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Memorial Dedications (cont.)

An Eternal Flame

In memory of my parents and family members of blessed memory who were murdered by the Nazis

Father Yehuda Berelfein the son of Hirsch Matis
Mother Ruchcha Berelfein the daughter of Zeev Yager
Brother Chaim-Yisrael Berelfein
Sister Chana Berelfein
Sister Finka Berelfein
Sister Dvora Berelfein
Sister Henia Berelfein
Sister Etia Berelfein
Sister Rechtzia Isserlis
Brother-in-law Shimon Isserlis
Nephew Naftali Isserlis
Uncle Sender Bergman
Auht Genia Bergman
Cousin Regina Bergman
Cousin Andza Bergman
Uncle Shmuel Wallach
Aunt Arta Wallach
Cousin Junia Wallach
Cousin Salchia Wallach

May their memories be blessed!

Perpetuating the memory of her dear parents and family members: Genia (Berelfein) Yungerman


In Eternal Memory

Of the Eliahu Spiegel family of Rozniatow

Father of the family Reb Eliahu the son of Yisrael-Avraham Spiegel
Mother of the family Chaya the daughter of Reb Yitzchak Geller of Kalusz
Eldest brother Moshe, his wife and 3 children: Yisrael-Eliahu, Aliza, Fanny
Sister Berta married to Nathan Hirsch
Sister Sushia married to Baruch Rechtschaffen of Perehinsko and their children Yisrael and Esther
Sister Yuga married to Herman Melzer of Stanislawow, and their children Tuni and Esther
Aunt, the sister of my father, Malka and her husband Zisha-Aryeh Kuperberg, and their children Belchi, Hersch, Munia
Uncle, brother of my father, Shlomo Spiegel of Uhrynów, and his entire family
Uncle, brother of my father, Bendet Spiegel of Broszniow
Aunt Sheindel Spiegel and her children Zushia and Tindi
Aunt Bracha Lustig and her entire family
Aunt Esther Geltstein, her husband Yisrael, and their children Zalman, Yitzchak, Fruma and Yechezkel
Yosef Helfgut, his wife Tzipa and their children Feiga Frieda
Our neighbors Mordechai-Moti Strassman and Rivka, and their children Nessi, Esther, and Rachel
Our neighbor Yehuda Weissberg and his wife Fruma

All of them were murdered in sanctification of the Divine Name by the Nazis may their names be blotted out on the 17th of Elul 5702 in the Dolina Ghetto

Perpetuated by Chana Spiegel of Holon


May G-d Remember

The soul of my revered father Herzl Nirenberg
My revered mother Beila
My sister Mrs. Breina Zachmetz
My brother-in-law Yaakov Zachmetz
And their children Binyamin and Miriam
My sister Dvora and her husband Chaim Trop
My brother Yeshayahu and his wife Luba
My sister Leah
My sister Feiga
My brother Meir

Who all perished during the Holocaust with the rest of the community of Perehinsko

Perpetuating their memory: Dov-Karol Nirenberg
Holon, Mikve Yisrael 14

* * *

May G-d Remember

My revered father Reb Avraham Finkelstein
My revered mother Rivka Finkelstein
My brother Dov-Velvel and his wife Chaya
My sister Sara and her husband Yisrael Steigman

Who perished in the Holocaust along with the rest of the community of Perehinsko, Galicia

Perpetuating their memory: Mordechai Finkelstein, Tel Aviv, Ramat Hatayasim, Rechov Halevavon 1


An Eternal Flame

In memory of my parents and family members of blessed memory who were murdered by the Nazis.

My father Yaakov the son of Pinchas Heisler of Nebylov
My mother Tova the daughter of Asher Zelig (nee Yungerman) of Nebylov
My sister Malka the daughter of Yaakov (nee Heisler) Winterfeld of Nebylov
My brother-in-law Zerach Winterfeld
My sister's three children
My wife Pnina Yungerman nee Spiegel-Auslender
My daughter Musia Yungerman
My daughter Lusia Yungerman

The memory of my parents and family members is perpetuated by the son Pinchas.
The memory of my wife and daughters is perpetuated by the husband Pinchas.

May their memories be a blessing!

Pinchas Yungerman
Sdemot Dvora, Doar Na, Lower Galilee

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