[Page 465]
The family of Yitzhak Meir and Pesia Zuk: Avraham, Shalom, Rachel, Breindel, Yocheved, Hinda |
Rachel and Hana Zuk |
[Page 466]
Yona Chizy and his family |
[Page 467]
The Jarcun family, Motel and Hannah |
Berel, Leibel and Sara Jarcun |
[Page 468]
Moshe and Tilke Lesnik |
Grandmother Eti-Riva Leshetz, cousin Tilke Lesnik- Leshetz, Yehudit Leshetz |
[Page 469]
The family of Ajzik and Malka Murik: Sena, Rivka, Yosef, Eli and Leibel |
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Updated 6 Feb 2021 by LA