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The Jewish Hospital in Sosnowiec {Cont.}

Sos252a.jpg [25 KB] - Section of the gynecology department
Section of the gynecology department

Sos252b.jpg [25 KB] - Doctors and medical staff at the hospital
Doctors and medical staff at the hospital

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The Jewish population has so far not responded appropriately to the financial needs of the hospital. Many poor Jews cannot afford to pay the total bill, yet the hospital provides the required medical service.

The hospital is managed by a director and supervised by the hospital committee that consists of kehila representatives and charitable organization delegates. The present director is Dr. Szlomo Weinziher, who has managed the hospital for the last 10 years. He was previously manager of the regional hospital and served two terms in the Polish parliament.

The chairman of the hospital committee is attorney Anthony Kon, who has been a member of the committee since its creation and has served in the present position since St. Resnik passed away. Josef Majtlis is vice chairman, and Jakub Wulkan is secretary.

The Jewish Doctors Association

Translated by Bill Leibner

In Sosnowiec there were two medical associations; one was dedicated to science and the other one to the needs of the medical profession. The former was highly anti-Semitic in spite of the fact that one of its founders and active members was the late dentist Dr. Puterman. This association excluded from its ranks the active Dr. S. Weinziher because he was a candidate on the national minority block list for a seat in the Polish parliament. The group also refused to accept Jewish doctors. It became obvious to Jewish doctors that they were unwelcome and they began to plan the formation of a new association.
Under the leadership of Dr. T. Melodista and Dr. H. Liberman, the Jewish doctors formed their own organization in 1935. The latter accepted doctors from the area and was known as the Zaglembie Jewish Association of Doctors. The main office of the association was in Sosnowiec.

The association dealt primarily with professional and scientific matters in the first stage of existence. However as time went by, it became more involved with professional and economic matters as anti-Semitism rose throughout the country and especially within the general medical profession that supported the “Aryan clause” that would limit Jewish students at the universities. The Jewish Association of Doctors fought this bill but lost. Still, it gained the respect of the Jewish population and the Jewish doctors who were not members of the association. The association also led the fight to protect the interests of Jewish doctors.

The association devoted a great deal of time to the popularization of good health practices among the Jewish masses. It sponsored many lectures dealing with medical problems; the lecturers were from Sosnowiec or from Krakow or Warsaw. It also had a library that contained medical texts, medical technical texts, and medical journals where members could do research. The association also tended to help some members with their economic problems. Lately, it has created a revolving fund to help members with non-interest loans.

The association continues to develop its activities. In 1938, the management committee consisted of Dr. T. Melodista (chairman), Dr. L. Poznanski (vice-chairman), Dr. S. Zybertanski (secretary), Dr. A. Reszendowski (treasurer), Dr. S. Weinziher, Dr. Ingster. Chairman of the review committee is Dr. H. Liberman and chairman of the ethics committee is S. Weinziher.

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