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Memorial Dedications (cont.)

In Eternal Memory

Of my good friends and relatives from Rozniatow

Taube-Lea Hausler
Moshe Hausler
Golde Hausler
Nechama Hausler
Shabtai Hausler

Who were murdered in sanctification of the Divine Name.
Honor to their memory!

Perpetuated by Louis Risack, N.Y., USA

* * *

In Eternal Memory

Our dear parents
My father Reb Meir Roth
My mother Mrs. Perel Roth the daughter of Shlomo Yungerman

Perpetuated by their son Kuni Roth, USA.

Our dear parents
My father Reb Yosef the son of Reb Feivel Laufer
My mother Mrs. Rachel-Leah the daughter of Efraim Rechtschaffen

Perpetuated by their daughter Elza Roth, USA


In Eternal Memory

Reb Aron Enis
Mrs. Mina Enis
Munio Enis
Emma Enis-Eisman
Henryk Enis
Herman Enis and family
Dr. Josef Enis
Janina Enis-Werber
Max Enis
Fanny and Marzu's and Emanuel
Tony, Dunio and Lena Jupiter
Kuba Enis
Berishcha Freilich
Sara Freilich
Jetty Haber-Herman

May G-d avenge their blood of those who were murdered in Sanctification of the Divine Name.

Perpetuated by Harry, Munek, and Salo Enis, USA

* * *

Reb David Rozenborn

Perpetuated by:
The Yuner family of Perehinsko, Stanislawow region
Berl Fein of Broszniow
Berl Nirenberg of Broszniow
Meir Auslender of Broszniow
Zeev Weinfeld of Swaryczow

{Translator's note, there may be some mix-up in this particular memorial box, as it appears as the list of perpetuators may actually be the list of those memorialized. The name Reb David Rozenborn is preceded by the acronym Shin Yud”Beit – and I am not sure what that means.}


In Eternal Memory

Brancia Wolkentreiber
Aron Wolkentreiber
Sara Wolkentreiber
Dobby Wolkentreiber and her family
Regina (Rivka) Wolkentreiber
Chaim Wolkentreiber
Chancia Turteltaub
Max Turteltaub
Lea Turteltaub
David Wernik
Lotty Wernik
Chaja Wernik

Perpetuated by Nathan Berger, USA


In Eternal Memory

To our family members who were murdered in sanctification of the Divine Name during the Holocaust.

Sara Tepper
Ester Kurz
Josef Kurz
Shlomo Widman
Riva Widman
Shiko (Yehoshua) Widman
Eisig Artman
Chaje-Beile Artman
Julek and Mishel Artman
Moshe Artman
Dvora and Yitzchakl Artman
Maier Artman
Rachel, Fridzia and Kuba Artman
Perel (Pnina) Lustig
David Lustig
Baruch and Meir Lustig
Sara Lustig
Sisie-Arie Kupferberg
Malka Kupferberg
Hersh Kupferberg
Rosa Kupferberg
Balcia Kupferberg
Munio Kupferberg
Sala Kupferberg

Perpetuated by Leon-Bernard Tepper and Bernard Widman, USA.

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