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Memorial Dedications (cont.)

Blessed be G-d

In eternal memory of the souls of my parents, brother, sister and other holy family members who were murdered by the Nazi beast during the Holocaust, may G-d avenge their blood.

My father Berchi Drimer
My mother Esther Drimer
My sister Yutzi Drimer
My sister Fanchi Drimer
My nephew Mordechai Rozenthal, Fanchi's son
My son Yehuda Drimer who was born in Israel
My uncle Yudel Drimer
My aunt Cayla Drimer
Their son Fishel Drimer
Their son Muni Drimer
Their daughter Henche Drimer
Their daughter Tauba Drimer
Yuta Schwindler
Chuka Schwindler
Avraham Schwinder
And the children

A photo of my father of holy blessed memory
Reb Berchi Drimer, known to all

He was a well-to-do Jew, an honest merchant, upright, seeking truth and performing good deeds. He was always known for participating in a blessed manner in any charitable and beneficial deed. His children are in the photo, as well as my dear mother Esther, the pious woman who was my father's mate. Our house was always open to anyone – and food and support was given to anyone in need who visited the home. May their merit protect us. Amen.

Uncaptioned. Apparently the perpetuator's son,
mentioned above

Perpetuated by Michael Drimer


In Eternal Memory

Grandfather, grandmother, parents, uncles and aunts, cousins, brothers, sisters, and family members.

Vove-Zeev and Paula Hoffman
Chaicha and her husband Leib-Aryeh Polik
Their daughter Leichi-Leah and her husband Leizer Geller
Their son Shabtai and his wife Nusia nee Tanne
Their son Kubtzi
Their son Max and his wife Rachel nee Mark

Ethel and her husband Yisrael Trau
Their daughters Rashi and Malchi

Shalom Hoffman and his wife Leah
Their son Mottel-Mordechai and his wife
Their son Meir

Perel and her husband Elia Yona Koral
Their daughters Tinchi and Dzoni
Their son Archie

Chana and her husband Shmuel Friedler
Their daughter Lotty and her husband Dr. Avraham Fried
Their grandchildren and great grandchildren Adela and Bodzi-Baruch Geller, and Paula Fried

Perpetuated by Mundzi Trau and Meir Polik of Antwerp,
Esther Trau-Shpak, Mordechai Trau, Rozi Polik Stern, Meir and Shmuel Hoffman of Israel


In Eternal Memory

Our father Shlomo the son of Reb Mordechai HaLevi Stern
Our mother Esther the daughter of Meir HaKohen Fruchter
Our sister Leah, her husband Yitzchak, and their children Rashi, Yosef and Meir
Our sister Miriam, her husband David Axelrad, and their children Tzila and Meir
Our brother Yehuda Tzvi, his wife Hinda nee Graulich and their children
Our uncle Moshe the son of Meir HaKohen Fruchter and daughter Alta

Perpetuated by Moshe, David and Mordechai Stern of Israel
Rachel Stern Horowitz of the USA

* * *

In Eternal Memory

Our father Efraim the son of Katriel Rechtschaffen
Our mother Perel the daughter of Yisrael Frisch

Perpetuated by Sherl-Katriel Rechtshaffen of Antwerp
Reizi and Yaer Rechtschaffen of Antwerp

* * *

In Eternal Memory

Mendel Horowitz and his wife Sara
His sister Recha Horowitz and her husband

Perpetuated by Rachel Horowitz and her children


An Eternal Flame

In memory of the dear ones who perished in the Holocaust

Mother Soshia the wife of Reb Chaim Szwarc HaKohen
Sister Hinda
Sister Ruchama, her husband Eliezer Kenigsberg and their children
Brother Leib-Yehuda-Yosef Szwarc and his wife

Perpetuated by Bendet, Chana, Sheinchi, and Shmuel

* * *

In Eternal Memory

Father Shmuel the son of Reb Michael Adler

Mother Frieda the daughter of Reb Yisrael Frisch

Perpetuated by Max and Sloma Adler of Antwerp
Roza Shubert nee Adler of Paris

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