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[Page 443]

In Memoriam (cont.)

To Remember Forever

From right: Kerner David, yibadel l'chaim, Asher Zelig, Miriam, Rivak, Daniel, brother of Asher Zelig

Dedicated with sadness and pain by the brothers:
Aaron Kerner, Paris,
David Kerner

We dedicate the Memory of our close and dearest

Moshe Rosmarin
Perpetuated by his wife
  Rosmarin Yaacov-Chaim and his wife Esther (Rozenblum)
Fas Akiva son of Baruch, assistant Rabbi in Lancut and his wife (Rosmarin)
Shifra Baseches (Rosmarin) and her husband
Chana Yaros (Rosmarin) and her husband
Michael Rosmarin and his wife


Dedicated in mourning by:
Eliezer Rosmarin, London
Shalom Rosmarin and family, London

[Page 444]

Their Memory will be guarded forever

The top row from right: Kezstecher Bluma daughter of Israel, Sheindel (Einhorn), Israel, Melech, his wife Sarah, Yeti daughter of Shmuel, son of Mordecai, Abraham Son of Shmuel, son of Mordecai
Second row from right: Kezstecher Aaron son of Israel, Mordecai (Sonenblik) Yehuda, Breindel, David Milrad, Chaya Kezstecher (Sonenblik)
Third row bottom right: Dov Shreiber, his wife Zlate (Kezstecher) their children. Tzvi, Yitzhak, Hela, Chana. Children of Elazar Kezstecher, Shosha (Antman)

Perpetuated by:
Shmuel Kezstecher, Dvora Zaks, Chaya Driner, Tzipora Rabad, Berta Lederman

[Page 445]

To remember forever

From right: Shimel Feiga, Wolf, Joseph, Ybidael l'chaim

Dedicated by:
Joseph Shimel

In Memory

Kezstecher Abraham, his wife Chaya

Shmuel Kezstecher, New York

In Remembrance

Aaron Kezstecher, daughter Malka,
his wife Rivka and son Tzvi

Perpetuated by:
Feiga Holzer, New York.
Sheindel and Moshe Frider, New York.
Chaim Kezstecher, Israel

Memorial Candle

Shmuel, son of Aaron Kezstecher, his wife
Sarah (Yasem), their children from right:
Frida, Abraham, Feiga

Perpetuated by:
Sheindel and Moshe Frider, New York.
Shlomo Yasem (Levadi), Rivka Graubard

[Page 446]

Eternal Monument of my Dearest

Kornblau Shmuel Hersh, his wife Amalia
Sons: Joseph, Ephraim, Shlomo

Perpetuated by the sisters:
Bluma Hecht
Ada Fenick (Kornblau)

Pessel Kornblau
Chaim Kornblau
To Remember Forever

Aaron, son of Eliyahu Rosengarten,
Died in Samarkand, Adar 14, 1943.
His wife Chaya Reizel (Klaristenfeld),
murdered in Lancut, Teves 8, 1943

Died in Samarkand, Nisan 6, 1942

Murdered in Lancut Teves 13, 1942

Mourned by:
Sarah and Shmuel Schwartzman, Philadelphia
Lusia and Eliyahu Rozengarten,
Tzila and Mordecai Freibraun,
Tikva and Shlomo Rozengarten


[Page 447]

A Candle of Remembrance

Bot Joshua, son of Shlomo and Mirial,
His wife Leah (Holender), children:
Shlomo and Naphtali
Naphtali and Reizel (Wald), Yaacov,
Miriam and Rivka

Aryeh and Rachel (Holender), Ada, Shlomo,
Chaya, Moshe Reiber, his wife Bela (Bot),
Yaacov Bot

Shabtai Yaffe and his wife Dvora.
Children: Lusha and Kayle

Dedicated by:
Walzer Michael, Fenick Ada

In Holy Memory

Chaya Hitter
Rivka Hitter
Eisik Hitter
Moshe Hitter
Grandfather: Naphtali
Frider and his wife
Our father Joel Hitter

Zalman Hitter and his wife Bela, Joshua Hitter

In Memory

Leah Wassestein

Perpetuated by:
Feiga Paster


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