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[Page 425]

In Memoriam (cont.)

First row seating from right is: Rachel Greener, “Tibadel L'chaim”, Yehudit Luftman, Mindel Erenfreind, Hadas Gutman, “Tibadel L'chaim”, Chava the daughter of Benjamin Yasem
Second row from right is: Fruma Milrad, Vitl Gutman, Chaya Fridrich, Ita Luftman, Eliezer Yitzhak Gutman, Gitl Katz, “Tibadel L'chaim”

Delivered by:
Gitl Katz

In Memoriam

From right: Wolf, Balke and Simcha Greener

The parents: Mordechai Leib Greener, and his wife Chaya


Dedicated by:
Aryeh Leib Wiener and family

In Holy Memory

Joseph Graff and his sister Royze Graf


Reported by:
Tuvia Weiden

[Page 426]

For Eternal Remembrance

Reizl Yasem (Gutman)
Freida Milrad the wife of Joshua Gutman

Melech Gutman
Leyzer Popiol, his wife Sarah-Vitl (Gutman)

Leyzer Yitzhak Gutman, his wife Perl
Abraham Milrad and Hersh Gutman
Benjamin Yasem
Berish-Gefis, his whife Chaya
And daughter Feiga.
Children: Tzvi and Malka Popiol.
Children: Chava and Rivka Gutman.
Reizl Popiol and her son Yitzhak,
Wolf Gutman, his wife Breindel Yasem

Perpetuated by:
Their son Chaim-Israel
Feiga Haar Gutman

[Page 427]

For Eternal Remembrance:

Kornblau Chaim Leib, three children.
Kornblau Lipa, three children.
Kornblau Moshe, two children
Gembeiner (Fogler) Lean, two children
Sharlok Pesil, two children
Gembeiner Joseph-Mendel, six children
Kornblau Dina and Golda
Weiss David and Berl
Eisler Moshe, Hurwitz Kalman, Fogler David

Perpetuated by:
Moshe and Naomi Weiss-Kornblau

Eternal Monument

My brother Baruch Koenig
My mother Miriam Koenig (Wagner)


Freida Leder (Koenig)

My father: Koenig Yitzhak
My brother Koenig Nisan and his wife
My brother-in-law Shimshon Leder

Perpetuated with pain by:
Naphtali Kenig-Lemans, France

To remember forever

Shleifshtein Sarah Chaya, Chana, David,
Joseph, Leyzer, Amant Abraham,
Bressel Yaacov, Rivka, three children
Cukierhaft Yaacov, Basha and child

Dedicated painfully by:
Moshe and Esther Shleifshtein

Eternal Light

Reich Yaacov Yitzhak, the son Meir from
Rzeszow, murdered 21 Av, 1942 in Pelkin.
Reich Reizl, the daughter of Abraham (Lindblit),
Reich Menachem Mendel, son of Yaacov Yitzhak,
murdered 21 Av, 1942 in Pelkin. Reich Tova daughter
of Ephraim and Mala Helzinger, murdered 21 Av, 1942
in Pelkin. Reich Eliyahu Pinchos Nachum (Efner) son of
Yaacov Yitzhak, murdered in Lancut 12 Iyar 1942.
Ertel Sarah (Reich) murdered 1st of Cheshvan 1942,
Reich Rachel, 4th of Kislev 1942

Perpetuating with sadness and pain by:
Naphtali Reich

Tzvibel Leib, his wife Ethel and
Four children

Perpetuated with sadness:
Dvora Moberman (Tzvibel)

[Page 428]

For Eternal Remembrance:

Baruch Hitter and his wife Beila
The Bubbe.
Shlomo Chaim-Leib, Dr. Aaron Hitter,
Dvora, Sarah.

Perpetuated by:
Mania Shechter (Hitter), Brazil
Zalman Hitter, Brazil

Eternal Light

Rozenblit Shimon and his wife Matill.
Rozenblit Moshe and his wife Sarah (Langsam)


Rozenblit Aaron and family

Perpetuated with sadness by:
Lola Brust (Langsam)
Ephraim and Naomi Zisappel and Michael Walzer

In Holy Memory

Wolf Hitter, Chana Hitter, Sima Kornblau
(Hitter), Menachem Mendel, Breindl

Reported by:
Zalman Hitter

In Memory

Lipe, the son of Pinie Gelb

Reported by:
Zalman Hitter

Eternal Monument to our Family

Marder Herz, his wife Sarah
Their children, Aaron, Rachel
Marder Luzer, his wife Rachel.
Nussen Shalom, Ruchama (Marder)
Their children: Chana, Sarah, Mendel

Perpetuated by:
Rachel Marder and Family

[Page 429]


Kalman Weiden, his wife Sprintza from Strzyzow.

Children: Aaron Hersh, Miriam, Rachel


Chananeil Weiden, the son of Kalman Weiden,
Ruchama Weiden, Tuvia Weiden yibadel l'chaim

Dedicated by:
Tuvia Weiden and family

Eternal Light

Golda Yasem

Dedicated by her sons:
Zalman and Zeinvel Yasem (Levadi)

For Eternal Remembrance

Yitzhak Weinbach, his wife Esther
My brother: Baruch
My sister Sarah and her husband
Herman Rosner from Dukla

Perpetuated in mourning:
Abraham Weinbach

[Page 430]

From right: Nachman Walzer, Michael yibadel l'chaim, Shimon, Malka Walzer Fas, Chaya
Leyzer May

Michael May

Guarding their memory until their last day:
Michael, son of Nachman Walzer
Miriam Kiper, daughter of Yitzhak Fas

The Dear and Beloved,
Whose Memory will be with us forever


From right: Leyzer Fas, his wife Rivka
Rivka is the translator's cousin.

Grandfather Michael Fas
Asst. Rabbi Baruch Fas and his family
Grandmother Reizel Fas (Wolkenfeld)
Uncle Eiski May, his wife Milke May (Fas)
Yitzhak Fas
Chaya daughter of Leyzer and Rivka


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