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[Page 448]

In Memoriam (cont.)

A Candle for the Soul

From right: Moniek and Benek Kezstecher

Their sister: Rachel Kezstecher

Perpetuated by:
Yitzhak Celner, Michael Walzer,
David Trumpeter

To Remember Forever

My sister Rachel Sapir

Dedicated with pain and sadness by:
Nechama Worm (Sapir)

For Eternal Remembrance

Kaner Ephraim-Asher and his wife Dvora,
Daughter of Roize. Chona Joseph, his wife
Yetti, their children Roize, Ephraim-Asher,
Feiga and Zelde Kaner

Perpetuated by:
Bluma Kaner-Traum,
New York. Hena Kaner Goldstein,
New York. Aryeh Kaner, Israel,
Yetke Kaner-Lipschitz, New York,
Gitka Kaner-Rothenberg, Israel

In Remembrance

Shturmlaufer Naphtali, son of Gershon

Dedicated by:
Hertzberg Israel

To Remember

Turm Simcha,
His son-in-law Abraham Shmuel Rothstein
His wife Zisl Rothstein (Turm)

Perpetuated by:
Israel Hertzberg and family

A Candle for the Soul

Failshus Yehuda, Yehudit, Batya, Mina, Shani,
Feilshus Moshe, his wife Gitel (Shenman)

Dedicated by:
Miriam Flink (Failshus)

[Page 449]

In Holy Memory

Sarah (Salke) Stuzel

Mourned by:
Moshe Stutzel

Remembrance Candle

Shteindling Jochanan, his wife Chaya-Ita
Children: Yidel, Sarah, Baruch, Yitzhak,
Renie, Rivka

Reported by:
Dvora Moberman (Tzvibel)

Candle of Remembrance

My father: Schlisselberg Yaacov,
son of Israel Meir and his wife Leah,
daughter of Gitel (Regenbogen),
Regenbogen Israel son of Yaacov, his wife Dina Chaya.
Their children: Breindel-Dvora,
Joseph-Baruch, Chaim, Malisa

Perpetuated by:
Chaya Hipler (Regenbogen)

In Holy Memory

Shtrum Shimon

Perpetuated by:
Abraham Shtrum

To Remember

Sauerhaft Yitzhak, his wife Golda
Son: Sauerhaft Tzvi, his wife, two children,
Daughters: Sauerhaft Pnina,
Husband Afisdorf, Sauerhaft Bluma

Perpetuated by:
Abraham Mahl, New York
Necha Baum Sauerhaft

Eternal Monument

Wolf Rozenblum, his wife Pessel
(Weinberger), children: Esther Gitel,
Dvora, Abraham, David, Shlomo

Mourning by:
Moshe and Gitel Rozenblum

[Page 450]

In Holy Memory

Roize Mechlowich
Moniek Mechlowich and their parents

From right: Manka Mechlowich, my sister Chaya Walzer
In life and in their death, never separated

Perpetuated in sadness by:
Michael Walzer

Our father Wolf Fast

Yaacov Fast

From right seated: David Fast, ybadel l'chaim, Chaya Fast (Silberman), Motel Fast
Standing from right: Chaim, yibadel l'chaim, Feiga, Pinchos, ybadel l'chaim

Dedicated in mourning by:
Michael Pinchos and David Fast, Israel
Chaim Fast, California

[Page 451]

Eternal Candle

Israel Shusheim, his wife Shusheim (Kresh)
Their daughters: Chaya, Matil and Breindel

Perpetuated by:
Rachel Habenshtreit (Shusheim)
Aryeh and Aaron Shusheim

Forever to Remember

Lindblit Leibish, his wife Malka
Getzl Lindblit, his wife Dora
Children: Abraham Ida, Shoshana
Yitzhak Wolfman, his wife Rachel (Lindblit)
Children: Zisel, Meir, Sala,
Langsam Pesach, his wife Gita (Lindblit)
Children: Elimelech, Sarah,
Rotenberg Rivka (Lindblit)
Krantzler Chaim, Krantzler Malka

Dedicated by:
Rotenberg Breindl (Lindblit)

Blessed by the memory of our Dearest

Yitzhak Zawada, his wife Dina, daughter
Simcha, Rabbi Abraham Zawada, Shmuel
and Tzvi Zawada, Esther-Malka and Sarah

Perpetuated by:
Batya Zawada and her son Tzvi Zawada

In Remembrance

Gershon Shenman, his wife Shifra
The brothers: Menachem and Joseph Shenman
Gitel Feilshus Shenman

Dedicated by:
Abraham Shenman

In Memory

Miller Leah (Lindblit)

Perpetuated by:
Hersh Miller, Belgium

Eternal Monument

Karfiol Dvora (Lindblit)
Children: Abraham, Chaya
Brand Benjamin, his wife Sima (Lindblit)

Perpetuated by:
Pinchos Goldman


For Eternal Memory

Shpalter Moshe, his wife Luba (Lindblit)

Perpetuated by:
Shmuel Shpalter, New York
Pinchos Shpalter

In Remembrance

Habenshtreit Tzvi-Hershel, his wife Chana (Lindblit)
Children: Gitel, Chaim, Sheindel, Sarah, Abraham, Sarah

Perpetuated by:
Shoshana Widershel-Habenshtreit


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