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A. Shadel
Shadel and Moldauer were sons in law of Leibish Wilfeld and they inherited the business in the market place when the latter died. Shadel had a serious road injury and died as a result. City people barely knew Shadel.
A. Shedlisker
He settled in Jaslo during WWI. He was a quiet person minding his own business. He polished copperware and was the local locksmith. He made a nice income and lived in a cellar apartment in the corner of the market opposite the church. His son finished medical school and lives in Paris, France.
Shimon Shoder
He was a community leader and well known in the city. He was the son in law of Benyamin Kramer and was involved in many municipal institutions. He was elected to the community board on the ticket of the artisans. He was a devoted member of the fire brigade and other institutions.
Spiritually he was inclined to assimilation and was shocked when Zionist intellectuals began to distance themselves from him. He had a son and a daughter who finished high school and continued their education. His second wife was a Shpringer who opened a large beauty salon where some Jewish girls worked.
Moshe Shochet
He is a descendant of a famous Jewish family in Lemberg. He moved to Jaslo about 1900 and worked as an engineer with the railroad. He was an enlightened person and kept to himself. In 1913, he built a three-story house along May 3rd Street. He became ill during the twenties that resulted in a paralysis. The disease lasted until he died in 1927. He left a wife, four sons (his daughter died as a youngster in Vienna during WWI).
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All his children received a higher education but left studies and helped the mother run the large printing plant of labels. The business started as a small shop and grew to be a very impressive plant in Poland.
The wife of Moshe Shochet was an intelligent woman but had no printing experience. She acquired the knowledge gradually and kept expanding the place by the day. She was the dominant personality of the enterprise that employed about 150 workers. She was involved in social and Zionist work in spite of devoting all her energies to the printing plant. She developed commercial ties with Palestine fifty years ago as part of her devotion to Zion. Everything about the Holy Land was dear to her.
She fulfilled her dream of settling in Palestine where she arrived in the thirties with two sons. Naphtali arrived first followed by Riszek. In Tel Aviv, the family started a big printing business where only people from Jaslo worked.
Two years ago, her oldest son Ludwig and his wife arrived in Israel after a long and tortuous trip. The wife was the daughter of Tzwi Baumring. She was formerly married to Leopold Shochet, a brother of Ludwig. The couple reached Russia prior to WWII where Leopold died relatively young. Ludwig's son also recently reached Israel. The family lives on Pines Street in Tel Aviv.
Asher Yeshayahu Shwimmer
He was a quiet, well-mannered and soft-spoken individual. He was one of the old Rymanower Hassidim who patiently explained his concepts to listeners. He was the son in law of Mordechai Rosner who was the father of Eliezer and Yehiel Rosner of Jaslo. He owned an inn on Kazimierz Street in the house of Kornfeld. He died as an elderly person in the twenties.
He had several daughters and four sons who were gentle and well mannered. One of the sons was Pinhas who took part in the formation of the militia to defend Jews against the pogroms that took place following Polish independence. He married the daughter of Manas Hertz. His young son Feiwil kept the inn going for many years. The oldest son left Jaslo after his marriage.
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One daughter left for Palestine and settled in Bnei Brak.
Mordechai Dawid Shwinger
He was a quiet person and was a furrier. He also sold hats and bowlers that brought him a nice income. He was the son in law of Shmuel Lehr and lived in his house all his life. He became ill and died of exhaustion. He left a wife, two sons and three daughters.
Ephraim and Henech Shwinger
They were the sons of Mordechai Dawid Shwinger. Both were ambitious and enterprising. They also sold hats at the house of Dr. Willusz in the market square. They were also furriers and prepared winter leather coats.
Ephraim married the daughter of Nathan Siegfried and they reached Russia with the outbreak of WWII. They survived the war, reached Austria, and then came to Israel where they stayed for a short period.
Abba Shulew
He was a real estate man. He was intelligent and well read. He settled in the twenties in Koblow. He was a very religious Jew and came to pray in the great synagogue every Saturday and holiday. Here he also engaged in small talk with the city people. His daughter recently left Poland and came to Israel where she settled in Tel Aviv.
Leib Shuman
He was a modest, honest and traditional Jew. He lived all his life in Przedmiescze where he had a grocery. He died relatively young and left a wife, two sons and three daughters. With the creation of the Polish state, the family left for the USA.
Chaim Shuman
He was the brother of Leib Shuman and settled in Jaslo following WWI. He was a good-natured Hassid, well acquainted with religious literature. He also had his feet on
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the ground. He was a regular worshipper at the great synagogue and was a timber merchant. He lived on Sokolow Street.
He had a number of sons and the oldest one was a scholarly student and a member of the mizrahi movement. He left Jaslo in the twenties and settled in Metz, France. The youngest son Dawid finished the teacher seminary named Poznanski in Warsaw and left Jaslo for Palestine in the thirties. He married the daughter of H. Mishuri, principal of the Bilu school in Tel Aviv. She is a teacher in Rehovot.
Shumer, Dr.
He was the son in law of Mendel Kinstler. He was a high official at the oil refinery in Niglowic (See above)
Simon, Shor Dr.
He was a doctor with the railway system in Jaslo and vicinity. He did not mingle with Jews and lived on Cickiego Street at the corner of May 3rd Street, opposite the municipal park.
He had one son who was spectacularly handsome. He was also an excellent student and wanted to study Hebrew. In this connection, I will describe an incident that took place. When I was about 15 or 16 I gave Hebrew lessons to youngsters. Among the students was the son of Doctor Shor Following a few lessons, the students picked up a few words and one of the students knew the meaning of the word
shor, namely ox in German and Yiddish. The connotation of the word assumed a negative implication. The students kidded the young student and he took it seriously. When I returned to the lessons, I tried to explain to the offended student that the name is not derived from ox but rather from the Hebrew word meshorer or poet or from the word shira or singing. I also brought some examples, namely the famous cantor from Lemberg was also called Baruch Shor and the famous professor at the royal conservatory in Moscow was also called Dawid Shor. My naïve explanations did the job and the student felt better.(During the German occupation, the student became a teacher in the ghetto school of Jaslo.)
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Dawid Shwartzman
He was a serious and moderate person. He was the son in law of Zelig Beam and familiar with religious books. He dressed impeccably in the style of religious scholars. He was a merchant for years and then opened a laundry detergent factory with Hertzel Rothfeld. He lived in Elimelech Goldstein's house his entire life until he became sick. He never recovered and passed away at a relative young age. He left a wife and two sons, one was a clerk and the other one was a merchant.
Tzwi Shtoyar
Morning and evening Hershel Shtoyar walked slowly from his home at the far end of Koscziusko Street to the synagogue to pray with the congregation. He was short, skinny and tried not to draw attention. He had a pleasant disposition and was content with his lot. He started out as a timber merchant and later became a manager for various flourmills namely Baumring, Werouter, Goldflus-Wistrich. He eventually made aliyah.
He had four sons who received a high school education and the father was very proud of their achievements. They attended the Polish high school. The Balfour Declaration influenced them and immersed them in Zionist activities. They were the first to join the pioneer movement of the Halutz organization and contributed greatly to the activities of the movement in Jaslo.
One day in 1920 a rumor circulated throughout the city that Zeew Shtoyar stopped his studies. He decided to leave for Palestine. The people did not believe their ears; they could not understand the situation. There was only one person who did this before him, namely Berish Meller. The decision became the topic of the day for a long period in Jaslo.
Shortly thereafter, the second son, Yehezkel, also stopped his studies and left for Palestine. He is presently in a kibbutz. The Jewish population in the city began to take notice of the fact that the word Zion assumed practical meaning. It began to attract youngsters to the cause who were willing to face all difficulties in the task of rebuilding Zion. This was no longer some mystical word concept but pragmatic reality. Zion's sleeping days were finished, a generation of builders appeared.
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Israel and Itzhak Shtoyar also left for Palestine. The parents remained in Jaslo but they too received an invitation to settle in Palestine.
The parents are now in their eighties, promenading in Tel Aviv and seeing their children and grandchildren. They are reaping the harvest that their sons invested in the land. They are breathing the free air of Israel.
Aaron Shtorch
He was one of the refuges from Gorlice during WWI who settled in Jaslo. He was very religious and prayed at the study center of Rabbi Mandil. He exchanged monies and was a member of the exchange at the corner of Kosciuszko Street. His father also sat there. He died in the twenties.
Yaakow Storch
He was the son in law of Moshe Nathan Gutwein and a native og Gorlice. He was a torah student and familiar with Jewish law and its finer points. He was a Bobower Hassid and a very religious person. He opened a store in Moshe Shpringer's house in the market.
He prayed at the study center of Rabbi Mandil as did his father in law. In the last community elections, he gained a seat on the community board on the Bobower ticket. He defended their interests until the outbreak of WWII. He lived on Florianska Street. His wife Esther gave birth to twins and later she gave birth to another child. The entire family perished in the Shoah.
Beril Stillman
He was one of the first Jewish settlers in Jaslo. He was a merchant and in his spare time was active in the community. He was very busy negotiating the purchase of land from a local feudal lord on Siuwniow Street. The land will be used as a cemetery for the Jaslo Jewish community. He passed away and left many sons and daughters who resided in Jaslo
Shmuel Stillman
He was the son of Beril Shtillman and had several houses in the city. He also
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Imported flour and had a grocery wholesale business until 1914. He owned a house in the market that was later sold to Moshe Mendel Tzimet.
His son Leibish finished law school and settled in Rozwadow where he opened an office. His daughter married to Lemberg.
Wolf Stillman
He was the second son of Beril Shtillman and had a grocery wholesale and retail business until lately. He had a house on Kosciuszko Street. He had four daughters and two sons. One daughter left for the USA, and another one married the son of Eliezer Wolker. The latter couple left for Palestine and settled in Jerusalem. The husband worked at the Dea Sea plant until he became ill. The cancer resulted in his death.
His son Moshe Shtillman was one of the founders of the Yeshuron club and was very active in the distribution of the blue boxes for collecting money for Zionist causes. He lived in Bochnia, was one of the wealthy people and owned a flourmill, brick factory and fishponds. He survived the war and reached Israel where he settled in Jaffa. His second son Leibish died in the Shoah.
H.Stein attorney
He was an attorney and active in the community. He was a Zionist and defended these interests. He had personal charm and radiated warmth prior to speaking to people and convincing them of the necessity of Zionism. He headed the Zionist movement and helped to expand it. He was the first to allocate communal funds to the Keren Kayemet and Keren Hayesod drives. His son and daughter received an academic education.
Attorney H. Stein |
He managed to reach London with his family prior to the German conquest of the city.
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Tzwi Elimelech Stein
He was the son in law of Hershel Weinstein from Zmigrod. He was good-natured, tall and had a kind face. He was a cattle merchant and exported meat and animals to Vienna. He escaped the Germans and lives in the USA
Hersh Shteinbrecher
He was a religious and friendly person. He was a good natured and honest individual. who was active in the local Hevrah Kadishe society. He had one of the first butcher stores in the city.
Following his death, his wife and her two sons continued the business. She gave extensive charity to the needy and even treated them to meals and provided them with some cash.
Chaim Steinhaus
He was from Zmigrod and a very energetic businessman who took commercial risks. The gentiles respected him for his determined steps. He was the first Jew to open a business in Jaslo. He received a special permit from the Austrian Emperor that enabled him to settle and open a store in the city. Other Jews followed him and this led to the creation of a Jewish community in Jaslo. Jews began to leave the old enclave of Ulaszowice for Jaslo proper.
The old timers stated that Chaim Steinhaus wore a shtreimel on Saturday and holidays and kept Jewish tradition in his youth. His many contacts with non-Jews and his very liberal home atmosphere led to the weakening of his religious customs. He was the first Jew to send his sons to the Polish high school and exposed them to very modern trends. He left most of his estate to his sons.
Itzhak (Ignaci) Steinhaus, attorney
He was the oldest son of Chaim Steinhaus and had the largest legal office in the city. He was a rich man and owned tens of houses. He was completely detached from Jewish life, much assimilated, abandoned completely Jewish traditions. This extreme, assimilated Jew presented himself for parliamentary election in 1903 for the seat of the district of Belz, a stronghold of Belzer Hassidut. He had the
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support of the great Belzer Rabbi and was elected to the imperial Reichsrat of Vienna. (He was one of the armed defenders of the city during the wave of pogroms in 1898.)
He had two sons and a daughter who received a higher education. The son Wladislaw fell as an officer in the Polish legion in 1916. One of the daughters married a non-Jew by the name of Chwistuk who liked Jews and later became one of the righteous gentiles. He was a professor at the University of Krakow. Doctor Itzhak Steinhaus left Jaslo with the creation of the Polish State.
Baruch (Bogoslaw) Steinhaus
He was the second son of Chaim Steiinhaus and nicknamed Bogusz. He remained in Jaslo until he passed away. He also distanced himself from Jewish life and refused to have contact with Jews. The old timers still remember him refusing to attend services when they needed a tenth person for the service quorum. (He was thirteen years old but refused to attend services.)
He was extremely rich and managed the commercial bank on May 3rd Street. He obtained the title of royal adviser and participated in many municipal institutions. He opened a bar in his house in the market where the the Christian intelligentsia met (the place was later bought by Max Koegel).
He had three daughters and a son, Hugo, who was a professor of mathematics at the Technical School in Lemberg; presently he lives in Wroclaw (Breslau) and is rector of the university. He is known as a great mathematician in the world and his method of solving problems is known as the Steinhaus Method.
He passed away in the twenties and was buried in the Jewish cemetery. The casket was transported in a black hearse in the Christian manner but the crosses were removed and many Christians participated at the funeral.
Yossef Shteiner
With the establishment of the Polish State and the pogroms, he left his hamlet of Jedlice and settled in Jaslo. He was known as Yossil Jedliczer. He was a quiet and
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observant Jew who prayed at the study center of the Rabbi and lately became a Dukler Hassid.
He was a merchant who also had a kiosk next to the great synagogue on Schajnochy Street. He had several sons and daughters who helped him in the business. All children received a traditional education. One of the daughters settled in one of the settlements. His son Tzadok lives in the USA.
Awraham Mordechai Shtayer
He was the son in law of Yaakow Freud and was a religious scholar. He was a Hassid who was well mannered and a pleasant conversationalist. He made a living as an agent and shipper of ordered merchandise from Krakow for local retailers. He lived next to the post office. With the establishment of the Polish State, he left Jaslo for the USA. Several years later, the entire family joined him.
Shteller family
The family lived in Jaslo until the end of WWI and then left for the USA.
Baruch Leib Shtams
He was the head accountant of the spirit distillery that Itche Jyda Rubel owned in Siowniow. Eventually he became the most trusted employee of the owner and actually managed the enterprise.
He was born in Rudnik and was an old Gorlitzer Hassid. He was a scholar and frequently took an individual stand. He was an honest, devoted and deeply religious person as befits the early Hassidim. He frequently conducted services and dealt extensively in Jewish mysticism namely the books of Kabbalah, Zohar and
Sifrei Yeraim. He also did not neglect his study of the Talmud and fasted every Monday and Thursday.
He was instrumental in building a mikve and a small synagogue in the fields of Siowniow next to the estate of Rubel. On work breaks, he would enter the synagogue to study his Talmud and commentaries. This was his aim in life.
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His wife Hadas was also a saintly woman who gave a great deal of charity and helped the poor and indigenous people. She secretly helped many a needy persons and is entitled to all the compliments that she earned.
With age he became ill, cleansed himself, and passed away. He left two sons and two daughters who resided outside of Poland.
Following his death, his wife left for Palestine. Her oldest son Anshil moved from Jaslo to Jerusalem prior to WWI. He was a Hassid and G-d fearing man like his father. He was a kind person and was the rabbinical messenger all his life. He passed away recently and is buried in Tzefat (Hershel Shtams that was raised in the house of Baruch Leib Shtams was the son of Anshil Shtams).
His second son was Shulem Shtams who was a quiet and studious type. He was at peace with himself. He was happy with his lot and concentrated on performing good deeds. He left Jaslo for Germany in his youth and later reached Palestine where he settled in Tel Aviv.
Pinhas Shtrum
We can safely say that he was the brain of the Bobower Hassidim in Jaslo as Abish Neuman was the heart of this Hassidut. He initiated, planned and executed ideas. He was the son in law of Yehoshua Ganger
He met daily with Pinhas Shtrum in the store or in the street and discussed for hours Hassidut and how to increase the following of the Bobower Hassidut in Jaslo. One must admit that they did an excellent job, for the membership of the Bobower Hassidim kept growing especially among the youth.
The large, young following was in need for a place to meet and study. The obvious place was a yeshiva. Yehezkel Dawid Shlaf offered a piece of land on Wisoka Street and the yeshiva began to take shape.
He was an educated person and was involved with people. He did not limit himself to religious people but kept in contact with all kinds of individuals. He wore a shtreimel and silk clothing on Shabbath and holidays and on regular days wore modern
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clothing. He wore sport jackets and outer jackets and dressed in the European manner.
He made a nice living from his silk weaving shop and the latest fashionable wool colors, carpets, and furs. His place was in the market, and he sold the finest quality products. However, his soul was not in the business but in Hassidut and to it he devoted his loyalty. The business suffered but he was happy. He gave charity and contributed heavily to the yeshiva of Bobow.
He, his wife Bronia, a son and a daughter left Jaslo with the outbreak of WWII. He reached Russia and survived the war. Eventually he arrived in Israel and opened a perfume business on Allenby Street in Tel Aviv.
Awner Shtern
He was head accountant and purchasing agent for the oil refinery in Niglowic. He was a wise and witty man. He managed to escape with his wife from the Germans and after a great deal of suffering reached Israel where he holds a high position in the government.
Menashe Shtern
He was a very religious, modest, cool tempered and sick person. He was a glazier until he became sick and later passed away. He left a wife, two daughters and five sons who received a traditional Jewish education. One of his sons, Shimon, was a member of the study center and an excellent Talmudic student. They were all Dukler Hassidim and lived on the road to Przedmiescze. They had a haberdashery for many years on Kazimierz Street.
Shimon Shtern
He was one of the old residents of the city and lived all his life in the small wooden barrack on top of the hill next to the cemetery on the way to Siowniow. He was the first undertaker of the Jewish community of Jaslo and in the summer you could not
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miss him if you headed in this direction. He sat on a bench, leaned on his cane and tanned himself in the sun.
Yossel Stern
One of the sons of Shimon Stern was religious. He was a shipper of goods and successful. His daughter managed to save herself during WWII and reached Israel where she settled in Nachlat Itzhak.
Menashe Shilat
He was nicknamed the small Menashele due to his small statue. Physically he was small but in spirit, he was tall and energetic. His pigeon eyes were soft and gentle.
He was always among the first ten congregants to arrive for services at the study center. He headed to his seat located along the northwest wall, wrapped himself in a big talith and prayed with great devotion.
On the High Holidays, he started the services, a traditional gesture bestowed on him until WWII. He was from Dembice and settled in Korczyna following his marriage. This small hamlet was a center of piety and Hassidut.
He was a kindhearted person who contented himself with little and served loyally the forest and timber merchants who provided his livelihood. He had six sons and two daughters. Two of the sons; the oldest Awraham left for the USA prior to WWI and the youngest Yehezkel left with the creation of the Polish state. The third son Yossil was a Talmudic student and lived in Rzeszow. Three children lived in Jaslo.
Reuven Shilat
He was the son son of Menashe Shilat and scholarly. He was a gentle and moderate person who married Towa, the oldest daughter of Reuven Yossef Neiwirth of Korczyna. He worked for the timber and forest merchants and prayed at the great study center. He distanced himself from publicity and led a quiet and simple
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life. He lived in the house of Amer and Kornfeld on Kazimierz Street.
He had four sons and three daughters who received a very religious and Zionist education. The oldest son Meir was a student at the study center where he seriously studied the torah. He was a very good student, gave private lessons, and later became a clerk in the wood companies. He was very active in the youth wing of the mizrahi movement, later he was the secretary of the group and the secretary of the local Keren Kayemet l'Israel or K.K.L. branch until he left for Palestine. He left in 1933 and married Tziporah, the daughter of Elimelech Freund. She was very active in the women's branch of the mizrahi movement. They settled in Jerusalem where they lived until the first truce during the independence war. Because of his shipping work, he moved to Tel Aviv.
The second son finished the seminary for teachers named Poznanski in Warsaw and received the post of religious teacher in the public school of Jaslo. He was the son in law of Nathan Franzblau. He was appointed as the official translator for Hebrew and Yiddish by the Polish government in 1934 to the district court of appeals of Krakow. He was active among the Jewish youth and encouraged them to study Jewish subjects. He continued his teaching career even during the ghetto days of WWII.
The third son was Israel who left for Palestine in the thirties. He was a member of the Jewish underground in Palestine and hunted by the British authorities. He is presently manager of the Hadassah Hospital in Beer Sheba.
The fourth son was Hershele who was devoted to the study of the torah and to the hassidut of Bobow. The daughters were named Bluma, Rachel, and Pearl who belonged to the Halutz movement and perished in the Shoah.
Moshe Shilat
He had two daughters, Roda and Rachel. He was an understanding and knowledgeable individual. He was interested in the world, politics, municipal affairs and expressed his opinions intelligently. He was a loyal member of the Mizrahi movement. He was a disabled soldier from WWI and walked on crutches, but did
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not miss the daily services. He also tended to his mother and father. He lived on his military pension that he received from the government.
Alter Shilat
He hardly spoke and considered speech a wasteful and sinful activity. In his youth he was a devoted student of religious materials and later in life continued to set aside time for his daily lessons in Talmudic studies. Following his marriage he returned to Jaslo and received a job at the distillery of Rubel in Siowniow and his wife Miriam was a midwife. They had two daughters, Yochewed and Ravchel.
With the outbreak of WWII, he left Jaslo by himself and survived the war. He reached Israel and settled in Tel Aviv.
Michael Shingel
He was the son of Moshe Yehuda Shingel and owned an estate with a liquor license in Siedliska near Moszczenica. He was a tall man with an impressive face and a determined walk of authority. He had two daughters who acquired a higher education and one of them settled in Tel Aviv,
Members of the family live in the USA where they altered the name to Langal. His sister was married to the son of Zeew Bernsdadter of Jaslo and one brother, Yerachmiel, fell in 1916 during WWI.
Naphtali Shindelheim
He was for years the only tobacco merchant in town. His store also carried Hebrew and Yiddish papers which was rare in those days for the number of Hebrew readers was miniscule, He also sold lottery tickets and his store was an attraction for ticket holders and passers by, people who looked at the weekly winning names displayed on the board. He and his family left for the USA with the creation of the Polish state.
Dawid Shindler
He was an honest and G-d fearing Hassid who attended the early and late services with punctuality. He produced candles and wax and lived on Schajnochy Street. He
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was one of the first beadles to be elected following the restoration of the study center that was destroyed during WWI by the Russians.
He lived in Germany and settled in the thirties in Palestine but could not adjust to the country and returned to Germany. His stay was short lived and after two years he returned to Palestine with some members of the family. He left his son Yehezkel in Germany where he perished in the Shoah.
Yehezkel distinguished himself as a youngster in his studies. He was a good student and absorbed the passages of the Talmud with relative ease. He was an honest Hassid and even in Frankfurt, set aside hours to continue his studies. He gave lectures, devoted time to charity and was active in social communal affairs. His father brought the sefer torah that he wrote to Israel.
His oldest son, Mendel, left Germany. Presently he resides in Paris where he is a merchant. He visited Israel in 1950.
Four daughters live in Israel; one of them lives in Kfar Hassidim and the others in Tel Aviv. Dawid Shindler continues his habit of getting up at midnight and heading to the synagogue where he thanks the lord for everything.
Michael Shifs
He was an observant and quiet person who lived at the Targowica prior to WWI. He had a nice income from his shoe repair shop where tens of shoemakers worked. He later moved to Nowa Street and eventually bought the building and added additions and improvements.
Lately he also opened a shoe store in the market square in Moshe Mendel Tzimet's house with the assistance of his sons. He had five sons and four daughters, some of whom did not live in Jaslo.
Shalom Shikler
He was the son in law of Shlomo Unger. He was an educated and well-mannered person.
(See Benyamin Unger)
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Awraham Schecht
He was an educated and literary man who had a clear and noble spirit. He was a Czortkower Hassid and a member of the Mizrahi movement. His house was a reception center for visiting members of the party to Jaslo. He was moderate, modest, and gifted with his hands. He was a watchmaker who learned the trade by observation without formal training.
Prior to WWI, he sold musical instruments in the market square and later moved to Elimelech Goldstein's house. He had a few sons and daughters who received a traditional education. One of his sons, Moshe, left for Palestine as a pioneer in the thirties. He settled in Haifa and his sister settled in kibbutz Dan. The oldest son of the family, Elimelech, lived in Krakow.
Itzhak Yaakow Schechter
He was born in Ryglice near Tarnow. He was the brother of Awraham Mocher Sfarim or bookseller. He came annually to Jaslo and sold religious books, prayer shawls, and religious items that he sold at the study center. He was the son in law of Elimelech Goldstein, lived for many years in his house, and was a merchant.
He was a very religious Jew and observed the commandments in the strictest sense of the word. He was satisfied with his lot in life.
He had three sons and six daughters. His youngest son Zeew was amongst the first Zionists in town and left for Palestine in the twenties. He worked on road construction sites in Palestine. Presently he is a section manager in the Shalev company and lives in Tel Aviv.
His oldest son, Chaim, his youngest brother and sister live in London. One daughter lives in the USA.
Ephraim Schechner
He settled in Jaslo at the end of WWI. He was a very religious Jew and raised his children in the same spirit. He was a tailor and sold ready to wear clothing. He lived on the hill behind the municipal building.
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Asher Shlissel
He was a religious Jew who prayed at the study center of the rabbi. He settled in Jaslo in the thirties and opened a store where he sold wrapping paper and paper bags. The store was located on Kazimierz Street.
Shliffer family
The family settled in Jaslo in the twenties and lived on Florianska Street.
Aaron Shlanger
He was the son in law of Tzwi Bergman and lived at the Targowice. He worked and his wife was a known seamstress and the family had a nice income
Yehezkel Dawid Hacohen Shlapf
His home was one of the nicest spiritual places in Jaslo. His home was a symbol of fine living mixed with a love of torah and respect for religion. We can describe his place as a traditional Jewish home in Jaslo.
He observed all the rules of interpersonal relationships to the highest degree and carried out all the commandments to the end degree. He did this in the spirit of brotherly love. Charitable and social work was an essential part of the existence of the family that considered and believed that every individual was in the image of G-d.
He was very religious and observed strictly the laws. He was a regular member of the study center of Rabbi Mandil and attended his services. He leaned to Hassidism and raised his son in the same spirit. He and his wife, Hannah had seven sons. The oldest was Israel Moshe, then Naphtali Hertz, Awraham, Chaim, Mordechai, Nahum and Gedalia Yossef. He sent his oldest son to the Yeshiva in Bobow prior to WWI. He
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established the family tradition of sending the boys to this yeshiva and they all became Bobower Hassidim with convictions.
The commercial and industrial opportunities widened in Poland especially in Lodz and Warsaw with the creation of the Polish State,. The Shlapf family was an enterprising family and saw new opportunities. They established contacts with some of the producers of haberdashery items in the above-mentioned cities. They also established contact with the large drug and cosmetics industries in the USA and France. Their wholesale business expanded rapidly and they provided the retailers in Jaslo with many of their goods.
They traveled and visited many places and met many people but did not alter their traditional behavior. They had beards and side curles, dressed in the traditional religious garb with black velvet hats. They all continued their studies at the yeshiva of Bobow or Ushpizin and the study center of Jaslo,
The sixth son, Nahum, was the most brilliant and devoted Talmudic student. He was bright and had a fast grasp of difficult problems. He studied with the Rabbi of Labowa, and Krosno, he became known as a Talmudic scholar. He was ordained as Rabbi and received a position.
Israel Moshe married a woman of Ushpizin and settled there. Naphtali Hertz married the daughter of Yekil Kalb of Jaslo. They resided in Jaslo but later left the city. Awraham married a woman from Tarnow. They lived for a while in Jaslo but then left the city. The fourth son Chaim married the daughter of Reuven Peretz Kaufman who was the ritual slaughterer of Neimark and later Krosno. He was the brother in law of Yossil Rosenblat. His wife died after three years of marriage while giving birth to a child in Krakow. The baby girl Riwka survived.
Chaim was the driving force of the family business lately and was involved in community affairs. He was the assistant secretary of the community board and
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treasurer of the community. He held these positions until the outbreak of WWII. He was also the assistant manager of Bank Ludowy, the manager of the needy revolving fund association and distributed funds to the needy without publicity.
Mordechai remained in Jaslo following his marriage and purchased the tobacco store from the gentile Jaklinski who was a disabled soldier and had an exclusive monopoly on the sale of tobacco in the city.
Nahum married the daughter of the Rabbi of Bukowsk and remained in Jaslo. They had one son named Gdalia Yossef.
The home of Yehezkel Dawid Hacohen Shlapf was an open and warm house; the family welcomed guests and visitors and contributed handsomely to many institutions. He donated in the thirties a plot to build a yeshiva on Wisoka Street. The family received tremendous publicity when it invited the saintly rabbi of Bobow to open the yeshiva. He accepted the invitation to stay in Jaslo for Shabbath. The Rabbi, Tzwi Halbershtam, or the Bobower Rabbi arrived in Jaslo with hundreds of followers. They all wanted to be near him and a large reception was planned.
Pinhas Shtrum was one of the initiators to invite the Rabbi and he took a special taxi to Tarnow to await the arrival of the Rabbi and escort him to Jaslo. The rabbi arrived in the evening to Jaslo escorted by his two sons.
There was a big reception plan that included the erection of an entrance gate decorated with greens, shrubbery and several Holy Scripture quotations. A musical band was ordered and several yeshiva students planned to ride Cossack style on horses with banners proclaiming Bobower cadets. Torches and firecrackers were planned as well as a large delegation of elderly Jews carrying torahs to receive the Rabbi. At the last moment the plan was cancelled for fear of anti-Semitic provocations. No one wanted to assume responsibility for a Polish act against Jews, be it stoning or bombing. The Jaslo Hassidim of Bobow decided to cancel all the plans and to receive the Rabbi warmly by the large crowd of onlookers. The crowd received him with a spontaneous Shulem Aleichem.
The Rabbi attended the Shabbath service at the great synagogue and conducted the mussaf service. Tables were set at the study center. The family Shlapf received all the publicity and their fame reached a zenith in the community.
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I will presently sketch from memory some fine characteristics of the personality of he great and noble Rabbi of Bobow. He represented the highest and most elevated level of piety (he was shot in Lemberg by sinful murderers, may G-d avenge his death).
The Bobower Hassidut grew rapidly between the end of WWI and the late thirties. This movement grew throughout Western Galicia and had thousands of followers who cherished the sight of the Bobower Rabbi and tried to get as a close as possible to the saintly figure. His followers accepted unquestionably all his expressions and sayings.
The Bobower tunes even penetrated other Hassidic courts. Music played an important role in the expanding Bobower Hassidic movement that even reached non-Hassidic Jews. This movent also seriously affected Jaslo although the city did not have a large Hassidic following prior to the appearance of the Bobower campaign. The religious and some non-religious youth flocked to the Hassidic movement. What wonderful magnetic forces were present in the personality of the Rabbi who managed to attract all these youngsters to his camp. The rabbi was able to ascertain situations, understand and inspire leadership. Thus, he concentrated on the young generation that represented the future. The young generation felt close to the Rabbi and flocked to his court. The place became crowded and frequently they had to accommodate the visitors in the Rabbi's private home. Many young people left their homes and families to be in close proximity to the saintly rabbi.
The admirers of the Rabbi and some people who had no connection to Hassidut were impressed by his great musical ability to compose Hassidic musical arrangements and tunes for the meal time songs of Shabbath and holidays. The tunes had a beat of their own and a deep religious meaning, namely Brich Shmayu, Rebon Olam,
Lecha Dodi, El Adon. How refreshing was the melodic rendition of Shir Lemaalot Essa Einai el haharim, Shmona Esrei of Shabbath, Melech Kol Haolam Kulo, how much piety was devoted to these passages through the musical tunes. A special effect and deep devotion to the faith was in the Bobower tunes. The young Bobower Hassidim carried these tunes throughout Western Galicia where the local people began to hum them. Thousands of followers adhered to this
rapidly expanding Hassidic movement. Soon the movement had branches throughout Galicia.
The head of the Jaslo Bobower branch was the Shlapf family, Abish Neuman and Pinhas Shtrum. There were some external differences among the members but they were devoted to the faith and were ready to sacrifice themselves for this belief.
Yehezkel Dawid Shlapf lived to a ripe old age when he became ill and passed away prior to WWII. A large crowd attended the funeral.. Only two of his sons managed to survive, Chaim and Nahum, who returned from Russia and left for England where they settled in London.
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Shlomo Schmidt
He was a teacher and had a broad education. He was very influential in spiritual matters in the community. He was very active in community affairs and in the Zionist movement. He was a teacher until 1914 at the local Talmud torah where he taught according to a new system that was successful.
With the outbreak of the war, he left teaching and became a businessperson. He had good connections with some manufacturers of Lodz and became one of the main suppliers of haberdashery. The small city storeowners and merchants from the nearby hamlets and villages were his customers. His business venture expanded with each year. His sons Moshe and Chaim assisted him in the business. He purchased the house where he lived from the gentile owner. For years, he lectured every Shabbath afternoon at the great synagogue. The participants enjoyed his lectures where he explained difficult passages with simplicity and understanding.
His reputation as a merchant grew with time among the city merchants for he was restrained and had a calm approach to things. As an old member of the Mizrahi movement, he was placed on the ticket of this party for the upcoming elections to the community. He won a seat and headed the Mizrahi faction within the community board.
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In his spare time, he read many classical and modern books dealing with inquiry, philosophy, and science. He was one of the few People who read daily the Hebrew press in Jaslo and was familiar with the language.
He sat one day in the Rabbi's study center, and browsed at a Humash or bible with commentaries by Moshe Mendelson (leader of the enlightenment, translator). One of the busybodies noticed the book and immediately called his friends and explained the sin of Shlomo Shmidt. Hotheaded youngsters saw an opportunity to act out their passive life and joined the extremists in their shouts that the place was sinful. They tore the humash from his hands and burned it in the yard of the study center. He never returned to the study center of the rabbi and attended regularly the synagogue of the Mizrahi movement whose ideology he supported. He vehemently defended his position against all the attacks by anti-Zionist elements. His three sons, Moshe, Chaim and Yaakow devoted themselves to the Zionist movement and showed interest in leaving for Palestine but the dreams were never realized. One daughter survived the war and settled in one of the settlements in Israel.
I. Shmidling
He was an enlightened person with far reaching ideas that preceded his time. He was a well-known merchant in town who owned an undergarment factory on the road to Zilkow. He was a wealthy person and a member of the Zionist movement in Jaslo. He had one son.
Matityahu Shamir
He was an educated Talmud student and familiar with religious books. He was one of the early Mizrahi Zionists in the city. He sold ready to wear clothing and lived in the market. About 1923/1924, he left Jaslo for Belgium.
Shenborn, Doctor
He was an attorney and the son in law of Ignaci Steinhaus and had an office on Kosciuszko Street. He was extremely assimilated and distanced himself from any contact with Jews.
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Yaakow Meir Shenberg
His family was known in Bedzin. He was the son in law of Moshe Faust and familiar with the environment. He had a general education and was a member of the Zionist movement. He dealt with timber all his life. He and his family managed to reach Russia prior to the arrival of the Germans. They survived the war years in the Soviet Union and returned to Wroclaw (Breslau) Poland where they settled.
On the last day of Pessah, his wife went to the synagogue to recite the prayers for the dead and entered the women's gallery at the top of the stairs. Suddenly a small fire started and all the women rushed to the stairs leading downstairs. The railing gave way due to the pressure and panic started; many women fell to their death including his wife. The event shocked the entire Jewish community, which grieved the tragic event. Most Jewish inhabitants participated in the funeral where the rabbi delivered a moving eulogy for the victims of the synagogue.
Lately he reached Israel with his son who finished medical school. He works for the
Beilinson Hospital near Petach Tikvah and lives in Ramat Gan.
A. Sheingut
He was the second son in law of Moshe Nathan Gutwein. He was a religious student and knew his Talmudic studies. (See Moshe Natan Gutwein).
P. Shendorf
He was the third son in law of Moshe Natan Gutwein.
(See Moshe Nathan Gutwein.)
Shulem Shneider
He was a Tchortkower Hassid, very smart and well acquainted with the real world. He loved to jest on his uncle's account and told Hassidic stories. He was a clerk in a timber store.
He was stationed in Przemysl during WWI. He remained in the city after his discharge. His son was a great scholar and was ordained as a rabbi at a young age by a group of famous rabbis.
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P. Shnep
He was one of the clerks at the oil refinery in Niglowic. He lived there and his son finished law school and opened an office in Jaslo.
P. Shenkopf
He was the son in law of Lipcze Werner. He was an engineer and lived all his life in Przedmiescze.
Pinhas Shafet
He was an enlightened individual who owned a pub near the railway. He had three sons and three daughters.
Yehezkel Shpiler
He was a butcher and earned his wages honestly with integrity. He delivered meat orders to the homes since he did not have a store. He was pleased with his lot. He died rather young and left a wife and four sons who continued the business.
One of his sons, Mendel, became pious and adhered to the Belzer Hassidim. He left for Krakow where he sat at the Belzer synagogue and studied for many years. He returned to Jaslo and was extremely religious. He devoted himself to the mikveh and prayed with great intensity and determination. He grew a beard and long side curls. He dressed in silk clothing, sat, and studied the Talmud at the study center.
One of the sons learned sewing, one was a clerk in a commercial house and the oldest, Zishe, was a cattle merchant.
Dawid Tzwi Shpirer
He was one of the first butchers to open a store in Jaslo. He observed the laws and was a warm hearted Jew. He had three sons who were also butchers. The oldest son, Zelig, was the son in law of Shmuel Zinwil Korzenik of Jaslo.
Reuven Shpirer
He was the second son of Dawid Tzwi Shpirer who had a butcher stand in the market. He was very religious and gave charity. He was honest and fair and lived at the top of the hill behind the municipality. He died and left a wife, four sons and three daughters.
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One of his sons, Menie, was the leading soccer player for Maccabi as a goalie. The second son was the son in law of Yaakow Hershfeld. The third son, Dawid Tzwi,
received a high school education and left for Palestine as a pioneer. He lives in Tel Aviv. The fourth son of Reuven Shpirer, Ephraim, lives in the USA. One daughter left for Palestine as a pioneer and lives at the kibbutz Merchavia. Recently another slaughter and her husband came to Israel. The third daughter died in the Shoah.
Shmuel Shulem Shpirer
He was the third son of Dawid Tzwi Shpirer and had a butcher store in the market . He was a quiet and well-mannered person. He had seven sons who followed the business world and two daughters. Two sons survived; one son, Zelig, lives in Bromberg and the other son, Yossef, came to Israel following the war and settled in the Hatikvah section of Tel Aviv.
Alfred Shpirer, Doctor
He settled in Jaslo in the twenties and opened an office in the market but later moved to the street where all the lawyers had their offices. He won a seat in the thirties to head the community board and remained at this post for one term. He did not belong to a political party but leaned to Zionism. His opinions were acceptable in the community.
He was the son in law of Brochil Hayos, the husband of Tziporah. Following his marriage he opened a large kiosk stand near the distillery where he sold soda, fruits and sweets. He later moved to the house of Moshe Mende Tzimet in the market. He made a nice living.
Israel Shefetz
He was one of the first members of the enlightened movement in the city. He was the son in law of Elimelech Teller. He was familiar with local politics and local problems. He was outspoken and expressed his views regardless of the consequences. He lived lately on Kazimierz Street, had a haberdashery and sold stylish items. He had five daughters and one son, Awraham, who lived in Warsaw; his daughter was a
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nurse at the Hadassah hospital . One of the daughters left as a pioneer for Palestine and lives in Ramat Itzhak.
Menashe Sherber
He was one of the first residents of Ulaszowice, He was an enlightened person in those days. He made a nice living from the inn that had a large garden where parties and meetings took place. He had two sons and two daughters. He left for the USA with his family prior to WWI. One of his sons was active in the Jaslo landesmanshaft in the USA.
P. Shperber
He was a quiet person. He lived on Korlowski Street and was a tailor.
Hirsh Shpringer
He was an old, active Zionist leader. He was also active in the Yad Charutzim association. He lived in a small wooden house on Nowa Street, had a small grocery, and was a partner in the soda factory in the city.
He started out as a copper grinder in his youth but then became a merchant. He was nicknamed flat nose because his nose was not visible. One merely saw the nostrils.
He was an early Zionist and very devoted to the cause; he frequently left the business to attend to party functions. He was very active prior to elections and saw but one place for Jews-Israel. He adored Herzl and considered him an angel sent from heaven to solve the Jewish problem in the world. His words came directly from the heart and influenced many people.
His daughter, Rachel, left for Palestine as a pioneer in the twenties but had to return due to an illness. He had several sons - Chaim, Yehiel, Berl, Shmuel. Two or three of them died as adults. In spite of his grief, he continued to lead an active life and won a
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seat on the community board as a representative of the Yad Charutzim association. He was a member of the board for many years.
Yehiel Shpringer
He was the brother of Hirsh Shpringer and his brother in law. He worked as a copper polisher and later opened a grocery on Florianska Street. He was also a partner in the soda factory. He was a quiet individual, member of the Zionist movement and one of the larger contributors to the Keren Kayemet L'Israel fund. He had five sons who were very active in sports and played for the maccabi soccer team. One of his sons arrived recently in Israel and settled in an area near Kfar Saba. Two of his sons remained in Russia.
Moshe Shpringer
He was a very wealthy individual and owned a store for merchandise in his house in the market. Lately he liquidated the business and dealt in money exchanges and renting his apartments. His sons received a higher education and one of them was a licensed pharmacist.
Elezer Shpringer
He was the only who worked for the post office as a letter carrier for thirty years. He wore the unform of the postal services. He was traditional and was one of the founders of the Hachnassat ala association in the city. His son graduated as a dentist and was a member of the Polish soccer club Czarna. He married a gentile servant that upset the parents to no end.
Leib Shperling
He was a very religious Jew whose beard reached his chest. He worked for a living and then opened a dairy store on Florianska Street. He also opened a clothing store with Shmuel Weinberger but the latter left for America and the store remained in his hands.
He prayed at the study center and was a follower of the Rabbi of Dukla. He had three daughters and a son. The oldest daughter left Jaslo and lives in Paris. The son survived the war and reached Israel.
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Martzel Shriar
He was a partner in the company of Gertenberg and Shriar. He lived all his life in Vienna where he died.
Mendil Sharmar
He was a traditional Jewish merchant. He lived in the hamlet of Borzic near Jaslo.
Shmuel Sharmar
He came from Koloszyc and settled in Jaslo in the twenties. He opened a clothing store in Zalman's house on Florianska Street.
Shmeril Shertz
He was a religious individual with a great deal of Talmudic knowledge. He was a Hassid of Sadigora and gave lectures at their synagogue. He was the son in law of Feiwil Klinsman and opened in his house a retail shoe store. He later became a successful shoe wholesaler and spoke of settling in Palestine but the dream never materialized. He was an excellent traditional service leader and was a warm and sensitive individual.
Ephraim Teumim
He came from the village of Wilkocz and was a descendant of distinguished rabbinical families. He married into a wealthy family of Wolkowicz. Following his marriage he lived with his father in law and became a manager of his many commercial and financial enterprises, namely forests, liquor, and banking. He later became independent and managed his own businesses.
His father was Rabbi Naphtali Hertz Teumim, judicial judge in Wilkowicz and the author of the book Shaar Naphtali or gate of Naphtali. He was a descendant of Rabbi Moshe Teumim of Horodenko who was the son of the sister of the great Talmudic scholar Yaakow of Lissa who authored the following books Havaat Daat, Netivot and others
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The Teumim family claimed some relationship to the royal line of King Dawid.
His in law was Tzwi Elimelech Teitelbaum of Koloszyc who was a rich person and related to the famous Teitelbaum family.
With the outbreak of WWI, he left Wilkowicz with his wife, two daughters and son Elimelech. He found relative safety in a place far from the battlefront. He returned to his community following the end of the war and found his house burned to the ground, his property destroyed and his financial assets depleted due to the galloping inflation in Poland following the war.
Depressed and hopeless he decided to move to Jaslo where he rented a small room for the entire family. His mental situation did not improve with the city's hardships. He was alone without friends in this modern city. He accepted his fate with resignation but hope. His faith was not shaken.
On reaching Jaslo he established the mishnayot group that met between the minha and maariv services at the shtibel synagogue next to the main synagogue and also tried to attract followers. Jaslo was not famiiar with him and the population was not inclined to support Hassidic descendants or rabbis. He was no longer able to start a business and had little income to sustain his family. His mental condition deteriorated with time and affected his entire outlook in spite of the fact that he continued his saintly life pattern. He accepted his lot with grace and did everything in his power to keep his faith intact.
He became ill, bed ridden and again accepted his lot. His face was pale and one saw merely the two shining eyes and the lips that turned skyway as if he was talking to the almighty and explaining to him his record of deeds on the ground. He accepted the suffering as the prelude to entering heaven.
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He passed away and left a wife, two daughters and a son Elimelech. The son matured and began to provide for the family. Elimelech was a smart and enterprising young man who assumed the family responsibility. He obtained a position with the help of friends as a salesperson for the insurance company Phoenix. He soon established himself as an excellent and trustworthy sales representative. His financial situation improved and he saw that his two sisters were married. The oldest one settled in Krakow where her economic position was pleasant. The younger one married Benyamin Teitelbaum who opened a shoe store.
The older sister was Malka who married Moshe Dim and they had a daughter Sara (Sala). They all perished in the Shoah.
In writing these lines, I am informed that Elimelech survived the war and lives in the USA.
One of the influential groups in the city was the mishnayot group established by Rabbi Ephraim Teumim. It grew and attracted many new members, namely Nahum Shochet and Chaim Rapaport.
Many people signed up as founding members of the group that had special by-laws and membership dues. The group accepted special contributions for the the various charity groups and anonymous grants to people in need. When a member of the group died, the association recited prayers for the entire year for the departed. Members belonged to a special squad whose responsibility it was to keep records and post the name of the deceased on the special board at the study center. On the memorial day of the deceased, the members of the association met as a whole and studied mishnayot and then recited the kaddish on behalf of the departed member and a prayer to the almighty to accept the deceased.
This family resided in Tarnowici for years. They were traditional people and were traders.
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