[Page 470]
Zleta Meniuk | Yitzhak Meir Meniuk |
Ben-Zion and Leah (Grober) Meniuk |
[Page 471]
Feivush Schvetznik | Chaya Dwosia Schvetznik |
Berel and Baska (Batya) Portnoy |
[Page 472]
The family of Eliezer and Sima Pugacz: Zipora, Malka, Arye, Yehoshuale', Deizel |
Malka Pugacz, Ester Grober, Hannah Vigdorowits |
[Page 473]
Sene Portnoy | Haim Portnoy |
The Portnoy family, Moshe, Yakov and Michele |
[Page 474]
Yehusua Portnoy | Feivush Portnoy |
Leah Steinschneid née Portnoy and her family |
[Page 475]
The Pinczuk family, Meir and Tirza (Reitse), the children Arye and Leah |
Koncha and Sheindil Fish |
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Yitzchak Feldman
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Yisrael Yosef Feldman
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Shmuel Dov Feldman
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Lipshe Feldman and her family
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Riesel Resnick
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David Dwosia Koyfman with the grandchildren: Etka Katz. Ben-Zion Weismann, Feigele Katz, Sheindel Koyfman, Yitzchak Weismann, Ben-Zion Breznik, Yoske Weismann,, Hannah Breznik, Feigele Weingarten, Shemaya Breznik, Gedalyahu Weismann
[Page 479]
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The family of Yona and Gitel Rosenfeld: Malka, Fania, Ester, Yisrael, Ajzik, Sender
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The family of Shmuel and Rivka Rozman
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Nehemia and Hannah Schwartzblatt and the eldest son
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Gitel Schwartzblatt
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Yakov Sarid (Schneider)
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Dubel Sarid (Grober)
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Updated 4 Feb 2021 by LA