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Letters from Dotnuva (cont.)





Translated by Sara Mages

Estimated date: 15 December, 1938  

My dear beloved children Freida and Avraham, may you live in happiness.

We received your two letters, it's unnecessary to describe how great our joy is when we read your satisfied letters. We read your letters again when we have a little time to spare. We tend to talk about the past, when you, my beloved daughter, traveled away from us. How you've suffered in the wake of the great tragedy when you lost your beloved aunt. We understood, even though you wrote us a little about your suffering. We always talked about your situation, and how lonely you were.

My good devoted sister Mary didn't live to derive pleasure from you and from her entire family. She just wanted to do the best for everyone.

Let's hope, that by her good fortune the blessed God sent you your good beloved husband, and thank God, you're no longer alone. As we wished, he's from an orthodox family, good people. Your husband has a generous heart, and it's more valuable to us than millions. We hope to be worthy to see it.

Write me what my brother's daughter [Doris Cohen] from Chicago did in New-York when she visited your uncle. It must be about the money. What is she telling about my only sister Elka? How is she? Are you thinking of going to her? It should cost a lot of money.

Aunt Bat-Sheva is still in Jonava. Moshe traveled to her. I think that she will come to live with us. She received your greeting card, she enjoyed it very much.

We received your pictures, they bring us a lot of joy and we look at them often, thank God for that. We just want to be healthy and hear good things from you my beloved children.

The letter took longer than expected. There was a fair here and a lot of chaos. Pessile went on a holiday for a few days and it delayed us from writing.

Be healthy and write letters often.

Blessing you, your mother.

Warm regards from me to your father- in-laws and mother-in-law, and to their beloved friends.

Greeting to your uncle and to all our friends.


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