[Col. 655-656]
Gitl Brodsky Born 1921 |
Rachel Okun Psherosle, Filipowe |
Rachel Yablonovski | Barukh Yablonovski |
Freyda Bidvitski-Svitkovski b.1902 |
Sheyna Eylander b.1912. dressmaker |
Mordekhai Alpovich | Mordekhai Borovski b.1878. Farmer |
Shloyme Yosel Bernstein photographer |
Rachel Doktorski-Bernstein | Malkah Bernstein b.1922 bookkeeper |
Miriam Glishtsinski b.1918 dressmaker |
[Col. 657-658]
Granditsch The tailor |
Feyge Granditsh | Asher Goldgamer beltmaker |
Rosa Goldgamer |
Yankl Zhivevski | Moshe Zhargovski | Miriam Leah Haytinski b.1900 Filipowe |
Mordekhai Bublman son of Talmud Torah teacher |
Boruk Yablonovski b.1922 tailor |
Hanah Freyde Yellin b.1916 Ratzk |
Moshe Topolanski | Zelik Vroblevski b.1902. tailor |
[Col. 659-660]
Alter Lifshits merchant and community activist |
Hayim Lazovski | Toybe Khlebovski | Volf Khlebovski b.1914. lectrician |
Sarah Lublinski From the glass shop |
Avraham Lublinski | Leyb Lublinski | Risha Livshin Filipowe |
Sholem Morgenshtern | Avraham Hersh Menaker b.1900 |
Sheyna Martshikonski | Sarah Levinson Punsk |
[Col. 661-662]
Mina Stsheletski | Moshe Motl Simenski son of Meir the the fisherman |
Sarah Simenski daughter of Meir the the fisherman |
Hadassah Morgnshtern |
Hayah Saferson b.1898. dressmaker |
Yosl Saferson b.1896.shoemaker |
Yosef Saper of the candles |
Sheyne Stsheletski |
Elkanah Srogovski b.1893. fisherman |
Etl Srogovski b.1902 |
Zalmen Sitkivski b.1895.tailor |
Beyla Sitkivski b.1924 |
[Col. 663-664]
Frume Soloveytshik-Bernstein b.1900 |
Moshe son of Isaac Sandovski |
Volf son of Isaac Sandovski |
Fanye Sandovski wife of Isaac |
Raya Staviskovski-Grinstein
b.1918 Ratzk |
Zevulun, son of Avraham Nota Staviskovski |
Ronya Staviskovski | Zevulon, son of Zvi Hirsh Staviskovski tailor |
Avraham Popovski b.1914 |
Toybe Epleboym | Henye Epleboym | Leah Epleboym |
[Col. 665-666]
Gitl Pilitovski | Eliyahu Pilitkovski | Leah Pavlovski, daughter of Daniel Lifshits |
Leyb, son of Paltiel Pavlovski |
Yitshak Fleisher | Frida Firmanski b.1926. Saini |
Moshe Perling b.1908. tailor |
Meir Plishkin |
Toybe Feyge Fleisher b.1900 |
Sheyne Fleisher b.1927 |
Feyge Fleisher b.1923 |
Sarah Fleisher |
[Col. 667-668]
Leyb Kaminkovitch wigmaker |
Sheyne Zimerman b.1908 |
Rosa Friedman | Moshe Finkovski of Tiferet Bahurim |
Frida Kaminkovitch | Mordekhai Kaminkovitch
wigmaker |
Miriam Kaminkovitch | Moshe Kaminkovitch |
Bronya Kirvianski | Avraham Kasperovitch | Sarah Kasperovitch | Hinde Kaminkovitch b.1912 |
[Col. 669-670]
Leah Shklarman | Ben Zion, son of Leyb Kashinski. Filipowe blacksmith |
Frume Kramarski | |
Shmuel Rubinstein from Tartak |
Leyzer Katcherinski b.1901. labourer |
Hannah Mintz wife of R'Binyamin Mintz |
R'Khayim Kaufman |
[Col. 671-672]
A group of Filipowe martyrs whose names were not given | A group of Filipowe martyrs among them are: Rishke Motles; David Pivavarski's three daughters; Mikhle-Liebe Moyshes; Shevah Langevitch, Haya Sarah Okunovitch |
Entrance to gas chamber | Barracks in Majdanek. |
Hayim Seligson
As we come to the conclusion of preparing our Yizkor Book for publication; we are devastated by the great loss of friend Pearlstein. Lazar Pearlstein was born in Suwalk in 1886 to parents of modest means. His father wanted him to be a rabbi. After Lazar completed his studies at the Suwalk Yeshiva, he was sent to the Slobodka Yeshiva to study with the great scholar, Rabbi Moshe Mordekhai Epstein, may the memory of a righteous man be for a blessing. It seems that our Lazar did not want to be a rabbi, but wished to learn a trade to be a ritual slaughterer. He received his certificate from the rabbi of Saini, later of Suwalk, Rabbi Moshe Betsalel Luria, may the memory of a righteous man be for a blessing.
After a year's experience as a ritual slaughterer of cattle in Suwalk, he came to New York in 1906 hoping to get a position as a ritual slaughterer. But, in those days, one needed a great deal of influence to get such a job. Since he had no relatives in America, he did not succeed. He gave up the idea of being a ritual slaughterer and decided to learn a trade by which he could earn a living.
After a few years of working in the ladies' garment industry, he developed heart trouble and was forbidden to do hard physical work.
His nostalgia for his youthful years in Suwalk brought him into close contact with his compatriots. He invested a great deal of his energy in working for landsleit organizations. At first, he became the treasurer and leader of the Suwalk-Vilkovishk Branch 300 of the Workmen's Circle. After the First World War, he became a member of the Suwalk Benevolent Association and then, became an active member and secretary of the Suwalk and Vicinity Relief Committee.
During the Second World War, he was at his post preparing for the rescue of those who would survive Hitler's hell; sending letters of support to anyone with whom he could correspond; finding relatives for people via newspaper advertisements; keeping records of the landsleit in America, who were supporting and helping the survivors.
When the Relief Committee decided to publish a memorial book to memorialize the martyrs of Suwalk and vicinity, he threw himself wholeheartedly into the work, corresponding with landsleit all over the world and informing them of the plans for the memorial book.
In April of 1960, while sitting with the writer of these lines, preparing the announcements and other matters related to the book, all night long, he suddenly complained of dizziness and headache. From that moment, his condition deteriorated.
Even on his sickbed, he wanted to do something for the people in the transit camps in Israel a letter, a hope for better times, finding relatives but he was too weak and on second of Av,720(26 July,1960) he died in the hospital in great agony, with his lifelong companion, Mrs. Tillie Pearlstein at his side.
May his good deeds be an eternal memorial for his faithful wife who helped him in his work until his final day.
The entire Suwalk and Vicinity Landsmanshaft in every country where its members are found will mourn our great loss. We end with the traditional: may his soul be bound up in the bonds of life.
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