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Chaim Rapaport
My sufferings are boundless for my saintly father and mother who died a cruel death at the hands of the Germans in the forties.
Chaim Rapaport |
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I am not able to do justice to my ancestry but I must memorialize them so that my children will have a record of my father and his ideals. He dedicated himself to his faith and demanded nothing in return. He served his religion in the purest and noblest sense of the word. I must stress his dedication to the education of his children and those of his friends in the traditional Orthodox ways.
For 28 years, I resided in Jaslo and never heard him complain and there were terrible events, namely; storms, rains and blizzards. Regardless of these occurrences, my father rose early in the morning and awakened us to proceed to the study center to study prior to the beginning of services. Following the services, we studied the Bible and the Talmud. He was a very talented and scholarly teacher known in the community. (He refused the post of rabbi following his marriage).
The commandment and you shall teach your children he implemented to the fullest. No other parent did so much for his children in the mornings and evenings as my father. Our sages say (Brachot 17), What benefits do women derive from the Torah since they are exempt from studying it? Their reward is granted by the fact that they prepare everything so that their husbands can study at the study center.
My late mother was an excellent housekeeper and provider. She worried about her husband and did everything to enable him to devote himself to broaden his Torah knowledge and that of their children. Both struggled to provide their children with regular and spiritual food so that they would continue in the path of their ancestry.
I must also stress his devotion to Zion and his homesickness for the Holy Land. The Palestine atmosphere was always present at home and influenced our thinking. Thus, our decision to settle in Israel.
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My father tried to impress the religious and extreme religious Jews with the importance of reviving of the Holy Land. He spoke and popularized the idea that frequently led to unpleasant confrontations with bitter opponents of the concept. Each month he sent his contribution to the Yishuw Eretz Israel fund or Yishuv fund that headed Chaim from Drohobicz.
He was in contact with the Palestinian office in Jaffa prior to WWI. His dream and aspiration was to visit the Holy Land, especially the Temple area in Jerusalem. Unfortunately, the Germans prevented him from realizing his aspirations for they killed him on entering the city of Jaslo.
My brother Shmuel escaped the Germans clutches and reached Palestine where he settled in Tel Aviv. Itzhak, my younger brother graduated from an English University. He is now chief rabbi of Melbourne, Australia.
Yuta Rapaport |
Issachar Dow Rapaport | Yehuda Rapaport |
My two younger brothers; Issachar Dow and Yehuda Rapaport, were students at the study center when the Germans killed them in the Shoa.
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My sister Riwka, her husband Elyahu and their daughters Hanna and Sarah lived in the hamlet of Lipiani in Czechoslovakia. The Germans killed by the during the Shoa.
Riwka Rapaport, her husband and children |
My sister Rachel left for Palestine in 1936 and married Dow Weinstein in Tel Aviv.
My father settled in Jaslo in 1906. He was born in the hamlet of Rudnik, Galicia. His father was the great Rabbi Issachar Dow of Radusic. (He spent a great deal of time near the great Hassidic rabbi of Sandz). His grandfather was Rabbi Itzhak, head of the judicial council of Radusic. The father of Rabbi Itzhak was Rabbi Eliezer who was the head of the judicial council in Siedlowce. He was very religious and pious. It was said about him that he was one of the 36 just people in the world. His father was Rabbi Dawid, a grandson of the author Panim Meirot, or the shining face, written by Rabbi Meir from Eisensdadt who was the nephew of Rabbi Shabtai Hacohen.
Rabbi Issachar Ber of Radusic was the son of Rabbi Itzhak and Miriam. He served as an attendant to the famous Rabbi Ber of Mezricz. The latter rabbi said that he prayed in the name of the 120 students that he taught. (He died on the 13th day of the month of Sivan, 1843.)
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My father had two sisters; Nehama and Etil who lived in Lodz and two brothers; Yaakow Kalman Finkler, who also lived in Lodz, and the younger brother was Rabbi Itzhak Finkler-Weingarten who was rabbi of Siedlice.
My father's mother was named Hannah and she was the daughter of the well known Hassid Shmuel Halevi Weingarten of Rudnik (He supported my grandfather for 25 years until he was appointed rabbi of Lodz).He was the son of Rabbi Kolonimus Halewi, one of the important Hassidim of Rabbi Naphtali of Ropczyce. Grandmother's mother was the daughter of Rabbi Yaakow, the son of Rabbi Dan Mordechai, the head of the judicial council of Lejansk following the death of the author of Noam Elimelech or words of Elimelech.
My mother was born in Korczyna to a Hassid named Gad Asher Gutwein. He was known for charity and was the treasurer of the charity fund Kollel Jerusalem or Jerusalem study group. On Yom Kippur in 1935, at the end of the prayers, he stood on the bima, stretched out his hands to the table, and passed away. His father Yaakow Itzhak was a scholar of the Babylonian and Jerusalem Talmud. He passed away in 1924. He was the son of the rabbi of Stryzow.
My maternal grandmother Sarah was the daughter of the Hassid Moshe Nathan whom hoodlums killed while on a business trip to Hungary. She was a very religious and pious woman who died in 1885. (See section dealing with Moshe Nathan Gutwein.) She was descendant of Rabbi EkliezerLipa, the father of the saintly Rabbis Elimelech of Lejansk and Zushe of Honipoli. My mother had two brothers; Moshe Nathan and Yehuda. He also had two sisters Leah and Etil. (The first one married Rabbi Eliezer Lipa Fessel and the second one married Shimon Zeew Rothenberg)
My eyes shed tears as I remember the entire family that was killed and among them my son in law Rabbi Yehiel Tzwi Beer, the judicial head of the hamlet of Huskow
(the birthplace of Rabbi Lewi Itzhak of Berditchew). A follower of Issachar Dow of Litobisk; the rabbi of Nitra in Czeckoslavakia was the father of the rabbis of Makow and Maszina. He was a saintly person and refused to accept the position of a rabbi in a big city stating that his position as head of a small yeshiva gave him time to study.
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The mother in law, Yuta Rachel, was a pious and charitable person. She was the daughter of Rabbi Yaakow Shuem Hertzig, judicial head of Niznikowic, the son of the head of the judicial council Rabbi Wolwish of Ulanow. The latter had one son named Dawid who assumed his father's position. He had four daughters named Tziporah, Sarah, Neche and Yochewed who married to students of the Torah.
My father in law the rabbi had three sons. The oldest was Wolwish , the second one was Mordechai Dawid and the third one was Naphtali. All of them were Torah students familiar with the Bible and Talmud and G-d fearing. He also had four gentle daughters; Riwka, Pesia, Batshewa, and Haya. The German and their supporters killed all of them during WWII (1939-1945). May their dead be avenged.
In memory of our beloved Yehiel Tzwi( Hershele), the son of Rabbi Dawid and Hantche Weinstock of Vienna, who were killed by the Germans during the Shoa). He was a student of the Hebron Yeshiva and the Hebrew University. He sacrificed himself in order to defend the Hadassah Hospital and Hebrew University convoy that was attacked on the way to Mount Scopus in April of 1948. May he rest among the heroes of Israel! |
Yossef Rapaport
He was one of the old cohanim in the city. He was well mannered and a scholar. He was a Hassid with a silver beard that covered his face and reached his shoulders. He lived on Korlewski Street, had a grocery, and sold grains. With the outbreak of WWI, he was sick and shortly thereafter passed away. He left a wife, a son Chaim Yudel and a daughter Etil. The widow Pearl moved to the house of Eliash where she opened a wholesale store. Her son was a student of the study center and following his marriage moved to Tarnow. Pearl became ill, underwent surgery but the surgery failed and she died. Her daughter took over her business. She married Dawid Kannengisser who soon became ill and died. He left her with an infant daughter. She later remarried Yossef Pfepper. (See above.)
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A. Rapoport
He was a quiet, reserved and kept tradition. He owned a jewelry store on Kosciuszko Street and did engravings and fixed watches. He died as an old man with the outbreak of WWI.
P. Rapoport
He was the son in law of Eli Hess. He was a religious person and a loyal member of the Mizrahi movement and one of the founders of the Mizrahi School. He was a timber merchant and lived on Florianska Street.
Eliezer Raab
He was the owner of an inn on Cieckiego Street on the way to the railroad. He was a quiet and well-mannered person who kept to himself. He observed the commandments and prayed at the study center of the rabbi.
He donated a sefer Torah to the synagogue prior to WWI. A huge crowd escorted him and the Torah to the study center. The procession was proceeded by a band of the Haknassat Kala organization and all along the road, torches and firecrackers lit the way.
He died as an old man following a disease. He left a wife, four sons and three daughters. His oldest daughter married Shmuel Seinwil. One of his sons, named Kalman, was a clerk of the Ludowy Bank who escaped to Jaslo with the outbreak of the war with the donated Torah in his hands. He reached Lemberg but had to hide the Torah. He is now in the USA. The oldest son lived in Lemberg.
Leibish, the second son, was married to the daughter of Shlomo Geminder and owned a printing press in Tarnow. The youngest son, Yehoshua, left for Palestine and settled in Haifa.
Pinhas Raab
(See Mandil Miller)
Beril Rabi
He was a merchant. With the outbreak of WWI, he left for Hungary and remained there a considerable period. He was a religious and prayed at the
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the study center. He lived on Nowa Street and was a businessperson. He left Jaslo in the thirties. He had three daughters and a son. One of his daughters left for Palestine where she settled in Yazur. His wife and a son live in the USA.
Itzhak Yehuda Rubel
On top of the Talmud Torah building, that was the highest building in the city, there was a black marble sign with the following inscription:
The Jaslo Talmud Torah
In honor of Itzhak Yehuda Rubel. |
The place was scheduled to be a kloiz or a synagogue, but with the completion of the main synagogue, the plan for the building was changed. He was highly respected and always referred to as Itche-juda Rubel with reverence. The people took pride in his residing in Jaslo. He invited a special scribe to write a sefer Torah in his behalf that he donated to the synagogue. He also commissioned a curtain for the Holy Ark studded with precious stones.
He was very rich and owned a great deal of real estate, including forests, a large estate, a vodka distillery in Siowniow, and owned a brick and tile factory. He was estimated to be worth about a million rheinish in gold. His house was open to everybody. He distributed charity to the poor and to the social institutions in the city and enjoyed the act of giving.
He sympathized with the Hassidic world and was supposedly a follower of the rabbi of Sieniawa. He sent contributions to many Hassidic rabbis and their grandsons. He was well acquainted with the rabbinical world. Every winter, he sent wood and potatoes to the synagogues of Jaslo. He employed Jewish workers in his enterprises and paid them well. He was especially fond of his Hassidic manager, Baruch Leib Shtams from Gorlice. The latter erected a small synagogue and built a mikve on the estate of Itzhak Yehuda Rubel.
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Yekil Kalb was also one of the old time workers at the plant. He treated his employees with respect and they treated him with reverence.
He was well liked and influential in the city but never abused his power. He led a full life and died of old age. Municipal and district officials participated in his funeral as did the entire community.
The local rabbi eulogized him and Shlomo Schmidt eulogized him on behalf of the Talmud Torah institution and the student body. The eulogy was moving and some people shed tears.
He left three daughters and four sons who were all businesspersons and well known in the community. They continued to observe tradition but were more modern and adhered to Zionism. Their children however already attended academic institutions..
His three son in laws were:Awraham Goldman, related to the lawyer Yaakow Hertzig, the second one was the erudite benefactor Moti Karp and the third one was scholarly Shlomo Bazner, a descendant of a famous East Galician Jewish family. (The Bazner family resided on a large estate for many years.
Dr. Itzhak Bazner |
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They lived like princes in Baborkuwka, district of Skala, and produced many community leaders, artists and rabbis.) He died relatively young and the family resided in Czortkow. He left a wife, two daughters and one son, who graduated from the University of Krakow with the diploma of doctor of law and economics. Dr. Itzhak Bazner was a very high official at the Israeli treasury and was killed in a plane accident while flying from Rome to Holland on March 22, 1952
The accident occurred near Franfurt, Germany, where he was to negotiate German reparations agreements for Shoa survivors. They flew his body to Israel where he was buried on April 1, 1952
His son Nehemia left Jaslo following his marriage and settled in Rzeszow but later returned to Jaslo. His daughter lived in Tel Aviv and the second son Leibish lived all his life in Rzeszow.
Elhanan Rubel
He was a very successful businessperson and built a beautiful house on Kosciuszko Street opposite the Oszcidonosci Ban. This was the most beautiful and modern house in the city.
Reuben Rubel
He was the youngest sons of the family. He was a forest merchant and ha a nice house on May 3rd Street corner of Asnika Street. (One of his sons reached Israel and works for Hamashbir organization in Tel Aviv.) He prayed at the great synagogue along the eastern wall. He was one of the important people in the city. His sons were members of the Zionist youth movements in the city and members of the sport club
Maccabi. His wife was active in social institutions and Wizo. They fled to Kolomaya with the outbreak of WWII where he passed away. His son Lonek was killed in Sambor and the oldest son Feiwil (Fridek) survived the war and lives in Katowice. One son named Itzhak (Eisik) reached the USA.
He was one of the attorneys in the city. He distanced himself from Jewish life and was an assimilated Jew. He lived on May 3rd Street and had a son and a daughter.
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L. Rosenblit
He was one of the leading officials at the oil refinery in Niglowic. He reached Lutzk with the outbreak of the war and lost his mind.
Uziel Rosenwasser
He was one of the Gorlice refugees who settled in Jaslo during WWI. He was a quiet Hassidic person, studied the Talmud daily and prayed at the study center of the rabbi. He lived almost his entire life on Korlowski Street and was a merchant.
His oldest son Moshe studied at the study center and left Jaslo following his marriage.
He had a stand in the market and sold general items.
One of his daughters, Czarna, married Yaakow Trenczer of Krosno. He was very religious and familiar with religious literature. He was a tailor and they lived in Jaslo.
Chaim Rosenfeld
He was a modern man in the spirit of the time. He was a businessperson, prayed at the Yad Charutzim synagogue, and later became president of the association.
He lived in the Eliash house where he had a furniture store. He had three sons and one daughter who received a high school education. The second son, Itzhak, graduated as a lawyer and opened an office. They were members of the Zionist organizations and played soccer for the local Maccabi club
According to rumors, Chaim Rosenfeld and his son Awraham (Romek) reached Israel. Awraham's wife is the daughter of Tzwi Bergman of Targowice. They live in one of the new suburbs of Kfar Saba. Chaim Rosenfeld's wife died following a disease in the month of Shwat in 1942 in Samarkand.
The Germans killed Itzhak and Leah in Dubno and Dawid in Lemberg.
Eliezer Rosner
He was an old timer in the city and the son of Mordechai Rozner. He was a grocery wholesaler in his house that was located in the market near the municipality. Most of his customers were farmers from the area and referred
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to his place as Rozner under the clock or under the clock since there was a big city clock hanging from the municipal building. His house was small in comparison to the city building and it gave the impression of a tiny addition.
Yehiel Rosner
He was the second son of Mordechai Rosner and called Itchal Rozner. He owned an inn in the market. Naphtali Walfeld previously owned the place. He was a serious minded individual and had a large house where a dozen people met for years on Saturdays and holidays to conduct services.
He had two sons and the younger one was Yehoshua who worked for a while at the municipal concrete plant to learn for use in Palestine. He did not succeed and abandoned the Palestine interest.
Chaim Rosner
He was the older son of Yehiel Rosner and studied at the study center. He was a quiet and honest person. He helped the father in the inn.
Moshe Rosner
He was the son in law of Shriar, the owner of the factory Shreier and Gartenberg and the oil refinery that employed a thousand workers in Niglowic.
He was very involved in Jewish life, as opposed to some of the well to do families that distanced themselves from Jewish life. He was an educated individual and in his youth even studied Talmud. He gave charity to institutions and individuals.
Each month he personally advised his accountant to send checks to revered rabbis and urged them to use it for charity and to pray for his health.
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With old age his memory began to lapse and he took on Mordechai Dawid Adler to walk with him and escort him on his errands. His mind deteriorated and Mordechai Adler became his watchdog and his memory disk. Indeed, Mordechai Adler tended to him and became his eyes and mouthpiece. Daily they walked about the municipal park near his house. It was not a pleasant picture in spite of the gold-framed glasses.
He wrapped himself in his big Turkish tallit as he headed for synagogue each Saturday and holiday. He prayed with devotion. He had one son who was an attorney and a daughter
Leibish Roth
He was always the first to morning and evening services. On occasion when I reached the study center in the middle of the day, he was also there studying the Talmud.
I remember him sitting on the bench before the bima facing the holy ark. Thus he sat for years with his yarmulke on top of his head, his red creased forehead and below his eyebrows were two burning eyes and from his mouth emerged the studying tune which is used in studying the Talmud. The voice was barely audible but it was there and to this day the tune still rings in my ear. On the table next to the Talmud was his red kerchief and two snuff boxes. He was talking to himself as though explaining to friend difficult passages of the Talmud. He was accustomed to study difficult and not popular Talmudic texts - Hazerot, Eruvin, Zvachin, Minhot, Meila, Kritot, etc. His beard reached his chest and was known in the city. The mind continued to indulge in theoretical arguments of the Talmud, completely detached from this world.
He was one of the few surviving Gorlitzer Hassidim and was very involved in the Hevre Kadisha. He was a friend of the rabbi and prayed in his study center.
He had two sons and several daughters. Yudel, his second son, left for the USA with the creation of the Polish State and was very successful.
Meir Hillel Roth
He was born in Brzeszow and settled in Jaslo around 1908. He opened a grocery on the road to Niglowic. He was a Sadigorer Hassid, knowledgeable, well-read, pleasant conversationalist who interlaced sayings of the sages in his discussions.
He was called to the Austrian Army in 1914 and his family left for Vienna, where they remained for some time and then left for the USA in 1920. He had two sons and three daughters. They received a very religious education and are presently religious.
He was influenced by the idea of Zion and realized his dream when he settled in Jerusalem in the fifties and opened a zipper factory. He purchased a nice home in the German Colony. He is very happy to have fulfilled his dream of living in the Holy City. He is known in the area and was elected to the Katamon community council
Meir Berish Rothfeld
He was a super scholar in the city and one of the few remaining Alsker Hassidim. The community appointed ritual slaughterer after Zelig Miller. As an old time Hassid immersed in the study of the Torah and feared G-d. The community approved his saintly behavior and appreciated it.
He lived all his life near the study center in a small flat where he managed to broaden his knowledge of the Torah. Prior to the outbreak of WWI, he suddenly fell ill and accepted his pains with fortitude. Still the disease progressed; he traveled to Krakow to consult doctors, surgery was performed but to no avail.
The son in law of Sh. Shnirer (the brother of Sarah Shnirer from Krakow) acted as the ritual slaughterer during WWI in Jaslo.
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Herzl Rothfeld
He was the son of Meir Berish Rothfeld and was the son in law of Nahum the slaughterer. He was deeply involved in religious studies and used to say, These are the words of G-d but the individual has to choose. Of course, not everybody can choose or select. He devoted himself to Seder Moed and Brachot, two particular sections of the Talmud.
He studied daily these tractates with Mendil Shpiler who was a slow learner but ambitious. He showed great patience with the slow learner and explained to him the intricacies of the text.
He was a partner in the soda factory and lived on Nowa Street. He had three daughters, one of whom was a teacher at the Beit Yaakow School for girls. His son Simcha was a religious student and lives in England.
Tertel Rotter
He was an old resident of the city and owned a flourmill on the way to Zmigrod. He was a clever and generous man. He had three sons, Zushe, Moshe, and Mendil Rotter. All received an education, were members of the Zionist movements, and resided in Jaslo where they conducted business. His daughter was married to Chaim Shlomo Blut. (See above)
Shmuel Mendil Ross
He was an elementary teacher in Jaslo. He was an honest and G-d fearing person. He prayed with a great deal of conviction and devoted time to the poor people in the city. He had several sons raised strictly in accordance with the Torah. One of his sons was Yaakow and the other was Feiwil. His daughter married Rabbi Yehoshua Horowitz of Frysztak. He was a student of the Talmud and they lived on Schajnochy Street next to the Talmud Torah.
With Polish independence, he left for the USA for the second time. His family remained in Jaslo and was involved in business. The entire family eventually left for the USA.
Yona Ritner
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He barely made a living fixing brooms and brushes. He was religious and kept to his faith. He prayed at the study center of the rabbi. He had several sons, one of whom drowned as a sailor during WWII. One son survived and settled in Yehudia in Israel
Itzhak Reich
He was called Itche Reich and he was a grocery wholesaler on Kazimeirz Street. He also had a salt monopoly for dozens of years. He was from Hungary and presented a nice picture with his large beard that covered his face. He was one of the old timers at the study center services.
He managed his house in the traditional religious manner. He had four daughters and five sons - Nathan, Mendil, Shlomo, Yehoshua and Hersh. They studied at the study center and helped their father in his business. The sons were quiet, well-mannered people. One of them lived in Kaszoi, the second one in Sandz; two lived in Krakow and Reshow and the youngest lived in Jaslo. One of his sons in law lived in Tarnow and was a member of the Mizrahi movement. His third son in law was Burkosz and two of his sons, Yehoshua and Hershel, survived the war and are in the USA. Another son of Itche Reich lives in Israel
Zeew Reich
He was the youngest son in law of Itche Reich and he comes from Sanok. He was student of the Talmud and familiar with religious books. He opened a shoe store in Yossef Menasge's house and did very well.
Moshe Reich
( See Yerucham Frei)
Reichman, attorney
He lived in the house of Mendel Meller on May 3rd Street. He was not involved in public life. He devoted himself to his legal work.
Dawid Ring
He was a quiet person and worked as a watchmaker first in the house of Shmuel Lehr and then on Florianska Street. He had one son and a daughter. The son reached Israel and settled in one of the settlements.
Abish Rinhald
He was one of the first Hassidim and had a very distinct face. He was honest and well raised. He descended from a well-established family in Tarnow that included many rabbis and religious scholars.
He owned a haberdashery and sold dress supplies. He lived almost his entire life on Korlowski Street. He prayed at the study center of Rabbi Mandil and later at the great synagogue. His oldest son, Itzhak, was a student of the study center and settled in Sandz following his marriage
His second son, Simcha Ber, was also a student of the study center. He broadened his horizons and left for the USA with the creation of the Polish state.
Mordechai Dawid Riss
He lived all his life in Dembowce and conducted business. He was spiritually inclined and familiar with religious literature. He followed Hassidism and was a fine host. He had a mikve and a small synagogue in his house where the Jews from the vicinity prayed on Saturdays and holidays.
He had six sons and two daughters who received a very religious education. They were all fine and gentle children. One of his sons, Feiwil, the son in law of Shulem Topoliner, left Jaslo for Palestine in 1933-1934 and settled in Haifa. He became ill and passed away in 1961 after a great deal of suffering. One of his sons, Simcha, lives in the USA.
Naphtali Riss
He was the son in law of Moshe Werner and educated. He was very strict in his observance. He had a grocery in Jaslo until 1913 and then left for Germany.
He reached Palestine in 1936 and settled in Tel Aviv where he conducted business. He suddenly took ill and passed away in 1962.
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Itzhak Randal
He was an old timer in the city and a very pleasant person. He was a grain merchant His son Yaakow was well read and expressed his opinion on every subject. He loved to joke and clown about with people. He was also a grain merchant. The family left Jaslo for Pilzno with the outbreak of WWI.
Awraham Ressler
He was one of the first Hebrew teachers at the Targowica. He was a dedicated and faithful Hebrew teacher who taught generation after generation of Jews in the city.
He conducted the Mussaf services on the High Holidays at the Yad Charutzim synagogue. He had three sons, Chaim Mendel, Zeew and Yehiel, and two daughters. He had a long and productive life and lived in the same wooden barrack in the Targowice. He died about the time of the creation of the Polish state.
P. Ressler
He was the second husband of the widow Miriam Weber and he stems from Hungary. He was an extremely well mannered person and loved music and song. He was a tailor and lived on Korlowski Street.
Eliezer Raah
He was an enlightened and tall individual. He had a yellow beard that covered his face friends and acquaintances liked him. His simplicity was contagious. Familiar with music, he conducted services on Saturdays and holidays. He also conducted the Mussaf services in Dembowce for many years.
He had a haberdashery and a teacher at the Talmud Torah. His wife and the sons managed the business. One of his sons, Srulik, died from tuberculosis in spite of the medical efforts to save him. He lived all his life with his father in law, Abish Rinhald, on Korlowsky Street.
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