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[Col. 701-702]

Mourning announcements (cont.)

Mordecai Krinsky

To the eternal memory of the Krinsky family of Suwalk.

Father Hayim Leyb Krinsky. May his memory be blessed.
Mother Tsivia Krinsky. Peace be upon her.

Murdered for the sanctification of the name, in the month of Tishre, 1941 – at the liquidation of the Kovne ghetto on ninth fort.

Sister Rivka Krinsky. Peace be upon her. Born in Suwalk, killed in 1944 on going out from the Kovne ghetto.

Brother Mordecai (Max) Krinsky. May his memory be blessed. Born in Suwalk, killed in 1944 while escaping from the transport, while the Kovne ghetto was being liquidated.

Sister Shulamit Krinsky. Peace upon her. Born in Suwalk. Killed in 1942 in Slonim.

Sister Tema Gertsug (nee Krinsky). Peace upon her. Born in Suwalk, and her husband, Yaakov Gersug, born in Ostralenka. May his memory be blessed; their child, Pesah Gertsug. May his memory be blessed. Born in Suwalk; all killed in Slonim in 1942.

Son-in-law and brother-in-law Morris Abramowitz. New York.
Son and wife Harry and Sarah (Sonia) Krinsky, Los Angeles.
Daughter and husband, Hannah and Max Rothschild, New York.

My fate

by Kalman (Kuba) Abramowitz

Where are you shining stars?
Where are you pearls of the heavenly vault?
Where are you blood, hot tears?
Of a Jewish nation, of a Jewish street
Generations sowed and planted you
In Exile soil for deepest sleep
And a people, besieged by sorrow, asks
For what sin such harsh punishment?
Did you not, in quiet ways,
Show the light to the whole world?

[Col. 703-704]

To the eternal memory

of my dear wife Sonia Abramowitz
a daughter of the Krinsky family,
born in Suwalk

Of my beloved son Shelomo Yedidiah,

one year old, born in Suwalk martyred
in Stuthoff near Danzig in 1944.


[Col. 705-706]

At the tombstone is my sister,
Sarah Lieba who lives in Stettin, Poland

Shoshe Eydlin

To the eternal memory of our near and dear ones.

My mother Haya Henia, daughter of R'Arieh,
peace upon him, wife of R'Zvi Greenstein,
peace upon him, died on 19 Tishra{5} 710.

My sister, Shoshe Eydlin,
peace upon her, died in Austria.

Haya Henia Greenstein

Dr. & Mrs. Yosef Greenstein

[Col. 707-708]

Aharon Leyb and Osne,
daughter of R'Yaakov Patashinsky.

David, son of R'Yaakov Kaspersky

To the eternal memory of our beloved

Our dear R'Yaakov Kaspersky
and his wife Reyzl.
May they rest in peace.

Two sisters of
Mrs. Greenstein, Feyge Rahel and Osne
May they rest in peace.

Haya Ita,
daughter of R'Yaakov and her husband,

Hayim Shelomo,
son of R'Yaakov Kaspersky and his family.
Killed. May God avenge their blood.

Dr. & Mrs. Yosef Greenstein

[Col. 709-710]

Yitshak Yehuda ben Yaakov Mordekhay Greenstein, killed.
May God avenge his blood
To the eternal memory of my departed ones

Brother Yaakov Mordekhay,
his wife Leah Tsivia and family.

Shepsl Mikhl Greenstein
and his whole family.

Sasha Edlin's children
from Saini.

Itche Yehuda's wife Ita Leah and children
from Saini.


Dr. & Mrs. Yosef Greenstein

We hallow the memory of our martyrs from our home town Suwalk.

The Berger brothers, grandchildren of R'Zelmele the Mohel

[Col. 711-712]

In Eternal Memory

Isidore and Sadie Birger


Yohanan Birger and his wife Gitl


R'Yohanan Birger and family
May God avenge their blood


David Silverman

[Col. 713-714]

To the bright memory of our parents and grandparents:

Shmuel Sandovski, Peace be upon him

For many years, President of “Ind. Suwalker Fareyn” until the last day of his life.

And Rachel Etl Sandovski, Peace be upon her.

The Sandovski Family

* * *

Shmuel Sandovski, Peace be upon him.

Died on November 19, 1943. Written for the 13th day after his death by L. Pearlstein. Shmuel Sandovski is no longer with us. He will no longer counsel us. What do these words mean to us today at this time, at this our fateful hour, living and awaiting the end of the world's torture? It means, and our mourning gives witness, that we are very much aware of our great loss. The eyes of young and old are wet. The sobs reveal that our foundation had weakened and when the main foundation is lacking, the content is empty. His logic will be missed; and his clear understanding. We shall also miss his guiding hand. No Suwalker will forget this man. Everyone will honour and bless his memory.

[Col. 715-716]

In memory of our beloved father and mother,

Judel Wisniewski, Yehuda, son of Nathan Wisniewski. Peace upon him.
May God avenge his blood.

Toybe Wisniewski. Peace upon her,
who died in the year {5}698 {1938}. In New York.

In loving memory of my brother and family. Shabsai Finkelstein. Peace be upon him.

In loving memory of Boris Zylberblad, Boruhk Zylberblad.
Peace be upon him. Lasdai, Lithuania.

Mr. & Mrs. Gabriel Reiner

[Col. 717-718]

In memory of our beloved wife and mother.

In eternal memory.

Osne-Leah Reiner, peace be upon her,
daughter of R'Yehuda Wisniewski.
May God avenge his blood, who died on the 18th of Elul.
{5}719 in the city of New York on September 21, 1959.

We shall never forget!

May her soul be bound up in the bonds of life.

Her husband, Gabriel Reiner and her son Shakhna

[Col. 719-720]

In eternal memory

My mother, my teacher, the modest

Mrs. June, daughter of R'Meir.
May his memory be for a blessing.
He died on 12th of Iyar {5}704 {1944}

My father, my teacher, the honoured,

R'Meir Tsevi, son of R'Daniel.
May his memory be for a blessing.
He died on 4th of Shevat {5}689 {1929}


My grandfather, R'Danie, son of R'Yehezkel. May his memory be for a blessing. Died on 25th Iyar {5}620 (1860}.

My grandfather, R'Meir, son of R'Shraga. May his memory be for a blessing. Died on 14th Elul {5} 666 {1905}.

My grandmother, Mrs. Dina, daughter of R'Meir Tsevi. May his memory be for a blessing. Died on 7th Iyar {5} 676 {1916}.

My grandmother, Mrs. Esther, daughter of R'Yaakov. May his memory be for a blessing. Died on 21st Shevat {5} 653 {1893}.

My aunt, Mrs. Leah, daughter of R'Meir. May his memory be for a blessing. Died on 12th Iyar {5} 642 {1882}.

Mrs. Mina, daughter of R'Meir. May his memory be for a blessing. Died on 1st of Tevet {5} 687 {1927}.

Mrs. Feygl, daughter of R'Meir. May his memory be for a blessing. Martyred for the sanctification of the Name. May God avenge her blood.

The shattering of my heart is as wide as the sea, by the dead of my family who were killed by Hitler and his minions. May their names be erased.


Yaakov Trop

Our dear brother,

R'Iser, son of R'Meir Tsevi.
May his memory be for a blessing.
Martyred on 25th
of Marheshvan {5}704 {1943} in Treblinka.

May God avenge his blood.

[Col. 721-722]

For an eternal memorial.

My wife and our mother, dear, good crown of our heads,

Haya Sarah Zavaznitski
Peace be upon her.

From Suwalk, daughter of the great rabbi and scholar,

R'Yehoash Abba Varshavski
May his memory be for a blessing,
who died in New York on 23rd of Kislev {5}720 (December 23, 1959).

May her soul be bound in the bonds of life.

Her husband, R'Yisrael Zavaznitski.
Her sons, R' Yehoash, Shimon and Eliahu Moshe

To the memory of the holy and pure souls of our relatives
who were killed by the cruel murderers in various places:

R'Moshe, son of R'Ephraim Zavaznitski and his wife, Haya

R'Tsevi, son of R'Avraham Moshe Abavits and his wife, Rachel Leah,
daughter of R'Ephraim and their children: R'Avraham Moshe and R'Hayim,
R'Dov Berl, son of R'Ephraim and his wife Gutl

R'Shaul Elhanan, son of R'Hayim Aryeh Bachrach and his wife Haya
and their older daughter, Keyla and their other daughter, Sima Feygl

May God avenge their blood and may their souls be bound up in the bond of life.

Zavaznitski family

[Col. 723-724]

In eternal memory
of dear parents
Father Mother
Asher Riva
And my brothers
Mordekhay Yitshak David

In Memoriam

Our beloved husband and father

Avraham Moshe Rakovski
Died in Russia, 15 Adar 5704 (1944)

Mordechai, Hersh, Rachel Lea, Tzirl, Dobe
Sheine Ester, Chaim Yitzhak Rakovsi

All perished in Europe
During 1941 – 1945

May God avenge their blood


Feigel Rakovski
Dora Collins
Lisa Rothstein

In Memoriam

Our family members

Perl Kreshkovski
Yitzhak, Riva, David, Moshe Eisenberg,
Gershon, Gitel, David, Avraham Kalnitzki

All perished in Europe
During 1941 – 1945

Yeshayahu Kereshkovski
Died in Suwalki in 1952


Feigel Rakovski
Dora Collins
Arnold Kerer


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