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Memorial Dedications (cont.)

In Eternal Memory

Our father Baruch Diamand
Our mother Beila Diamand
Our sister Mali
Our brother Mordechai

Perpetuated by Yehuda Diamand of Haifa

* * *

May G-d Remember

Mrs. Mattil the daughter of Shimshon-Chaim
My daughter Sushia
My son Yisrael
My daughter Mamchia

Who perished in the Holocaust at the hands of the Nazi enemy, may G-d avenge their souls

Perpetuated by Yehoshua Steigman

* * *

An Eternal Light

In memory of my parents

Eli Horowitz and his wife
Sisters Arka and Salka
Brother Yisrael
Reb David Tzvi Horowitz, his wife Esther, and their children Rivka, Mali and Zindel
Yosef Rotenberg, his wife Esther, their daughter Rivka and her children

Who perished in the Holocaust

Perpetuated by Leichi the daughter of Shlomo Shmerel Horowitz


An Eternal Light

In memory

Michael Berger and his wife Janet
Chaim Zeinfeld and his wife Rachel nee Laufer

Perpetuated by Dr. Chaim Berger of blessed memory, Bnei Brak

* * *

May G-d Remember

My father Hersh Leib Weinrib
My mother Eti
My sister Sara
My uncle Moshe Wohl
My aunt Matil Wohl
Their daughter Leah Wohl
Their son Avraham Wohl
Their son Yaakov Wohl

Perpetuated by Yaffa Rozenstrauch nee Weinrib
Tel Aviv, Yad Eliahu

* * *

In Eternal memory

My mother Fanny Stein
My brother Avraham Stein

Perpetuated by Shoshana Sherel
Miriam Zohar


In Eternal Memory

Father Avraham Tanne
Mother Tulchu Tanne
Sister Ita Tanne-Diamandstein

And her family

May their memory be preserved forever!

Perpetuated by Aryeh Tanne
Tel Aviv, 8 Rechov Lilan

* * *

In Memory of the Horowitz Family

(Of the Brifni-Ripner flourmill)

Our father Reb Yitzchak Horowitz
Our mother Mrs. Rachel the daughter of Shimon Horowitz
Our brother Tzvi, his wife and two children
Our sister Leah Zissel and her husband Yitzchak Turteltaub and their Falchi and Gita
Our ant Miriam the daughter of Shimon Horowitz and our uncle Chaim Asher
Our aunt Gittel our husband Eli and daughter Pesia

Perpetuated by Felix and Shimon Horowitz


May G-d Remember

The pure souls and the merits of our family members who were murdered by the Nazi enemy may their name be blotted out during the days of murder, along with the rest of the community of Perehinsko in Galicia

My revered father Reb Zelig Leib Fishbein may G-d avenge his blood
My revered mother Susia
My brother Yehoshua the son of Reb Zelig Leib, his wife Rozia and their children
My brother Nachman the son of Reb Zelig-Leib
My brother Mendel the son of Reb Zelig-Leib
My brother Yechezkel the son of Reb Zelig-Leib
My sister Luba Fingerhut and her husband Leib Fingerhut
My sister-in-law Roza Fishbein
My sister-in-law Frumchia Fishbein
The children of my brothers and sisters: Mordechai, Shimon, Chanan, Yisrael, Berl, Leah, Hirsch, Rivka, Wisia

Perpetuated by Ania Nirenberg nee Fishbein,
Herzliya, Neve Emil

* * *

In Eternal Memory

Of Dr. Wasserman of Rozniatow

Dr. Shlomo Wasserman
His wife Gizela nee Spiegel
Their daughter Orna and her husband Richard Witlin

Who were murdered n the Holocaust by the enemy may they be blotted out

Perpetuated by Helena Goldman, nee Wasserman
Nahariya, Yitzchak Sadeh 27

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