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Memorial Dedications (cont.)

In Eternal Memory

Our father Levi Auslender
Our mother Chaya Auslender
Our sisters Perel, Adela, Yona
Our brother Yisrael
Our sister Chana and her husband Yitzchak Geltstein and their daughter Bunia
Our uncle Yitzchak Auslender, his wife Rachel and children
Our uncle Avraham Auslender, his wife Dvora and their children
Our uncle Tzvi Lieberman, his wife Chana and their children
Our uncle Shlomo Lieberman, his wife Klara, and their children
Our uncle Herman Schnied, his wife Dvora and their children
Our uncle Yisrael Klinger, his wife Roza and their children
Our uncle Ochs, his wife Berta and their children
Our uncle Moshe Spiegel, his wife Roza and their children
Our uncle Yisrael Putzer, his wife Esther and their children
Our uncle Yoel Szwarc, his wife Adela and their children
Our uncle David Gartenberg, his wife Susia and their children
And all the rest of our relatives who perished in the Holocaust

Perpetuated by Meir and Moshe Auslender

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An Eternal Flame

In memory of my parents and my family

My father Reb Yosef the son of David Leib Rubinfeld
My mother Mamchi the daughter of Reb Yaakov Meir Nussbaum
My sisters Chaychi, Batya, Echi, Esther
My brother Yehuda Hirsch

Perpetuated by David Nussbaum of Rishon Letzion


Their Fine Souls

Shmuel Leib and his wife Sheindel nee Witzman

Perpetuated by Yehuda Witzman-Axelrad, USA

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An Eternal Light

In memory of our parents and family who were murdered by the Nazis

Father Reb Shmuel Nussbaum
Mother Rivka
Sister Esther, her husband and their children
Sister Chana
Brother Yitzchak
Uncle Yosef Shimon and the entire family
Uncle Shalom, our aunt, and the rest of the family, may G-d avenge their souls

Perpetuated by Mordechai and Aryeh Stern-Nussbaum


Dr. David Weissman during his presentation

Perpetuated by Sima Litochovski-Weissman

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Standing: Gittel, Moshe, Shmerel, Yaakov, Shlomo Avraham, Rachel, Klara.
Sitting from the left: Fruma Winkler, Pinchas Knoll, and Zeev Winkler

Perpetuated by Avraham Winkler of Nazareth

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