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[Page 311]

Kamenetz Yizkor Book Necrology (cont.)

As an Everlasting Remembrance


Our Family: Parents R. Aharon and Leah, h.y.d.

Father and brother Yoel

Mother and sister-in-law Esther and brother Zavele, h.y.d.

Sisters: Bayla, Chashe. Brothers: Moshe Zuske and Yossel, h.y.d.

All of them perished at the hands of the Nazi murderers

In sorrow:
Chaye-Sara Rudnitzki-Bandar and family
Yaakov Rudnitzki and family, Buenos Aires
Dvora-Rudnitzki-Singer and family, New York
Pinchas Ravid-Rudnitzki and family, Haifa

[Page 312]

As an Everlasting Remembrance


To my dear parents Arye and Golda Pomerantchik

To my sisters Rivka and Sara'le;

and to my brother Mordechai

Who perished in a cruel manner with all the Jews of Kamenetz during the Holocaust


We have been left in mourning and grief
Your daughter Leah and Avraham Pomerantchik
And her family
— Tel-Aviv


As an Everlasting Memorial
We shall remember and not forget:
My parents: Bendit son of Zeev Winograd and Malka née Horvitz

My sisters: Kayla and Fraydl;

My uncle: Baruch Horvitz and his family h.y.d.

Who perished at the hands of the Nazis

Weeping bitterly
Rachel Vered-Winograd and her family

[Page 313]

In Everlasting Remembrance


Of our dear family: Yitzchok Leib Eisner

His wife Rivka

His daughters Bluma and Zlate

And two grandchildren — h.y.d.

Who perished at the hands of the Nazi murderers


In sorrow:
Chaya Gitl Rosen, America
Liba Greenman, America
Hershel Eisner, America
Shimon Eisner, Canada
Dobbe Garfinkel, Canada

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As an Everlasting Memorial

Our parents, sister and family R. Yaakov-Pinchas and Dobbe-Yehudis Kagan, h.y.d.

(Yankl Alter Pini's, active in the Kamenetz community)
Who died in America August 11, 1955, age 83

Sister Sheine-Chaya, children Hindele and Yitzchok-Chaim'ke

Perished at the hand of the German murderers


In sorrow:
Chatzkel Kagan
And Mindel Kagan (Shudroff), New York
Sirke Kagan-Wofniarski, Haifa

[Page 315]

In memory of:  


My father: R. David son of Elchanan Stempenitski
Who died at a ripe old age in Petah-Tikva, 4 Tishri 5715

My mother: Sirka-Chaya daughter of R. Yitzhak Stoler
Who died in Kamenetz, 1 Tishri 5699


In mourning:
Elchanan Stempenitski and his family


As an Everlasting Remembrance
To the Martyrs of our Family and Dear Ones

My brother, Shmuel Golomborski, his wife and children, who perished in the Bialystok Ghetto;

Aunt Bayla Golomborski, with the members of her family,

My cousin, Bovel Gich, with family members,

My cousin Elka with her family members,
Who perished with the Jews of Kamenetz

And to my mother, Chava Golomborski, died 17 November 1964 in Israel

To my husband, Chaim Stoler (Rokeach), died 30 September 1968 in Israel

To my sister Miriam Goldberg, died 5 May 1958 in Israel

To my cousin, Friedka Golomborski, who was killed in an accident


In mourning:
Bovel Stoler-Golomborski and household members, Tel Aviv

[Page 316]


As an Everlasting Remembrance

Father David (died January 1938), mother Zisl Galpern, perished

Brother Sholom, his wife Sara and children Yitzchok and Dobbe

Brother Maml, his wife Fira and child

Sister Faygl, her husband Avrohom with their son and daughter

Sister Bashke, her husband David with two children

Sister Chaya

All cruelly put to death by the Nazi murderers


Left in sorrow:
Dobbe Galperin and family
Osna Yamner and family

[Page 317]

In Memory of the Goldberg Family, h.y.d.


On the death of my dear ones:

My parents, Kalman and Rachel-Leah Goldberg, good honest people

My brothers Noah and Yisrael-Yitzhak, pioneers and Lovers of Zion

My sisters Shifra, Rivka and Bracha, the pure, martyred girls

Who were murdered by the defiled Nazis,
and their burial place is not know


Mourning, and bearing his gloomy agony forever
Their surviving son Arye (Laybl) Goldberg
And his family members

[Page 318]


We recall with awe

Our dear parents R. Moshe and Esther Shudrowitzki a.h.

Who were tragically and so young torn away from us
in Kamenetz on the Eve of Sukkot
[21] 1915



Our dear grandmother Malka
daughter of Eliyohu Shtzupak a.h.
Died in Jerusalem, 1948

Our younger brother Yekusiel, a.h.
Who died in Brisk
[22], 1928, age 14 years

We will hold their memory dear forever


In sorrow:
Sons, brothers and grandchildren:
Avrohom, Hirshl, Eliyohu and David Shudroff and families (New York)

[Page 319]


As an Everlasting Remembrance

My father, R. Moshe-Eliezer Katchalski a.h. (a scribe s.t.m.[23])
Died in Kamenetz 26 Adar 1929

My mother Rochel died during the last days of the ghetto.

My brother Michael with his wife and 4 children,

also my brother Eliyohu Chaim with his wife and child

Perished at the hands of the Nazis, may their names be blotted out.


In sorrow:
Daughter, sister
Shoshke Katchalski and family (New York)

[Page 320]

As an Everlasting Remembrance

My dear brother

Motl Shmukler

And his children:
Moshe, Temme Fraydke and Yache—h.y.d.

All perished at the hands of the Nazi murderers

In sorrow:
Chaim Shmukler, America



  1. 4 Tishri 5715 = 1 October 1954 Return
  2. 1 Tishri 5699 = 26 September 1938 Return
  3. September 22 1915 = 14 Tishri 5676, Eve of Sukkot Return
  4. Brisk = Brest-Litovsk Return
  5. s.t.m. = soifer tefillin mezuzois, a scribe who writes the scroll text for phylacteries and mezuzas Return


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