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Letters from Dotnuva (cont.)





Translated by Sara Mages

Monday 7.11.1938 Dotnuva

Beloved Freida and Avraham! How are you my children? We received your two letters with the pictures. We were very worried about you. We haven't received a letter from you for 6 weeks, but now that we got all that, it granted you atonement, but not completely.

We love to receive frequent letters from you, it's our only pleasure. We like your pictures very much. May God give you life of happiness and satisfaction. We receive frequent letters from Eretz-Yisrael. They aren't desperate, they live with high hope.

Leah writes that Reizale changed her mind about traveling to America. She, Reizale, also wrote us the same thing, but I don't believe it. The reason for this is that they don't want to impose on us in financial matters, but there's no need to worry about that, there won't be any delay with the money. But let me ask you children, what will happen if you issue the documents in Reizale's name and she'll refuse to travel, will these documents be relevant for another person, namely, for our Pessile. Please remember this matter and find out how it can be done.

For the time being we don't have any news, it's quite and calm and no one knows what tomorrow will bring. In general, the European sky is cloudy, and a flood can start at any moment. But there's no need to worry about it, where is it better?

Be healthy my children, we're waiting for your frequent letters.

Your father

Regards to Avraham's parents, we wish them life and peace.


Hello my lovely!

I also confirm the receipt of the photos, and I thank you very much. Out of joy I didn't know what to do. I sent them to Moshe under the condition that he'll return them immediately. Next time I'll also send you pictures, and then, I'll pay you measure for measure.

Yours, Pessie


My dear beloved children Freida and Avraham.

We were very worried because we haven't received a letter from you for several weeks, thank God that you feel good. We're very happy with your pictures, and it's very nice to receive paper guests. We only want to be healthy and hear good news from afar.

What's up with the money that my late sister Mary wanted to arrange for her family? What do you think, my beloved daughter, can we get it as soon as possible? We need it for our beloved daughter Miriam. What can we do, we can't take it by force.

Thank you for the packages, everything is suitable for use. My sister-in-law Ester [wife of Nechama's brother Yitzchak] lives in Chicago. I want to know how my sister Ela is doing, you sent me her address. I'm going to write her.

These days we're waiting for Eta, she traveled with Perale to Vilna two weeks ago. We received a letter from her. There's no happy news, their Mary is sick. They are quite broken from the tragedy that happened to them. We're ready for good news.

We wrote a letter to Leah and asked her to convince Reizale to travel to you to America. After all, several years have passed, and she hasn't done anything for herself. This period is quite difficult, hopefully good things will come.

Be well my love, we expect to receive good letter from you often.

Warm regards to your parents and to my beloved friend.

Wishing you, your mother.


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