor who can find? the verse speaks of our mother. She was born in the town Kalish, in the Kaminitz district, Russia, in 1874. She perished in the Holocaust in 1941, in the Bershad camp in Transnistria. She was a symbol of purity of soul, a modest woman, noble and good-hearted, strictly observant of the commandments, righteous in every meaning of the word. For years she mourned the loss of her children who died at a young age and who she did not merit to raise. She devoted herself with all her heart to the education of her daughters. She was a good mother; there is none like her.
In memory of the souls of my dear parents, may they rest in peace
My mother, Tova, of the Mayberg family
And my father, Chaim-Zeev Rosenthal May their souls be bound in eternal life. May his/her soul be bound in the soul of life.
Their son, Yissaschar Rosenthal
[Pages 905-906]
[Pages 907-908]
[Pages 909-910]
Of our dear ones, Hyd
They are perpetuated by |
[Pages 911-912]
[Pages 913-914]
An eternal memory of our beloved parents: Father, Shlomo (Kalechnik) Goychenberg deceased in 1920 Mother, Dina Goychenberg deceased in 1925 Sister and brother-in-law, Leake and Avraham Graberman, who deceased while being deported to Siberia Sisters and brothers, Ite the Romanian and Baruch Goychenberg And their children Beile (Koka) and Chaim Sister and brother-in-law, Perel and Elik Akkerman And their children Shlomo and Dina And all the family members who were killed by Hitler's murderers (May their names be erased) G-d avenge their blood May their memory be blessed
Full of sorrow about them, their son, brother, and family: |
Shinder Chanan (Chone Stalier) He was a carpenter, a modest, pleasant and honest Jew. Many of the youth in Yedinitz learned carpentry from him in the framework of the Hachshara preparation before they made Aliyah to the Land of Israel. He loved the Torah, the commandments, and Zion, and therefore it did not help the begging of his brothers, and particularly, the pleas of his only sister, who he loved very much, to join them in England (where they were well established) so that he could support his wife and their only son in comfort. He chose to wait for the day when he would be able to make Aliyah to the Land of Israel and work and live among Jews. In 1941, he was expelled together with all the Jews of Yedinitz who remained after the killing to the concentration camps. In the difficult Ukrainian winter of 1942, in the isolated village of Ternovka, the fuse of his life was cut off, and with it, his great dream to make Aliyah to the Land of Israel. His son, Avraham Shinder |
[Pages 915-916]
[Pages 917-918]
[Pages 919-920]
In memory of our parents, who perished on the road in the expulsion to Transnistria in 1941
Chaya, daughter of Akiva, born Fradis f, Hyd Our parents were among the first who donated to the national funds. They did a lot to establish the Jewish hospital in Yedinitz and for its existence. They were faithful community workers in many fields.
Their son and daughter
Translated from Yiddish by Asher Szmulewicz
For our unforgettable father and mother
Left in sorrow:
With pain and a depressed heart, we hereby cry the remembrance of our dear parents,
Our father, Yaakov Yosef son of Yona Gerstein
Families: |
Of our dear ones, who perished, who were murdered, and destroyed at the time they were expelled, and when they were wandering in Bessarabia, in Ukraine, and Siberia, during the years 1941-1944
Husband and father, David Horwitz, zl, from Yedinitz
Tsadkanit (born Lerner) and Yosef Horwitz (Guvrin), Jerusalem
His wife Tzadkanit and his son Yosef were on a random visit in Czernowitz when they were cut off by the German-Romanian occupation from the husband and father, David, who was expelled together with all the people of the town of Yedinitz who remained after the massacre. The mother and the son were exiled to Transnistria from Czernowitz. The father was taken from the camp Vertujeni to work together with many Jews. All of them were murdered and their place of burial is unknown. He was born in the village Badragii. He obtained his Jewish and wide general education from private teachers. When he married, he moved to Yedinitz, where he dealt in agricultural growth and trade. He observed a Jewish lifestyle and established a warm family nest. He was 41 years old when he was murdered.
My father, Yisrael Tatar
Chaim Tor (Tatar)
My father Chene (Hinkes) Ackerman
Rosa Tor (born Ackerman)
[Pages 921-922]
[Pages 923-924]
We hereby raise the memory of our dear ones: Their memory will be engraved on our hearts forever! May their souls be bound in eternal life
Ita, Zahava, and Yaffa
Of our dear Grandfather and Grandmother
One of the important people in Yedinitz made Aliyah in the late 1920s, where their son Yitzchak, a man of the Second Aliyah, was located. Rav Avraham, a learned and G-d-fearing man, was busy with the needs of the community in Israel. He was among the founders of the Tiferet Yisrael school in north Tel Aviv. They passed away at a ripe old age; the grandfather in 5702 (1942) and the grandmother in 5711 (1951).
The granddaughters, |
With deep pain, I hereby cry over the memory of my dear ones: All of them perished in the Holocaust in 1941 on a date and in a place unknown Hyd
I also remember:
Mourning bitterly:
We hereby raise the holy memory of our dear ones:
Yosef Kliger, Ein Eiron
My father Shimon Schwartz
May their memory be blessed!
Reuven Shacham (Schwartz)
[Pages 925-926]
We hereby raise the holy memory of the dear members of our family who perished in the Holocaust in the camps of Transnistria in 1941
Rachel Chaferman
My father, Moshe Ber Mordechai Trachtenbroit And my mother Rivka, daughter of Akiva Both perished in the Vertujeni camp The date of their death is unknown
Lev-Leonchik Trachtenbroit
The memorial for his parents was given by Leonchik Trachtenbroit, zl, prior to his death (December 5, 1971).
Of my sister Lea and her husband Zvi
The mourners:
Husband and father, Chaim son of Reuven Grossman Born in Yedinitz in 1891; died in exile to Russia in 1943 Son and brother, Zeev Grossman Son and brother, Elimelech Grossman Daughter and sister, Breina Grossman Hyd
They all were born in Yedinitz and perished in the concentration camps in 1942.
Rosi Grossman, Ezra and Batsaron |
The Family We hereby raise the memory of our parents, who perished in the Holocaust
Our father, Aryeh Weissman
They perished in Transnistria and their burial place is unknown
The Mourners:
We raise the holy memory of our dear ones:
My father, my father-in-law, and our grandfather Zalmina Koifman, murdered on Yom Kippur, May their souls be bound in eternal life
The son and brother, Yisrael Koifman and his wife Rachel,
We hereby raise the holy memory of our unforgettable dear ones:
The little brother Hinich May their memory be blessed!
Leah Cohen-Duvdevani (Vanshelboim)
[Pages 927-928]
[Pages 929-930]
I hereby raise the holy memory of my dear ones, members of my family,
Father, Yaakov Schwartzman All blessed memory!
Perpetuating their Memory: |
We hereby raise the holy memory of our parents (our in-laws) and our brothers (brothers-in-law)
My father and father-in-law, Zvi son of Chaim-Pesach (Hershel Zogatotshik) Fishberg, May their souls be bound in eternal life
Pesach Ben-Zvi and Rachel Fishberg |
Of the souls of our dear ones, who perished and were murdered during the expulsion to Transnistria, in the terrible Holocaust that passed on our nation:
We preserve their memory in our hearts forever
Hersh (David Kalmanes)
My mother, Malka, was born in 1872 in Yarmolyntsi (Ukraine). She was a righteous woman, ready to help others. Our house was open for the welfare of every needy person. The main source of income of my parents was trading in crops. Besides this, we sold dairy products from the cows that we raised. The parents gave their children a Jewish and general education. We were educated toward the loyalty to our people. The family always donated generously to the national funds.
Their son, Kalman Rosenberg
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Updated 31 Feb 2022 by LA