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Letters from Dotnuva (cont.)





Translated by Yocheved Klausner

Dotnuva, 22 Oct. 1938 Evening of Shabat Bereshit
[the first Shabbat of the Jewish year, after the holiday of Rosh Hashana]

Dear Frieda and Avraham,

How are you, my dear? It has been a long time since we wrote to you, this is really wrong, towards you as towards us. When we don't write to you, you do not write to us, of course. Please do not reciprocate like this – we are anxiously awaiting your letters.

God knows, are you well? Frieda, do you have work? No much news here, we are all well, thank God.

Moshe was with us for the Holiday, he is fine thank God, works at the same place in Rasinai.

We are receiving letters from Eretz Israel, Reizele wrote that she does not want to leave the country, but we assume that she will change her mind once she obtains the necessary papers. In any event the papers will be of help, is Reizele won't go perhaps Pesia will. I still think that Reizele will go.

We received the packages from the Margalit family, very good things, the clothes are fine for the children. May God help them and protect them, we are very thankful.

Be well,
Your father

I shall write them separately, it is very difficult for me to do it now, because your mother does not know yet about the tragedy that happened there.


Edited by Yocheved Klausner

Shalom to Frieda and Avraham,

We have not gotten a letter from you, maybe because we did not write you first. The Holiday has ended, Moshe went back to work and we went back to our normal and monotone days like we had before.

Moshe told us about you. He heard it from what Ms. Elkind told him and we were never tired hearing her stories because even the tiniest details were very interesting to us. Elkind told us that you bought a nice watch but the purchase was not successful the first time around and Abraham had to change it several times. It seems to be that you, Abraham, are a big business man. I know that Frieda is a merchant's daughter and understands commerce.

Elkind told us another story as well. One time Abraham escorted Elkind and Frieda stayed to wait for him in an appointed place they agreed on. Waiting…waiting…and Abraham is not coming back. Returning home she did not find him there either. Eventually he came home very tired. He found his sweetheart waiting for him with great anticipation. It was a happy moment. They were reunited.

How are you? Have you gotten a letter from Shoshanna? What is she writing to you? For sure you know that the situation in Eretz Israel is unstable. And maybe is even worse in some ways. The British Empire is intending to cancel the Balfour declaration. This means that they want to close the Eretz Israel gates. Then, there is the question where will all the thousands of Jews that were deported from most of the Europe countries go. The only country that takes the Jewish refugees is the United States and who knows how long this democratic country will be able to continue this. England is committing a great evil against us.

We got the package from Chicago, there are very nice clothes, most of them summer dresses. Father will write a letter to Esther. We did not tell Mother about the passing of aunt because it is very painful. When you write to Mrs. Margalit please give her our thanks for the interest she had for us. We don't have news in our family. Eta is going to Vilna with her daughter Perale. She is preparing for this travel for a long time but she could not decide if she wanted to go because of the cost. At the end she decided to go and she is going. The question is if she will be able to be of help to her very sick sister, because her health is not improving.

I am going to end this letter so it will get to the post office in time. Here it is getting colder. No snow yet but we use the stove every day.

Greetings from mother, Miriam and Moshe. Moshe will write you from Rasinai. So he promised.

Yours with Love,



Greeting from the aunt from Yanuva. She was unable to come to the holiday because she does not feel good enough. Miriam visited with her when she went to Kovna. The Aunt is now receiving injections because she is weak. Let us hope that her health will improve. Her address is:

B. Cerievnenei
Pas milernfs.
Senioji g-ree 75

Please write her a letter when you find the time.

Translated by Hana and Danny on a visit of Maya and Danny in Hana's home. Oct 2009


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