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This section consists of three circular letters that were sent out to natives of Horodlo in Israel and throughout the world. We called on Horodlo natives to write impressions of the town and its residents, and to provide us with the names of Holocaust victims, as well as photos of the victims, for inclusion in this Memorial Book.

The material that the committee received was printed following the required processes of editing and correction, as needed.

The letters served as an urgent call to Horodlo natives to create the Memorial Book, as well as a request to provide us with the necessary help, and join in a common effort to publish the book.

As we completed the Memorial Book, we decided to include these circular letters in the text.

The Editorial Committee

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Committee of Natives of Horodlo (Poland)

Circular No. 1

The committee of Horodlo natives in Israel, and the committee in Buenos Aires (Argentina) have decided to establish memorial projects to commemorate the martyrs of Horodlo: our parents, sisters, and brothers, who were slaughtered by the German murderers (may their names be blotted out). One of these projects is the production of a Memorial Book, to provide a picture of Jewish life in Horodlo in the past, during the years of the recent war and the
catastrophe it brought.

However, at the outset of our work we realized that we were facing a shortage of documents describing life in Horodlo, as well as pictures of people and of events, the major sources of material for this type of work. Nor did we have a list of the Jews who lived in Horodlo on the eve of the war, or information about their tragic end.

We therefore turn to all natives of Horodlo and ask them to send materials that can help to create this Memorial Book, such as letters, documents, pictures, and the like. We promise to return everything once the book has been published,

We beg you to write down your memories of the town and its Jews. Send us photos of the Rabbi, the synagogue, the House of Study, social activists, etc.

Dear brethren! Postpone your business for a few hours, and write down your memories, which will help us to create a memorial to the martyrs of Horodlo who were so tragically murdered.

Please send all materials to the following address:

S. Fraynd, Bet Ha-Po'el Ha-Mizrachi, 108 Achad-Ha-am St., Tel Aviv, Israel,

Yours sincerely,
Yoysef Zavidovitch

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Committee of Natives of Horodlo (Poland)

Elul, 1954

Circular No. 2

Dear Sir/Madam,

Further to our circular letter of Nissan 1954, in which we announced the resolution of the Committees of Horodlo Natives in Israel and in Argentina to publish a Memorial Book to commemorate the natives of Horodlo slaughtered by the German murderers and their collaborators (may their names be blotted out), a book that would include – among other material – a list of the Horodlo Jews who were murdered or died during the war, we are enclosing a form in which you are requested to note the names of your family members and relatives who were murdered or died during the war. Obviously, anyone who does not supply us in good time with the names of his relatives will not have these names in the book.

If you know of families that were completely blotted out, with no survivors, please include them in the list. You will be performing the sacred duty of remembering their pure souls.

Please write these details on the form in Hebrew or Yiddish, in clear handwriting, and add details to the Comments section.

Sincerely, and with good wishes for the nearing High Holy Days,

Yoysef Zavidovitch

P.S. Please send replies to Shmuel Fraynd, 108 Achad Ha-am St., Tel Aviv

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Committee of Natives of Horodlo (Poland)

June, 1955

Circular No. 3

Dear Sir/Madam,

In our two previous circular letters, we announced the resolution of the Horodlo Natives Committees in Israel and in Argentina to publish a Memorial Book, and requested you to send materials for inclusion in the book. Circular No. 2 enclosed forms to use for entering the names of your murdered family, friends, and neighbors, so that they can be included in the book, which will constitute a monument dedicated to the martyrs who are so dear to you and to us. However, we have to date received no material from you.

The Horodlo Committee met on May 11 to discuss publication of the book, and resolved to inform those who have not yet sent materials, that the deadline for sending materials is September 1, 1955. We cannot take responsibility for non-inclusion of their relatives' names in the Memorial Book.

We are sending you the forms once again, and ask you to fill them out and send them to us immediately, so that we can print the information in the Memorial Book.

We are also asking you to set down your memories of Horodlo and its residents, and send these to us immediately, as well as group pictures of Horodlo residents. We will return these to you after copying.

Remember! September 1 is the last date for us to received materials. Afterwards, we will not be responsible for any complaints you might have.

Y. Berg                        A. Kulish
M. Zuberman              S. Fraynd
A. Shmid                     Y. Zavidovitch

P. S.
Please send materials to:
S. Fraynd, 108 Achad HaAm St., HaPo'el HaMizrachi, Tel-Aviv.
Y. Zavidovitch, Modi'in St., Bnei-Brak.

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Horodlo natives in Israel

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The Horodlo Committee in America

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Horodlo natives in Argentina


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Yizkor Book Director, Lance Ackerfeld
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Updated 15 Jul 2024 by LA