[Pages 869-870]
Relatives Memorialize their Dead
[Pages 871-872]
[Pages 873-874]
We are commemorating the holy memory of our parents and dear ones
Father: Zanvil Gokovski
Father: Yehoshua Shwartz, zl, passed away in Peru in 1938
Remembering: |
We commemorate the dear memory of our family members who perished in the Holocaust during the deportations and in the camps of Transnistria in the hands of the savage Germans and Romanians:
Father and Brother, Moshe (Moshke) son of R' David Schitz, born 1882 in Soroka. We commemorate our family members who passed away in various periods of time:
Father, Husband, and Brother, Yaakov son of Moshe Magen (Yasha Schitz), who passed away in Israel in 1964 at age 47 years old. Members of the Schitz family:
Mother and Grandmother, Chaya-Rachel Schitz, passed away before the War. Members of the Huberman family:
Grandfather, R' Moshe son of R' Yomtov (Yontels) Huberman, who passed away at a young age in Yedinitz.
Commemorating their names: |
Translator's footnote:
[Pages 875-876]
We hereby commemorate the sacred memory of our dear family members who were murdered with atrocious cruelty by the Romanian soldiers when they entered our town on that bitter day, July 6, 1941, in my grandmother Rikel Kozminer's courtyard:
The father, brother, and teacher, Hirsh Kozminer, born in 1882, and his wife, the mother and sister-in-law Devorah Kozminer, born in 1897, and their little daughter The sister and cousin Sonja Kozminer, 14-years-old when murdered The sister and aunt Haya Kozminer, born in 1896, and her husband who were murdered in the deportation in the Cosãuţi Forest The uncle and brother-in-law, Hirsh Eidelman, born in 1900, and his wife, the sister, and aunt Shindel Kozminer, who died in a camp in Transnistria in 1941 The sister and aunt Rivka Leiderman, born Kozminer, who died in Tel Aviv on April 3, 1972
Deeply grieving:
We are commemorating the sacred memory of our dearests, the Reicher Family from Yedinitz, who perished in the Holocaust by deportation and at the Transnistria Camps.
The daughter Rachel, the wife of Mendel Pollak, and their son Niusa, 6-years-old
We will mention as well the memory of our dear May Their Memory be a Blessing!
The mourners: |
[Pages 877-878]
We perpetuate the memory of our dearests and unforgettable
Haim and Batia Vineshenker May their Memory be a blessing!
Our mother and mother-in-law Sarke Vineshenker, perished in the Shargorod Camp in Transnistria in 1942 at the age of 48 Our sister and aunt Zippa Vineshenker (1901-1965) and her husband Yossel Ranis (1886-1949), died in Colombia. Our brother and uncle Zalman Vineshenker, perished in a road catastrophe when he was 18 years old. Our brother and uncle Leibush Vineshenker, who fled antisemitic persecutions from the University in Cluj to Paris and perished in a car accident in August 1971, and his wife Niorah Vineshenker, who died from sorrow in September 1971 in Paris.
[Pages 879-880]
For my mother, Hava Wolovitz, perished in the Bershad Camp in 1941 at the age of 52, together with her father Dan Sisselman
I would like to name my father too Shmuel Shechter perished in Bershad at the age of 70, and his daughter, who perished there too Ethel, 25-years-old, and Tzirl 22-years-old.
Devora Wolevitz-Shapira
For my family, who perished during the bloody reign of Hitler, may his name be erased. My father, Simcha Kuperschmid (Hackler), was burned in the Rezina Camp, at 50-years-old. My mother Brayne, perished at 45-years-old, my sister Tama, at 20-years-old and Henia, at 21-years-old, both burned in the Rezina Camp. My husband, Reuven Arbitman, who fell as a French soldier in 1944 at 22-years-old. They were all born in Yedinitz.
Mourning them: Riva Shuster, born Kuperschmid, Kiryat-Yam, Haifa |
To the memory of our dearests who died and perished in the years of the great destruction: Father: Shmuel Lenkovsky (Shmuel Herzl), born in 1879, died a few days before the war began. May His memory be a blessing. Mother: Sara Lenkovsky, born 1889, perished in the deportation in the Rezina Camp in 1941
Sisters: Brother: Yosef Lenkovsky, born in 1907, perished in 1942 in the Nikolaevska Camp near Odessa, together with his little son Sioma (Shlomale) eight years old, and his wife Zlata, born in 1905, perished in Transnistria camps in 1942. May HaShem avenge their Blood Brother Zelig Roitberg-Lenkovsky, born in 1913, was in the camps, died in 1961 in Czernowitz, RIP
The mourners: |
[Pages 881-882]
We hereby commemorate the sacred memory of our beloved who were tortured and exterminated by the Romanians and Germans oppressors in the horrible years of the Holocaust May Hashem avenge their blood Mourning their deaths: The daughter and sister Rachel Milner born Pradis, her husband Yechiel Milner, her son Alexander (Shura) and his wife Sonia, and the grandchildren, Michal and Shmuel, Bat-Yam
I am commemorating the sacred memory of my dear ones
Brother Nathanael (Sunny) Milner, zl, died in Săo Paulo, Brazil, in 1966.
Mourning their deaths: |
The descendants of the families Dobrov, Shteif, Koifman, and Horowitz are commemorating the memory of their loved ones who died in the diaspora, in Israel, and who perished during the Holocaust:
Dubrow Hillel, the teacher, and young generation educator died in Israel in 1954 Shtief Shmuel-Eliezer and his wife Frida, died in Yedinitz and their children:
Shteif Moshe died in Yedinitz
Bernstein Eliezer (Husband of Devora, daughter of Shmuel-Eliezer Shteif) died in Bogota, Colombia Commemorating their memory:
Mina Dubrow (daughter of Shmuel-Eliezer Shteif), Tel Aviv |
[Pages 883-884]
[Pages 885-886]
We commemorate hereby the memory of our dear ones who died Our mother Henia Diamant, z”l, who died in Israel in 1926 Our father Avraham Diamant, z”l, who died in Venezuela in 1950 Our grandfather Zalman-Leib Diamant, z”l, who died in Yedinitz in 1936 Our grandmother Sara Diamant, z”l, who died in Yedinitz in 1938 May Their Memory Be a Blessing
The mourners: |
We hereby commemorate the precious memory of our father Aharon Weitzman, an active Zionist since his youth, who died in Peru’s diaspora in 1950, a day before he was supposed to make Aliyah.
Our mother Rivka, died in Yedinitz in 1922, she was 36 years old.
The commemorating: |
For our dear ones Wife, mother and sister Eti-Rachel Findik, z”l, born in 1896, died on August 13, 1955 in Czernowitz Brother and brother-in-law, Moshe, son of Michal Findik, z”l, born in 1924, died on August 18, 1962 in Czernowitz
Husband and father, Michal Findik |
We are commemorating the sacred memory of our father Aryeh-Luba Gold, May HaShem Avenge his blood, who died in the Holocaust, in the Bershad Camp, Transnistria, in 1941, he was 66 years old.
The mourners: |
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