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[Page 291]

Kamenetz Yizkor Book Necrology (cont.)


As an Everlasting Remembrance

Golda Topolowski, z.l.

(born 1881, Died in America, 1961)


R. Meir Topolowski z.l.

(Born 1873, Died in America 1956)

In sorrow:
Chaya Kopski, Dorothea and Yosef Topolowksi (America)

[Page 292]

As an Everlasting Remembrance

Our dear
Eliyohu Milgram
of the Kamenetz Yizkor Book
(Born 1900, Died June 1962)

His dear mother,
(died 1 January, 1948)

And his brothers:
Zalman, Leibl and Velvl
(died in America)

In sorrow:
Wife, children, grandchildren
and their family
in New York

[Page 293]

As an Everlasting Remembrance

Our father, Mordechai Reznik

Brothers: Mendl, Elchonon and Beril with his wife, Baltsche and child
Brother: Sholom Reznik (Matte's son), died in Russia in 1956
Sister: Gitl and Alter Chazanowitz and child

In sorrow:
Leah Reznik-Tendler and family, Laizer Reznik—America

[Page 294]

We Weep Bitterly for the Death of our Dear Martyrs
Our father, R. Yisrael son of R. Menachem Mantcha Grunt, z.l., a well-known businessman, energetic and generous;

Our mother, Chana daughter of R. Meir Putchinski z.l., a noble woman, active in the community, kind and devoted to all people.

Brothers and sisters, together with their little children, 16 people on our father's side.
Woe unto us, that they fell victim to the Nazi murderers.

May their memory be a blessing!

Yehudit Grunt-Koscikiewicz and her family
Rachel Grunt-Stempenitzki and her family

We are steeped in mourning and grief

Upon the death of our dear, unforgettable parents before their time

Father, grandfather Yechezkael Koscikiewicz z.l.

Mother, grandmother Yehudit Koscikiewicz, née Grunt z.l.,
who died on Tuesday, 2 Shvat 5729 (21 January 1969)

May their memory be an everlasting blessing

Daughter: Zahava and her husband Binyamin Stolomitzki
Grandchildren: Chaya, Avi and Yechezkael

[Page 295]

As an Everlasting Remembrance

My brother, not forgotten Velvel Kustin, and his wife

Perished at the hands of the Nazi-German murderers


In sorrow:
His sister Peitche Kaplan (Argentina)

[Page 296]

We will remember forever
Mirtche and Shoul'ke Gurinski

And their little daughters, Rivka and Rachel, h.y.d.

Perished at the hands of the Nazi murderers

In Sorrow:
Velvel Kustin and brothers (America)

[Page 297]

As an Everlasting Remembrance

Our brother, Leibl Kustin

And his wife Rachel

Perished at the hand of the Nazi murderers

In sorrow:
Sarah and Velvel Kustin and family (America)

[Page 298]

As an Everlasting Remembrance

Yehuda Rappaport
Came on Aliya in the year 1949
Died 5 Tishri 5720—1959

His parents Yosef and Leah
And his eight brothers and sisters
Who perished together with the Jews of Kamenetz

In mourning:
His wife Ella
His sons Yosef and Asher Rappaport


To the memory of

My husband and our father Shraga (Feivel) Katz
Died 3 Heshvan 5724, October 21 1963

His father R. Yosef Katz, who died in Kamenetz.

His 2 brothers and his brother-in-law died in the US.

His mother Yenta Katz, 3 brothers and a sister perished together with the Jews of Kamenetz.

My father, R. Moshe Geier
Died 4 Adar 1920 in Kamenetz

My mother Rivka Geier and 21 members of the Geier family,
all perished in the Holocaust

My brother Chaim Geier died in the US

In mourning:
Dina Katz née Geier
Yehudit Katz
Moshe, Dalia and their son Shraga Katz

[Page 299]

To the Memory of

Our father R. Shmaryahu
Son of R. Yeshayahu-Natan Stempenitzki
Died in Kamenetz 21 Iyar 1922, age 56

Our mother Sara, who perished
Our brother Binyamin,
who fell in World War I at the age of 20

Our brother Arye-Leibl,
who died in the US, 27 Nisan 1951, age 46

Our sister Tama, her husband Moshe Yaffe and their children

Our brother Asher, his wife Devora and their children

Our brother Yeshayahu

Who perished with the martyrs of Kamenetz

In mourning:
Yocheved Meltzer-Stepnitzki and family, US
Pesya (Peshka) Cohen-Stempenitzki and family, Israel

To the Memory of

My family members who perished in the Holocaust

My father, z.l. R. Yitzhak-David,
the ritual slaughterer,
son of R. Avraham-Simcha Stofitchevski

My brother Nachum
and my sisters Sara and Chasha

My wife Chaya z.l., nee Gurfin

My children: Aharon-Tzvi, Avraham-Simcha,
Shifra and Leah

My mother z.l. who died in the year 5700

May their memory be a blessing

Left in sorrow and grief
Moshe Moriah (Stofnitchevski) [sic], Ramat-Gan

Moshe Stofitchevski Moriah died 21 Tevet 5728[13] in Israel

As an everlasting memorial

To my dear parents
R. Yitzhak and Beila Levin z.l.

My brothers Aharon, Feivel (Shraga)

My sister Reizl
Who perished with the martyrs of Kamenetz

My brother, Rabbi Arye z.l. and his family
Who perished in the Warsaw Ghetto t.n.tz.b.h.

In grief
Their daughter, Rachel Levin-Slonimski
And her family
— Israel, Ramat-Gan

Weeping bitterly for

Reizl née Gordon
and David Shpigelman

Reichl née Gordon
and Nechemia Eisenstein

And their children Nachum, Esther and Moshe

Who perished in the Holocaust

Our grandfather and grandmother
Gershon-Moshe and Malka Gordon z.l.

In mourning:
Moshe Gordon, Washington
Sonya Grun née Gordon, New York
Esther Mendelson née Shpigelman, Israel

[Page 300]

As an Everlasting Remembrance
My cousins
Chaya, Itte, Yehudis and Golda-Reizl Mandelblatt, h.y.d.

Who were cruelly put to death together with the Jews of Kamenetz
at the hand of the Nazi murderers

In Sorrow:
Sinne and Rachel Sawitzki (Mandelblatt) and family (America)



  1. 21 Tevet 5728 = 22 January 1968 Return
  2. t.n.tz.b.h. = tihye nafsham tzerura bitzror hachaim = may their souls be bound in eternal life Return


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