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[Page 263]

The “Malbish Arumim” Association
(Clothing the Needy)

Translated by Bill Leibner

The Society was created in 1927 by Jozef Ujazd, Jozef Grochowine, Eliezer Glewicki, Jozef Dawid Braner, Jechezkel Birman, Jechezkel Lazinger, Jona Ragowski, Lewy Ingster, B. Dudkiewicz and others.

The aim of the Society was to provide the poor people with clothing as was done in Bedzin. (It must be stressed that the Sosnowiec branch of the Society was created under the influence of the Bedziner Society of the same name. The latter also permitted the Sosnowiec Society to use its legal status and charter). Each year, the Society distributed coats, shoes, laundry, and so on, to about 300 poor and needy adults and children. This popularized the institution amongst the people of Sosnowiec and encouraged the people to help the money drive of the Society.

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Recently, there was a marked slow down in the activities of the Society due to the passing away of some of the funding members, while other members left the city of Sosnowiec. This reduced the active membership of the Society that tried to carry on the activities of the Society. Obviously the void could not be filled, and the Society fell behind its job. On July 15th 1938, a general meeting took place where a new management committee was elected under the leadership of Szmul Jakob Kestenberg. The latter began an intensive reorganization and revitalization of the Society. He tried to restore the Society to its former height. He more than succeeded, since in 1938 the Society raised 3000 guilden that provided 250 pair of shoes, 100 coats, laundry, socks, hats, and so on, to more than 300 people.

The management committee managed to revitalize a dormant society that was badly needed. The Society provided basic clothing to poor and needy Jewish children and adults. On July 1st 1939, the membership of the Society consisted of 325 members. Membership dues, flower sales, pledges, gifts and various money drives covered the budget of the Society. The management committee in 1939 consisted of Szmul Jakob Firstenberg (chairman), Lajbisz Skornicki and Lajbisz Muskatenblut (vice-chairmen), Jozef Grochiwine (treasurer), Alter Fiszel (honorary secretary), Izrael Szwajcer (secretary), Szmul Glewicki, Yehezkel Losinger, and Nehemia Zajonc. Stand-by: Szlomo Firstenberg, Majer Gutherc, Eliezer Feder, Baruch Lancman, and Szmul Nute Nachemie. The review committee consisted of Itzhak Fejwel Szwarcbaum, Szlomo Rzezak and Israel Ferszter.

Sos264.jpg [30 KB] - The "Malbish Arumim" committee in 1939
The management committee of the Society
“Malbish Arumim” in 1939
1. Szmul Glewicki, 2. Alter Fiszel (honorary secretary), 3. Jozef Grochowine (treasurer),
4. Szmul Jakob Firstenberg (chairman), 5. Lajbisz Skornicki (vice-chairman),
6. Lajbisz Muskatenblut (vice-chairman), 7. Nechemia Zajonc, 8. Jechezkel Lazinger,
9. Szmul Nute Nachemie, 10. Natan Czarnoche, 11. Izrael Szwajcer (secretary),
12. Szlomo Firstenberg, 13. Eliezer Feder, 14. Baruch Lancman.

[Page 265]

The “Tomchot Yoldot Aniyot” Women's Organization
(Supporting Poor Pregnant Women)

Translated by Bill Leibner

With the opening of the Jewish hospital in Sosnowiec in 1912, a committee of women was formed to provide the poor patients (mostly out-of-city dwellers) with various assistance, notably milk, fruits and other products.

This committee was under the legal protection of the hospital and functioned as a chapter of the Jewish hospital. It handled the expenses involved in tending to the poor expecting mothers.

The founders of the committee were: Frajda Wisznic (chairwoman), Esther Zilberberg, Chana Szklarczyk, Brajndel Warszawska, and the chief medical resident of the Jewish hospital, Dr. Abraham Perlman.

The outbreak of World War I in 1914 interrupted somewhat the activities of the committee, but it soon resumed all functions. It was later reorganized as a branch of the society of “Linat Holim” under the name of “Ezrat Holim” – “assistance to the sick”. The reorganization was greatly assisted by the following ladies: Chaja Czarna, Sara Pardes, and Elbaum.

“Ezrat Holim” became independent in 1934 when it legalized all its activities and obtained a charter. Its official name was now “Tomchei Yoldot Anyiyot”. It began to organize financial drives to raise money to provide the poor expecting Jewish mothers and children with the necessary medical, pharmaceutical and nutritional assistance. The assistance prior to the Passover holiday was rather large.

The annual budget of the Society was 6000 guilders. The Society had 400 dues-paying members. The budget was covered by the membership dues, collections at weddings, contributions, financial drives and flower sales. In 1938 the management committee consisted of Frajda Wisznic (chairwoman), Miriam Abramczyk, Fejgele Landau, Balcia Ingster, Sara Lea Lewenberg, Malka Milchior, and lady Jakubowicz. The director of the Society was Henech Zajonc.

Sos265.jpg [32 KB] - The management committee of the Women's organization
The management committee of the
Women's organization in 1938
Seated right are: Malka Milchior, Frajda Wisznic (chairwoman),
Fejgele Lichtensztajn (vice-chairwoman), Fejgele Landau (treasurer).
Standing right are: lady Fisz (debt collecting), Sara Lea Lewenberg,
Miriam Abramczyk, lady Jakubowicz, and Balcia Ingster.

[Page 266]

The “Bikur Cholim” Association
(Visiting the Sick)

Translated by Bill Leibner

This society was established in Old Sosnowiec in 1925 with the great influx of new residents that settled in this suburb of Sosnowiec. Within a few years the Jewish population in the area reached several thousand people; a sizable number of them were poor people. The society that was established immediately proceeded to provide medical help to the needy.

The initiators and founders of the society were: Ruwen Czapnik, Ruwen Binensztok, M. Czechowski, M. Kornfeld, H. A. Wajstuch, and M. Zeidler.

The main aim of the society was to provide the needy with medical help, medications, and utensils on a temporary basis.

The association made an agreement with the Jewish hospital to admit needy patients and to bill the organization.

Bikur Cholim started with 70 members, and presently has 500 members. The annual budget consistes of 5,000 guilders that are covered by membership dues, donation plates at weddings, financial drives, and flower sales.

The association has its own office located at 2 Sztara Street. There is also a synagogue there. The present day management consists of: Ruwen Binensztok (chairman), M. Kornfeld and A. Kac (vice-chairmen), A. Rajchman (secretary), Mosze Dajtschman (treasurer), Lajbel Sztajnfeld, Chaim Aba Wajstuch, Lajbisz Szwarcbaum. Itzhak Moskowicz, Jidel Almer, Szmul Kasirer, Uzer Ostri, Abraham Rybnicki, and Herszel Majzels.

The “Hahnassat Kala” association
(Bridal Fund)

Translated by Bill Leibner

A few women established this society in 1929. The founding members were: the wife of rabbi Fromer, Mrs. Malach, and ladies Ajbeszyc, Czanacha, Hannah Roter, Kajner, Elbaum, Abramczyk, and Szwarc.

The aim of the society was to help marry poor Jewish maidens by providing them with a small dowry and wedding expenses. At first, the society helped all needy maidens with a few hundred guilders, but lately it has had to reduce the amount to 200 guilders due to the poor economic situation. The society has distributed about 3,000 guilders.

The society has 300 members. The management committee in 1938 consisted of the wife of rabbi Fromer (chairlady), Mrs. Ernst (vice-chairlady), and the ladies Hannah Roter, Malach, Poserman, Kajzer, Oks, Waksman, Lewenberg, and Szwarc. The manager of the society was Henech Zajonc.

The society of “Hahnassat Orchim”
(Aid to the Destitute)

Translated by Bill Leibner

The society was established in 1931 by members of the young religious organization known as “Tze'irei Agudat Israel” (a branch of the Orthodox party). They obtained from the local owner Lajbel Drezner a three-room apartment that they converted into a hostel. They installed beds and curtains. They also established a corner for more important visitors. Some of the guests received underwear. During the winter, all guests received free warm tea.

The founders of the society were: Hercke Czarnocha, Majerr Englard, Israel Wanderman, Lipe Ajbeszyc, Mosze Dawid Orbach, and H. L. Sztencel.

During the existence of the society, about 60,000 visitors spent a night there. The society employed a maintenance person to supervise the place and the hygienic condition of the hostel. The budget of the society amounted to 1,800 guilders which was covered by monthly dues, collection plates at family affairs and financial drives.

The management committee of the society in 1938 consisted of Majer Englard (chairman), Dawid Rzezak (vice-chairman), Mendel Wajnsztok (vice-chairman), Mosze Rozenzaft (treasurer), Mendel Szyniawer, Itzhak Zyskind, and B. J. Werdiger.

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