[Pages 887-888]
Translations from the Yiddish by Laia Ben-Dov
[Pages 889-890]
[Pages 891-892]
[Pages 893-894]
[Pages 895-896]
I hereby raise the holy memory of my dear ones:
Ronia Tal of the Forman family |
The house of our parents, which stood alone among the gentiles, was known as an open house to everyone who was pursued and oppressed. Father was known for his bravery against the rioters. Nine brothers and sisters grew up in this house and were educated in Zionism and love of Israel.
Our father, David (Dadya), perished in the Holocaust Our sisters, Fruma and Zlota, and our brother Avraham and the members of their families who perished in the Holocaust Our brother Yisrael (Oliko), fell in war during his service on the ship Har Zion in 1940 Our brother Yitzchak, passed away in 5725 -196, in Israel. Their memory is forever preserved in our hearts!
The daughters, in the Land:
[Pages 897-898]
We hereby raise the memory of our dear ones who perished and went to eternity in the horrors of the Holocaust that visited our nation: Mother: Beila Gertzman, passed away at Bershad in Transnistria, on 1 Kislev (November 21) 1941 Brother: Lawyer Yitzchak Gertzman, passed away in the prime of life, at the expulsion camp Bershad in Transnistria, on 8 Kislev (November 28) 1941 (Daughter and Sister Esther merited to bring our mother and brother to Jewish burial) Sister: Raiza Gertzman went through all the troubles of the Nazi hell and survived. She passed away on 27 Adar I (March 7), 1959. Father: Yosef Gertzman, a Zionist activist, a member of Poalei Zion in Yedinitz. He went through all the troubles of the camps in Transnistria, leaving on the blood-soaked earth of Ukraine his wife, his only son, his daughter, and his entire family. He merited to make Aliyah to Israel. He passed away on 27 Tamuz (July 15), 1966. Husband and Brother-in-Law Zalman Bortman, husband of Esther Gertzman, went through the Nazi hell. Passed away suddenly in Israel at the age of 45 on 23 Adar (March 15), 1966. We will never forget them!
The sisters of the Gertzman family:
[Pages 899-900]
Of our dear ones who perished in the Holocaust: Our father, Hersh Weinstein (Hersh Shlomo-Moshe's).
He perished in the Yedinitz cemetery from a murderer's bullet at the time the murdered victims were being buried in a mass grave May this tiny monument to their memory be some expression of our mourning and deep pain at their untimely death, on the sanctification of G-d's name and the nation. Hyd!
I hereby raise the memory of my dear ones
My father, Yitzchak Weiner (Itzik Chaim-Yankel Aharons), was born in Briceni in 1886, lived in Yedinitz since 1900 All of them perished in the Holocaust in 1941 in an unknown place and on an unknown date. Their memory will never be erased from my heart! And I also raise the memory of my two precious sons, who sacrificed their lives for the State of Israel and its nation, and fell in the Six-Day War and afterward: Amos And Oded
Sara Schwarts (of the Weiner family) |
In memory of my parents: Zahava and Zvi (Hersh) Dondushansky, zl
My dear parents, Zahava (Golda) and Zvi (Hersh) Dondushansky made Aliyah in 1936. They arrived in Hadera to the Kibbutz Gordonia A, and from there, they moved to Hadera.
Father worked at any job he came across, even in construction; he did not want in any way to deal in trade. In 1938, my parents traveled to Yedinitz to my brother's wedding. They suggested to my father that he remain there, where he would have all kinds of good business, but they did not accept the suggestions and did not give in to enticements. They returned to the Land of Israel. When they returned to Hadera, they bought a lot, built a house, and established father's laboratory with honor. Father did not merit to enjoy his house. He passed away a year after the dedication of the house.
Mother, zl, remained alone and widowed. She sold the house and moved to live with me at the Kibbutz Masada in the Jordan Valley. She passed away in Hadera at the age of 80 on the 17th of Adar (March 9), 1966. This was one week after she moved from Masada to Hadera.
May their memory be blessed 1968 Dov Dori (Dondushansky)[a]
In memory of my dear brother Ezriel Dondushansky, his wife Rachel, and their children Tsvika and Yitzchak who perished on their way to Transnistria in 1941 at the hands of a human-animal, a German soldier. This was in the town of Vertujeni, when they were going on the road to Transnistria. One of the children who Rachel was holding in her arms, started to cry because he was hungry. The escort, a German soldier, took him out of his mother's arms and shot him dead. The second child, who was in Ezriel's arms, was frightened by the shots and also burst into tears. The soldier grabbed him by the legs and knocked his head on the stones of the road until his soul left him. In great sorrow, Rachel lost her insight; she tore her clothes and cried bitterly. She did not eat and did not drink. One day, they found her dead. My brother Ezriel took care of their burial. Shocked, he stopped taking care of himself. He jabbered only about Rachel and the children until he died of hunger. May their souls be bound with the martyrs of Israel! 1968 Dov Dori (Dondushansky)
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