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Letters from Dotnuva (cont.)





Edited by Yocheved Klausner

Haifa, 23 September 1938  

Shalom to Freida and Avraham.

It has been a number of weeks since I got your letter however you need to understand that it was hard to respond while I was contemplating on such a serious matter.

I was thinking a lot and I came to the conclusion that I shouldn't leave Eretz Israel right now. If there is anything at all that you can do to help those who stayed in Lithuania, do it for them. They need help the most.

Anti-Semitism is spreading and Hitler's aggressive style is making the international position even more difficult. Will a year or more lead to a war?

It is my opinion that you should help one of the sisters or Moshe. The main reason you approached me first is probably the situation in Israel. You may think that things are harsher then they are in reality. Tens of thousands of Jews live here and they are not considering leaving the country. The fact is that the conditions are not the best, murders and terror attacks are happening but we got used to it. Of course the pain is great. Last week three of our leaders in the Yizreel Valley were killed while they were on their way to seek a new place for settlement. It was a great loss but new leaders will come in their place and they will be as brave. This is our comfort.

The British government has made a good decision this time by taking the weapons from the Arabs policemen but left weapons with the Jews. I am not sure why they did it but it was a nice act. There are a lot of weapons everywhere you go, guns, pistols… official or not official.

It is clear the government trusts the Jews more than the Arabs and they also know our motto which is to exercise restraint, but maybe there is another reason. Who can understand their politics. In any event it will cheer up the depressed spirits.

Freida and Abram, I am very grateful for your good intention to help me but my situation is not so bad to the point of trying to get out of here. I have enough to live on. I have good times (and this period will pass).

I understand that currently you have the opportunity to get the papers. Maybe the opportunity will not present itself in the future but I hope that things will not get worse. Lea probably wrote you as well. Her thinking is similar to mine. Do not worry about us, my dear, things will get better in time. Not to worry.

How are you my dears? Are you both working? Do you have a good apartment? Did you buy new furnishings? Write about what happened with you. Did your friend Gelman visit with you? I get letters from home frequently and Lea writes from time to time. She is happy and merry.

This Rosh Hashana we will not be together. It is not wise to travel right now. Maybe the situation will improve by Sukot and I will travel to her. Shalom to all of you my dear and Happy Holidays.

Your sister Shoshanna


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