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[Col. 751-752]

Mourning announcements (cont.)

For an eternal memorial
to the souls of my beloved parents:

R'Yosef, son of R'Elkana and Sarah

My dear brother Avraham Gershon and my sister Esther

My grandfather, R'Ben-Zion, son of R'Gershon Blakharski;
died on the third day of Hol Hamoed
of Pesach, {5}700 {1940};

and my grandmother Eyge, daughter of R'Monis;

They were martyred for the sanctification
of the Name during the Holocaust

May God avenge their blood.

Dr. Katriel Aylender

To the memory of the souls of

Rachel Klarfayn (née Abramsky)


Rabbi Yitshak Klarfayn,
killed in Biale-Podlask in 5703 {1943}

May God avenge their blood.

Daughter Lucie and son-in-law Yosef Cohen

Suwalker in Chicago


Shmuel David Oyeran

For an eternal memorial

My father,

R'Shraga Fayvl,
son of R'Mordekhay Oyeran

My mother,

daughter of R'Avraham

My brother

Moshe and my sister Esther,
martyred in Biale-Podlask in {5}702 {1942}

May God avenge their blood

[Col. 753-754]

In eternal memory of my dear parents,

Wolf and Anna Levin
Died in Suwalk

and Luba Roaendorf, Samuel Rozendorf and Anna Rozendorf
murdered in the gas chambers by the Nazis

May God avenge their blood

        Louis Levin

In eternal memory of

A.P. Lubel

        The family

[Col. 755-756]

In eternal memory

Hayim Dov Smetsyokhavski, Suwalk
Rachel Leah Smetsyokhavski, Suwalk
Sarah, Aharon, Reuven, Shulamit Lichtenstein, Suwalk
Peshl, Simha, Shmuel Filipovsky, Suwalk
Hannah, Berl, Yitshak Kaplanski, Augustow
Meir, Dverah Smetsyokhavki, Kovne
Alter, Paulina, Mina Glikson, Suwalk
Avraham, Shifrah Glikson, Suwalk
Asher Glikson, Suwalk
My brother Harry Gotlieb died in New York

May God avenge their blood


Gedaliah Simhoni - Haifa, Israel

In eternal memory

Elia, son of R'Yitshak Shpilberg; peace upon him
Toybe, daughter of R'Yehuda Shpilberg; peace upon her
Reuven, son of R'Zalmen Erbstein
Mere, daughter of R'Elia Erbstein
Sarah, daughter of R'Reuven Erbstein
Hayim, son of R'Reuven Erbstein
Blume Shpilberg
Hayim Shpilberg and his wife, Libe and their daughter Rashe
Azriel Spilberg
Royze, Rachel, Binyamin Shpilberg
Moshe Volkoviski
Sarah, Gedaliah, Ida Lyube Volkoviski

May God avenge their blood


Zelda Trop

In eternal memory

In memory of our dear parents

Father R'Yisrael Ivri, Peace upon him
Died 5th of Tamuz {5}713, June 27, 1953

Mother Rivka Ivri, Peace upon her
Died 9th of Shevat. {5}707. December 3, 1947


The Ivri family

In eternal memory

Mother, Hannah Leah Krisnanski, Peace upon her
Sister Gitl Kushel, Peace upon her
Brother-in-law, Alter Kushel and children, Peace upon them

Killed in Lithuania, and all murdered landslayt from Punsk

May their souls be bound up in the bonds of life

May God avenge their blood


Albert Kersh

[Col. 757-758]

Where are their remains – their memory?

May these few notices illuminate the dark book of the forever lost shining native city – Suwalk. The martyrs of my family were murdered on the 15th of Elul, 1942 in the woods near Slobodka:

Aharon, Frume, David, Eltshe, Peshele Varabeytchik, Yisrael, Rahel Leah Klyutchnik, Yaakov Nisan, Rivka Barkovski

Murdered in Poland: Asher, Esther, David, Yisrael, Hava, Mere, Yitshak, Leah, Sheyna and children of the Zwilling family

Died in Siberia: Motl Zwilling

May their pure holy souls be bound in the bonds of life

May God avenge their blood


S. Shimoni Israel

To the holy memory of

Gershon Eliyahu, son of R'Meir, of the family of Rabbis and Scholars Berenstein, head of the Hevra Kadisha[2] for many years; chairman of the Ba'ale Batim Fareyn. Untiring worker for communal needs in Suwalk. Exiled to Biale-Podlask where he conducted welfare work until the last day of his holy life.

His wife, Miriam Rashel, died in Suwalk 7 Nisan {5}680 {1920}

His brother Tsevi Zeev, son of R'Meir, founder of the Talmud Torah named for R'Yitshak Isaac Haver; founder of the Hebrew gymnasium[3] in Suwalk. Died on Passover eve {5}701. 1941 in Biale-Podlask.

May God avenge their blood


Surviving daughter and son-in-law, Nyuta and Simon Gold, New York
Son, Shmuel David Bern and daughter-in-law Rachel Bern
Granddaughter Miriam Rashel Shenker and her husband, Shlomo Shenker, Chicago

For eternal memory

My dear father and teacher, Avigdor Zeev, son of R'Avraham ha-kohen
Peace upon him. Shohet and mohel
[4] of Suwalk.
Died on Yom Kippur eve {5}686. September 27, 1925.

My mother and teacher, Henya Miriam, daughter of R'Arieh Leyb.
Peace upon her, died 11th Iyar {5}690. May 9, 1930.

May their souls be bound up in the bonds of life


Aharon and Rivka Cohen, son and daughter-in-law

To the eternal memory of

Yitshak, son of R'Yehoshua ha-kohen and Haya Dina Gutkovski

May God avenge their blood

Died in the Warsaw Ghetto together with their brother and sister on Passover {5}704. {1944}

May God avenge their blood


Surviving children Rachel and Shmuel David Berng, Chicago
Granddaughter Miriam Rashel Shenker
Sheyna Mirow and her husband Josef Mirow, New Castle, Pa.
Grandchildren Dina and Ina Fay Mirow, New Castle. Pa.
Yehudit Mendlson and Paul Mendlson, Monsey. Pa.

[Col. 759-760]

For eternal memory of our brothers and sisters from Saini:

Yaakov Glezer and his wife Rachel and family

Hayim Glezer and his wife Khase and family

Sima and her husband Bialigurski and family

Aharon and Rubin Glezer

– all died as martyrs


Their brother and sister-in-law,
Royze and Phillip Glezer

My father, Avraham, son of R'Shlomo Altshuler, died in Suwalk on 16 Shevat, 1928

My great-grandfather, R'Eliezer Mordekhay Altshuler, died in Suwalk on 12 Tamus, 1935

My grandmother, Hannah Tsir Burek Altshuler, died in Suwalk on 25 Iyar, 1927

My grandfather Yaakov, son of R'Eliezer ha-kohen Mirkes, died in Lazdai on 18 Kislev, 1937

My grandmother, Sarah Frume Mirkes, died in Lazdai on 22 Kislev {5}672 {1912}

May their souls be bound up in the bonds of life


Sarah Mandelbaum, née Altshuler

For eternal memory of

our dear mother Hannah, daughter of R'Yoel
Peace be upon her
Died 18 Iyar, Lag Be'Omer
[5] {5}667 {1907}


Sapira and Pelting (Feltin)

For eternal memory

My dear beloved mother, Sarah, daughter of R'Zeev Ha-levi Shereshevski (peace upon him) died young, a victim of the war on 27 Marheshvan {5}703 1942 in Samarkand

My dear father, Mordekhay, son of R'Aharon Shereshevski, died on Passover eve {5}717 {1957} in New York

May their memory be blessed


Their only son, Eliezer, daughter-in-law Feygl
and grandchildren David and Sarah, Leslie, Fay, David, Susan Sherer

[Col. 761-762]

Hevra Linat HaTsedek uBikur Homim in Suwalk. Suwalk, Thursday 24 Nisan …{5}686 {1926}

In honour of the vice-president of the Hevra Linat HaTsedek UBikur Homim in Suwalk, Mr. Naphtali Leventin – a letter of gratitude and blessing:

“And he said to Naphtali: “O Naphtali, satisfied with favour and full with the blessing of the Lord”. (Deuteronomy 33,23)[6].

Dear and honoured and esteemed colleague:

We, the members of the committee of Linat HaTsedek uBikur Holim, are gathered today to bless you upon your departure from us. We are honoured to express our feelings of thanks and praise for you, dear friend, for your great work for the poor and sick of our city who depend upon the help of our organization, of which you were the first and the leading founder. From its foundation, you have been the most active member of the committee. You did not spare time or labour; you did not tire in your fruitful and dedicated work; your heart and soul were devoted to helping all who were depressed. “Naphtali is a hind let loose”[7]. You rushed to help all those whose hearts were broken and every poor and sick person you nurtured on his sick bed and sought to find help – doctors – medicine, nourishing food and money. Without exaggeration, we can state that you have saved many souls from death and established many worlds during the days of your work for the committee[8]. These fruits of your labours have left a lasting and deep impression on our hearts and we shall try very hard to learn from you – to do like you. Thus, in our opinion, this will be the most fitting tribute that we can give you, dear friend, and may God recompense you in His fashion!

It is very difficult for us to part from you, honoured friend, and it is even more difficult for the poor and sick people to whom you were like a compassionate father!

With a heart full of gratitude and blessing, we wish you that God may grant that your going out will be in peace and your arrival at your destination will be in peace. That you and your household may be blessed with the blessing that Moses, the man of God, blessed Naphtali as is written at the head of this letter. And we pray: {Aramaic}. May it be His will to prolongue your life and that of your family in happiness. May you be counted among the righteous for life and peace. Amen.

(There follow the signatures of the members of the committee which I shall attempt to deciper):

Mordekhay Vaysberg, Naphtali Aronson, Moshe Yosef Grayever, Gershon Eliahu Bernstein, Yitshal Yelinevski, R'Moshe Raphalzohn, A. Stutsenski, Moynester Yosef … Eliahu Bernstein, Ahron David Kahanovitz, Nisan Yehuda …liazman, Elkanah Glatshteyn, Nathan HaKohen, Secretary.

Expression of recognition and blessing from Suwalk Hevra Bikur Holim veLinat HaTzedek {sic!} given to one of its first founders and leaders, R'Naphtali Barukh, son of R'Zvi Hirsh Leventin, on the day he left Suwalk for Antwerp, Belgium.

[Col. 763-764]

For eternal memory

To the memory of our grandfathers and grandmothers,
uncles and cousins who were martyred for the sanctification of the Name:

R'Zvi Hirsh and his wife Malke Leah Leventin
R'Naphtali Barukh and his wife Miriam
R'Avraham Yitshak and his wife and children
R'Yehiel and his wife and children
R'Yaakov and his wife and children
R'Mordekhay and his wife and children
R'David and his wife and children
R'Eliahu and his wife and children
Esther Beyle, her husband and children

May God avenge their blood

May their souls be bound in the bond of life

        Family Naphtali Barukh Levontin
        Family Avraham Yitshak Leventin

Facsimile of Honor Scroll

Presented in 1926 by “The Linat Hazedek Vbikur Cholim Society in Suwalki to Mr. Naftali Leventin, founder and Vice-President of said Society in recognition of his devoted and generous efforts on behalf of the poor and the sick in Suwalki.

“Mr. Leventin, through his unselfish sacrifice of time, energy and money, not only succeeded to bring relief to the needy, but actually was able to save many lives thereby serving as an example to the community”.

Among the signers on the scroll are:

Mordechai Weisberg
Naftali Glickson
Moishe Joseph Grajower
Gershon E. Bernstein
Itzchak Jelinewski
Moshe Rafaelson
Joseph Moinester
Aaron D. Kahanovitz
Elkune Glatstein
Nathan Hacohen
Presented by Mr. Naftali Leventin's children:
Eta Leventin-Lieblich
Bella Leventin-Sokolik
Enia Leventin-Sokolik
Jack Leventin
Lana Leventin-Braun

[Col. 765-766]

Yizkor …

To the eternal memory of our dear husband and father Gedaliah, son of R'Yehoshua Aryeh (called Alter) Gladstone (known as Gladshteyn in Europe).

He was suddenly and prematurely taken away from us on 7 Shevat {5}710 {27 December 1949} at the age of 44. Born in Suwalk he came to America when he was very young. He lived in Detroit for 29 years. He was a quiet, unassuming person, with a refined character. He did much good and had a good reputation.

Sheyndl and Anette Gladstone

In blessed memory of our dear Husband and Father

Leo Gladstone

Sadly missed by his Wife and Daughter

In memory of:

Alter Gladstone
Judith Gladstone
Lee Gladstone
Irving Gladstone
Abe Gladstone
Meyer Gladstein
Fay Gladstein
Yetta (Gladstein) Smith
Jacob Smith

        Mrs. Lee Gladstein,
        Detroit, Mich.

[Col. 767-768]

In eternal memory of my unforgettable family

Father, Dr. Hayim, son of R'Zvi Vigdortshik
Peace upon him
Died 3 Tishre in Warsaw and buried in Suwalk in 1927

Mother, Miriam Vigdortshik
Peace upon her. (née Edlshteyn)
Killed in Maidanek in 1943

Sister, Esther Kharin
Peace upon her. (née Vigdortshik)
Killed in Maidanek in 1943

May their souls be bound up in the bonds of life

May God avenge their blood

H. Dorsey Kitchener
Ontario, Canada

In Dear Memory

of my dear Uncle

Ozer Einhorn

and my Aunt


His son Mosha, his daughter Rivka and his twin daughters

        Aaron Einhorn

[Col. 769-770]

In eternal memory of my dear wife,

Hannah Etti
Peace upon her
Died 14 Marheshvan {5}715 {1954}

May her soul be bound up in the bonds of life

Louis Dansky and family

In eternal memory

Tanhum Zeev Velvl, Hannah and Yaakov Sapatshkinski,

who were martyred for the sanctification of the Name in Mariampol (Lithuania)
9 Marheshvan {5702} {1942}

Yaakov   Hannah   Tanhum Zeev Velvl

May their souls be bound up in the bonds of life

May God avenge their blood.

Rev. Moshe Hayim
Montreal, Canada

In eternal memory of
our dear mother-in-law and grandmother, the saintly

Rivkah Zilberblat

Peace upon her
Died in Suwalk in 1931

Our dear husband and father

R'Barukh Zilberblad

Peace upon him
Killed for the sanctification of the Name by the German murderers

May their names and memories be wiped out

May their souls be bound up in the bonds of life

Rachel and Rita Zilberblat


In eternal memory of my dear husband

Aryeh Leyb, son of R'Moshe Dov Marin (Marianski)

who died on May 29, 1957 at age 62. Born in Suwalk.

May his soul be bound up in the bonds of life.

Rivka Marin

[Col. 771-772]

For an eternal memory of my dear father,

R'Katriel Zeev Shuster

Peace upon him. Known as the teacher of Gemara from Baklarov,
in the Talmud Torah. Died on 2 Heshvan, 1922.

My dear mother,

Sarah Brayne

Peace upon her. Died 18 Nisan, 1940


Fanny Gevirtsman

For an eternal memory:

Father, Avraham Natan Kalinski
Peace upon him

Mother, Sheyne Esther, daughter of R'Nahum
Peace upon her. Died 8 Tishre, 1935.

Brother, Nahum, son of R'Avraham Natan, killed.

Avraham Moshe Rakovski. Peace upon him.

Uncle Moshe Kalinski and Aunt Badane.

Children Barukh and Fanye – killed.

Uncle Zvi Zeev and family – killed.

And all those of our family who were murdered

May God avenge their blood


Morris Collins and family
Chicago, Illinois

In holy memory of my father,

Zelik Pesah Galumbievski

Peace upon him
Killed in Lukov, Poland (in 1941) at age 76-77

May God avenge his blood


Helen Golomb

In eternal memory:

Father, Avraham Zelik, son of R'Meir. Peace upon him.
Mother, Esther Rachel, daughter of R'Nahum. Peace upon her.
Sister, Sendle, daughter of R'Zelik.
Sister, Khashl, daughter of R'Zelik.
Velvl, son of R'Nahum.
Tsirl, daughter of R'Nahum.
Yosef, son of R'Volf.
Leah, daughter of R'Avraham.
Nahum, son of R'Avraham.
Moshe Yitshak, son of R'Avraham Zelik.
Betsalel Leyb, son of R'Avraham Zelik.
Hayah Dvorah, daughter of R'Avraham Zelik.
Gitl, daughter of R'Avraham Zelik

May their souls be bound up in the bonds of life


Berta Blum

[Col. 773-774]

In eternal memory:

Yitshak Isaac, son of R'Yehoshua Heshl Kaletski.
Nehamah Reyzl, daughter of R'Avraham Kaletski.
Devorah, daughter of R'Avraham Kaletski
Hinde Hayah, daughter of R'Avraham Kaletski.
Dov, son of R'Zvi Altshuler.
Feyge, daughter of R'Yitshak Isaac Altshuler.
Mordekhay, son of R'Dov Altshuler.
Freydl, daughter of R'Yaakov Rabay.
Moshe, son of R'Mordekhay Aryeh Rabay
Lyuba, daughter of R'Mordekhay Aryeh Rabay.
Avraham, son of R'Mordekhay Aryeh Rabay.
Eliezer, son of R'Mordekhay Aryeh Rabay.
Esther, daughter of R'Mordekhay Aryeh Rabay

May their souls be bound up in the bonds of life


Kalet Family

In eternal memory of

Rose Yulius

Peace upon her


The family

In eternal memory of My father,

Avraham Yaakov Vaysman

Peace upon him. Died 25 Nisan, May 3, 1940

May his soul be bound up in the bonds of life


Mr. & Mrs Charles Weissman

In eternal memory

of my late family and all of the martyrs

May God avenge their blood


Louis Deren (Lazar Deretshinski)

[Col. 775-776]

For an eternal memory

of our Holy martyrs, victims of Nazism

May God avenge their blood


Avraham Mendlson

In eternal memory:

My father, R'Reuven, son of Rabbi Shaul Harif
Peace upon him. Died 25 Adar One{5}665 {1905}

My mother, Hannah, daughter of R'David Peace upon her.
Died on 2nd day of Rosh Hodesh Tamus {5}642 {1882} in Suwalk.

May their souls be bound up in the bonds of life


Rev. Herman Shapira

In eternal memory of my father,

Rabbi Barukh Rosenberg
Peace upon him. Died August, 1915.

Mother Khashe
Peace upon her. Died April, 1938.

May their souls be bound up in the bonds of life


Nathan Rosenberg

For eternal memory:

My sister Keyle Rotnberg-Shperling
and her daughter, husband and child

Sarah Esther Shperling and her husband and children

My brother, Shalom Sperling

Peace upon them


Yosef Shperling

[Col. 777-778]

For eternal memory:

Our dear parents

Yisrael Mordekhay Ha-Kohen and Esther Feygl Slutski

Hayim Shaul, son of R'Aryeh and Frume Pershteyn


Elazar and Tillie Pearlstein

In eternal memory

Yosef Simon

Peace upon him


Wife and children

In eternal memory of my
murdered four brothers and three sisters

Peace upon them


Samuel Shwartsman

In eternal memory of families

Smolinski and Sudarski


Dr. Leon Smol

For eternal memory of our dear father,

R'Yitshak Flarfayn

Our dear mother,

Rachel Leah (Rosental) Klarfayn

Our dear grandfather and grandmother,

R'David and Shifra Rosental

Peace upon them


Rev. Myron Levik Klarfayn, Cantor
Anna Abrams

For eternal memory of my father

Moshe Filipovski
Peace upon him.

My sister Hanah Filipovski-Khanovits
Died in Suwalk in 1939

Her husband Leon, daughter Genia and family,
died in concentration camp in Minsk, 1941

My sister Haya Gitl Filipovski-Reygrodski, children and grandchildren
died in Lublin and other places in 1939-40-41

May God avenge their blood


Mrs. L. Abedin

In eternal memory of my father

Moshe Aharon,
son of R'Avraham Galinski

My mother Hava,
daughter of R'Gavriel
Peace upon her

And brother and sister(s)

Peace upon them


Isidore Galin

For eternal memory of my father

R'Yehuda Aryeh, son of R'Yosef Shalom Kasid
Peace upon him. Cantor of Suwalk for 26 years. Died 11th Elul {5}668 {1908}.

My mother Frume, daughter of R'Yona Zvi
Peace upon her. Died 14 Tishre {5}684 {1923}.

My sister, Sarah Mirl
Peace upon her. Died 8th Kislev {5}659 {1898}

May their souls be bound up in the bonds of life


Toybe Kaplan
Baltimore, Maryland

[Col. 779-780]

To the eternal memory

Berl and Sarah Leah Vroblevski


Our dear parents, Berl and Sara Leah Vroblevski

Peace upon them and brother -- Killed in Maidenek
May God avenge their blood

Our dear brother Yaakov Rublevski
Died in Los Angeles in 1960

May their souls be bound up in the bonds of life.


Children, son and brother
Leyb Reuven and Avraham Rubin
New York

For an eternal memory,

My grandfather Mendl Tsadok
Peace upon him My dear neighbours, some of whom were martyred

R'Barukh Zilbershteyn's family

R'Nahum Sheshupski's family

The Kalinski family and the Dalavitshes

May their souls be bound up in the bonds of life

May God avenge their blood


Grandson and neighbour
H.Z. Benet
Witchita, Kansas

For eternal memory:

I mourn the sudden death of my dear brother-in-law who was a man of truth and honesty. He died prematurely and is gone forever

May his memory be for a blessing


Yosef Koller
Detroit, Michigan

To the shining memory of my dear mother,

Sarah Finkelshtayn

My brother, Zvi Hirsh

My sister, Gitel

My brother-in-law and sister,
Yitshak and Esther Bialabretski

May their souls be bound up in the bonds of life

May God avenge their blood


Son, brother-in-law,
Yisrael Finkelstein
New York

[Col. 781-782]

In shining memory of our dear father

Pinhas Silvershtayn

Peace upon him


The children

In memory of my dear parents:


Isidore Pakhtsharski (Fakhtsharski)

In memory of my dear parents


Mrs. B. Shaynfeld

In memory of my dear parents


George Green

In memory of my dear parents


Harry Kahan

In eternal memory of my dear parents


Sol Lipski

In memory of my dear parents


Charles Kovin (Kowen?)

In eternal memory of my dear parents


Arthur Vilenski

In eternal memory of our dear parents


Charlotte and Berta Katz

In eternal memory of our dear parents


Hyman and Helen Vladkowski

In eternal memory of my dear parents


Ethel Steinberg

In eternal memory of my dear parents


Max and Sylvia Mitchell

In memory of my parents

Yosef David and Bessie Shayn


Julius Shayn

In holy memory of my dear brother

Yaakov Markson
Peace upon him


Frank Markson
Detroit, Michigan

In memory of my dear parents


Mrs. M. Shapira
Richmond, Va.

In memory of my grandparents

Elazar Yehuda and Leah Rishe
Peace upon them

My parents, Moshe and Haya Peshe
Peace upon them


of Suwalk

[Col. 783-784]

For the eternal memory of my dear parents:

R'Avraham Yitshak,
son of R'Yosef Paniemunski

daughter of R'Eliezer. Killed in Biale Podlask.

My brother,
Rabbi Moshe
(student of the Grodno Yeshiva). Killed in Vilne.

My sister
Killed in Bialystok.
May God avenge their blood

Perets Paniemunski-Berger

In memory of our dear parents:

R'Moshe, son of R'Shabtay Dansky
Peace upon him. Died 29 Adar, 5717 (March 1957)

daughter of R'David Dansky. Peace upon her.
Died 7 Kislev {5}710 (November 28, 1949.)

The children:
Shmuel, Aharon Yosef, David, Tillie, Mary, Rosa, Sylvia


In memory of our unforgettable:
Sarah Dansky
Peace upon her. Died 13 Tevet {5}719 (December 24, 1958)

Husband, Shmuel Dansky and children

[Col. 785-786]

For the eternal memory of our father,
Rabbi and scholar:

Rabbi Yehuda Vayl

May the memory of a righteous man be for a blessing
Died 7 Heshvan, {5}708 (24 October, 1944)

For many years, he was the Dean of the Yeshiva in the Suwalk Talmud Torah and the Yeshiva Ohel Yitshak. When he came to New York, he became the rabbi of the Kalvarie Synagogue. He then became the Spiritual Supervisor in Yeshiva Rabbi Yitshak Elhanan {translator's note: Yeshiva University Rabbinical College} until his death. He was one of the founders of the Yeshiva R'Moshe Soloveitchick.

May his soul be bound up in the bonds of life

The children:
Eliyahu and his wife Hannah Reyzl
Avraham and his wife Rose
Irving, Hannah and Leah

[Col. 787-788]

To the eternal memory of {people} from Filipowe

To the memory of my dear mother Enye
My brothers Yosef, Barukh and Shlomke
My sisters Nekhe, Mashe-Libe, Rivke and Nekhe's children


Their son and brother
Leyb Langes

To the eternal memory:

From right to left: Three sisters of Frankl the baker from Ratzk:

Mother Yehudit and little brother Ephraim Okunevitch;
Rachel Fridlander from Suwalk.
Of my father Leyb and mother Yehudit,
sisters Haya Sarah, Sheyndl and brother Ephraim
Killed in Maidanek

May God avenge their blood


Loving son and brother
Yehezkel Okunevitch

In shining memory of my dear father Shmerl
My brother Avraham Hillel
My sisters Dobe, Rivka, Sarah from Baklerowe


Their son and brother
Hayim Yitshak Kasperovitsh

To the memory of brother-in-law Shmuel Volkovski and his wife Rivka.
Their children Sheyne, Hayim, Motl from Filipowe.


Their brother-in-law,
Hayim Yitshak Kasperovitsh

For eternal memory,
our dear uncle and aunt of Suwalk

Hayim Shlomo and Dvora Vroblevski and their sons Velvl and Yehuda

Killed by the Nazis

May God avenge their blood


Their nephews
Leyble and Moshe Oshinski

In holy memory of the murdered

Aharon Okun

His wife and family


Their niece,
Kune Hamburg

For eternal memory of my brother

Moshe-Aba Pivovarski and his family
My sisters Sarah Mine, Leah and Rachel and their families

Killed by the Nazis

May God avenge their blood


Their brother,
Mordekhay Pivovarski

In memory of the murdered:

Mother Gitl, son Ben-Zion and sister Elke Kushinski


Faynson family

In memory of our dear brother-in-law and uncle:

Shakhne Matulski and family of Suwalk.
From their sister-in-law and nephews


Hannah Beyle, Avraham Meir and Motl Meirson


Translator's footnotes:
  1. intermediary days Return
  2. burial society Return
  3. secondary school Return
  4. ritual slaughtered and circumciser Return
  5. 33rd day of counting of Omer Return
  6. image of swiftness from Jacob's blessing, Genesis 49,21 Return
  7. Moses blessing of the tribes Return
  8. reference to Talmudic dictum that he who saves on soul it is as if he saved a whole world Return


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Yizkor Book Director, Lance Ackerfeld
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Updated 19 Jan 2020 by LA