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[Pages 869-870]

Section Seven:

Memorial Pages


Relatives Memorialize their Dead

Translations from the Yiddish by Lehava Falkson

[Pages 871-872]


Faivel-Shraga Melechsohn, his wife Clara-Chaykeh, and their son, z”l, who perished in the Holocaust


Pesach Melechsohn, z”l

An Eternal Memorial

We are commemorating the holy memories of our dear parents

Our father, our teacher, R' Yitzchak son of R' Yechezkel-Faivel Melechsohn,
passed away in Yedinitz (8 Tishrei 5794 – 1934) aged 62 years.
Our mother, our teacher, Chana-Sara daughter of R' Sender Rissman (Wolodener),
perished in the Holocaust in the Cosauti Forest, aged 70 years.
Our brother, Faivel-Shraga Melechsohn and his wife Clara-Chaykeh (nee Koifman, from Bobin), who perished in the Holocaust.
He was 47 years old and she was 45 years old. The date and place of their deaths are unknown.
Our brother, Pesach Melechsohn and his wife Chaykeleh (daughter of Tanchum Vorete),
who also perished in the Cosauti Forest when he was 45 years old and she was 40 years old.
They could have saved themselves but did not want to leave our mother all alone, and so they perished with her.

We will also remember

Our sister, Chavaleh Melechsohn, who passed away in Yedinitz in 1917 in the flower of her youth, aged 17.
Our grandfather, our mother's father, Sender Rissman (Wolodener) and our grandmother, Rachel, z”l.
Our grandfather, our father's father, Yechezkel-Faivel Melechsohn and our grandmother Sossye, z”l.

Chana-Sara (nee Risman) Melechsohn   Yitzchak Melechsohn, z”l

Commemorated by
Natan Melechsohn, his wife Faiga, and his daughters. Rosario, Argentina.
Alexander (Sender) Melechsohn, his wife Bruria, their sons and their families. Israel.
Yaakov (Yasha) Melechsohn, his wife Tzipora (Fela), their sons and their families. Caracas, Venezuela.
The tombstone on the grave of R' Yitzchak Melechsohn in the Yedinitz Cemetery.
On it is the text composed by the Rabbi of Yedinitz, Rabbi Michael Burshtein, z”l.

“A man visited, an honest man
Upright and precious
Yitzchak Melechsohn
But, alas, this exalted person was taken away from here.
Soared upwards.
Yitzchak son of R' Yechezkel Halevi
Passed away 8 Tishrei 5794.”


[Pages 873-874]

For Eternal Memory
We are commemorating the holy memory of our parents and dear ones

1. Lyova Gokovski, 2. Sara Gokovski, 3. Bryna Bronstein, 4. Zanvil Gokovski, 5. Rachel Gokovski

Father: Zanvil Gokovski
Sister: Sara Gokovski
Grandmother: Bryna Bronstein
Aunt: Rachel Gokovski
Who perished in Transnistria and during deportation in 1941, Hy”d.
Grandfather: Mottil Bronstein, who passed away before World War II
Brother: Lyova Gokovski, who was one of the Jewish paratroopers dropped in Europe during World War II to help rescue Jews. He was killed in the Maagan Michael calamity
[1] in 1953, z”l.

* * *

Father: Yehoshua Shwartz, z”l, passed away in Peru in 1938
Mother: Rissia Shwartz, passed away in Israel in 1973


Yitzchak Gokovski and Mania (nee Shwartz) and family, Tel Aviv.
Rissia Shwartz (born 1887), Tel Aviv
The brothers Yitzchak, Pinchas, Yaakov, Tzvi Shwartz, Chile.
Devora Grodzhinski (Shwartz), Peru.

In Memory of our Family

We commemorate the dear memory of our family members who perished in the Holocaust during the deportations and in the camps of Transnistria in the hands of the savage Germans and Romanians:

Father and Brother, Moshe (Moshke) son of R' David Schitz, born 1882 in Soroka.
Mother and Sister Sossye, daughter of Moshe Yontels Huberman, born 1890 in Yedinitz.
Both perished in the Typhus epidemic in the Bogdanovka Camp in Transnistria in the winter of 1942.
Grandfather and Father R' David Schitz, who perished on the road while being deported in 1941.
Uncle and Brother, Ben-Tzion (Elyolik) Schitz, his wife Massia, and his two little daughters Sara and Paula-Pessia, who perished in Transnistria. Hy”d.


We commemorate our family members who passed away in various periods of time:

Father, Husband, and Brother, Yaakov son of Moshe Magen (Yasha Schitz), who passed away in Israel in 1964 at age 47 years old.
Father, Husband, and Brother-in-law, the gifted painter Avigdor Meller, who passed away in Israel in 1946.


Members of the Schitz family:

Mother and Grandmother, Chaya-Rachel Schitz, passed away before the War.
Brother and Uncle, Motye son of R' David Schitz, (a veteran of the “Poalei-Zion” movement in Czarist Russia, who merited while in the exile of the USSR, to hear about the establishment of the State of Israel). He passed away after WW2.
Sister and Aunt, Golda daughter of David Schitz, passed away in the USA in 1963.
Sister and Aunt, Malia daughter of David Schitz, passed away in Soroka, USSR (after having visited Israel) in 1970.


Members of the Huberman family:

Grandfather, R' Moshe son of R' Yomtov (Yontels) Huberman, who passed away at a young age in Yedinitz.
Grandmother, Etya Huberman, passed away after WWII in New York, aged 88 years.
The Brothers, sons of Moshe Huberman: Natan, Yossel, Mendel (a volunteer of the Jewish Brigade in the years 1917-1918) and David, all born in Yedinitz, passed away in New York.

May the memory of them all be a blessing!

Commemorating their names:
Yosef son of Moshe Magen-Schitz, his wife Chana (nee Sadovnik), their son Dr. Ezra, his wife Thelma, and their daughter Shira, Tel Aviv.
Sara daughter of Moshe, Meller-Schitz, her daughter Etti, her son Nadav, his wife Ruti, and their daughter Sharon, Tel Aviv.
Mendel son of Moshe Schitz, his wife Tova, their daughter Sassona and their son Yaakov, Haifa.
Devorah (nee Liebman), widow of Yasha Magen, and members of her family: Shalma and her daughter Avital, and Sassona, Haifa.
Dr. Sarah daughter of David Schitz, New York.
Yaakov son of David Schitz, his wife Chana, his daughters Rachel and Galya, his sons-in-law, and his grandchildren, Kfar Ata.
Yomtov son of R' Moshe Yontels Huberman, his wife Rachel, and their family, New York.
Descendants of Motyeh son of R' David Schitz, z”l, Odessa, USSR.
Descendants of R' Moshe Yontels Huberman, z”l, in the USA.


Translator's footnote:

  1. When a light plane fell into a crowd of spectators during a memorial ceremony in Kibbutz Maagan Michael. return


Translations from the Yiddish by Naomi Gal

[Pages 875-876]

Memorial for the Kozminer Family

We hereby commemorate the sacred memory of our dear family members who were murdered with atrocious cruelty by the Romanian soldiers when they entered our town on that bitter day, July 6, 1941, in my grandmother Rikel Kozminer's courtyard:

The grandmother and mother Rikel Kozminer was 77-years old when murdered
The father, brother, and teacher, Hirsh Kozminer, born in 1882, and his wife, the mother and sister-in-law Devorah Kozminer, born in 1897,
and their little daughter
The sister and cousin Sonja Kozminer, 14-years-old when murdered
The sister and aunt Haya Kozminer, born in 1896, and her husband who were murdered in the deportation in the Cosãuţi Forest
The uncle and brother-in-law, Hirsh Eidelman, born in 1900, and his wife, the sister, and aunt Shindel Kozminer, who died in a camp in Transnistria in 1941
The sister and aunt Rivka Leiderman, born Kozminer, who died in Tel Aviv on April 3, 1972

Deeply grieving:
Golda Bronstein (Shimshon's widow), born Kozminer,
Frida Mai-Tal (the daughter of Hirsh and Devorah Kozminer), and her family, Tel Aviv.

1. Rikel Kozminer 2. Hirsh Kozminer 3. Devorah Kozminer 4. Haya Kozminer 5. Shindel (Kozminer) and her husband Hirsh Eidelman 6. Sonja Kozminer

We are commemorating the sacred memory of our dearests, the Reicher Family from Yedinitz, who perished in the Holocaust by deportation and at the Transnistria Camps.

Rachel Pollak-Reicher and Niusa, z”l

The parents Eliezer and Golda Reicher
The daughter Rachel, the wife of Mendel Pollak, and their son Niusa, 6-years-old

May HaShem Avenge their Blood!

We will mention as well the memory of our dear
Mordechai (Mutia) son of Eliezer and Golda Reicher
Who died in Petah Tikvah in 1971
And Avishag (Shani), daughter of Mordechai, z”l, and Shoshana Reicher, who died young in 1962

May Their Memory be a Blessing!

The mourners:
Mendel Pollak, USA
Fruma Urman (Daughter of Eliezer and Golda Reicher), Argentina
Shoshana Reicher, Petah Tikvah, Israel


Moshe and Tama Groisman, z”l

Our dear father Moshe Groisman
Our good mother Tama
Our young sisters, Mina and Mara
The loveable brother Yitzik

May their Memory Be a Blessing!

Remembering their names:
The daughter and sister Bracha Horovitz (nee Groisman) and her family, Petah Tikvah
The son and brother Avraham Groisman, and his family, Paris
The son and brother Leibush Groisman, and his family, Petah Tikvah
The son and brother Shmuel Groisman, Russia

[Pages 877-878]

To Remember them Forever

We perpetuate the memory of our dearests and unforgettable
Parents and grandparents

Haim and Batia Vineshenker
Who were in Yedinitz during the Nazi occupation in 1941

May their Memory be a blessing!

Our mother and mother-in-law Sarke Vineshenker, perished in the Shargorod Camp in Transnistria in 1942 at the age of 48
Our brother and son-in-law Hirsh Vineshenker, who perished in Hotin in 1941, was 21 years old.

Our sister and aunt Zippa Vineshenker (1901-1965) and her husband Yossel Ranis (1886-1949), died in Colombia.

Our brother and uncle Zalman Vineshenker, perished in a road catastrophe when he was 18 years old.

Our brother and uncle Leibush Vineshenker, who fled antisemitic persecutions from the University in Cluj to Paris and perished in a car accident in August 1971, and his wife Niorah Vineshenker, who died from sorrow in September 1971 in Paris.

Haim and Batia Vineshenker, z”l
Sarke and Hirsh Vineshenker, z”l
Ita (Daughter of Haim Vineshenker) and Shmuel Mishori, Tel Aviv, Israel
Hava (daughter of Haim Vineshenker) and Efraim Saboni, Tel Aviv
Ethel (daughter of Haim Vineshenker) and Danabert Ester, Paris
Mara (Daughter of Sarke and Menashe Vineshenker) and husband Tulia Myler and their son Shimon, Săo Paulo, Brazil
Lisa Vineshenker, Yedinitz, Soviet Union
From right to left: Yosef Ranis, Zippa Vineshenker, Leibush Vineshenker, and Giora Vineshenker, z”l

[Pages 879-880]

To their Sacred Memory

For my mother, Hava Wolovitz, perished in the Bershad Camp in 1941 at the age of 52, together with her father Dan Sisselman
My sister Itale Wolfish-Berger, perished at the age of 32 together with her 6-year-old daughter Sarale in 1943 during the deportation, May HaShem Avenge Their Blood

Ettale with her daughter Sarale z”l

I would like to name my father too Shmuel Shechter perished in Bershad at the age of 70, and his daughter, who perished there too Ethel, 25-years-old, and Tzirl 22-years-old.

Devora Wolevitz-Shapira
Ben-Dor, near Haifa

To their Sacred Memory

For my family, who perished during the bloody reign of Hitler, may his name be erased.

My father, Simcha Kuperschmid (Hackler), was burned in the Rezina Camp, at 50-years-old.

My mother Brayne, perished at 45-years-old, my sister Tama, at 20-years-old and Henia, at 21-years-old, both burned in the Rezina Camp.

My husband, Reuven Arbitman, who fell as a French soldier in 1944 at 22-years-old.

They were all born in Yedinitz.

Up: Simcha and Brayne Kuperschmid.
Down: Tama and Henia Kupershcmid, z”l

Mourning them: Riva Shuster, born Kuperschmid, Kiryat-Yam, Haifa

A Tombstone
To the memory of our dearests who died and perished in the years of the great destruction:

Father: Shmuel Lenkovsky (Shmuel Herzl), born in 1879, died a few days before the war began. May His memory be a blessing.

Mother: Sara Lenkovsky, born 1889, perished in the deportation in the Rezina Camp in 1941

Yentale, born in 1923 in Yedinitz, was active in the “Dror” Movement, perished in Rezina Camp in 1941
Manyale-Malka, born in 1928 in Yedinitz, a “Dror” Movement activist, perished in 1941 in Rezina Camp

Brother: Yosef Lenkovsky, born in 1907, perished in 1942 in the Nikolaevska Camp near Odessa, together with his little son Sioma (Shlomale) eight years old, and his wife Zlata, born in 1905, perished in Transnistria camps in 1942. May HaShem avenge their Blood

Brother Zelig Roitberg-Lenkovsky, born in 1913, was in the camps, died in 1961 in Czernowitz, RIP

Up; Yosef and Zlata Lenkovsky, z”l
Down: Yenta Lenkovsky and Zelig Roitberg, z”l

The mourners:
Naftali Lenkovsky, his wife Riva, and their son Shmuel
Sara Roitberg
, Zelig's Lenkovsky's daughter, Czernowitz
Sassia Roitberg, The widow of Zelig Roitberg, Czernowitz
Berl Lenkovsky, and his family, Lipcani, Bessarabia.

[Pages 881-882]

For Eternal Memory

We hereby commemorate the sacred memory of our beloved who were tortured and exterminated by the Romanians and Germans oppressors in the horrible years of the Holocaust

The father Shmuel Pradis
The mother Zeitel Pradis
The brother Yaakov Pradis and his wife Pessia
And their two daughters, Rachel and Ester
The brother Yekutiel (kassil) Pradis

May Hashem avenge their blood

Mourning their deaths:

The daughter and sister Rachel Milner born Pradis, her husband Yechiel Milner, her son Alexander (Shura) and his wife Sonia, and the grandchildren, Michal and Shmuel, Bat-Yam

Above: Yekutiel Pradis and Zeitel Pradis
On the bottom: Pessia and Yaakov Pradis, z”l

* * *

For Eternal Memory

I am commemorating the sacred memory of my dear ones
Father Moshe Milner, z”l, died in Yedinitz in 1924
Mother Raisa Milner, who perished during the Holocaust in 1941 in the Cosãuţi Forest, May HaShem avenge her blood
Sister Miriam Milner, who perished during the Holocaust 1941, as well in the Cosãuţi Forest, May HaShem avenge her Blood

Brother Nathanael (Sunny) Milner, z”l, died in Săo Paulo, Brazil, in 1966.

Mourning their deaths:
The son and brother Yechiel Milner
His wife Rachel (born Pradis)
And their family, Bat-Yam

A Memorial for our Dear Ones

The descendants of the families Dobrov, Shteif, Koifman, and Horowitz are commemorating the memory of their loved ones who died in the diaspora, in Israel, and who perished during the Holocaust:

Dubrow Hillel, the teacher, and young generation educator died in Israel in 1954
Dubrow Zipporah (the daughter of Shmuel-Zelig Koifman), the first kindergarten teacher in town, died in Yedinitz in 1923

Shtief Shmuel-Eliezer and his wife Frida, died in Yedinitz and their children:

Shteif Moshe died in Yedinitz
Shteif Avraham perished in the Holocaust
Shteif Yaakov died in Yedinitz, and his son Zelig perished in the Holocaust
Shteif-Wolzis Sara perished in the Holocaust
Shteif Yosef returned from Israel and died in Yedinitz, his wife Batia (the daughter of Shmuel-Zelig Koifman), died in Israel in 1964, and his son Israel Shteif, died in a car accident in Israel in 1957

Bernstein Eliezer (Husband of Devora, daughter of Shmuel-Eliezer Shteif) died in Bogota, Colombia
Koifman Shmuel-Zelig and his wife Miriam-Hana, died in Yedinitz; their daughter Troyanovsky Miriam died in America
Koifman Gittel (the first wife of Matisyahu Koifman), died in Yedinitz
Horowitz Meir died in Yedinitz, and his wife Sara (born Koifman) perished in the Holocaust; his son Horowitz Shyke died in Yedinitz; his daughter Segal Batia (Bouzia) died in Israel in 1970.

Commemorating their memory:

Mina Dubrow (daughter of Shmuel-Eliezer Shteif), Tel Aviv
Hadassah Feldman (born Dubrow), Tel Aviv
Aviva (born Dubrow) and Monya Israeli (Spielberg), Kibbutz Yifat
Ziva (born Dubrow) and Moshe Salzman, Hanita
Zipporah Ma-Naim (born Dubrow), Tel Aviv
Moshe and Miriam Dubrow, Haifa
Matisyahu and Lisa Koifman, Haifa
Haim and Betty (born Premislov) Horowitz, Haifa

[Pages 883-884]

Our father Kalman Meidelman, was from Ukraine (Podolia district, arrived in Yedinitz at a young age. See a separate article). He was born in 1881, died in Transnistria in 1941. His sister, Tova Pranas, a gentle and noblewoman, died in an accident in 1935. His sister Henia and her family remained in Russia when the revolution broke, and nothing is known about their fate. His sister Etia and her husband Shmuel Ludmir died before World War Two (see separate article). Their sons Leibush, Faige, and Ze'ev perished in the Holocaust. The daughters Henia, Zissel, and the son Itzik died in the Soviet Union after the war (Hanna Ludmir-Fishman survived and is in Israel).

Aunt Fage-Lea, father's sister, and her husband Meir Horowitz were deported to Siberia in 1940 and died there. Their daughter Sarkale died in Czernowitz at the end of 1971. (The daughter Atil survived and lately made Aliyah from Czernowitz).

May their memory be a blessing!

The commemorators:
Malka Meidelman-Cohen, Rishon Lezion
Lea (Mann) Parnas, Tel Aviv
Rachel (Meidelman) and Nissan Borstein, Gan Yavne
Pinchas and Sonia Mann, Kibbutz Nir Am
Avraham and Gitta Mann, Kibbutz Ginegar
Wolwol and Mary Meidelman, USSR
The grandchildren and the great-grandchildren - 50 people in Israel

To the memory of the families Meidelman and Krazman

Our maternal grandfather, Moshe Krazman (Moishle), was a learned and pious Jew. He died in 1926, 76-years-old. His wife, our grandmother Ester was a wise and advanced woman for her time; she died in 1923.

Our mother Hanna, z”l, died young, in 1920, leaving 6 orphans, the oldest 15years old and the youngest age16months-

Aunt Ita, our mother's sister, married after a few years our father and took upon herself the yolk of raising and educating the children. Although she was the provider and managed the household, she found time to read books. She was born in 1887 and died with our father in Transnistria in 1941.

Aunt Pessia and her husband Elik Milman, an educated Jew, lived in the Prosina village, where they worked the land with their hands. They perished during the Holocaust with their children Gittel, Yaakov, Nessia, Heshel, and their families.

From left to right, above: Kalman Meidelman, his second wife Ita, and his sister Tova Parnas, z”l
At the bottom: grandfather Krazman and Kalman's first wife Hanna Meidelman, z”l

To the memory of our mother,
Sara Morgenstern

Who was tortured and perished somewhere in Transnistria

And to the memory of our young brother


Who perished with her

And to the memory of our father
Eliezer Morgenstern
Who died at a young age

Bending their heads

The sons in Israel:
Aryeh Pelet
Nathanael Shahar

Aunt Lifsha and her husband Melech Brazin, from Secureni, went hungry so that they will be able to provide a good education to their children Alte, Avraham, Yosef, and Hinda. They all perished with their families in the Holocaust. Another branch of the family, on the mother's side, immigrated to Brazil. These are the brothers Itzhak and Michael Krazman and the sisters Haike Sherier and Faige Lerner. All, except aunt Haike. May she live a long life, passed away. Uncle Itzhak's daughter and her two daughters and son made Aliyah from Brazil.

Our parental grandfather, Wolwol Meidelman died when our father Kalman was four years old. Our father's mother, our grandmother Idle, raised her children, four daughters, and a son, all alone. She lived a long life and told history chapters that happened in her time: about Napoleon, pogroms, and more. She died in 1935 at age 106.

[Pages 885-886]

For Eternal Memory

We commemorate hereby the memory of our dear ones who died
Our mother Henia Diamant, z”l, who died in Israel in 1926
Our father Avraham Diamant, z”l, who died in Venezuela in 1950
Our grandfather Zalman-Leib Diamant, z”l, who died in Yedinitz in 1936
Our grandmother Sara Diamant, z”l, who died in Yedinitz in 1938

May Their Memory Be a Blessing

Up: Zalman-Leib and Sara Diamant
Down: Henia and Avraham Diamant, z”l

The mourners:
Ester (Ettel) Ben-David, born Diamant, Tel Aviv
Hanna Widerman, born Diamant, Jerusalem
Yitzhak Diamant-Soham, Kibbutz Gesher-Haziv

For Eternal Memory

We hereby commemorate the precious memory of our father Aharon Weitzman, an active Zionist since his youth, who died in Peru’s diaspora in 1950, a day before he was supposed to make Aliyah.

Our mother Rivka, died in Yedinitz in 1922, she was 36 years old.
Sister Lisa Landa (Born Weitzman) who suffered immensely due to her Revolutionary ideas and died in Paris, before the war.
Aunt Hinda Weitzman (born Rosenthal), our father’s second wife, died in the Holocaust together with her daughter Shindel and Dvorale, the daughter of Aharon, May HaShem Avenge their blood.

Lisa, Hinda, Devora, and Shaindale, Aharon and Rivka Weitzman, z”l
May their memory be a blessing!

The commemorating:
Rachel and Yaakov Gold, Herzliya
Manya-Miriam and Shalom Kaspi, Herzliya
Yaakov and Miriam Weitzman, Peru
Zelig and Rosale Weitzman, Hanita

To Their Memory
For our dear ones

Wife, mother and sister Eti-Rachel Findik, z”l, born in 1896, died on August 13, 1955 in Czernowitz
Brother and brother-in-law, Moshe, son of Michal Findik, z”l, born in 1924, died on August 18, 1962 in Czernowitz

Etti-Rachel and Moshe Findik, z”l

Husband and father, Michal Findik
Daughter and sister, Sussia and Sara
Orphan and son-in-law, Avraham Gold Haifa

For Eternal Memory

We are commemorating the sacred memory of our father Aryeh-Luba Gold,
May HaShem Avenge his blood, who died in the Holocaust, in the Bershad Camp, Transnistria, in 1941, he was 66 years old.

Luba-Aryeh Gold, z”l and Mirl Gold, May she live a long life

The mourners:
The mother and wife Mirl Gold, Herzliya
The daughter Yakel-Yaakov and Rachel Gold (born Weitzman), Herzliya
The daughter Liuba (born Gold) and Avraham Hess, Haifa
The son Avraham and Susia Gold, Haifa
Their families and descenders


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