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Zalka Kanarik
He was a member of the inner court of the rabbi of Dukla and moved to Jaslo when the rabbi moved to the city. He was a very clever and wise man. He had black shiny eyes, a happy disposition and was content with life. He always had a smile on his face as though he laughed at the world, yet he was aware of its existence. He respected himself as a Jew, who was familiar with the laws, traditions and in addition to everything had an important position that not too many people reached.
Simche Kaczkowski
He was a modern person for the time. He was a barber, administered leeches and prescribed glasses. He also administered remedies and acted as a male nurse, thus the nickname doctor. He was sued following medical complications as a result of a tooth extraction. He lived in the house of Hersh Shpringer on Nowa Street. He passed away prior to WWI.
Gustav Koczakowski
He was well known among the Jewish youth of Jaslo and those who never met him personally heard of him. At the age of two, he was sick and the disease blinded him for life. He was a very interesting person and very familiar with classical and modern literature, namely the songs of Schiller, Goethe, Heine, Kochanowsky, Mickewicz, Slowacki and he memorized the writings of Nietzche and Schopenhauer.
He knew by heart entire sections of Shakespeare and Bernard Shaw that he could recite instantly. He had great respect for the French writer Emile Zola and was an excellent historian who spoke Polish, German, French, English and Latin fluently.
He conducted an extensive correspondence and was a very capable accountant. He was familiar with the environment in spite of his blindness and was familiar with the local political scene and the situation of the Zionist movement in Jaslo. While a student at the school for the blind in Vienna, he familiarized himself with Zionism through the writings of Herzl and his revolutionary Jewish ideas.
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He had excellent hearing and was very knowledgeable in music. He played the piano, the violin, and recited and sang poetry according to the melody.
He was a very popular teacher and had many students. The youth of Jaslo, especially the religious youth, loved to chat with him. Young men and women who lacked writing fluency approached him secretly to write letters in Polish or German to their sweethearts or their families for them. He was very helpful and frequently wrote the letters in particular styles that benefitted he parties. The latter were pleased with his work and he helped them immensely.
Lately he lived in Mendel Meller's house on May 3rd Street. He had one son and two daughters who received an academic education. The son was the secretary of the community for a number of years.
With the outbreak of WWII, they left Jaslo for Lemberg, where the son died. The father reached Russia where he also died.
Adolph Kaczkowski, attorney
He was the brother of Gustav Kaczkowski, one of the best known attorneys in the city of Jaslo.
He was an assimilated Jew and had a slight contempt for Jews, the Jewish community and the Zionist movement. He lived near the district court house and had three daughters.
Max Kugel
He was the owner of an elegant bar in the Steinhaus house in the market. In his youth, he worked for Bogusz Steinhaus as a waiter and later rented the place. The Polish intelligentsia and assimilated Jews met frequently at the bar. The inn sold non-kosher meats and was open on Shabbat and holidays. On the eve of Yom Kippur the owner rushed to the synagogue to pray the minha service and distributed charity. His children received an academic education.
Moshe Kodler
He was an enlightened progressive Jew and a member of the Zionist movement. He was an honest and moderate person.
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His voice was barely audible and he was a wholesaler. His sons were members of the Zionist movement and the family lived along May 3rd Street.
Tzwi Kolber
He was a progressive, honest and quiet person. He was a timber merchant and lived in his house on Iglena Street. He had two sons and a daughter who were members of the Zionist youth movements and helped their father.
The widow Koller
She settled in Jaslo in the 1920s when the Beit Yaakov school for girls opened. Her daughter was a teacher and guidance counselor at the school. She had one son who was a member of the Zionist movement and gave private Hebrew lessons.
Shulem Kunst
He was married to Wolf Eintziger's daughter and had a haberdashery store on May 3rd Street at the house of Mendel Meller. He was a refined man, at ease in dealing with people. He had a clear conscience and acted in good faith. He was a loyal member to the Mizrahi movement and joined the services at the Mizrahi synagogue. He was one of the co-founders of the Mizrahi School and kindergarten. He was a party follower and tried to implement the party line. He devoted most of the energies to the popularization of the party. He dreamt of leaving Jaslo for Palestine but the dream was not realized for he died
Betzalel Mordechai Kuflik
He was a G-d fearing Hassid and very charitable. He set aside hours to continue his religious studies.
He was born in Istrik to an old Hassidic family and settled in Jaslo following his marriage. He opened a grocery but took ill and soon passed away in the prime of life. He left a wife, three sons and a daughter. The grandfather, who continued to reside in Istrik, took the oldest son Awraham Yehoshua and the daughter Dworah to his house. The two younger children Yossef and Aaron remained with their mother in Jaslo. (Aaron contracted tuberculosis and passed away as a youngster.) Awraham left his grandfather when he grew older and so did Dworah, who settled in Germany.
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Awraham Yehoshua Kuflick
He continued his religious and general studies and is presently working for the Jewish community in Zurich, Switzerland. He visited Israel twice (one of his sons studies at the Hebron Yeshiva in Jerusalem and his daughter is married to an outstanding student at the same yeshiva). Dworah, her husband and two daughters live in Haifa. Yossef perished during the Shoa.
Moshe Kaufman
He was born in Korczyna and was married to Leib Tzimet's daughter. He was a poor and honest person who opened a small store that provided him with a living. He continued his religious studies daily.
His sons received a very religious education.
Hersh Korzennik
He was one of the first Jewish homeowners in the city. He was a Munkatcher Hassid and had a bakery along Nowa Street. One of his sons, Shmuel Zeinwil, was a tailor and followed the Hassidic pattern of life. He left for Vienna but was forced by the Germans to leave in 1939 and returned to Jaslo, whereupon the Poles arrested him under the pretext that he was an Austrian spy. He was sent to the famous political prison of Kartuz Bereza.
Zelig Korzennik
He was the second son of Hersh Korzenik and very religious, good natured and G-d fearing. He presented himself nicely and distributed charity. He was a regular member of the study group of mishnayot at the shtibel synagogue.
With the passing of his father, he continued the baking business until 1919. (During WWI his bakery was attacked several times by mobs demanding bread that was not available) He sold the bakery to the Mandel brothers and retired.
He had two sons and three daughters. One of his sons was Moshe who owned a clothing store in Rzeszow. The oldest daughter married M. Dar of Tarnow whose business flourished. He was also a partner in the famous clothing factory Wurtzel and Dar that was well known in Poland. Lately he acquired ownership of the rubber plant Wudeta. The family had a son and a daughter who was deaf-mute.
The son and his family came once to visit the parents. The grandson played near a boiling tank of water, fell into it and died.
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Shlomo Korzennik
He was a modern person and following his marriage settled in Jaslo where he opened a clothing store in his father's house and later moved the business to the house of Doctor Willusz.
Yehiel Korzenik
He was an educated person and had modern views on life. He was a wealthy person in the community. He owned a house on Sokola Street and exported eggs to various countries. He had three daughters who received an academic education.
Yekutiel Zeew Korman
I met Yekutiel Zeew Korman daily for many years; he was one of the first worshippers to arrive at our daily service. He attended the daily lectures given by Chaim Wekselbaum until he passed away.
He was spiritually inclined and wrote articles dealing with religion. He was pleasant and cordial in his relations with other people. On arriving at the synagogue, he proceeded to his seat located along the northeast side, wrapped himself in his prayer shawl and began to pray with great devotion, pronouncing each word distinctly. When required he would gently pick himself up and leave with trepidation.
He was the Torah reader at the study center until he passed away in the harsh winter of 1928. He read correctly and stressed the accentuations. He began the services on the High Holidays. He lived almost all his life on Florianska Street where his wife ran the grocery store and the daughters assisted. He had four daughters and two sons. The oldest son Gershon reached Palestine after he left Germany in 1933. He was a modern person and opened a successful toy and curtain store.
The daughters married religious fellows and yeshiva students. The oldest married her cousin, the son of Mordechai Korman, who was a quiet, friendly store owner. The second daughter married the Hassid Israel Mai who acquired the store from Yeshayahu Cylinder
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and succeeded. The third daughter married Eliyahu Teichthal and the fourth, Miriam, finished the teacher seminary in Warsaw. She was the author of the journal Bnot-Mizrahi or Mizrahi girls. She left for Palestine where she married Shlomo Krisher.
Awraham Korman
He was the second son of Yekutiel Korman. He was highly erudite in Torah knowledge. He was a student of the study center and in his youth was one of the founders of the Mizrahi youth branch in the city. He devoted himself to the movement and was a steady member of the congregation of the Mizrahi synagogue where he read the Torah.
He married the granddaughter of Yaakov Pinhas Krisher and opened a jewelry store on Kosciuszko Street. He left Jaslo with his family and reached Russia where he survived the war. He then reached Israel with his wife and daughter and they settled in Tel Aviv where they started a business.
Chaim Korn
He was the brother in law of Yaakov Freund of Ulaszowica. He was very influential and distinguished for his honesty and integrity. He was a Hassidic Jew and owned a hotel on Iglena Street. Later he opened one on Kosciuszko Street that he managed with his sons. Subsequently his son Benyamin and Chaim Korn managed the hotel until WWI.
Dawid Eliezer Korn
He was the son of Chaim Korn. He was a Hassid in soul and body and studied the Torah daily. He was also inclined to music and was one of the better musicians in town. He was one of the founders of the association Haknassat Kala that helped poor girls to wed. He devoted a great deal of time to the organization. He was one of the musicians of the choir that played for the benefit of the above organization. The choir included many capable musicians that placed it on a high musical level. The choir donated a great deal of time to other charitable organizations.
Shmuel Korn
He was a dairy man. He negotiated with farm owners and purchased their milk. He also sold cheese and butter that he himself produced. He was a simple person and was nicknamed Shmuel limb since he lost his hand in WWI. It was interesting to see how he put on the phylacteries using his lips instead of the hand that was missing.
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He lived on Korlowski Street and had four sons and two daughters. All the children belonged to the Zionist movement.
Mrs. Kornblit
She owned a kiosk in the bus square and had an employment agency for maids. She had an only son named Elisha who was a Bobower Hassid and devoted himself to Torah study.
Awraham Kornhauser
He was one of the oldest attorneys in town and his office was closed on Saturday and holidays, a rarity among Jewish attorneys in Jaslo. He was tall and aristocratic, looking similar to Dr. Herzl.
He was extremely devoted to the Zionist cause from its initial days. He fought on behalf of the movement and was elected several times to be a representative at the Zionist congresses.
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He was very active from his first day of arrival to Jaslo. His life dream was Palestine, the essence of his life, and he devoted to all his energies to it. He even closed his office to tend to party affairs when the need arose. Zionism was his ideal and everything was next on line. He of course had many enemies who opposed him and his ideas bitterly. As a member of the old Zionist guard and the head of the community council, he suggested that the community hire a modern Zionist rabbi for the city. The uproar that followed, cause a great deal of resentment amongst the very religious Jews.
He had a strange personality in his behavior. As a high school student in Tarnow he tended to lean to assimilation and became a non-religious person. He then read Leon Pinsker's Auto-emancipation and Herel's The Jewish State. He read the books and accepted these ideas. He became a convinced and fanatical Zionist. He was a bachelor and as such did not have a prayer shawl. Later in life, he bought a fine silver lined prayer shawl. He wore it on Shabbaths, holidays and yizkor days when he attended the synagogue. Occasionally he was called to the Torah and he received honorable invitations to participate in the Simchat Torah celebrations at the synagogue.
Birthday party for Dr. Krohauser in Jaslo |
His seventieth birthday was celebrated in the community center of Jaslo. Many famous and influential people participated in the celebration, many delegations from other areas came as well as a delegation from the Central Zionist office in Poland, the editor Dr. Berkelhamer of the Jewish Polish newspaper Dzienik, or daily, from Krakow , the senator Bodek representing Lemberg, and Dr. Belech from Gorlice. He was presented with a scroll on which were inscribed all the well-wishers. The scroll was placed in a silver holder. The Germans killed him in the Shoa together with the Jewish community.
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E. Kornmehl
He was the son in law of Mordechai Karp and a doctor. He was the only Jewish doctor to work for the general governmental health insurance office in the city.. He was well regarded and respected by his Jewish and non-Jewish patients. He escaped to Russia with his family prior to the German arrival. He survived the war years in Russia and returned to Poland following WWII where he settled in Wroclaw and began to practice. He suddenly died of a heart attack while still very active. His wife and only son left Poland and reached Israel three years ago. The son finished in Israel medical school and works at Hadassah Hospital in Jerusalem. Mrs. Kornmehl was highly respected in the community and especially in the Zionist movement of the city of Jaslo. She was very active in social work and helped the sick, orphans and needy people. She always had a smile on her face for the people that came to see her. She always listened attentively and tried to help solve the problem with sensitivity and finesse. Her confidence and self-assurance helped many of the needy. She was also very active in Russia on behalf of the Jewish refugees of Poland and helped in every possible way.
Dawid Hersh Kornfeld
He was a long time resident of the city and lived on Kazimierska Street. He exchanged currencies and died of old age with the outbreak of WWI. He had two sons and a daughter
Wolf Kornfeld
He was a modern person and was Amar's business partner. They had several houses and rented flats. He received two houses from his father when the latter died. The properties belonged previously to Alexandrowicz and were located in the corner between Kazimierz and Nowa Streets. He played cards for hours at the Krakowski Hotel with other well to do people. Then
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he ran for office and was elected to the community board as a representative. Being the oldest member of the board, he became the head of the community council. His administration favored the very religious and the rabbi. He never personally took a stand but followed the line of least resistance as long as his tranquility was not disturbed.
He had a son and a daughter who received a high school and academic education. The son named Salo was very active in the Esperanto club in the city and following WWI settled in Paris. His daughter left Jaslo following her marriage.
Bernard Kornfeld
He was the second son of Dawid Hersh Kornfeld and owned a bank on May 3rd Street. Business disappointed him and one day he closed the bank and disappeared. For days, nobody knew what happened to him. He reached Przemysl but was very depressed. He lost his senses and committed suicide at the hotel. He left a wife and a son who received a high school education.
Israel Meir Kornreich
He was one of the oldest inhabitants in Ulaszowica and one of the first to be elected to the community council. He sold spirit and beverages from his home. He was very traditional, nicely mannered and acted as an important man in town. Lately he devoted himself exclusively to his business. He was a brother in law of Itche Reich and related to Baruch Margolies and Aaron Freund.
Moshe Hersh Kornreich
He was the son of Israel Meir Kornreich and the son in law of Itche Reich. He was also involved in the spirit business. He then closed the business and opened a clothing store. This venture also failed and he started another business. He had one daughter.
P. Kurtz
He was a rich man and owned the movie house named Sokol and sold timber and coal. He tended to assimilation and distanced himself from Jewish affairs. He had two sons and two daughters.
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Yossef Kurtzweil
He replaced Cantor Turbowski in Jaslo in 1915. He was from Eastern Galicia and hired as chief cantor. He had a pleasant tenor voice. He prayed with feeling and emotion. The excellent choir of ten helpers supported the cantor. Many people came just to hear him conduct services. His choir consisted of three tenors: Moshe Nussbaum, Betzalel Lipczer and Leibish Bleiman. Four sopranos: the author of the book, Mendel Shindler (now in Paris), Simche Rothfeld now in England) and Moshe Goldschmidt (now in Tel Aviv), Moshe Schecht (now in Haifa). Dawid Weitz, Awraham Itche Apfel were altos and Berish Brun was bass.
He lived all his life in Hershel Shpringer's house. His flat was small and consisted of two small, dark, damp rooms. He had two daughters and one son named Berish.
He was by nature a quiet and satisfied person and. The measly salary that he received from the community for his cantorial services barely covered his living expenses in spite of the fact that everybody was pleased with his performance. After three years of service, he left Jaslo for Germany and then for the USA.
Eliezer Kiehl
He was one of the few natives of the city of Jaslo. He was a merchant and imported flour. He was very religious person and was the beadle of the study center following Yoel Bodner's resignation. He lived on Iglena Street where his father also resided. The latter was also an importer of flour in his younger days. He had two sons and several daughters who received a traditional education. His oldest son Beril was a student of the study center. He was skinny, tall but had fists of iron. All the boys feared these fists. Thus, it came as a great surprise when the medical army doctor rejected him for military service by calling him a skinny runt. The girls of the family joined the Mizrahi youth movement.
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Moshe Kilig
He was one of the oldest cohanim in the city. He provided dairy items to the people of Jaslo but later opened a kiosk where he sold candies and seltzer. The kiosk was in the main square of the city.
He was a modest Hassid and prayed at the rabbi's synagogue. He had two sons and one daughter who became a widow early in life. Her husband left her with a small baby who grew up with Alter Kilig.
Alter Kilig
He was the oldest son of Moshe Kilig and a merchant on Czickiego Street opposite the municipal high school. He was very religious, withdrawn, and kept his distance from people. He adopted his sister's daughter and maintained her until she was married to Shlomo Epstein who later became a fine Talmudic scholar. The uncle maintained the young couple for years.
Avigdor Kilig
He was the second son of Moshe Kilig and the exact opposite of his brother. He was involved in the community and was very energetic. He was a student of the study center and continued his studies after WWI. He spoke fluent Polish and German that resulted in his editing the correspondence between Jewish institutions and the Polish authorities. He married a daughter of the San family who owned the Grand hotel in the city. He dressed traditionally in the Hassidic manner; shtreimel and silk clothing on Saturdays and holidays. He traveled to rabbis and was well liked. He stood for elections and won a seat on behalf of his Mizrahi movement. He dreamt of settling in Palestine one day but the dream never materialized due to Hitler. He shared the fate of the Jewish community of Jaslo.
Leibsh Kinstler
He was a native of Zmigrod and very quiet. He was traditional and prayed at the study center. He was a grain merchant and had one daughter who was married to Shmuel Zilpan of Siniawa.
Mendel Kinstler
He was a brother of Leibish Kinstler. He was a modern person who owned a grocery
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on Koeciuszko Street. He had five daughters and three sons. Some of the children received a high school education. His oldest son Kalman is presently in Melbourne, Australia. The second son Awraham resided in Rome and then moved to Australia. The third son Leibish perished in the Shoa. The oldest daughter was married to the engineer Yaakow Grubtuch, the second son in law was the son of Dawid Hellman. The third son in law was doctor Shomer who worked at Niglowic. The youngest daughter was married to Doctor Itzhak Bezner, a grandson of the famous donor Itzhak Yehuda Rubel. Itzhak Bezner became a high official of the Israeli treasury (he was killed in a plane crash flying to Holland).According to rumors the oldest daughter tried to bribe an official of the ghetto by offering him 50,000 zlotys in gold pieces to enable her to escape the place but it came to nothing.
Yehoshua Kippel
He was the son in law of Wolf Eintziger and strictly observed the commandments. He prayed regularly at the synagogue and was a member of the Hevra Kadisha in the city. He lived on Karmelicka Street and had a store. He had two sons and several daughters.
Moshe Kirsh
He lived for many years in the village of Kobelow. He was very religious and a grain merchant. He also dealt with other agricultural produce. He later bought a flourmill in Pilzno and made a nice living.
He had two sons who left for Germany. Feiwil was the oldest who studied and acquired a general education. He left Germany and managed to reach Palestine where he settled in Tel Aviv and opened a clothing store for women. The second son Chaim lives in Rishon Lezion.
Yaakow Kalb
He was an influential figure at the Hevra Kadisha in the city. He was extremely pious and prayed at the study center of the rabbi. He was one of the oldest workers at the distillery of Itzhak Yehuda Ruvbel in Siowniow.. He earned a nice salary and had two sons and two daughters. The oldest daughter married Yehoshua Grinfeld from Dukla who was a Bobower Hassid. He had a haberdashery and sold sewing articles. The second daughter married Hertz Shlaf who was also a Bobower Hassid but a bit more moderate than his brother in law. He read newspapers, books and
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was familiar with the surroundings. Lately he left Jaslo.
Leibish Kalb
He was the oldest son of Yaakow Kalb and studied at the study center. He also read a great deal and tended to associate with people who followed the Zionist path. He married to Przedmiescze where he opened a grocery. He had three sons and one of them left his religious studies and worked at a dentist's office.
Zishe Kalb
He was the second d son of Yaakow Kalb and was a student at the study center where he devoted himself to the study of the Torah. He tended to Hassidism and following his marriage, he started a business. Later on he opened a store on May 3rd Street where he sold wool, silk and stylish materials. He succeeded in business and attracted a large fashionable clientele. The business did not detract from his religious observance, on the contrary, his attraction to the Bobower Hassidut increased . His only son followed the father's example. Zishe Kalb continued to propagate the ideas of Bobow. He was helped in this endeavor by Pini Shtrum and Abish Neuman. They made nice inroads among the very religious youth of Jaslo. He also attended the daily Talmud lectures. He lived on Sokola Street in a house that he bought in the twenties.
Zalman Kalb
He was an honest and fair person. He was unassuming and an early riser to attend services. He was the first among the clothing merchants at the synagogue. Lately he joined the Dukler Hassidim and became closely associated with the court of the rabbi and prayed at his study center.
(His wife was an Altman, one of the first Jewish families to settle in Jaslo.) He lived all his life in the house of Mendel Gross and had one son named Yossef and five daughters. Three of the daughters made aliyah to Palestine as pioneers and the oldest lived at Kibbutz Yagur in the early twenties. The second daughter lives in Haifa and the third one lives in one of the settlements. According to rumors, the son lives in Belgium.
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Moshe Kalb
He was the son in law of Zelig Miller and frequently led the mishnayot sessions at the Kahal Shtibel or small synagogue and read the Torah at the big study center until he passed away.
He kept away from public honors and shied away from publicity. He was a merchant.
He lived at the house of Olbertowicz next to the synagogue and had four sons and three daughters who received a general education; the youngest son was named Tanhum. Following his death, the family left Jaslo and headed for the USA where some of his sons already resided. One of these sons was Motil who owned a factory. Another son resided in Katowice until the out break of WWII.
Berish Klausner
He was an ordinary Jew who kept his tradition. He sold furniture and lived on Siowniowi Street. His sons left Jaslo for the USA prior to WWI. He raised his grandson who passed away. He then left for the USA.
The Klausner family
With the great battles in and around Gorlice in WWI, the family left the area and settled in Jaslo. The father passed away in Gorlice and left a wife with several children. The family settled in Jaslo but later left for Germany with Polish independence. Part of the family reached the USA with the rise of the Nazis in Germany. Only one son named Moshe Klausner reached Palestine in 1934 and settled in Tel Aviv. He was a very religious young man and accepted his lot. He always had a pleasant smile and struggled to keep his family going. In the winter of 1950, he became ill. The Streets of Tel Aviv were covered with snow, it was bitter cold, the skies were cloudy, a rare site for Tel Aviv when Moshe Klausner was taken to Hadassah Hospital where he passed away. He was merely 46 years of age and left a wife and two small children. May his memory be blessed.
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Israel Kalter
He was the brother in law Moshe Zilberstein and a Talmudic scholar. He was a merchant and left Jaslo for Germany prior to WWI.
Yehoshua Klein
He was an enlightened person and followed the recent modern trends. He was well read and a timber merchant. He settled in Jaslo following WWI and lived in Mendel Meller's house. His daughter made aliyah to Palestine in the thirties.
Ozer Klein He was a brother of Yehoshua Klein and was well read. He was also a timber merchant and settled in Jaslo following WWI. One of his of his sons reached Israel and settled in Holon.
Peretz Kleinberg
He settled in Jalso following the battles around Gorlice in 1914. He was a Hassid and familiar with the torah. He was a steady member of the study center of the rabbi. At first he sold coal and then switched to kitchenware. Lately he also represented several sock firms from Lodz.
He had two sons named Baruch and Kalman and two daughters. The oldest daughter was Riwka and the other one was Pesia. They received a traditional religious education as was the custom amongst very religious families. He lived at Wil's place and then at the Targowica.
Feiwil Klinman
He was born in Sandz and was the son in law of Elimelech Teller. He was very religious, rich and respected. He owned a house in the market square. He previously owned a house at the bottom of Korlowski Street. He was a wholesaler of grocery items.
Every year he walked to the Kol Nidrei service on the eve of Yom Kippur wrapped in his kittel- or white robe and prayer shawl. He also carried a machzor or holiday prayer book and a white pillow since he remained the entire night at the synagogue reciting psalms. He had four sons named: Hersh the oldest, Chaim, Monie and Baruch. They all received a religious education and all studied at study center in their youth. They were all quiet, well-behaved people who were business persons.
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Monie was very religious and devoted himself in his youth to mystical books together with his neighbor Eliezer Hauer. His two son in laws were Yoel Margolies and Shmeril Shertz.
Reuven Klinman
He was the son in law of Yudel Bodner and a Talmudic scholar. He devoted time to the study of the Torah even after his marriage. His wife Feige was as an excellent merchant at her father's store until she married. He was a sugar and flour importer and lived on Kosciuszko Street.
Nathanael L. Klinman
(See Israel Wilner)
Hersh Keller
He was a quiet man and dressed modern. He wore a bowler and gave the impression of some modern German rabbi. He was a tailor and barely made a living. He was supported by his sons and lived in a rundown flat on Sokola Street.
Zelig Keller
He was a smart fellow and known for his speaking abilities and wisecracks in his younger days. He used to be a member of the Poalei Tzion and following his return from Russian captivity became known as a radical of the left. He was a tailor and for a while operated the kiosk next to the distillery.
Shmuel Knobloch
He was from the hamlet of Rymanow and settled in Jaslo following Polish independence. He was well mannered, respected for his appearance and his white beard gave him additional stature.
He made a nice living from his general store and his skin business. He had four sons who received a traditional religious education and tended to the Mizrahi movement. They were Aaron, Moshe, Israel Itzha, and Dawid. One of his daughters was married to a Talmudic scholar from Glogow who was a distinguished student of the Rabbi Itzhak of Shalkish, author of the book Beith Itzhak. Rumors have it that the youngest son Dawid survived the war and is presently in Melbourne, Australia.
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Dawid Kannengisser
He was the son in law of Pearl Rapaport and a Hassidic Jew. He worked with his father in law who became ill and passed away at a very young age.
Moshe Kanner
The Kanner family was known throughout Western Galicia as a rich and large family. He was a Torah student and enlightened. He conducted himself as a Hassid and lived in Mani Eintziger's house on Nowa Street. He discounted checks, dealt in currency exchanges and granted short-term loans.
There was once a dispute between him and Yossef Meller about 500 Austrian reinish. Both came to the religious court presided over by the rabbi. Yossef Meller promised to swear before a Torah that he was telling the truth. The date for the swearing was set and it was to take place at the great synagogue. Large candles lit the synagogue and a large crowd appeared. The shamas brought a black shrew from the cemetery and Yossef Meller dressed in a white kittel was about to take the oath. Suddenly, Eliezer Blum shouted and screamed against the whole procedure. He was supported by many members of the community. They all protested the ordeal that Yossef Meller faced. He was a man of charity, good deeds, helped poor people in the city and an honest person. They stated that the treatment was unfair. Negotiations and discussions began to alleviate the procedure and finally Yossef Meller was excused from the oath. With the outbreak of WWI, the Kanner family left the city and settled in Krakow.
P. Kaplan
He was from Szidlowce, Poland and settled lately in Jaslo. He was a shoemaker and opened a workshop at Eliezer Rosner's place in the market.
Dawid Krebs
He was a traditional Hassidic Jew and a baker. His private and family name were unknown in the
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city. Only his wife was known as Roda the baker. He lived all his life in his house opposite the great synagogue. In his late years, he became blind and Yossef Menashe used to walk him to and from the synagogue.
Moshe Krebs
He was originally from Zmigrod and settled in the twenties in Jaslo. He lived all his life in Goldstein's house. He tended to follow the Mizrahi movement's ideology and was a grain merchant.
Itzhak Leib Krupki
He kept his religious tradition. He was quiet, modest and sold fruits. He lived all his life in the market. He had several sons who were members of the Zionist youth movement. Two of sons made aliyah and one settled in Tel Aviv and one lives in Tzfat.
Chaim Kriger
He was a religious Jew close to Hassidut. He was a shipper of goods and had several sons and daughters. He lived in a wooden barrack along Kosciuszko Street. One of his sons who returned from Russian captivity in WWI, left for Vienna and eventually reached Canada.
Dawid Krizwirt
He was one of the old Talmudic scholars in the city. His integrity and rational pleasant manner of speaking made a nice impression on people. He was a timber merchant and passed away of old age during WWI.
Betzalel Krizwirt
He was the son of Dawid Krizwirt and a Hassidic Jew. He gave a very religious education to his four sons who studied at the study center. He was a close friend of Rabbi Mandil and was a regular member of the service at the study center of the rabbi. He was elected to the community board on the very religious ticket. He served at this post until the outbreak of WWII. He was a timber merchant and lived on Florianska Street
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Bril Krizwirt
He was the youngest son of Dawid Krizwirt and very pious. Following his marriage, he resided in Jaslo, exchanged foreign currency, and discounted financial notes. He made a nice living.
Yaakow Pinhas Krisher
The Jaslo Jewish community was relatively a young community, a mere 70 years of existence. Still some families managed to extend their influence and wealth over the entire community. One such large family was the Krisher family that always appeared on the community rosters whether politically, socially or financially. The father of the family was Yaakow Pinhas Krisher who was born in Sandz and married the daughter of Mordechai Citronenbaum in Zmigrod. He was also the brother in law of Leib Citronenbaum who owned a pub in Jaslo.
Sometime between 1880 and 1881, a few years after he married, Yaakow Pinhas Krisher left Zmigrod and arrived at Jaslo where he opened a shoe store and a haberdashery in the center of the city.
He was an excellent entrepreneur and developed his plans with tenacity. He was a sharp businessperson and was one of those who built the great study center, the ritual bathhouse and was elected to be the beadle of the study center for years to come. As one of the well to do property owners of the city, he had an honorary seat at the study center.
With the outbreak of WWI, he fell ill and passed away in 1915. He left a second wife (his first wife died young), six sons and two daughters. Five sons remained in Jaslo. The sixth, Moshe Krisher, married to Stryj in Eastern Galicia. His first son in law was Ben Tzion Maisels, a descendant of a famous family and well read. He left for Leiptzig, Germany. His daughter was married Awraham Korman who was the son of the scribe Yekutiel Zeew Korman of Jaslo. The couple lives in Tel Aviv. His second son in law was Yehoshua Citronenbaum the son of Leib Citronenbaum. The couple left Jaslo for Germany prior to WWI and remained there for many years. From his second wife he had two sons named Yossil and Benyamin who left Jaslo with Polish Independence. They headed for Germany where they remained until the Nazis took power.
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They then left for the USA . He also had a daughter who married Pinhas Zeiden from Rzeszow.
Chaim Krisher
He was the son of Yaakow Pinhas Krisher and was well read. He was moderated in his opinions and in outlook. In his youth, he studied at study center and was one of the first students there. He was a good student and wore a Kolpack or Hassidic hat on Saturdays and holidays. Following his marriage, he opened a haberdashery and a shoe store on Kazimierz Street and then on Kosciuszko Street that was called by the Jews the railway street.
He was attracted to community work in his early youth and continued with it throughout life. He was active in most community institutions of the Jaslo Jewish community. He devoted a great deal of time to these activities. He was vice chairperson of the community board, chairperson of the Hevrah Kadishe, the beadle at the great synagogue and a member of the Talmud Torah board. As beadle of the great synagogue he placed the synagogue at the disposal of the Zionists where they held assemblies and large meetings. He introduced Dr. Thon, the famous Zionist leader, to the public in Jaslo by enabling him to speak at the great synagogue.
He had four sons and a daughter. The oldest son Hersh Krisher followed his father's example and soon began to be active in the Zionist movement. He became chairperson of the local Zionist committee, member of the Yeshuron board, and sold shekalim prior to Zionist conventions. He married to Ziwec where he opened a haberdashery. With the outbreak of WWII, he reached Russia where he survived. He then arrived in Israel and settled in Jaffa where he holds an important governmental post.
Shlomo Krisher
He was was the second son of Yaakow Pinhas Krisher and was a student at the study center. He then studied at the Tachkomeni seminar in Warsaw. He was very active in the Mizrahi youth movement and a member of the Keren Kayemet and Keren Hayesod boards in Jaslo. He also sold shekalim prior to Zionist conventions and frequently had to defend himself against political opponents. Later he was elected chairman of the Young Mizrahi branch in the city. He made aliyah and a large party was given in his honor. He left Jaslo in 1933 as one of the first Mizrahi pioneers with the daughter of
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Yekutiel Korman. She finished a seminar for kindergarten teachers in Warsaw. She was a very influential and active member of the daughters of the Mizrahi movement. They had made a promise to start their family life in the Holy Land. Indeed, they were married in Tel Aviv and have a curtain and upholstery store in this city
Yossef Krisher
He was the fourth son of Yaakow Pinhas Krisher and reached Israel following WWII. He spent the war years in Russia. He settled in Ramat Itzhak and worked as an electrician. The third son of Krisher, Itzhak, is in the USA and the daughter perished in the Shoa.
Yehoshua Krisher
He had a haberdashery on Kosciuszko Sreet and prior to WWI, on the eve of the war his house that contained the store burned to the ground. On returning to Jaslo following the war, he reopened his store in the market square where Moldauer and Shedel, descendants of the Winfeld family used to have their store. He also imported sugar. He was a very social person and had a nice approach to people.
As a person of influence and wealth, he had influence with the various local authorities and used the influence on behalf of Jewish prisoners who needed help.
He had five sons and two daughters. His oldest son Benyamin was an excellent businessperson and very active on behalf of the Zionist youth movement and later on behalf of the Zionist labor movement.
During the thirties he left Jaslo for Rzeszow. His second son Motik was a student at the study center and later studied at the Tachkomeni seminar in Warsaw. He was a member of the Young Mizrahi branch in the city and in the twenties left Jaslo for Belgium where he continued his studies. He eventually reached the USA.
His third son Ephraim Fishel left for Palestine as a pioneer about twenty years ago and became a member of a kibbutz in Israel. He later settled in Haifa and works as a clerk. His daughter survived in Russia and reached Palestine where she settled in the area of Haifa.
Yoel Krisher
His business was known in the city as Zrudlo Taniuszici on Kosciusko Street. He had a haberdashery and a toy store. He was a religious person but tended to the Zionist movement. He expressed his opinions on different city matters but generally distanced himself from involvements.
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He had five sons, three daughters. All children were members of the Zionist youth movement, and some received an academic education. Two of his sons and a daughter are in Israel and live in Haifa. One of them, Shmuel, is an engineering architect that made aliyah in 1933
Elimelech Krisher
He was also the owner of a haberdashery store that also sold fashionable items and hats. His store was located along May 3rd Street and the corner of Kosciuszko Street. He attracted a wealthy clientele. He was very successful and built a three-story house on Asnika Street.
He was a typical person with a modern outlook on life but was very conservative. He met cultured people and devoted Zionists but Zionism did not affect him. He loved to show off and sought honors. He became the beadle of the rabbi's study center. He was a Hassidic Jew and soon became involved in the planning and executing the various Shabbath, holiday and other special days dinners on behalf of the rabbi. He was in charge of distributing the beer at the parties and loved the honor.
He decided who gets the first and last beer. He served in this capacity for many years
Shabbath mornig he would wear his shtreimel and Hassidic outfit, but for the afternoon services he would wear modern clothes. He was elected to the community board on the ticket that represented the rabbi and was a member of the council until the outbreak of WWII.
He had two sons and a daughter. His son Fishel was a student at the study center in his youth. He devoted himself to Torah study and became very religious and pious. He was a good student and continued his studies in Warsaw where he finished the rabbinical seminar. He was ordained as rabbi in the capital and began to officiate as rabbi.
Itchele Krisher
He returned in the twenties and settled in Jaslo. He opened a cleaning concession store that chemically cleaned clothing. The factory was in Krakow. The business was a success in the first years.
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He was a very pious Jew and prayed at the big study center. Once he was about to lead the services when the beadle dismissed him and sent somebody else to conduct the services. He was furious and felt insulted. There was no explanation for the insult. Itchele Krisher approached the beadle and slapped him twice for the insult he caused him. The action was seen and heard by everybody in the study center and eventually went to court.
Benyamin Kramer
He was a member of the intelligentsia and one of the most influential people in the city. He was one of the first dedicated Zionists when the movement began to grow and expand. He was a close friend of Dr. Kornhauser and supported nicely all charitable institutions in the city. When the various religious ornaments disappeared from the synagogue during WWI, he volunteered to replace them with pure silver ones.
He lived in his house on Kazimierz Street and was a wholesale flour and sugar importer. He also dealt with gas and was a partner in a broom factory. His two sons and daughter used to ride their horses as though they were princes. Of course, they rode for the fun and sport. They all received an academic education in Vienna. With the outbreak of the war he reached Lemberg where he became ill and died. His son Henoch died in Samarkand, Russia. His second son Samek was killed in the ghetto uprising in Warsaw. The daughter managed to survive and lives in Europe.
Moshe Krantz
He was a short, heavyset person. He was a shoemaker and nicknamed Moshele the shoemaker. He barely made a living while working with his sons, who were all shoemakers. He lived all his life on Korlowski Street opposite the girls school.
Awraham Krantz
He was the oldest son of Moshe Krantz and a shoemaker. He barely made a living and became ill at a relatively young age. He passed away and left a sick wife and a child who lived opposite the synagogue.
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Dawid Karp
He was the son in law of Moshe Margulies and very pious. He was very involved in the community and was well built and tall. He was very witty, sharp and prayed at the study center of the rabbi and was a close supporter of Rabbi Mandil.
He distributed merchandise from Krakow, Rzeszow and from various wholesalers according to previously placed retail orders. He distributed the merchandise in the city and vicinity. He had an annual train pass that was needed in his business. He lived all his life on Iglena Street and had two sons and one of them died as a youngster due to heart problems.
Mordechai Karp
He was the son in law of the famous benefactor Yehuda Rubel and the bright star that dazzled for many years in the city. As a youngster in Ulanow near Rudnik, he dressed according to the Hassidic manner. He wore a kolpack on Saturdays and holidays. He was a student at the study center and dedicated himself to Talmudic studies. He was also a very sensitive person and gave extensive charity, sometimes beyond his means.
It is said of him that he had large debts due to donations to various charitable institutions and could not settle the accounts. He threatened his father that he will not marry unless all his debts are settled. Of course, his father settled the debts and his son married.
He was very sharp and enlightened person, his ideas were accepted by the publi; Jewish and non-Jewish. He was a municipal councilor and a member of the community board for many years. He was one of the finest personalities in the city. Until 1914, he dressed in the Hassidic manner, namely silk clothing and a large shtreimel. His house was open to all needy and hungry in the city. Here they received food, clothing and even money.
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He raised an orphan at his home who later left for Palestine where he settled in one of the kibbutzim He was one of the wealthiest people in the city and lived in a big house on Kazimierz Street. He was a timber and egg merchant who also exported to distant countries. He was also a partner in the spirit distillery in Suwionow.
The signs of spring were in the air, the sun was shining and suddenly darkness struck on Passover of 1926. He passed away instantly at the seder night of Passover. The news shocked the entire Jewish community. He was buried the next day and the Jewish population participated en masse at the funeral that also included municipal officials. Members of the police force carried the coffin to the cemetery He left a wife and four sons and two daughters. All finished academic studies and received diplomas. They were all active in the Zionist youth movements and were the founders and leaders of the Hashomer movement.
The oldest son Yossef was doctor of law and economics. He is presently in London where he represented the Polish government there. He toured Israel and he hopes to settle there.
Lonek (today Arieh Amitai after he changed his name) was the second son of Mordechai Karp who left for Palestine in the twenties as a pioneer. Presently he is an engineer and works for the Ministry of Labor(the public works section). He married Tamar, the daughter of the author Tzwi Kerel of Lemberg (now in Tel Aviv). She is a teacher at a girls' school in Jerusalem.
The third son Yehiel died during WWII and the fourth son Moshe or Mundek finished law studies and became an attorney. He survived in Russia and reached Israel where he settled in Jerusalem and works as an attorney for the municipality. His oldest daughter married Dr. E. Kornmehl. She reached Israel with her son and lives in Jerusalem.
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