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[Page 517]

Buildings and Streets

Translated by Sara Mages

The main street in New Rafalovka, formerly Pilsudski Street, 1990
The two-story building - the post office - “Poczta” - was built on the ruins of the synagogue

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Arye Pinczuk next to the family home


Only one house, a typical Jewish house, survived in Old Rafalovka,
the house of Eliezer Goldberg, 1990

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The sawmill (the tartak) in New Rafalovka
Among the people in the photo - Eliezer Pugacz and Faivel Weingarten


Six working days in Zoludzk

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List of Jewish families residing in Old Rafalowka in 1941

(prepared by Abraham Appelboim)

1. Murik Yaakov
2. Jarcun Chana
3. Portnoy Haim
4. Kushnir Pesel
5. Leizarow Brajndl
6. Goldberg Lazer
7. Reznik Benjamin Reznik Israel
8. Jaduszliwy Froma
9. Swarcblat Isaac
10. The religious judge's house
11. David der breen[1]
12. Guz Abraham
13. Haim Moshe
14. Mudrik Motl
15. Appelboim Moshe
16. Steinberg Nahum
17. Kusnir Liba
18. Gluss Herschel-Shaya
19. Dekelboim Khaim
20. Bindes Moshe
21. Shirman Zelig [Zelik]
22. Wawa Leizer
23. Rabbi Pasmanik
24. Kreiser Itzik
25. Rabin Jacob
26. Shterk Leibel
27. Kusnir Yentl
28. Szwarcblat Nehemia
29. Meniuk Zelig
30. Kushnir Israel
31a. Moshe (Kolodiy)
32. Grober Shmuel Haim
32a. Grober Berl Grober Yaakov
32b. Goldbiter family
33. Melamed Jechiel
34. Rabin Herschel
35. Sherman Itzik
36. Wawa Joseph
36a. Deckelbiom-Rachanik
37. Reznik
38. Frida
39. Rosenfeld Yona
40. Bas Yaakov
41. Kushnir Mendel
42. Weissman Yaakov
43. Primak [Pinnie]
44. Shmilik (the taylor)
45. Kushnir Moshe
46. Korland Idel
47. Schwartzblat Menahem
48. Kushnir Shlomo
49. Mudrik Moshe
50. Marin Besia-Rachel
50a. Henke & Peretz Dov
51. Mudrik Shmuel
52. (Seamstress)
53. Zalman (the shohet)
54. Kacan Motl
55. Goldman Nisl
56. Schwartzblat Mendel
57. Brik Yehoshua-Brik Yaakov
58. Brik Yidel
59. Shmukler Haya
60. Bik Yosef
60a. Deckelboim Joszua and Frida
61. Birenboim Gdalia and his family
62. Lin Motl
63. Schnieder Yaakov
64. Schnieder Alter
65. Rozman Abrahm
66. Gluss Zerach-Fleischer
67. Smoliar Ben Zion

Selected Ukrainian Households and Other Structures

A. Synagogue Liubisheier
B. Synagogue Stepanier
O. Well
101. River Ferry
102. Flour Mill
103. Blacksmith
104. Palamarchuk
105. Smolina Mill
106. Blacksmith
107. Barley Mill
108. Blacksmith
109. Canola Oil Mill
110. Post Office
111. Hebrew School
112. Communal Bath
113. Fire Station, Club
114. Orthodox Church
115. Ziupka Residence
116. Nesterov Residence
117. Sidurchik Residence
118. Blacksmith
119. Public School
119a. Public School Residence Sauna, Mikvah
120. Tkatch Residence
121. Zibulski Residence

  1. In Yiddish: the Ardent Return

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