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[Col. 725-726]

Mourning announcements (cont.)

To the holy memory of my father

Rabbi Moshe, son of R'Avraham Yitshak ha-Levi

who died on 17 Kislev {5}699 {1938} and my mother,

Rebbetsin Nehama,
peace be upon her

Died 9th Tevet {5}707 {1947}

Aharon Yosef Shterman and brothers

[Col. 727-728]

Family of R'Mordekhay Magentsa
Peace be upon him

From left to right): R'Mordekhay Magentsa; his son Rabbi Tsevi (may he live a long and good life, Amen) head of the Yeshiva Zikhron Yosef, St. Louis; his wife Sarah (may God avenge her blood.
Standing near the father is the youngest son, Yisrael. May God avenge his blood.

R'Mordekhay, a famous philanthropist and good -hearted human being, for every needy person, untiring worker for the Va'ad Yeshivot and for Torah scholars. Died on 27 Nisan {5}695 {1935} in Suwalk. His wife Sarah, (may God avenge her blood), intellectual, cultured woman, very hospitable, helped her husband in his philanthropies. Killed in Slonim in 1943.

The youngest son, Yisrael was killed at the age of 17 by Nazi in Slonim in 1943. May God avenge his blood.

Rabbi Abraham Magentsa,
spiritual leader of the Congregation Beth Tefila,
St. Louis. Missouri. U.S.A

For an everlasting memorial

To the shining memory of our dear parents.

Daniel and Elke Rosenthal
Peace upon them

Father died on 29 Kislev {5}696 {1935} in Jerusalem. Born in Krasnepolye. Married in Suwalk. Directed a girls' school. Taught Russian and was a great Hebrew scholar, active Zionist and correspondent of HaMeliz {newspaper}. Left Suwalk in 1904 for New York. Made Aliyah to Eretz Yisrael in 1926.

May his soul be bound in the bonds of life.

The children:
Hershl-Sloyme and Peshe, Los Angeles, California

[Col. 729-730]

To the eternal memory of my father,

R'Tsevi Aryeh, son of R'Yaakov HaLevi

May the memory of a righteous man be for a blessing

(On tombstone)
An honoured and god-fearing man. Here lies buried.
He did business with trust and was pure all his life.
Tsevi Aryeh, son of R'Yaakov HaLevi Turtulsky.
Died at a ripe old age on 2nd Shevat {5}684 {1924}.
May his soul be bound up in the bonds of life.

Max Harris

[Col. 731-732]

Gitl Salinsky. Peace upon her.
Died on 13 Tishre {5}719 {1958}


Ben Salinsky and family

In the eternal memory of my dear wife,

Gitl Salinsky

Father, Moshe Tsevi, son of R'Aharon Dov Salinsky

Mother Hannah, daughter of R'Yisrael

Brother, Yisrael Leyb, son of R'Moshe Tsevi

Sister, Pesie, wife of R'David Einstein

Sister, Khashe Etl, wife of R'Wolf Zisman
and child, Sarah Bashe

Sister, Feygl, wife of R'Avraham Lizshevsi

May God avenge their blood.

To the eternal memory of my dear parents

R'Avraham Shmuel and Bet Sheva Feyge (Salinsky) Lizshevski

Sister, Esther and her husband Shmuel Klibanov; their child Freyde

Brother, Moshe Died 27 Sivan {5}705 {1945}


Aharon Elazar Levit

[Col. 733-734]

In eternal memory of

our father Avraham Yaakov, son of R'Shimon Eliyahu Miravski

Mother, Reyzl, daughter of R'David Iser

Brother Leyble and his wife, killed in Paris in 1944

Sister Zlater and her husband David Griner and two children, lived in Grodne

Sister Rishel and husband Avraham Lampert and their child lived in Skidel

Three young sisters; Esther, Rivka and Taybl lived with their parents who were killed by the Nazi in 1941.


Son and brothers, Dr. David Iser Mirow, New York
Nehemiah, Brooklyn and Hayim Hirsh, Sommerville, Mass.

In eternal memory of the Holy martyrs who were martyred
for the sanctification of the Name by the Nazi murderers.


Yitshak Bromberg

[Col. 735-736]

My father R'Meir Levitan and mother Beyle
hold the Scroll of Laws which they brought
into the Hakhnoses Orhim Kloyz {synagogue}
For eternal memorial

of my dear family Levitan

My father Meir, my mother Beyle, my brother Yaakov and my sister Liba Leah who were martyred
by the Nazi murderers in Lithuania and in Poland

May God avenge their blood

Daughter Hannah and husband Yisrael Ribald

My sister Liba Leah, peace upon her

[Col. 737-738]

In eternal memory

of my parents and the holy martyrs


Alfred Speyer, Providence, Rhode Island

[Col. 739-740]

In shining memory of
our nearest and dearest who were martyred.

Father R'Hayim, son of R'Yisrael Moshe Fink
Lother Eshel, daughter of R'Shamay Manisevits Fink

Brother David, son of R'Hayim Fink

Sister Rivka, daughter of R'Hayim Fink-Goldfeder

Shimon and Avraham Fink. Montreal, Canada

The symbol of Jewish heroism,
might and struggle

David Fink was one of the heroic young Jewish men in our dear city of Suwalk, prior to World War II. During his lifetime he often upheld the honour of Suwalk's Jews, one occasion risking his life. He was a great hero during his lifetime and also before his death, fighting in the woods of the Bialystok region with the partisan and against the murderous Germans. He fell shortly before liberation with a weapon in his hand. Thus, his young life was extinguished forever. With honor to his memory and condolences to his two living brothers.

Shimon and Avraham Fink

David Fink, peace upon him

[Col. 741-742]

To the holy memory of our dear parents,

Zalmen and Paye Fisher


Fisher brothers

[Col. 743-744]

To the holy memory of

Our holy martyrs


Phillip Sears (was Serayski)

[Col. 745-746]

In eternal memory of
our dear husband and father,

Nathan Salven
Peace upon him

Grandson of Dayan[1]

R'Naphtali Frenzel

May the memory of a righteous man
be for a blessing of Suwalk


The family

[Col. 747-748]

In memory of the excellent
Hebrew teacher of Suwalk and New York

Author of the book “Tiltuley Gever”[2]

V. Sh. Vays
Peace upon him

From his pupils who honour him


The Prop brothers

[Col. 749-750]

To the holy memory of

Our holy martyrs


Mishkin (Mishkinsky from Suwalk)

Translator's footnotes:

  1. religious court judge Return
  2. Tribulations of a Man Return


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