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[Page 431]

In Memoriam (cont.)

We dedicate the memory of our close and beloved

Tzipora Wenger
Born 1912 – murdered 1942
Rachel Leah Kwerbaum
(wife of Mandel Shternheim)

Chana Wenger
Born 1915 – murdered 1941
Chaya Wenger
Shlomo Wenger
Born 1868 – murdered 1941

Perpetuated by:
Mordecai Wenger, Argentina
Leib Feigenbaum and his wife (Wenger)

[Page 432]

Seated: Naphtali Yasem, Yaacov Shlomo, Yibadel l'chaim
From right: Rivka, Tibadel l'chaim, Tzipora, Breindl, Adela, Sarah

Dedicated by:
Shlomo Levadi (Yasem)

In Remembrance Forever

Ester Beile Yasem (Tuchfeld)
Her husband Israel Yasem

Seated: Chaya Miriam;
Standing: Yaacov, Moshe Leah

Perpetuating by:
Gitche Haar (Yasem)

  Weisman Baruch, Golda, Tula, Zygmund
Wolkenfeld Chaim, his wife Esther
Wolkenfeld Shimon, his wife Mania (Weisman)
Wolkenfeld Berish, Mina (Belzer)
Kalman Wolkenfeld, his wife Sarah
Ziegel Moshe, his wife Bashe (Wolkenfeld)
Shimon Wolkenfeld
Dedicated by:
Weisman Yitzhak, New York
Walzer Michael, Ephraim Zisappel

[Page 433]

For Eternal Remembrance

Pua Preisinger

Moshe Benjamin Preisinger

Yitzhak Sauder, his wife Chana
(Preisinger) my husband
Mordecai Paster

Reported by:
Feiga Paster

For Eternal Remembrance

From right: Abraham Baruch Milrad, Yibadel L'chaim,
Elimelech Milrad Moshe Herman, Dvora Rachel (Trister), Joseph

Abraham Milrad
Elimelech Milrad

Yaacov Milrad, his wife Yocheved Feiga
Five children, Yenta Knop, three children,
Milrad Israel Joshua, Masha, Fruma, Abraham

Perpetuate with mourning:
Abraham Baruch Milrad - Stockholm

Memorial Candle

For the souls: Friling Shmerl, his wife Esther
Sarah, Shmuel-Joseph, Rivka-Rachel Fas,
(Friling), Benjamin Fas, Feiga-Sarah Fas,
Ethel-Leah Fas

Dedicated with pain and sadness by:
Yedidia Fas

[Page 434]

Eternal Monument for our relatives

Wiener Yitzhak, his wife Leah,
Tzvi, Moshe Amant Shamai, Ita
(Wiener), Shifer Leib, Rivka
(Wiener), Sarah, Zeev, Benjamin
Joseph Ziegel, his wife Pesil (Wiener)

Pesil (Wiener)

Gersten Naphtali, Rachel (Wiener)
Sarah, Tzvi Klagsbrin Frivah
(Wiener), Yeshayahu, Alina,
Wiener Chaim Idis

Rabbi Abraham Wiener and family
Yitzhak, Simcha, Ita Wiener and
family. Goldman David, Rachel,
Moshe, Esther, Tzaizel Abraham
Yaacov, Sarah, Ita, Miriam

Katzbach Ben-Zion Ita, Sarah,
Miriam, Leah, Aaron, Yeshayahu

Wart Moshe, Malka,
Shimshon, Yitzhak, Yishayahu

Perpetuated by:
Joshua Wiener and family, New York.
Aryeh Leibish Wiener and family

We are dedicating the Memory of our
Dear and Near

Adolph Paula and three children,
Ofner Herman B, Maia Ofner (Fridrich),
Halperin Moshe, Dvora, Chaya-Sarah,
Heiberger Yechezkiel, Rachel
Helmreich Yitzhak, Roize and three
Children. Zonenblik Hersh, Chana,
Mashe, Chaya, Leon, Frida, Israel,
Shmuel, Yeshayahu.
Turteltaub Alter, Chaim-David, Breindl,
Joseph, Hilda, Sarah.
Milrad Eliezer, his wife Dreze, their son
Chaim, Frider Gershon, Feiga-Sarah,
Rachel, Naphtali, Krantzler Regina,
Kezstecher Aaron, Rivka, Shmuel, Sarah,
Mali, Hersh, Chune

Reported by:
Moshe Frider, New York

In Memory

Just David, his wife Shoshana, Israel,
Esther, Naphtali, Sabe.
Baumel Yehuda, his wife Beila,
Menachem, David

Perpetuated by:
Pninah Shein (Just)

Remembrance Candle

Langsam Shmuel Tzvi, Hinda, Mina

Perpetuated by:
Leah Weinstein (Langsam)

[Page 435]

In Memory

Domb Nachman, Gitel, Hela Fanenberg
(Domb), Tushka, Kalecheim Hersh,
Feiga, four children, Shiller Ceshka

Perpetuated by:
Joseph Domb

An Eternal Monument to our Dear Souls

Belzer Mendel, Esther Ethel, Didner
(from Przeworsk), Ita (Belzer), Shmuel,
Landesman David (Albigowo), Rivka
(Belzer), Abraham, Gitel, Birnfeld
Eliyahu (from Rzeszow), Malka (Belzer)
Two children, Kupperwaser Moshe, Tzivia,
(Belzer) four children, Felber Yaacov,
Pessel, Yitzhak, Yechiel, Nechemia,
Rachel, Sara, Chana

Buch Toba-Basha, New York.
Buch Leah, France
Libertchuk Feiga, Argentina
Felber Chaya-Sarah, Bnai Brak

For Eternal remembrance

Weber Chaim-David, Necha, two
children, Fridrich Meir four children.

Perpetuated by:
Henia Leshcover

For Eternal Remembrance

Adler Tzvi, Machla, Joseph
Kalter, his wife Golda (Kneller)

Dedicated by:
Ita Guterman (Adler)
Shlomo Adler

For Eternal Remembrance

Seating from right: Elazar Trumpeter, his wife Chava
Standing from right: David Aryeh yibadel l'chaim, Yaacov, ybadel l'chaim, Neki, Kalman, Dina Trumpeter (Silber), tibadel l'chaim, Moshe

Perpetuated by:
Dina Silber, Yaacov and David Trumpeter

A Candle for the Soul

Grandfather Shimon Walzer
Grandmother Frimet Walzer
Uncles: Harry (Hersh Walzer and
His family, New York.
Zelig Walzer and his family (from
Cousin: Rabbi Shimon Walzer
(Lubicha Krolevska)

Sadly dedicated by:
Michael Walzer

[Page 436]

Fridler Eliezer, his wife Esther Hurwitz,
Heller Yaacov, his wife Sarah (Fridler),
Halperin Paula, Halperin Moshe, his
wife Rivka (Fridler)
  Zisappel Nisan, son of Hersh and Hinda, his wife Gitel the daughter of Aaron and Chaya (Wolkenfeld), Zisappel Berish Dov son of Nisan and Gitel, Rachel daughter of Nisan and Gitel, her husband Berel, daughter Sarah, Aaron son of Nisan and Gitel

Perpetuating with pain and sadness:
Ephraim and Naomi Zisappel

To remember forever

Sarah Katz

Her son Wolf-Zeev Katz
Born Dec. 31, 1858
Passed away: August 24, 1885

Perpetuating with sadness:
Betty Katz

Seated from the right: Chaya Berta Sobel (Shternheim), born 4.13.1907. Dvora Shternheim (daughter of Michael) and Reizel Fas, born 5.25.1878), Elazar Shternheim born 1910
Standing from the right: Bezalel Shternheim, yibadel l'chaim, Yitzhak-Yeshayahu Shternheim, yibadel l'chaim, Michael Shternheim, born 2.25.1905. Our father Joshua, son of Menachem-Mendel Shternheim, born 5.30.1878

Dedicated in sadness and pain by the brothers:
Bezalel Shternheim and family, Argentina
Yitzhak Yeshayahu Shternheim and family


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