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[Page 317]

List of the Martyrs of Stryszow,
Slaughtered by the Nazi Murderers

(Strzyżów, Poland)

50°51' 24°02'



Ornshteyn, Yitzchok (Itche), wife Leya, and children Rivka, Yehudis, Dvoyreh, and Dovid.
Ornshteyn, Soreh (Yitzchok's mother).
Ornshteyn Ze'ev (Velvl).
Ornshteyn, Reyzl.
Ornshteyn, Toybeh, and children Yoysef and Yisro'el.
Urgan, Elozer, and children.
Ayzen, Dovid, wife Chana, and children Yisro'el and Rivka.



Boyer, Leybish, and wife Feyga.
Boyer, Shloymeh, his wife and child.
Boym, Simche, wife Brayndl, and son.



Gruber, Yehoshua.
Gontcher, Gitl, and mother.
Gontcher, Bluma.



Herbst, Leybish, wife Chana, and children Moyshe, Maleh, Ayzik.
Herbst, Itteh, and children Mendl, Krayneh, Feleh, Genendl.
Herbst, Yehoshua, wife Dobeh, and children Ayzik and Yisro'el.

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Yung, Dov (Berish), wife Chana, and child Leybish.
Yuchenzon, Lipeh, wife Brocheh, and children Yisro'el and Esther.



Milshteyn, Avrom, wife Toybeh, and children Yoysef, Eliezer, Pinches, Zalmen, and daughter.
Milshteyn, Meyer, wife Miriam, and children Toybeh and Yitzchok.
Milshteyn, Yoysef (Meyer's son), and wife.
Mural, Menachem-Mendl, wife Soreh, and children Ze'ev, Dov, and Perl.



Fuks, Ben-Tziyon, wife Chaya-Rochl, and daughter Toybeh.
Fuks, Zalmen, wife Reyzl, and children Yitzchok, Toybeh, Etl, Leya, and Shmuel.
Frayn, Tzvi Babeh, and children Chana and Sima.



Kornfeld, Chayim.
Kleynman, Yehoshua, wife Miriam, and children Yitzchok, Tzvi, Beyle, and Berl.



Shnol, Ze'ev (Velvl).
Shafran, Dovid, wife Chana, and two children.


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