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[Page 321]

Kamenetz Yizkor Book Necrology (cont.)

My Dear Wife

Sima Rayzl Shmukler

Died in America 26 Elul 5726,
11 September 1966


In sorrow:
Chaim Shmukler, America

[Page 322]

Our dear parents:

R. Chaim (beloved cantor of Kamenetz) and Gitl Yoffe, z.l.

Brother Moshe Yoffe with his wife and children: Shmeril, Chaim and Shlomo

Sister Trayna Dolinski, children Malka and Chaya

Sister Rayzl Dolinski, husband Moshe and son Chaim

All perished at the hands of the Nazi-murderers

Terry Trayna Ever—born 15.2.1956

Died in New York 7.3.1961,
a granddaughter of Aharon Meir and Leah'ke Yoffe


In sorrow:
Aharon Meir and Leah'ke Yoffe and family (New York)

[Page 323]

As an Everlasting Remembrance

Our mother

Toibe Ashkenazi

Sister Bracha, her husband Avrohom Kanolik
and their children Gitel'e and Yitzchok'l

Brother Yaakov Ashkenazi together with his wife

And our grandfather Yeshaya Ashkenazi

All perished at the hands of the Nazi-murderers


In sorrow:
Daughter Sarah Ashkenazi and her husband Velvl Kustin,
Son Shlomo Ashkenazi and family in America,
Daughter Bella Ashkenazi-Faygenblum and family in Israel

[Page 324]


Bella Faygenblum née Ashkenazi z.l.

A noble and beautiful woman, tender and graceful. She was bound to her family, and she devoted her best years to bringing up her daughter.

She never complained about her fate and her difficult life. At the twilight of her life she found encouragement and joy in her two granddaughters, who were strongly bound to her.

She died before her time, at the tender age of 52. She left behind a daughter, a son-in-law and two granddaughters, as well as a brother and sister in the United States, stunned by the tragedy and refusing to be comforted.

May her memory be a blessing!


Her daughter, in mourning,
Rachel Golan (Faygenblum) Israel

[Page 325]

In Eternal Remembrance


Yisroel Pomerantz

His wife Fayge-Chaya and her mother
And their children, h.y.d.

Perished at the hands of the Nazi murderers


In sorrow:
Mindl Kagan, Dovid Shudroff America

[Page 326]


In memory of our sister

Perl Goldstein

And her husband Yosef, and their children

All perished at the hand of the Nazi murderers

[Page 327]

As an Everlasting Remembrance
Our father

R. Anshel Sheinfeld

Active in the community, charitable, Sabbath observant and gabbai in the synagogue,
died 23 Sivan 1943 in New York.

Our brother Tzvi Arye (Hersh Layb) Sheinfeld

Died 1963 in New York

In sorrow:
Sheinfeld children and grandchildren


My dear parents

Chaim and Frayde Sheinfeld

Sisters Bashe and Perel'e h.y.d.

All perished together with all the Kamenetz Jews
at the hands of the Nazi murderers

In sorrow:
Son, Yitzchok Sheinfeld and family New York

[Page 328]

As an Eternal Remembrance!


Our family


Perished at the hands of the Nazi murderers


In sorrow:
Dobbe and Chaika[25] Brooklyn, New York

[Page 329]

To the Memory of



Our dear mother: Rabbanit[26] Gitl, wife of Rabbi Moshe-Yitzhak Rabinowitz of Kamenetz, who died at a ripe old age in Israel, 8 Adar 1941, in Tel Aviv.

Our brother and uncle: R. Arye-Layb son of Rabbi Moshe-Yitzhak Rabinowitz (born in the year 5633[27]) and his wife Rayze, who perished in the Brisk Ghetto in the year 5702[28] h.y.d.

Our brother and uncle: Shaul son of Rabbi Moshe-Yitzhak Rabinowitz, died at a ripe old age in Tel Aviv in the year 5720[29].

Our brother and father: R. Naphtali Hertz son of Rabbi Moshe-Yitzhak Rabinowitz, died at the age of 27 on 13 Kislev 5688[30]. Buried in the Trumpeldor Street Cemetery in Tel Aviv.


Pinchas Rabi (Rabinowitz)
Yona Eisenstein (Rabinowitz)
Moshe Rabinowitz
And their families

[Page 330]

The American Yizkor Committee

Strongly expresses its sorrow for the loss of our esteemed
fellow-townsman and coworker on the Yizkor Book

Mrs. Itke (Ida) Lipchik a.h.

(died 28 Nisan 5729, 20 March 1969)

She was the wife of our esteemed Committee Member

Sholom Lipchik

And a mother of 2 sons.

We will hold her memory dear


Avrohom Shudroff, president
Sarah Hurwitz, corresponding secretary



  1. The translator recognizes several individuals. Sitting, from left: Sarah Morgenstern, Zune Pochalski (died 1940), Pochalski daughter (likely Riva), Bracha Pochalski, Golda Morgenstern (Sarah's daughter). Standing from left: Pochalski son, Pochalski son, Pochalski daughter (likely Basha), Pochalski son, Pochalski daughter (likely Liba), Pochalski son, Masha Morgenstern (Sarah's daughter). The Pochalski sons were named David, Hershel, Abba and Rephael; they and their sisters were children of Zune and Bracha (née Morgenstern) Pochalski.. Return
  2. Dobbe née Morgenstern (Dorothy Flusberg) and Chaika née Morgenstern (Helyn Reichenthal) were Sarah Morgenstern's daughters Return
  3. Rabbanit = title used for a rabbi's wife (Hebrew) Return
  4. 5633 = secular year 1872-73 Return
  5. 5702 = secular year 1941-42 Return
  6. 5720 = secular year 1959-60. The translator has discoverd a discrepancy between p. 330 of the original Yizkor Book and a gravestone inscription: the names of the brothers, “Shaul” and “Naphtali-Hertz”, are swapped in the Yizkor Book. Shaul Rabinowitz died in 1927 and was buried in the Tel Aviv Trumpeldor Cemetery, as is evident from the photograph of his gravestone available at the following link (retrieved January 2020): https://billiongraves.com/grave/. Naphtali-Hertz Rabinowitz is the brother who died at a ripe old age in 1959, and was the father of Moshe Rabinowitz, author of the articles appearing on pp. 49 and 405-407 of this Yizkor Book. (In the latter article the author states that his father's name was Naphtali.) Return
  7. 30. 13 Kislev 5688 = 7 December 1927. See previous footnote. Return


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