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[Page 515]

Commemorative Pages

Translated by Ann Gleich Harris

Translator's Note: To help insure that researchers can find their relatives, alternate spellings
for some surnames are shown between brackets the first time the name is used in an ad.


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In Eternal Memory

My Father, Israel Reiter
My Mother, Zissel Reiter
My Brother, Zalman Reiter

Murdered in the Shoah
My their souls be bound up in the
bonds of eternal life.

  Memorialized by
Joel Reiter

In Eternal Memory

My Father, Yakov, son of Shmaryahu Eisenstein [Eizenstein, Eizenshtein, Eizensztejn]
My Mother, Sara (daughter of Zalman) Eisenstein
My Brother, Tzvi Eisenstein
Murdered in the Shoah
My Brother, Solomon (Zuniev) Eisenstein

May they be remembered for a blessing

  Memorialized by
Aitsiv Eisenstein

[Page 517]

In Eternal Memory

My Father, Abraham Gruber
My Mother, Etti Gruber
My Sister, Rivke Hoenig and her household [Hunig]
My Sister, Devorah Chamda [?] and her household
My Brother, Yechezkel Gruber
My Sister, Adela Gruber
My Relatives and Friends

Family members of Zigmund Feintuch [Feintukh]
Yitzchok Rubin
Yitzchok Kindman [Kindmen]
Josef Tolenfeld

Murdered in the Shoa
May the Lord revenge their blood

  Memorialized by
Batia Tivoti [Tivoni?]


In Eternal Memory

Family members of the Reig family
Hersch, Chana, Malka, Etti, Avraham
Isaac and his wife Lotka

Murdered in the Shoa
May the Lord revenge their blood

  Memorialized by
Liev Reig (Belgium)

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In Eternal Memory

Our Mother, Devorah Knoll Hoffman [Knol, Hoffmann, Hufmen]
Our Sister, Tonka and husband Mitzik
And their children, Sidzie [?] and Losha Menkes
Our Sister, Salka and husband Yisrael and their children
Nachman Lehrer [Lerer]
Our Brother, Hashiev [?] Hoffman
Our Uncle, Avraham Knoll and his family members

Murdered in the Shoa
May their souls be bound up in the bonds of eternal life

  Memorialized by
Chaim Hoffman and Henia Hoffman Morno

[Page 519]

In Eternal Memory

My Grandfather and Grandmother, Eliezer and Tova Todfeld [Todtfeld, Tudfeld]
My Father and Mother, Feivel and Sima Schleiffer [Shlieffer]
My Brothers, David and Michel Schleiffer
My Sister, Esther Schleiffer

Murdered in the Shoa
May the Lord revenge their blood

  Memorialized by
Sara Schleiffer




In Eternal Memory

My Father, Yehoshua Leder
My Mother, Chana Leder
My Brother, Dzunik [?] Leder

Family Relatives
Isaac Kunstler [Kintsler]
Meier Kunstler
Tonka Kunstler
Moshe Buchwalter
Ephraim Buchwalter [Bukhvelter]
Chana Buchwalter
Shnitzi Buchwalter
David Buchwalter
Mintzi Buchwalter
Gizi Buchwalter

Murdered in the Shoa
May the Lord revenge their blood

  Memorialized by
Sanchiev Leder

[Page 520]

In Eternal Memory

Our Father and Mother, Isaac and Leah Flank
Our Sister, Pola Streiger [Shtreiger] and her children, Yanek and Mala
Our Sister, Pepi Lustig and daughter and Our Brother, Moshe Plank

Murdered in the Shoa
May the Lord revenge their blood

  Memorialized by
Chana Weber [Veber], Ita Baron, and Mila Goldberg [Guldberg]



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In Eternal Memory

My Father, Leib Bickell [Bikel]
My Mother, Esther Bickell
Machla Bickell and her family
Rozi Schechter [Shekhter]
Golde Fassberg [Fasberg]
My Sister, Sara Bickell

Murdered in the Shoa
May the Lord revenge their blood

  Memorialized by
Berta Fassberg

[Page 521]

To the Souls of My Dear Ones

Gustav, Roza, Simcha, and Yitzchok Krumper
Perel, Yitzchok, Mendel and Losha Praeger
Scheindel, Chana, Yitzchok, Shmuel, Isaac, Yenta, and Zissel Artman

And all the Jews Murdered in the Shoa
May the Lord revenge their blood

  Memorialized by
Marcus Tepper [Teper]


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