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[Page 523]

Commemorative Pages (cont.)

In Eternal Memory

Our Father, Yakov Rosenmann [Rozenman, Ruzenmen]
Our Mother, Pepi Rosenmann
Our Brother, Eliyahu (Elusz) Rosenmann
Killed at Battle of Stalingrad
Our Brother, Moshe (Muniev) Rosenmann
Our Beloved Family Members
Leah and Yakov Meier and their children
Bluma and Lonek Landsmann [Landsmen, Landesman] and their son Miniev
Berko and Esther Teitelbaum and their children
Nachman Rosenmann and his family

Murdered in the Shoa
May the Lord revenge their blood

Memorialized by
Heika Rosenmann-Goldwart[Guldwart]
Yehuda Rosenmann
Lonek Rosenmann


[Page 524]


In Eternal Memory

My Father, Fiszel Fuchs [Foks]
My Sister, Rachel (Artzi) Fuchs

My Sister, Bila and husband Moshe and son, Heniev Riesel

Murdered in the Shoa
May the Lord revenge their blood

And My Brother, Berko Fuchs
Who fell as a soldier in the campaign for France

May their souls be bound up in the bonds of eternal life

  Memorialized in perpetual pain and sorrow by
Chana Fuchs Meier
In Eternal Memory

My Father, Natan Hoffman [Hoffmann, Huffman Hufmen]
My Mother, Mala Hoffman
My Brothers: Schulim, Lolev, Muniev Hoffman

Murdered in the Shoa
May the Lord revenge their blood

  Memorialized by
Chaim (Aleksander) Hoffman

[Page 525]

In Eternal Memory

My Father and My Mother, Shmuel and Bronia. My Brother and Sister, Yosef and Mattel Blatt [Blat] And family members, Betzalel, Sara, Ettel, Gittel, Henia, Eidel, Tova, and Josef Geller [Geler]

Murdered in the Shoa
May the Lord revenge their blood

  Memorialized by
Benzion Blatt


In Eternal Memory

My Mother, Sara, Brothers: Dr. Eliezer and Avraham, My Sister, Leah Bickell [Bikel]

Murdered in the Shoa
May the Lord revenge their blood

  Memorialized by
Hela Bickell-Horowitz


[Page 526]


In Eternal Memory

Our Father, Jonah Kurz [Kurtz]
Our Mother, Berta (Hauser) Kurz
Our Sister, Devorah and husband Moshe and their children
Imek Treisor
Our Daughter-in-law, Rozia (Heller) Kurz
and their toddler son, Josek Kurz

Murdered in Belzec Concentration Camp

  Memorialized by
Josef Kurz and Clara Kurz-Hoffman

[Page 527]

In Eternal Memory

Our Father, Yehoshua Blaustein [Blaushtein, Blausztejn]
Our Mother, Golde Blaustein
Our Brother, Mani, Sister-in-law, Pepi, and their son Sinek [?]
Our Sister Bronia and her family members

Murdered in the Shoa
May the Lord revenge their blood

  Memorialized by
Selka Kumer and Teka Gotfreund

[Page 528]


In Eternal Memory

My Father, Moshe Halpern [Helpern]
My Mother, Rivke Halpern
My Sister, Pola Halpern
My Sister Chana and husband Janusz Heller[Heler]

Murdered in the Shoa
May their memories be for a blessing

  Memorialized by
Naomi Halpern Bar-Nissen
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[Page 529]

In Eternal Memory

My Father, Shabtai Landau [Lendau]

My Mother, Adela Landau
My Sister, Rachel Landau
My Brother, Binyamin Landau
My Cousin, Yisrael Fuchsgelb [Foksgelb]

Murdered in the Shoa
May the Lord revenge their blood

  Memorialized by
Aron Landau

In Eternal Memory

My Father, Yehuda Lehrer [Lerer]
My Mother, Feige Lehrer
My Brother, Zacharia Lehrer
My Brother, Yakov Lehrer

Murdered in the Shoa
May the Lord revenge their blood

  Memorialized by
Tzila Hirsch [Hirsh, Hersh, Hersch Herz]


[Page 530]


In Eternal Memory

My Father, Binyamin Dankner
Secretary for the Jewish Community of Kalusz
My Mother, Leontina Dankner
Accountant for the Jewish Bank of Kalusz
My Brother, Shlomo (Tosik) Dankner
My Brother, Arye (Lonek) Dankner

Murdered in the Shoah
May their names be for a blessing

  Memorialized by
Zosia Dankner-Trupchinski

[Page 531]

In Eternal Memory

My Father, Yechiel Tauber
My Mother, Leah (Leitzi) Nussbaum Tauber
My Brother, Tzvi Tauber
My Brother, Yakov Tauber
My Sister, Amalia Tauber
My Sister, Esther Tauber
My Sister, Klara Tauber

Murdered in the Shoa
May their names be for a blessing

  Memorialized by
Louie Tauber

In Eternal Memory

My Sister, Rachel, her husband David Binder and their children
My Sisters, Mindel and Musie. My Brother, Yerachmiel Hibschman [Hibshman, Husbschman, Hibszmann]

Murdered in the Shoa
May their names be for a blessing

  Memorialized by
Naomi Hibschman


[Page 532]


In Eternal Memory

My Aunt Gittel, her husband Elias Koral
Their sons: Natan and Yakov Koral
My Uncle, Chaim Shlomo Koral
My Aunt, Slaba Koral
My Cousin, Dunye Fruchterman [Frukhtermen]

Murdered in the Shoah
May their souls be bound up in the bonds of eternal life

  Memorialized by
Mantzi (Miriam) Rosenberg-Hirschberg
[?] [Rozenberg, Ruzenberg, Herschberg, Hirshberg]

[Page 533]

Eternal Light

To Remember My Loved Ones
Mina Grob [Grub]
Shantzi Grob
Fania Grob
Andzi Grob
Toba Komorn Sliter
Chana Komorn Kaner
Meir Komorn

Murdered in the Shoa
May the Lord revenge their blood

  Memorialized by
Ester Komorn Berner

In Eternal Memory

My Parents, Marcus and Gusta Fuchs [Foks]
My Sister, Orna Fuchs

Murdered in the Shoa
May the Lord revenge their blood

  Memorialized by
Bluma Fuchs-Knopf



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Updated 25 Sep 2024 by LA