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[Page 301]

Kamenetz Yizkor Book Necrology (cont.)

As an Everlasting Remembrance of our Parents
Yosef Mandelblatt (the writer)
Died 1945


and his wife Nechama
(died 1948 in New York)
In sorrow:
Their children —
Chatzkl, Chemka, Rachel, Chaim, Binyomin
And families
, New York

[Page 302]

As an Everlasting Remembrance
R. Hershl Geier

One of the Heads of the Yeshiva
“Chofetz Chaim” in Radom

Perished at the hands of the Nazi murderers

In sorrow:
Eliyohu Singer, America


As an Everlasting Remembrance

Isaac Pomerantz

Son of Tzippe and Feivl

Perished at the hands of the Nazi murderers

In sorrow:
Relatives in America

[Page 303]


As an Everlasting Remembrance

The Family Yagalkowski, h.y.d.

Who perished at the hands of the Nazi murderers

In sorrow:
Their son and brother Avrohom Yagalkowski (America)

[Page 304]


As an Everlasting Remembrance

Mindl Lopates

And daughter Esther and son-in-law

Perished at the hand of the Nazi murderers

In sorrow:
Lopates Family-Circle (America)

[Page 305]


As an Eternal Memorial

My dear father Zalman Hersh Chayit

Sister Sheve with her husband and two children, h.y.d.

Perished at the hand of the Nazi murderers

In sorrow:
Eliyohu Chayit (America)

[Page 306]

As an Everlasting Remembrance

Our dear parents, not forgotten—

Devoted father Yitzchok Shlomo z.l.
(died in America, 1920)

Dedicated mother Chaye Sarah z.l.
(died in America, 1952)

In sorrow:
Chaim Zeev Mendelson
And family in America
Avraham David Mendelson
And family in Israel


As an Everlasting Remembrance

My generous father—

The well-known businessman R. Chaim Polakevitch
Died on the first day of Elul 1930 in Kamenetz-Litovsk

My mother Sarah-Gitl, not forgotten

Brother Yaakov, sisters Kayla and Rachel, together with their families

Sisters Rayzl and Mirke

All perished with the martyrs of Kamenetz
at the hands of the German murderers

May their memory be a blessing

In sorrow:
Chaya Mendelson-Polakevitch
And family(New York)

[Page 307]

In Memory of

My dear parents Golda and David Krevtchik

Brothers: Eliyahu with his wife and children

All of whom perished in the Holocaust

Mourning for them:
Their daughter and sister
Chana Kretzmer (Krevtchik) and her family members
Israel, Moshav Netaim

In Memory of My Family Members

My mother, Chaya-Gitl z.l.
Who died before the War

My father Yosef Kravitzki

My brother Tzvi, his wife Manya née Liev

And their daughter Gitl, age 2

My sister Kayla, age 14

My brother Moshe, age 12

My aunt Frume and her son Yisrael Goldshul, age 21

Who were exterminated by the Nazis

In grief
their daughter and sister
Sonya Kravitzki-Gereshtenski
Israel, Tel Aviv

To the members of my family

Who were murdered by the Nazi beasts
with the Jews of Kamenetz-Litovsk in 1942

My parents, R. Chaim and Rachel Schmidt

My sister Malka and her husband Shlomo Dolinski
and their son Shmuel (Mulik)

My sister Dina and her husband Lipa Horvitz
and their son Shmuel (Mulik)

My sister Shoshana (Rayzele)

My uncle and aunt Mordechai (Motye)
and Yehudit Aharonowski and their children

My aunt Sara and her husband Ben-Tziyon Zub and their children

My uncle Daniel and his entire family

My aunt Sara and Yaakov (Shayne Chaye's)

I will not forget them


Dov (Bertchik) Shmide
and his family Israel, Haifa, 5728[15]
In memory of my dear ones

My father Moshe Tzvi Blaichbord z.l.
Who died 22 Kislev 5693[16], age 72

My mother Sara-Dina z.l.
Who died 7 Tevet 5680, age 52

My sister Malka Blaichbord-Nuselvitch
Died 10 Elul 5680, age 29

My sister Chana Widomlanski
Died 8 Iyar 5699[17], age 42

All in Kamenetz

My sister Trayna with her family members

And our other relatives died in the Holocaust

Memorializing them,
their only son and brother
Avraham Yitzhak Blaichbord
Israel, Kibbutz Dafna

[Page 308]


As an Everlasting Remembrance
To our friends

Isaac Wolhendler

And his wife Malka

Who perished at the hands of the Nazi-murderers

In sorrow:
Shimon Birnboym (America)

[Page 309]


As an Everlasting Remembrance

Our dear Esther Birnboym
(Chaya Sara Tendler's daughter)

Who perished at the hands of the Nazi murderers

In sorrow:
Dr. Meir Tendler (America)

[Page 310]

As an Everlasting Memorial
Our unforgettable mother-grandmother
Malka Glezer

Who was murdered with the Jews of Kamenetz

By the Nazi murderers

In sorrow:
Son, Shmuel; daughter, Gitl;
Granddaughter, Libbe Polyakevitch
Grandson Asher Glezer and family (Israel)


To the memory of
Our mother and grandmother Malka Glezer, h.y.d., whose memory is sacred to all of us. Over her noble and devoted soul, dedicated and devoted to all, who perished together with all the Jews of Kamenetz in the Holocaust at the hands of the unclean, accursed Nazis
We mourn:
Her son Shmuel Glezer and his wife
Her daughter Gitl
Her granddaughter Libbe Polyakevitch
Her grandson Asher Glezer and members of his household (Israel, Tel Aviv)


To the memory of
My father, R. Moshe-Nachum Glezer, who died in Kamenetz 11 Tishri 5698—1938 [sic][18]

My mother, Esther-Brayna

My sister Chana, her husband Yonah-Shmuel, and their children: Dov, Chaya and Moshe

My sister Sara, her husband Mordechai Mintz and their children

My brother Arye-Leib; my brother Eliezer;

My sisters Bayla, Chaya and Tzipora

All of whom perished in the Holocaust

Weeping bitterly
Asher Glezer and family



  1. 5728 = 1967-68 Return
  2. 22 Kislev 5693 = 21 December 1932; 7 Tevet 5680 = 29 December 1919; 8 Iyar 5699 = 27 April 1939; 10 Elul 5680 = 24 August 1920 Return
  3. 8 Iyar 5699 = April 27, 1939 Return
  4. 11 Tishri 5698 = September 16, 1937; 11 Tishri 5699 = October 6 1938 Return


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