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Letters from Dotnuva (cont.)





Translated by Sara Mages

Estimated date: 25 October, 1938  

My dear beloved children Freida and Avraham, may you live in happiness.

We received your letter and read with pleasure that you live in your own apartment. You're on your own and you don't need to depend on anyone. This is definitely a great joy for you and for us. God will give you health and success, and all the good things will come together. Freida, I hope that you, my daughter, will lead a Jewish life and keep everything as a Jewish woman. After all, you have someone to consult with. Your in-laws are religious people. You're allowed to learn from them. This is my wish.

Have you had guests in your apartment? Write frequent letters, your letters bring us great joy. We're very pleased that you're satisfied. We just want to be healthy and be rewarded with long years. I'm very happy that you visit my friends and that they're interested in you.

This week we received letters from Leah and also from Reizale. Reizale [Shoshanna] writes that she received the letter in which you asked her if she wants to come to you to America. She writes that so far she hasn't answer you about that. What do you think? Will you be able to do that?

Leah writes that her friend visited Shoshanna, and she sent through her a cake that she backed by herself, and other goodies. She couldn't ignore how good Shoshanna looks. She's like before. You're allowed to be proud of your sister. She's happy and joyful. Thank God that we hear good regards. Leah is satisfied with her life. She writes long letters. She's mostly worried that she became too full. May we be healthy, and may it be calm in Israel.

Right now our major concern is about the daughters in Israel. At the moment, there's no chance to do something for them, but we must hope.

You saw Heiman Fishel for the first time, how does he live? What's his opinion? Does he think that the breakup of the partnership will last a long time? This is a matter that drags on. But what can we do to help.

We have the same news. Everything as usual in the store at the beginning of the year, we work, and occasionally there's a mess.

Be healthy and cheerful.

Wishing you, your faithful mother.

Warm regards to your parents and your beloved family members.

Regards to my beloved friend.


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