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by Fradl Shiffer (Perlmutter), Canada[1]
I will sing you a tragic song -- My heart feels like a stone. Let the whole world ring With the tale of the murderers who let us die.
When the Germans arrived --
They wrapped our hands in white rags,
The killers spent days thinking
They imprisoned men in camps, |
[Page 300]
They did even more to us, Ordered us to leave our homes, And took us to Miączyn. Woe is us! Terrible things happened to us there!
They separated us from our parents,
A dreadful train soon came.
Oy, woe is my life!
Now we are alone, desolate,
A star fell from heaven
And after the hard labor what? |
[Page 301]
Their bandits obeyed And shed that young blood.
God! It's time you accepted our tears.
I wept a river of tears |
Translator's Footnote
[Page 302]
by Fradl Shiffer (Perlmutter), Canada
Oy, wake up, my pious Mama, And pay close attention. See the oceans red with Jewish blood Quick, pray for your only child.
The world is so beautiful,
Take my tears
Wake up, my little brothers,
It's time to take up arms |
[Page 303]
by Fradl Shiffer (Perlmutter), Canada
When the Germans arrived They immediately killed us. I had to go to Russia And, so young, leave Mama.
I thought it was a joke,
I received sad letters
When there was peace in the world
I also remember my little town, |
[Page 304]
And I stand by the water, The border, the River Bug. Let me go home to Horodlo. Let this be enough!
The war made everything so bad. |
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Horodło, Poland
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Updated 15 Jul 2024 by LA