The life and Destruction of the Community

(Kalush, Ukraine)

49°01' / 24°22'

Translation of
Kalusz; hayeha ve-hurbana shel ha-kehila

Edited by:
Shabtai Unger
Moshe Etinger

Tel Aviv: Kalusz Society, 1980 (H,Y,E)


Project Coordinator


This is a translation from: Kalusz; hayeha ve-hurbana shel ha-kehila
(Kalusz; The life and Destruction of the Community), ed. Shabtai Unger and Moshe Etinger.
Tel Aviv: Kalusz Society, 1980 (H,Y,E)

Note: The original book can be seen online at the NY Public Library site: Kalush

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Translated by Deborah Schultz

Hebrew pages
Author Title Page
  Street map  
  Foreword 7
  The Community of Kalush Until the End of the First World War (1918) 9
Shabtai Unger History of the Jews of Kalush 11
S. Akhi-Yerukham Torah Judgements of the Jews of Kalush 54
Avraham Y. Barur My Grandfather Rabbi Moshe, His Household and His City At the End of the 19th Century 58
Dr. Eliezer Kulberg Kalush At the Beginning of the Century: Memories 72
Idah Dankner-Saverdlub First Girl in Gymnasium [European-style high school] 79
Khayim Hufman The Terrible Week of Russian Conquest in the Year 1917 81
Asher Hurnik Russian Captive 84
  Between the Two World Wars 1918-1939  
  Institutions & Organizations, Society & Economy, Education & Culture  
Sh. U. The Jewish Community 87
  Jews on the Town Council 89
S. Ben Menakhem General Zionism 91
Sh. U. “V.Y.TS.V.” [WIZO, Women's International Zionist Organization] 94
Yaakov Avigduri “Gordoniyah” [Gordonism, a Labor Zionist youth organization] 95
S. Halevi “Hashomer Hatsair” [Young Guard, a Socialist Zionist youth organization] 98
Barukh Grinshlag “Beitar” and the Revisionists [Joseph Trumpeldor Alliance, a Zionist youth organization] 102
L. Ben Yekhiel “Agudas Yisrael” [Union of Israel, an Orthodox Jewish religious organization] 104
Levi Tauber How the Jews of Kalush Earned a Living 106
S. A-R. Support Organizations and Charitable Institutions 115
L. Ben Leah Places of Culture and Education 120
Levi Yitskhak Kheders and Melameds, Talmud Torahs and “Beis Yaakov” Schools [traditional religious education] 123
Yehudah Ruzenman Jewish Sports in Kalush 129
  Memories and Way of Life  
Yisrael Barukh (Han) Jewish Kalush in the Eyes of a Hebrew Teacher 131
Naomi Hibshmen Memories From the Days of the War and Afterwards 138
Moshe Fokhs I Was the First Khaluts [pioneer/settler in the Land of Israel] 140
Herts Hufman Khaluts Youth in Kalush in the 1920's 143
Yoel Reiter The Training in Meyer's Workshop 147
Naomi Halpern/Bar-Nisan First Girls in “Training” [vocational training before aliyah/immigration to the Land of Israel] 151
Mikhael Ben-Asher From the Kheder [religious school] of Moshe Melamed to Aliyah [immigration to the Land of Israel] 155
Shmuel Tshernovits Impressions of a Visit From a Shaliakh [messenger] from the Land of Israel 157
Tsufya Shpilmen (Ruzenmen) At the Beer Brewery 161
Khavah Ruzenmen-Yehalum Memories From a Kalush Childhood 163
Devorah Brutfeld “Klein Palestina” [“Little Palestine”] in Kalush 167
Rakhel Babad The Rabbi's Daughter's Memories 168
Khayim Hufmen Jews in the Kalush Gymnasium [European-style high school] 170
Bertah Fasberg Memories of Home and of the [Zionist] Movement 173
Y. Frukhtermen In the Chortkov Kloyz [Chortkover Khasidic synagogue] and the Choir of Rabbi Yekhiel, the Shokhet [ritual butcher] 175
Netkah Blaushtein-Gutfroynd Amusing Memories 179
Efrayim Riger Impressions of a Visit to Kalush in the Year 1936 181
Yosef Kurts A Visit to Kalush in the Days of the Events of 5697 [1936-1937 C.E.] 183
Blumah Trifles From the Kalush That Was 184
Hanyah Hufman-Murnu The House of Grandfather Yenkl Knol 185
Hindah Shtein-Tiktinski I Made Aliyah [immigrated to the Land of Israel] at Exactly the Right Time 186
S. Alef Ties with America 188
Aharon Lendau The Village of Holin and Its Jews 190
Yisrael Tsiler Between Podhurki [Podgorki] and Kalush 195
Zeldah Veits We Were Saved in Russia 200
Sarah Haber/Shleifer My Grandfather Rabbi Leizer Yaakov the Shokhet [ritual butcher] 202
Feigah Fridman/Akselrud Family Memorial 205
  Important People and Figures  
He. HaRav Yosef Babad 207
He. HaRav Shlomoh Shikler, Last Rabbi of Kalush 208
He. Rabbi Mikhael Braver 210
Y. M. Dr. David Shpindl 211
He. Dr. Yaakov Huruvits 213
L.T. Rabbi Yaakov Nusbaum 214
B.R. Dr. Reuven Nadl 215
Khayim H. David Haber 216
N.H. The Bentsher Brothers 217
He. Dr. Mauritsi Fentser 218
Y. M. David Reiter 219
L.R. Avraham Bril 220
  During the War & the Holocaust  
L. Ben Yekhiel The Days of September 1939 225
Blumah Reitmen In the Days of Soviet Rule 228
Levi Tauber So Occurred the Destruction of Jewish Kalush 232
Leon Ruzenmen Desolation of the Community 236
Yosef Ditshek “Like a Gazelle That Is Chased . . .” [referring to Isaiah 13:14] 243
Shoshanah Reiner/Cohen In the Villages of the Neighborhood 251
Peninah Ruzen How Grandmother Went to Die 257
Yaakov Rubin In Kalush and In Buchach [Buczacz] 265
S. Hibshman-Unger How I Survived in Ruined Kalush 272
Hella (Anna) Bickel-Horowitz From Kalush to Striyj, From the Pit to the Trap 301
Z. Dankner-Truftshinski From Kalush to Berlin, and Back 314
T. Levi A Visit to Kalush In the Year 1944 320
Yiddish pages
M. E. Introduction 331
Moshe Etinger Hometown Song 333
Moshe Etinger General Survey 336
Rabbi Mikhel Hakohen Braver Kalush in the 19th Century 356
Eliezer Unger Rabbis and Rebbes in Kalush 374
Yitskhak Hafman Kalush, City of My Birth 389
Dr. Moshe Peres I Reminisce 399
Ben Yitskhak So It Has Been, and Is No More 401
H. Baber Writer and Artist: Kalusher Fellow Townsmen in the 20th Century 407
Vaitsiekh Yankavski Life: An Affirmation 418
Moshe Etinger Yisrael Barukh, Hebrew Educator 424
Ben Yitskhak A Word About the Hebrew School 431
M. Lilien A Biographical Glimpse of Authors of the Book Memories of Father and Son 436
M. Lilien The Zionist Party and Its Factions 444
M. Lilien The I.L. Perets Union and the A.Y.A.P. [General Jewish Workers' Party] 449
Moshe Etinger Religious Teachers and Secular Teachers in Kalush in the 20th Century 452
Moshe Etinger Kalush in Yiddish Poems 455
Miryam Helfgat-Feintikhl People From Kalush and the Vicinity 466
Moshe Etinger “One Mountain Does Not Touch Another Mountain”: A Holocaust Episode 478
Moshe Etinger A Conversation with a Countryman, a Refugee 483
Moshe Etinger It Comes to Me a Destroyed Jewish World 491
  Picture of the Book Committee 492
  Gratitude 493
  Names of the Martyrs 497
  Commemorative Pages 515
Moyshe Etinger Kalush – Our Native Town (translated from Yiddish by Adah B. Fogel) 576


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