[Col. 675-676]
(on right-hand tablet) May God remember the martyrs of our city Suwalk and vicinity who were killed for the holy name's sake in the years of the Holocaust in the death camps. May God avenge their blood and may their souls be bound up in the bonds of life.
(under tablet) (Verses)
(in box) |
[Col. 677-678]
by natives of Suwalk and Vicinity
in our Holy land
(On upper border of photo, first four words of Kaddish).
(On lower border)
(On monument)
[Col. 679-680]
For an eternal memorial
We, the Independent Suwalk Society consider ourselves the rightful heirs of the destroyed community of our hometown Suwalk and Vicinity, whose institutions we helped maintain, the Talmud Torah, Hospital, Old Age Home, and others.
May this inscription serve as an enduring memorial for our brothers and sister who fell martyrs to murderous hands - - may God avenge their blood. May their memory be for a blessing.
Independent Suwalk Benevolent Society.
Shlomo Riman (Rayman), Secretary Hayim Seligson, President |
[Col. 681-682]
Oh that my head were waters, and mine eyes a fountain of tears that I might weep day and night for the slain of the daughter of my people. (Jeremiah 8:23) The people of my city Suwalk and environs that were killed for the sanctification of the Name in the days of the Holocaust and War, 5700-5705(1939-1945). May God avenge their blood. A eulogy and a monument of memorial to the holy and pure souls of our father, crown of our heads, glory of Israel, the gaon Rabbi Yosef, son of Rabbi Yisrael Aryeh Yoslewitz. May the memory of a righteous man be for a blessing; the head of the Bet Din of Suwalk who died on 19th of Shevat, 1938.
Our mother, the righteous Rebbetzin Sarah Rivkah, daughter of the gaon, Rabbi Hayim Avraham Shas. May the memory of a righteous person be for a blessing. According to hearsay, she was martyred near Semelishok in Lithuania on the first day of Sukkot, 1940.
Our daughter, Avivit-Rashel. May God avenge her blood, who died in the middle of the night on 28th of Heshvan, 1939, in the fields on the border. She was buried in Suwalk on the first day of Kislev.
These, we will remember and mourn, and our souls will bow down. David Lifshits, head of the Bet Din of Suwalk and Rebbetzin Tsipora Haya. |
[Col. 683-684]
[Col. 685-686]
[Col. 687-688]
[Col. 689-690]
[Col. 691-692]
[Col. 693-694]
[Col. 695-696]
[Col. 697-698]
[Col. 699-700]
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Suwałki, Poland
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Updated 19 Jan 2020 by LA