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Volume I


50°18' / 19°10'

Translation of
Sefer Sosnowiec v'hasviva b'Zagłębie

Edited by: Me'ir Shymon Gashury (Brukner)

Published in Tel-Aviv, 1973

Family of Mendel Szapiro


Project Coordinator

Osnat Ramaty

Our sincere appreciation to Avraham Green, Chairman, World Zagłębie Organization
for permission to put this material on the JewishGen web site.

This is a translation from:
Sefer Sosnowiec v'hasviva b'Zagłębie (Book of Sosnowiec and the Surrounding Region in Zagłębie),
Editors: Me'ir Shymon Gashory (Brukner), Sosnowiec Societies in Israel and the United States,
France and other countries, Tel Aviv, 1973, (Vol. I / H, Y, 743 pages).

Note: The original book can be seen online at the NY Public Library site: Sosnowiec

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Table of Contents translated by Lance Ackerfeld and Osnat Ramaty

([H] indicates that the article appears in Hebrew and [Y] indicates that it is in Yiddish
Please note that there is no actual Table of Contents in this book.
The following has been compiled from the titles appearing in the book.)

Sosnowiec émigrés committee
Combined Sosnowiec and Będzin émigrés committee
“Book of Sosnowiec” committee
Preface [H]
Preface [Y]
Struggle of generations [H]
The history of Sosnowiec and Zagłębie
  History of the town of Sosnowiec and its vicinity 
1. Sosnowiec – Zagłębie's youngest “daughter” 11
  a) Various Stories about the Village and the Town 11
  b) From a Village to a Town 12
  c) The Town at its beginning 15
2. The town and the annexation of the first neighborhoods 15
3. Town at the railroad tracks intersection 20
4. Uprising of the Poles against the Russians in Sosnowiec 22
5. Russia thwarts the development of the city of Sosnowiec 24
6. The beginnings of Jewish settlement in Sosnowiec 26
7. Sosnowiec in the golden path of the industrial revolution 28
8. The demographic development of Sosnowiec 34
9. Establishment of the Jewish community in Sosnowiec 38
10. The Jewish community committees and institutions of Sosnowiec 41
11. The Jewish community of Sosnowiec in independent Poland 44
12. The independent Jewish administration of Sosnowiec 53
13. Chaim Nachman Bialik in Sosnowiec 57
14. Rabbis and Dayanim [religious judges] in Sosnowiec 60
15. From the first hassidim to righteous behaviour in Sosnowiec 62
16. The beginnings of Jewish education in Sosnowiec 66
17. On authors and books in Sosnowiec and its surroundings 69
18. Newspapers and readers in Sosnowiec and its surroundings 71
19. A “Small Pogrom” against the Jews of Sosnowiec 74
20. The history of socialism in Sosnowiec and its surroundings 77
21. The 1905 revolution in Sosnowiec and in Zagłębie 80
22. Sosnowiec and Zagłębie during the First World War 85
23. The tram in Sosnowiec and Zagłębie 86
24. One thousand year old historical Zagłębie 87
25. Rivers and their tributaries in Zagłębie 89
26. Opening the gates for Zaglembian Jews 92
27. Dąbrowa Górnicza – city of eternal darkness 95
28. Jews in the coalmines of Zagłębie 100
29. Jewish families in administration of coalmines 102
30. Będzin – the Zaglembian Jerusalem 105
31. Towns and villages in the Zaglembian region 110
32. Katowice – a Jewish city at the entrance to Zagłębie 113
33. Katowice – the city where the first convention of the International “Agudat Yisrael” was held 118
Struggle of generations [Y]
The history of Sosnowiec and Zagłębie
1. Various stories about the village and the town 123
2. Transition from village to town 124
3. The beginning of the town 125
4. A railway communication center 127
5. Sosnowiec during the Polish Revolt against the Russian Empire 128
6. The First Houses, Smelting Places, Factories, and Coal Mines 130
7. The Beginnings of the Jewish Community of Sosnowiec 131
8. The Period of Industrialization 132
9. The Commercial Development 133
10. The Economic Situation during the German Occupation 133
11. The Demographic Development of Sosnowiec 134
12. The Creation of the Jewish Community 138
13. Religious and Social Institutions 140
14. Rabbis and Religious Judges 141
15. Chassidim and Rabbis 143
16. Education 145
17. Writers and literary publications 146
18. Newspapers 147
19. Socialism 148
20. Echo of the revolution of 1905 150
21. Dabrowian Zagłębie 152
22. Jewish settlements in Zagłębie 152
23. Dąbrowa Górnicza – city of eternal darkness 154
24. Jewish settlements in Dąbrowa 154
25. Chibat Zion and Zionism in Zagłębie and Katowice 155
26. The first Zionists in Sosnowiec 156
Zagłębie and her Jewish communities
[H] Mosze Fajnkind 158
[H] Będzin 158
[H] Sosnowiec 161
[H] Letters to the editor 163
[H] Dąbrowa 164
[H] Modrzejów 166
[H] Będzin 168
[H] Dąbrowa Górnicza 185
[H] Modrzejów 187
[H] Memories from Bialik's years in Sosnowiec 189
[H] In the bowels of the earth (impressions from a trip) 191
[H] The Jewish community of Sosnowiec 192
[H] Zagłębie in the eyes of foreign visitors 193
[Y] From Będzin-Sosnowiec to Katowice 200
[H] Sosnowiec in the Hebrew press at the end of the 19th century 202
[H] Historical dates and periods 204
[Y] Sosnowiec – town emblem 209
[H] About the illustrated almanac of Jewish Zagłębie – Introduction 210
Geographical historical part
[Y] Geographic highlights of Zagłębie 211
[Y] The Jewish settlement in Sosnowiec 217
[Y] The Jewish community in Sosnowiec 222
[Y] The Jewish community executive committee of Sosnowiec in 1939 224
[Y] The Jewish community administration of Sosnowiec in 1939 225
[Y] Jews in the Sosnowiec town council 225
[Y] Jewish advisors in the Sosnowiec town council in 1938 226
Social part
[Y] The co-ed high school, gymnasium and elementary school belonging to the Sosnowiec Jewish school organization 227
[Y] The co-ed commercial high school, the one-year commercial school and the commercial evening courses 231
[Y] The “Maccabi“ gymnastics and sports club 236
[Y] The academic circle “Ognisko” [campfire] 236
[Y] The “Nadzieja“ [hope] Association in Sosnowiec 238
[Y] The Trade and Industry Organization 239
[Y] The Retail and Small Merchant Association 243
[Y] The Homeowners Association 244
[Y] Beginning and development of the “Gmilat Chesed” [Loan society] in Sosnowiec 246
[Y] A branch of the “ORT” [Jewish education and training charity] Society 250
[Y] The Jewish Hospital in Sosnowiec 250
[Y] The Jewish Doctors Association 253
[Y] The Welfare Association “Dobroczynnosz” 254
[Y] The branch of the “TOZ” association in Zagłębie 256
[Y] The old age home 257
[Y] The “Linat Cholim” Association 260
[Y] The “Beth Lechem” Association 261
[Y] The “Malbish Arumim” Association 263
[Y] The “Tomchot Yoldot Aniyot” Women's Organization 265
[Y] The “Bikur Cholim” Association 266
[Y] The “Hachnasat Kala” Association 266
[Y] The “Hachnasat Orchim” Association 266
[Y] Writers and artists from Sosnowiec 267
[Y] The group “Young Zagłębie” 270
[Y] Chaim Nachman Bialik in Sosnowiec 271
[Y] Jews in Będzin 273
  “Linat Cholim” Hospital in Sosnowiec [picture] 288
On the rivers of Dabrowian Zagłębie
[H] On the rivers of Dabrowian Zagłębie 289
[H] Legend for the Jewish settlements in Zagłębie and Upper-Silesia 290
[H] Jewish settlements in the Zaglembian region – Introduction 291
[H] Modrzejów 292
[H] Fathers and sons house in Modrzejów 309
[H] Mysłowice 316
[H] Czeladź 320
[H] Sławków 327
[H] Strzemieszyce 336
[H] Bobrek 341
[H] Gołonóg 342
[H] Gzichów 345
[H] Dańdówka 346
[H] Dębowa Góra 351
[H] Zagórze 351
[H] Ząbkowice 354
[H] Jęzor 357
[H] Maczki-Granica 358
[H] Milowice 360
[H] Niwka 365
[H] Niemcy 369
[H] Slupna 371
[H] Porombka 373
[H] Klimontów 376
Cultural life in the Zaglembian settlements
[H] Ancient tombstone according to the legend 381
[H] About the community life in Modrzejów 383
[H] Typical sayings and activities in Modrzejów 385
[Y] In memory of two friends from the same shtetl 390
[H] In the family courtyard near the border bridge 401
[H] From a Jewish musician's notebook 418
[H] The spiritual personality of Rabbi Shmuel Broner from Modrzejów 427
[H] Rabbi Eliezer Brukner, of blessed memory, from Zagłębie 430
[H] Events and news from Modrzejów 432
[H] The “Oleh“ from Mysłowice who went to Jerusalem 435
[H] Solomon Markowicz from Mysłowice 436
[H] The Jews of Mysłowice according to the anti-Semitic newspaper 438
[Y] Jewish Strzemieszyce 439
[Y] In the "higher worlds" of Strzemieszyce 440
[Y] Rabbi Itzchak Nachum Englard from Strzemieszyce 442
[H] The Strzemieszyce émigrés committee 444
[Y] Sami Feder 446
[Y] Martyrdom 448
[H] Szajndl Merz, the businesswoman 450
[H] Ząkowice 452
[H] Ząkowice, the city of my youth 452
[H] Spiritual characters 454
[H] I will not forget my town Zagórze 455
[H] Within the spheres of Jewish settlements in Zagłębie 457
Judaism, existence and way of life [H]
1. The rabbis in the Zaglembian region 465
2. The Hassidic movement and the development of its Zaglembian chapter 494
3. The righteous “Chassidim” in Sosnowiec 502
4. List of prayer houses in Sosnowiec 510
5. On cemeteries in Sosnowiec and Zagłębie 511
Literature, press and art
[H] Ch. N. Bialik 525
[H] Past kindness of the poet Bialik to Sosnowiec 526
[H] The great visitor (Ch. N. Bialik's visit in Sosnowiec) 526
[H] Sosnowiec - Ch. N. Bialik's city 528
[H] An hour with Ch. N. Bialik 530
[H] Jewish musician 532
[H] Reminiscences of Nahum Sokolov, of blessed memory 533
[H] The poet A. N. Sztenzel appearing before a Prussion court 534
[H] A. N. Sztenzel 535
[H] Letters from Y. L. Perez to Roza Jakubowicz 539
[Y] Important research into the origins of the Jewish people 540
[Y] A novel about Zagłębie 545
[Y] Songs 546
[Y] A star was extinguished 548
[Y] 25 years of the "Zaglembian" newspaper 549
[Y] The Jewish weekly 550
[Y] An industrial writer 551
[Y] Tuvia Baum 552
[Y] Z. Segalowicz in Zagłębie 557
[Y] After Mosze Apelbaum's death 558
[Y] Mosze Apelbaum 559
[Y] Behind the scenes 561
[H] Authors and books in Zagłębie 565
[H] "Who's who" in books and press in Zagłębie 568
Movements, organizations and parties
[H] The "Zamir" group in Sosnowiec 583
[H] Sporting activity in Sosnowiec 585
[H] "Chazanim" [cantors] in Sosnowiec 607
[H] On the way to Israel 608
[H] The pioneers' motives 609
[Y] In the Zionist “Histadrut” [union] 610
[H] The “Mizrahi” movement 616
[H] The “Agudat Israel” movement 624
[H] In the “Betar” and “Revisionists” movement 627
[H] The “Dror – Freiheit” [freedom] party 636
[Y] “Poale Zion” party 639
[Y] “Hashomer Hazair”[young guard] 647
[Y] The communist movement 653
Chapters of memories and recollections
[H] Reb Mordechai Imbar from Myslowiece (1875 – 1924) 655
[H] A description of Dr. Adam Noah Braun 656
[H] Amid the paths of Jerusalem 658
[H] Memories of my parental home (Fiszel Basia) 659
[H] People and family experiences 662
[H] Reb Eliezer Ginsberg 683
[H] Reb Szabtai Wajs, from Sosnowiec 683
[H] Memories of my parental home (Rabbi Menachem Hager) 684
[H] Chaim Josef Zionc 685
[H] Reb Jechiel Tobiasz, may the Lord avenge his blood 686
[H] Virtues of dreamers and fighters 687
[H] Three generations of the Laudon family 689
[H] Icchak Lajchter, the principal chazan [cantor] of Sosnowiec 690
[Y] Reb Birech Secemski, may the Lord avenge his blood 692
[H] Regarding Gerszon Stawski 693
[H] Alter Fromer of blessed memory 695
[H] A Jewish heart stopped beating (Dr. Abraham Perlman) 696
[H] Memories and recollections 697
[H] Aharon Prajwer 702
[H] The Cwajgenhaft family, one of the oldest families in the city 703
[H] Reb Szlomo Kalisz 705
[H] Reb Icchak Majer Sztark 708
[H] From a Jewish musician's notebook 710
[Y] Memories of home 720
[Y] What the elders of the city relate 724
[Y] The distinction of Sosnowiec 726
[Y] Through various routes to Israel 728
[Y] My old destroyed home 729
[Y] Joe Paul (Josef Paliwoda) 732
[Y] Reb Lajb Frajer 736
[Y] Mosze Judenherc 740
[H] Editor's remarks 743
  List of photographs
  Book of Sosnowiec and the Surrounding Region in Zagłębie, Volume II  

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Yizkor Book Director, Lance Ackerfeld
Emerita Yizkor Book Project Manager, Joyce Field z”l
Contact person for this translation Osnat Ramaty
This web page created by Osnat Ramaty

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Updated 28 Jun 2020 by LA