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[Page 281]

Kamenetz Yizkor Book Necrology[1]

Translated by Allen Flusberg


We will surely remember you, our loved ones!

Our mother Tama—died in Kamenetz on Friday, 18 Shvat 5701.[2] Our father R.[3] Avraham son of Shmuel Tevye and Golda Sessil (nee Bobrowski), who perished at the hand of the Nazis in 5702[4], h.y.d.[5]
(Our parents merited making a 62-day visit to Israel in the year 5700[6].)


Grandmother Zlata of blessed memory, widow of Rabbi Meir Hirsh Potchenka, head of the Kamenetz-Litovsk Yeshiva.
Died in Kamenetz in the month of Shvat, 5689.


Our brother Mordechai and his wife Yente daughter of Leah and Nachum Grunt. And their daughter Zlata-Zahava.
Perished in the year 5702, h.y.d.


Our brother Moshe and his wife Libbe née Shatz,
and their son Shmuelik Tuvya.
Perished in the year 5702, h.y.d.

Mourning them:
Leah and her husband Dov Aloni and their family in Israel;
Chaim and his wife Rachel Bobrowksi and their family in the US;
Chava and her husband Yaakov Yatchekovski and their son in Israel;
Meir Bobrowski in Israel. Rabbi Yaakov and his wife Chaya Bobrowski in the US;
Shifra and her husband Shmuel Mezukar and their family in Israel;
Penina and her husband Aharon Felayev and their family in Israel.

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In memory of our unforgettable brother,
Meir Bobrowski z.l.
[8], son of Avraham and Tama
Who passed away before his time on Friday, 15 Kislev 5729, Dec 6, 1968
Left in mourning and sorrow:
His sister Leah and her husband Dov Aloni
His brother Chaim Bobrowski with his wife Rachel, United States
His sister Shifra, with her husband Shmuel Mezukar
His sister Chava Yatchekovski
His brother, Rabbi Yaakov Bobrowski with wife Chaya, United States
His sister Penina and husband Aharon Felayev and their families


In memory of our martyrs, h.y.d.  
My parents: Chaya-Malka (Bubul) and Aharon-Zeev (Alter) Greenblatt
My sisters: Rachel and her husband Shmuel Zilberberg;
Malya Greenblatt
My brothers Yosef, his wife Henye, and their children Isser and Malya Greenblatt.
Avraham Greenblatt
We will never forget
Perl Greenblatt-Abramson, Israel
Itche Greeenblatt and family, US
Moshe Greenblatt and family, Argentina

[Page 283]

As an Everlasting Remembrance
Our parents:

Arye Leib Haberman (died in America 3 Shvat 5711, 10 January 1951)
and Nishe Reznick-Haberman (died in America 15 Av 5726, 1 August 1962 [sic]

Brother: Yosef Huberman (fell in battle in Italy, 1944)

In sorrow:
Chana, Yitzchok Sheinfeld and family, America
Yisroel Haberman and family, Canada

[Page 284]

As an Everlasting Remembrance
Our parents
Tuvya and Menucha Kozak a.h.
Sister Deena
Her husband Pesach Gurinski
Their children: Chaye Sara and Itke
Brothers: Yitzchok, Nechemya
and David with his wife Nechama and children
Sister Frume and her husband Shlomo Lindbaum
Children: Betzalel Avrohom Meir,
Moshe Tzvi and daughter sister Manya and husband Yaakov Kalbkof
and children Frume, Sara, Liebe, Tzirl and Dobbe
Perished at the hands of the Nazis, h.y.d.
In sorrow:
Chaya and Isser Goldberg-Kozak (New York)
Shmuel Kozak

[Page 285]

Shmuel Chaim (Shmuelke) Kozak, son of Tuvye and Menucha
Died in New York, 28.10.1966, 14 Heshvan 5727
In sorrow:
His wife Rochel and children (New York)


Rivka Lipchik

Founder and president of the Kamenetz-Litovsk “Society for Clothing the Poor”, vice-president of the Yizkor Book Committee in New York, America. Died 31 December 1967

[Page 286]

As an Everlasting Remembrance

To Our Unforgettable


Shraga Feivl Tendler a.h.

Died 26 Tammuz 5727 (August 3, 1967) in New York

In sorrow:
His wife, children, brother and sister
New York

[Page 287]

As an Everlasting Remembrance

To My Unforgettable Husband


Avrohom Hurvitz a.h.

Passed away: 9 Shvat 5711 (26 January 1951)

In sorrow:
His wife Sarah and children
Chaya, Zelda and Asher
In New York

[Page 288]

As an Everlasting Remembrance

To Our Dear Parents


R. Yekusiel and Sara-Rivka


Perished at the hands of the Nazi murderers

In sorrow:
Son, Moshe Garfinkel
Daughter, Shifra Birnbaum

[Page 289]

Our brother

Bebl Garfinkel

Died in Winnipeg, Canada
In the year 1961

In sorrow,
Brother: Moshe
Sister: Shifra Birenbaum


To the memory of my father
R. Aharon Tzvi Gurfein z.l.
And my righteous mother Shifra z.l.

My father was learned in the Torah and a charitable man. He participated actively and with dedication in public affairs. The words of our sages were constantly on his lips, and he was always fond of their midrashic analysis [exegesis]. He studied our Torah, a Torah of life and lovingkindness; it encompasses all, so “do not step away from it”.[11]

My dear mother, may her soul dwell in Paradise, supported refugees during the days of misfortune, providing them with needed food as well as she could.

And we mourn the slaughter of our brothers and sisters that took place when the bloodthirsty German foe, may their names be blotted out, entered Kamenetz-Litovsk.

Over these I weep! My eyes, my eyes shed tears, for there is no one who can console me.[12]

From their son, Baruch, and his family

[Page 290]

As an Everlasting Remembrance
Pessl Singer

Died in Kamenetz, 2 Shvat, 5698 (1938)

  R. Yitzchok Singer a.h.

Died in Kamenetz, 2 Nisan, 5679 (1919)

In Sorrow:
Their children, Simcha and Eliyohu Singer and families, New York (America)



  1. From Kamenetz-Litovsk, Zastavije and Colonies Memorial Book, edited by S. Eisenstadt and M. Galbert, published by the Israel and America Committee of Kamenetz Litovsk and Zastavya, (Orly, Tel Aviv, Israel, 1970), pp. 281-340. Return
  2. 18 Shvat 5701= February 15, 1941. The translator has found a discrepancy between this date and the information provided by Rabbi Yaakov Bobrowski in his article “Some of My Memories”, pp. 90-91 of this Yizkor Book, where it is implied that his mother's death took place in early 1940, rather than 1941. Return
  3. R. (Hebrew ר') is generally an abbreviation for Reb, an honorific similar to English “Mr.” Return
  4. 5702 = 1941-42 Return
  5. h.y.d. = Hashem yikom damam ( = may God avenge their blood) Return
  6. 5700 = 1939-1940 Return
  7. Shvat 5689 = January-February, 1929 Return
  8. z.l. = zichrono livracha ( = of blessed memory) Return
  9. 15 Av 5726 = 1 August 1966 Return
  10. a.h. = aleihem hasholom = may they rest in peace Return
  11. Pirkei Avot 5:22 Return
  12. Lamentations 1:16 Return


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