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List of Horodlo Martyrs

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List of Horodlo Jews

Men, women, and children, who were murdered by the Nazi Germans and their accomplices (may their names be blotted out) in the catastrophe that befell the Jews of Europe during World War II.


Ayzen, Pinches, wife Chana, and two children: Elkanah and Yoysef.
Ayzen, Pesheh.
Ornshteyn, Ayzik, and wife Royzeh.
Ayzik, Leybush, wife Malke, and children: Brocheh, Feygeh, and Meir.
Ornshteyn, Mindl.
Ornshteyn, Yoysef.
Ornshteyn, Rochl.
Ornshteyn, Shmuel.
Ornshteyn, Yitzchok.
Ornshteyn, Mates.
Ayzen, Chana, and two children.
Ayzen, Shloymeh, wife Hindeh, and children.
Ayzen, Toybeh, and three children.



Blat, Ptachyeh, wife Rachil, and daughters Brocheh and Chana-Tcharneh.
Berger, Pinches, wife Esther, and children Binyomin and Masheh.
Berger, Moysheh, wife Soreh, and six children.
Brenner, Avrom, and wife Sheva.
Bobes, Moysheh, wife Bobeh, their daughter and son-in-law, and his son Shmuel.
Blum, Yitzchok, wife Leya, and children: Malkeh, Rochl, Elimeylech, and Moysheh.
Blay, Fishl, and wife Soreh.

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Blat, Ahron, and wife Bluma.
Bergman, Yoysef, wife Soreh, and four children: Moysheh-Chayim, Shmuel, Chaykeh, and Dina.
Berger, Rochl, and four children.
Berger, Ahron-Asher, wife Tzirl, and son.
Berger, Yehoshua.
Barnholtz, Dina, the daughter of Shloymeh.
Bloch, Yisro'el, wife Rasheh, and three children.
Berman, Shmuel, wife Soreh, and three children: Mordcheh, Yoysef Elozer, Dovid, and Tzvi-Hirsh.
Rabbi Moysheh-Leyb Berman (town Rabbi), and wife Rivka.
Boymeyl, Moysheh, wife Feygeh, and family, and grandchildren Soreh and Yitzchok.
Berger, Yechiel, wife Sheveh, and children.
Berger, Yechiel, wife Dishkeh, and children.
Berger, Borekh Yankev, wife Bluma, and five children.
Barili, Esther.
Barili, Toybeh.
Blat, Shloymeh, and family.



Gertel, Mordcheh, and wife Rivka.
Goldberg, Leybush, and wife Nechomeh.
Groysburd, Dov, wife Tehila, and two children.
Groysburd, Moysheh, wife Chana, and two children.
Groysburd Tzvi, wife Chana, and two children.
Goldenberg, Moysheh, wife Reyzl, and six children.
Goldenberg, Eliezer, wife Malkeh, and two children.
Goldberg, Shimen.
Goldberg, Shmuel, and wife Feygeh.
Goldberg, Bluma.
Goldberg, Toybeh.

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Goldberg, Shmuel, wife Feygeh, son Shmuel, and daughters Bluma and Toybeh.
Gruber, Yoel, wife Miriam, and children.
Gruber, Yitzchok, and wife Chaya.
Gruber, Dovid.
Gruber, Yankev.



Druker, Soreh.
Datelgeld, Freydeh.
Datelgeld, Meir, wife, and two children.
Datelgeld, Rochl.



Hak, Moysheh, wife Pesheh, and two children.
Hendl, Ben-Tziyon.
Hirsh, Chayim, wife Hinde, and three children.
Herbst, Mendl, wife, and two children: Leyb and her daughter.
Harbst, Toybeh.
Hekht, Gitl Royzeh, and two children: Bluma and Yisro'el.
Halperin, Elozer, wife Sheveh; their son Moysheh, his wife Nechomeh and son Avrom with wife
Beyleh, daughter Tcharneh, and grandson Itcheh.
Halperin, Mendl, wife Freydeh.
Hecht, Yoysef, wife Hindeh, and sons Shloymeh and Leyb.
Harfin, Shmuel.
Harfin, Feyeh, and son Moysheh.
Mordechai Sherer, son-in-law of Shmuel Herbst.



Vayntroyb, Avrom, wife Soreh, and children: Dovid, Mindl, Gedalyahu, and Shulamis.

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Vayntroyb, Dovid, wife Rivka, and two children.
Vogshal, Avrom (son of Moysheh).
Varman, Yisro'el, wife, and child.
Varman, Pintcheh, and wife.
Vaynroyb, Shmuel, wife Feygeh, and three children.
Vayntroyb, Chayim Me'ir, wife Leya, and children: Beyleh, Zlateh, Reuven, Rochl, Yitzchok, Soreh.
Vayntroyb, Shmuel.
Vayntroyb, Moysheh, and wife Chana.
Vinrzh, Tzvi, and family.
Vinrzh, Malkeh.
Vayntroyb, Dovid, wife Rivka.
Vinrzh, Avrom, wife Leya, and three children.
Vayntroyb, Shmuel, wife Chana.
Volach, Moysheh Mendl, and wife Chaya Sheyndl.
Volach, Rochl, husband, and three children.
Volach, Esther, husband, and two children.
Volach, Malkeh, and husband.



Zuberman, Yoel Yitzchok, and wife Chana.
Zuberman, Yankev, wife Soreh, and son Yitzchok.
Zuberman, Moysheh, wife Yocheved, and children: Ahron, Rivka, Chaya.
Zuberman, Shmuel, and son Chayim Muni.
Zuberman, Beyleh, and son Moysheh.
Zuberman, Henech, wife Chana, and children Dovid and Yankev.
Zisberg, Yehoshua, wife Feygeh, and two children.
Zayf, Zelik.
Zisberg, Shloymeh, and wife Mirl.
Zaydl, Avrom, wife Reyzl, and daughter Brayne.
Zayf, Avrom Ahron.
Zayf, Yoysef, wife Chaya, and two children.
Zilberberg, Moysheh-Mikhoel, and wife Necheh.

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Zis, Dovid, wife Leya, and children Meyer and Bluma.
Zavidovitch, Perl.
Zavidovitch, Moysheh, wife Broche, and daughter Rivka.
Zavidovitch, Yekutiel.
Zisberg, Moshe, son of Shloymeh and Tzirl.
Zisberg, Chaya, daughter of Shloymeh and Tzirl, husband and baby.
Zaltzman, Etl, and son Tzvi.
Zuberman, Dovid-Yoysef, wife Rivka, and son Shimen.
Zuberman, Ben-Tziyon, wife Chaya, and two children, Dina and Chana.
Zuberman, Tzvi, wife Mechleh, and two children.
Rabbi Zisberg, Shmuel, and wife Bluma.
Zaydl, Rivka, and four children.
Zisberg, Malka, and two children.
Zis, Yankev (Yankl), wife Basha, and son Me'ir.
Zilber, Yechiel, and five children.
Zaydl, Tzvi, wife Gitl, and daughter.
Zaydl, Avrom, wife Henya, and daughter.
Zavidovitch Zisl, wife of Leybl Zavidovitch (daughter of Rabbi Yekutiel).
Zavidovitch, Yekutiel, and wife.
Zavidovitch, Fishl, and family.
Zavidovitch, Mordcheh, wife Malka, and two daughters.
Zavidovitch, Malka,, husband Avner Tzuker, and sons.
Zavidovitch, Yoysef, wife Rochl, and daughter (in Ludmir).



Trach, Yechezkel.
Tzukerman, Toybeh.
Tenenboym, Etl.
Tchesner, Yankev (the ritual slaughterer) and wife Miriam.
Tenenboym, Moysheh, wife Chana, and three children.
Tenenboym, Dov, and three children.
Tayershteyn, Soreh-Mindl, husband, and three children.

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Yank, Malkeh.
Yank, Zeldeh.
Yung, Tzvi.



Katzhendl, Chaya, and three children: Sonia, Rochl, and a son.



Lerner, Mendl, wife Soreh, and five children.
Link, Lipe, wife Esther, and children.
Lerner, Dovid, and wife Feygeh.
Lerner, Yitzchok, wife Sheyndl, and son Eliezer.
Link, Yankev, son of Tzvi.
Link, Rivka, daughter of Tzvi.
Link, Yitzchok.



Mernshteyn, Chayim-Leyb, daughter Feygeh and son Nosn.
Mernshteyn, Yitzchok, wife Vitl, and children Soreh-Rivka, Eydl, and Yankev.
Massmit, Chayim, wife Hinde, and children.
Massmit, Shmuel, wife Mirl, and two children, Avrom and Rivka.
Mastenboym, Tzaytl, and daughter Dvoyre.
Massmit, Shloymeh Todres, and wife Simeh.
Mastenboym, Chayim, and family.
Mederdrut, Gitl, and her two children.
Maynhaym, Motl, and wife Noneh.
Mlinek, and wife Mindl.

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Mlinek, Dov (the Rabbi's son-in-law), wife Fradl (the Rabbi's daughter), and children.
Mabeh, Tzvi, wife Fradl, and two children.
Mabeh, Pesl.
Mederdrut, Avrom, wife Chana, and three children.



Nayman, Bluma, and two children.
Rabbi Naftuleh Ebershtark (the Rabbi's son-in-law), wife Rochl, and daughter Feygele.



Stav, Chana (Eliyohu's daughter), and husband.
Stav, Bluma.
Stav, Dov, and daughter.
Saller, Yitzchok, wife Chasheh, and three children.
Soyfer, Yisro'el, wife Soreh, and six children.
Soyfer, Shloymeh, wife Nechomeh, and two children.
Stav, Yehuda-Aryeh.



Enk, Tuviya, wife Leya, and two children.
Ehrlich, Rivka.
Ehrlich, Royzeh.
Ehrlich, Pesl.



Feder, Aaron-Chayim, and wife Soreh.
Fayl, Yitzchok, wife Elkeh, and son Shimshen.
Fayder, Mirl (Kopel's daughter).

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Fayl, Avrom, wife Perl, and daughters Rivka and Toybeh.
Fayl, Soreh, Tzvi's wife.
Fayl, Tzipeh, and two children.
Fayl, Gitl, and two children.
Fayl, Moyshe, wife, and two children.
Flaks, Moysheh, wife Soreh, and three children.
Fraynd, Tzvi, wife Chaya-Feygeh, and four children.
Perlmutter, Chaya, and children: Moysheh-Yitzchok, Mordcheh, Yoysef-Elozer, Yekutiel, and Brocheh-Tsirl.
Fivisheche, Batsheva, and son Gershon Henech.
Flax, Pinches, and family.
Fraynd, Yitzchok, wife Ada, and daughter.
Fraynd, Dovid, wife Chaneh, and two children.
Fayl, Avrom, wife Henya, and two children.
Fayl, Shimshen, wife, and two children.
Fraynd, Tzipeh.
Fraynd, Zlateh.
Flaks, Yitzchok, wife Chaya, and four children.



Tzigl, Yankev, wife Etl, and two children.enya.
Tzigl, Avrom, wife Chaya, and children Soreh and Henya.
Tzigl, Chayim, wife Dina.
Tzung, Efrayim, wife Rochl.
Tzimerman, Mordcheh.
Tzung, Avrom, and wife Malka.
Tzung, Shmuel.
Tzuker, Chayim-Dovid, wife Rasheh, and children.
Tzukerman, Toybeh.



Klayner, Avrom.
Kremerman, Yehoshua, and wife.

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Krayner, Avrom.
Krayner, Chanina.
Kupershtok, Yehoshua, and sons Efrayim and Eliyohu.
Keller, Shloymeh, and family.
Kenol, Golda, and family.
Kulish, Chaya.



Rozenfeld, Shmuel, wife Raysheh, and seven children.
Rayf, Dovid.
Rozenblum, Shmuel, wife Soreh Mindl, and daughters Sheyndl, Chana, and Fradl.
Rozenblum, Yitzchok, and wife Chideh.
Rozenfeld, Eliyohu, wife Soreh, and five children.
Rozenfeld, Zalmen, and five children.
Rozenblum,Yoysef, and family.
Royter, Rochl.
Rozenberg, Yankev, wife Feygeh, and children.
Rozenfeld, Ahron, wife Frumet, and two children.
Rubinshteyn, Simcheh, wife Bluma, and four children: Ruzhka, Zanvl, Esther, and Dina.



Sher, Efroyim, wife Chaykeh.
Shruver, Feygeh-Beyleh.
Shechter, Mendl, wife Itteh, and children.
Shnayder, Yisro'el.
Shek, Itteh-Leya.
Shek, Dov, and wife Feygeh.
Rabbi Shek, Hillel.
Shmidt, Borekh, wife Beyleh-Brocheh, their daughter and son-in-law.
Shmidt, Chava.
Sher, Nosn, wife Pesheh.

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Shek, Yankev, wife Elkeh, and four children.
Shtayn, Yankev-Henech, and wife Rivka.
Shek, Alter, wife Tzipeh, and daughter Babeh.
Shafir, Reyzl.
Shturm, Bluma, and daughter Chana.
Sherer, Mordcheh, wife Miriam, and three children.
Shek, Avrom, wife Gitl, and five children.
Shvartz, Yitzchok, wife Keyleh, and three children.
Shruver, Noteh, wife Perl, their children, and Noteh's sister.
Shek, Fishl, and wife Soreh.
Shek, Henech, wife Matl, and three children.
Shechter, Dovid, wife Mindl, and two children.
Shlachter, Efroyim, wife Malkeh, and children Kalmen and Soreh.
Shek, Yankev (Shabseh's son), wife Elkeh, and four children.
Shek, Yankev (Moyshe's son), wife Chaya, and children.
Shnurmacher, Leybish, wife Chameh, and daughter Rivka.
Shayer, Mordcheh, wife Miriam, and daughter Freydeh.
Shek, Efroyim Eliyohu, and wife Fradl.
Shteyn, Dovid.
Shteyn, Dov.


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